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PPM 2013 investigates for the 1st time national aquaculture

December 16, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 01h39 PM

In 2013, the total production of the Brazilian pisciculture was 392.5 thousand metric tons, the great majority, 26.8%, occurred in the Central-West Region. Sorriso (MT) was the main national producing municipality, with 21.5 thousand metric tons. Tilapia was the most grown species, corresponding to 43.1% of the national production of fish.

Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte concentrated 78.7% of the national production of shrimp, with a highlight to Aracati (CE), which, with 8.1 thousand metric tons, was responsible for 23.9% of the total of the state and 12.6% of the national production.

As a whole, 2,618 municipalities recorded information on some of the products of aquaculture, in all 27 Federation Units. The total value of the production was R$ 3.1 billion, out of which 66.1% of pisciculture and 25.0% of shrimp.

Those are the results of the Municipal Livestock Production – PPM 2013, annually released by IBGE, and for the first time, investigating the national aquaculture, subdivided in pisciculture (fish and fingerling farming), shrimp farming (including their larvae and post-larvae), oyster farming (oysters, scallops and mussels and their seeds) and creation of other aquatic animals (frogs, alligators and others). The inclusion of this investigation in PPM results from a partnership between IBGE and the Ministry of Fishery and Aquaculture (MPA) established on September 25 of 2013.

The survey also brings information on other herd inventories (cattle, pigs and hogs, sheep, goats, buffaloes and horses), quantity and value of animal products, as well as the number of milked cows and sheared sheep in Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units and producing municipalities. From this edition on, asses, mules, and rabbits will no longer be investigated. In addition to the total of hogs and pigs, the survey will also put out the total of matrices (breeding females). The variable “roosters, pullets, one-day old chicks” was eliminated and the total of this species will be released in Poultry. The total of hens, meant to produce eggs for any purposes, was kept.

The complete publication is available on

According to PPM, 2,618 municipalities recorded information on some of the aquaculture products, in all 27 Federation Units. The total value of the production was R$ 3.1 billion, out of which 66.1% from pisciculture and 25.0% from shrimp farming.

In 2013, the total production of the Brazilian pisciculture was 392.5 thousand metric tons. The Central-West Region was the main producer, with 26.8% of the national total (105 thousand metric tons). Mato Grosso took the leadership, with 19.3% of the national production. Concerning the municipalities, the biggest fish producer was Sorriso (MT), with 21.5 thousand metric tons of fish in 2013, followed by Jaguaribara (CE), with 14.6 thousand metric tons and Nossa Senhora do Livramento (MT), with 14.1 thousand metric tons.

The most grown species was tilapia, accounting for 43.1% of the national production of fish, followed by tambaqui (22.6%) and by the group tambacu and tambatinga (15.4%). The municipality of Jaguaribara (CE) was the main producer of tilapia, with 8.6% of the national production of the species.

All Federation Units registered fingerling farming (baby fish, which are measured in multiples of a thousand units) in 2013, totaling 818.9 thousand per 1 000 units. Paraná was the state with the highest share (26.9%) and with five municipalities in the top ten positions of the municipality ranking. Maringá was the main producing municipality, with 7.3% of the national overall and 27.2% of the state production.

Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte concentrate almost 80% of the national production of shrimp

The great majority of the shrimp produced in Brazil is marine shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), whose production is normally influenced by estuaries. Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte are historically the states with the highest production of captive shrimp in Brazil; in 2013, together they accounted for 78.7% of the national production. The municipality of Aracati (CE) stands out with 8.1 thousand metric tons, corresponding to 23.9% of the total of the state production and 12.6% of the national production.

Santa Catarina is the main producing state of oysters, scallops and mussels

The production of oysters, scallops and mussels, in 2013, was concentrated in Santa Catarina, which responded for 97.2% of the national production. The municipality of Palhoça was responsible for 55.7% of Santa Catarina's production and for 54.1% of the national production. The production of seeds of oysters, scallops and mussels in 2013 was concentrated in the municipality of Florianópolis (SC), with 92.5% of the national production.

