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Slaughter of chicken, pigs and hogs and hen egg production hit records in Q3

December 11, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 06h02 PM

In Q3 2014, chicken slaughter (1.419 billion head) registered a rise of 6.7% in relation to the previous quarter and of 2.7% in relation to the 3rd quarter 2013. The slaughter of pigs and hogs (9.641 million head) grew 5.1% in relation to the 2nd quarter 2014 and 3.0% over the same quarter of 2013. The production of hen eggs totaled 720.036 million dozens, an increase of 3.0% in relation to the 2nd quarter of 2014 and of 3.9% in relation to Q3 2013.

These results are the best ever, since the series began in 1997, both for chicken and hogs and pigs. In addition, the production of hen eggs boosted the series initiated in 1987.

Cattle slaughter in Brazil in the 3rd quarter of 2014 was of 8.457 million head, representing a drop of 1.0% in relation to the previous quarter (8.539 million head). In the comparison with the 3rd quarter of 2013 (8.859 million head), there was a drop of 4.5%, interrupting a series of 11 rises in a row in the annual comparisons of the same quarters.

The purchase of raw milk was 6.267 billion liters, an increase of 8.1% in relation to the 2nd quarter of 2014 and of 4.6% in relation to the 3rd quarter of 2013. The purchase of hide pieces was of 9.208 million, with increases of 0.3% over the previous quarter and of 8.1% over the 3rd quarter of 2013.

This and further information are available in the outcomes of the Quarterly Surveys of Animal Slaughter and Production of Milk, Leather and Eggs for Q2 of 2013. The complete publication is available at

Chicken slaughter surpasses 1.4 billion head and grows 6.7% in the quarter

In Q3 2014, 1.419 billion chicken head were slaughtered, offsetting the negative sequence of three consecutive quarters in a row of drops and establishing a new record since the survey was created, in 1997. This result meant increases of 6.7% in relation to the previous quarter and of 2.7% in relation to the same period a year ago. The cumulative carcass weight was 3.249 million metric tons, representing a 6.7% rise in relation to the previous quarter and a 5.7% increase in the comparison with the same quarter of 2013.

In the annual comparison, the South increased its contribution, moving from 59.8% to 61.4%, registering a rise of 5.4% in the number of chicken head slaughtered. This result was consolidated by the performance of the three states of the Region, particularly Rio Grande do Sul, with a 10.1% increase. The Southeast had its contribution reduced from 19.9% to 19.1% and the lowest volume of chicken slaughtered, with Minas Gerais slaughtering 7.2% less head. In the Central-West Region, Goiás, Mato Grosso and the Federal District registered drops in the number of head slaughtered, resulting in a negative performance in the region, which had its participation reduced from 15.4% to 14.4%.

Slaughter of hogs and pigs increases 5.1% in the quarter: 9.6 million head

In the 3rd quarter of 2014, 9.641 million pigs and hogs were slaughtered, a rise of 5.1% in relation to the previous quarter and of 3.0% in relation to the same period of 