Production value of animal products surveyed up 14.6% in 2013

In the analysis of the main animal products, there were, in 2013, when compared to 2012, increases in the amount produced of quail eggs (20.2%), cow milk (6.0%), hen eggs (4.2%), honey (4.2%) and wool (0.4%). The exception was silkworm cocoons (-0.8%). The production value generated by them had significant increases in the period: 21.0% for milk; 18.2% for silkworm cocoons; 18.2% for wool; 11.3% for hen eggs; 9.5% for honey and 2.9% for quail eggs. The total production value of these products was R$ 41.4 billion; out of this number, milk represents 78.3% and hen eggs, 20.1%.

Amount and value of animal products and annual change – Brazil – 2012-2013

Products Amount Produced Annual Change 2013/2012 Value (1 000 R$) Annual Change
2012 2013 2012 2013
Milk Produced (1 000 litros)
32 304 421
34 255 236
32 417 960
Hen eggs (1 000 dúzias)
3 473 021
3 619 217
8 302 291
Quail eggs (1 000 dúzias)
284 973
342 503
281 411
Honey (t)
33 932
35 365
263 195
Silkworm cocoons (t)
2 731
2 709
(-) 0.8
34 818
Wool (t)
11 994
12 041
88 122
2 150 368
Fish, total (t)
392 493
2 020 922
Carp (t)
18 837
100 731
Curimatã, Curimbatá (t)
2 774
18 713
Dorado (t)
1 932
Jatuarana, Piabanha and Piracanjuba (t)
5 316
Lambari (t)
1 598
Matrinxã (t)
5 486
36 302
Pacu and Patinga (t)
13 653
77 627
Piau, Piapara, Piauçu and Piava (t)
3 793
25 632
Spotted pacu, Cachara, Cachapira and Pintachara, Sorubim (t)
15 715
127 019
Pirapitinga (t)
4 766
27 837
Pirarucu (t)
2 301
21 591
Tambacu, Tambatinga (t)
60 463
292 856
Tambaqui (t)
88 719
479 349
Tilapia (t)
169 306
766 251
Wolffish (t)
1 155
6 611
Trout (t)
10 640
Tucunare peacock bass (t)
1 335
Other fish (t)
3 170
19 582
Fingerlings (1 000 units)
818 850
129 446
Shrimp farming
841 234
Shrimp (t)
64 669
765 014
Larvae and post-larvae (1 000 units)
11 179
76 220
Oyster farming
59 361
Oysters, scallops and mussels (t)
19 360
58 048
Mollusk seeds (1 000 units)
1 313
Other animals from aquaculture
4 287
Aquaculture, total
3 055 250
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Agropecuária, Pesquisa da Pecuária Municipal -2013.

Small-sized herds have the largest rises

The animal inventories investigated were divided into three groups concerning the animal size: large-sized animals, including cattle, buffaloes and horses; middle-sized ones (hogs and pigs, matrices of hogs and pigs, goats and sheep) and small-sized (poultry, hens and quails).

Among large-sized animals, buffalo inventories presented the biggest positive change in relation to 2012, with a 5.6% increase. Cattle inventories remained virtually stable, registering a 0.2% positive change. Horse inventories decreased 1.0% in comparison with the previous year.

As to middle-sized animals, there were rises in the inventories of sheep (3.0%) and goats (1.5%), whereas hogs and pigs and their matrices had reductions of 5.3% and 1.1%, respectively.

Concerning small-sized animals, there were rises in all inventories: poultry (0.3%); hens (4.0%) and quails (10.6%).

Central-West Region concentrates one third of the cattle in the country

Cattle inventory in 2013 was of 211.8 million head, stable (+0.2%) in relation to 2012. Among the Regions, the Central-West had the highest contribution (33.6%), followed by the North (21.1%) and the Southeast (18.6%). The biggest cattle inventories in 2013 were in Mato Grosso (13.4%), Minas Gerais (11.4%) and in Goiás (10.2%). In national terms, the municipalities of São Félix do Xingu (PA), Corumbá and Ribas do Rio Pardo, both in Mato Grosso, stood out.

Out of the total Brazilian inventory, 10.8% corresponded to cows milked in 2013, the same percentage recorded in 2012. The Southeast of the country had the highest percentage of milked cows (20.6%) of the total regional inventory.

In the comparison with the number of milked cows, there was an increase of 0.7% between 2012 and 2013. The states which presented the highest percentage of milked cows over the national inventory in 2013 were: Santa Catarina (27.0%), Rio Grande do Norte (25.3%), Minas Gerais (24.2%), Pernambuco (22.6%), Ceará (21.7%), Bahia (19.2%), Sergipe (19.2%), Rio de Janeiro (18.9%), Espírito Santo and Paraná (18.3% each). These numbers are evidence of a dairy herd.  Among those states, just Ceará and Pernambuco reduced the number of milked cows and also the production of milk.

Production of milk grows 6.0% in 2013 and records rise of 21.0% in value

In 2013, the production of 34.3 billion liters of milk was registered, with a 6.0% growth in comparison to 2012. The production value was R$ 32.4 billion, an increase of 21.0% over the result obtained in 2012. The average price of the liter of milk was R$ 0.95 in 2013 against R$ 0.83 in 2012, an increase of 14.1%. The highest national average of prices was seen in Amapá (R$1.70 per liter) and the lowest in Rondônia (R$0.72 per liter).

The regional contribution of the amount of milk produced in 2013 was 35.1% in the Southeast; 34.4% in the South; 14.6% in the Central-West Region; 10.5% in the Northeast and 5,4% in the North. In relation to 2012, there were not considerable contribution gains or losses in terms of Regions. Minas Gerais was responsible for 27.2% of the national production of milk, followed by Rio Grande do Sul (13.2%), Paraná (12.7%) and Goiás (11.0%). The municipalities of Castro (PR), Morrinhos (GO) and Patos de Minas (MG) were the biggest producers in 2013.

The Brazilian average production was of 1,492 liters of milk/cow/year, a growth of 5.3% in relation to 2012 (1,417 liters/cow/year). The South recorded the biggest national productivity, 2,674 liters/cow/year, with Rio Grande do Sul registering the highest average productivity (2,900 liters/cow/year). In the comparison with 2012, the North presented the highest growth in the productivity of milk (28.9%), leveraged by the advance occurred in Rondônia, which almost doubled its figure, due to the review of the productivity estimates, in addition to the improvements in the herd management.

Reduction of hogs and pigs in the South pushes the national inventory down in 2013

In 2013, the inventory of hogs and pigs was estimated at 36.7 million head, 5.3% less than in 2012. The South Region concentrates 48.8% of the herd, followed by the Southeast, with 18.8%. Among the Federation Units, the highest contributions came from Rio Grande do Sul (17.2%), Santa Catarina (17.1%) and Paraná (14.5%). The municipalities of Uberlândia (MG), Rio Verde (GO) and Toledo (PR) registered the greatest inventories. In the comparison between the years 2012 and 2013, the reductions taken place in the South of the country (-6.8%) took the national inventories down. The inventory of matrices of hogs and pigs in 2013 was 4.6 million head, 12.6% of the total inventory of the year. 

Poultry inventory keeps stable (0.3%) between 2012 and 2013

In 2013, the poultry inventory was 1.3 billion head, 0.3% bigger than in 2012, with a greater concentration in the South (46.3%) and Southeast Regions (29.7%). The biggest producing states were Paraná (22.1%), São Paulo (17.3%) and Santa Catarina (12.3%). Among the municipalities, the greatest contributors were Bastos (SP), Uberlândia (MG), Amparo (SP) and Pará de Minas (MG).

The hen inventory corresponded to 17.8% of the total of poultry, totaling 221.9 million head, with 35.8% in the Southeast and 28.5% in the South. São Paulo was the state with the highest number of animals (21.3%), followed by Paraná (11.0%) and by Minas Gerais (9.6%). Among the municipalities, the highlights are Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) and Itanhandu (MG). Compared with 2012, there was an increase of 4.0% in the hen inventory in the country.

The production of hen eggs was of 3.6 billion dozens in 2013, with an increase of 4.2% in the amount and of 11.2% in the production value in relation to 2012. The national average dozen price of the product moved from R$2.15 to R$2.29, an increase of 6.7%. The greatest part of the production was concentrated in the Southeast (42.4%) and in the South (26.6%). The biggest producing states were São Paulo (26.5%), Paraná (10.3%) and Minas Gerais (9.7%). Among the municipalities, the highlights were also Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) and Itanhandu (MG).

Quail inventory posts rise of 10.6% over 2012

In 2013, the quail inventory was of 18.2 million, 10.6% more than it was in 2012, with 76.1% of concentration in the Southeast. São Paulo was the sate with the greatest contribution to total (54.1%) and two of its municipalities had the biggest inventories, Bastos and Iacri.

The production of quail eggs in 2013 was of 342.5 million dozens, 20.2% more than in 2012. The production value generated was 2.9% more than that of 2012. As a result, the price of the dozen reduced, moving form R$0.96 in 2012 to R$0.82 in 2013. Out of the production overall, 82.7% was in the Southeast: 62.7% in São Paulo, where are the three main producing municipalities, Bastos, Iacri and Parapuã.

Buffalo inventory up 5.6%; horse inventory down 1.0%

The national buffalo inventory was of 1.3 million head in 2013, which represents a 5.6% increase in relation to 2012. The North Region concentrated 66.1%: 58.3% were in two states, Pará and Amapá. The municipalities with the largest inventories were Chaves and Soure, both in Pará.

The horse inventory in 2013 was of 5.3 million head, with a drop of 1.0% in relation to 2012. The Southeast (24.4%) and the Northeast (23.4%) had the greatest contributions. Minas Gerais concentrated the greatest number of animals, 14.3% of the national overall. The greatest municipal herds were in Corumbá (MS) and in two cities of the Rio Grande do Sul state: Sant’Ana do Livramento and Uruguaiana.

Goat inventory increases 1.5%

In 2013, the goat inventory was of 8.8 million head, 1.5% more than in 2012. The greatest state inventory was in Bahia (28.0%), followed by Pernambuco (22.5%). The biggest municipal inventories were located in Floresta (PE) with 3.6%, Casa Nova (BA) with 2.6% and Petrolina (PE) with 2.4%, with a great municipal dispersion. Among the 10 municipalities with the biggest inventories, half was in Bahia and the other half in Pernambuco.

The inventory of sheep recorded in 2013 was of 17.3 million, 3.0% more than in 2012. Out the total, 56.5% were in the Northeast. Among the states, the highlight is Rio Grande do Sul (24.6%). The farming in the Northeast is mostly destined to the production of meat, whereas in the South, to the production of wool. The three biggest municipal breeding stocks were Santana do Livramento, Alegrete and Uruguaiana, all in Rio Grande do Sul.

Production of honey grows 4.2% and of silkworm cocoons falls 0.8%

The production of honey in 2013 stayed at 35.4 thousand metric tons, with an increase of 4.2% over 2012 and a change of 9.5% in the production value. The biggest producers were Rio Grande do Sul (20.6%), Paraná (15.7%) and Santa Catarina (13.8%). Ortigueira (PR), Içara (SC) and Bom Retiro (SC) were the municipalities with the highest productions.

Production of silkworm cocoons drops 0.8%

The production of silkworm cocoons was of 2.7 thousand metric tons in 2013, pointing to decrease of 0.8% over the result recorded in 2012. The production value recorded an increase of 18.2%. Paraná accounted for 87.4% of the production. The major producing municipalities were: new Esperança (PR); Bastos (SP) and Astorga (PR).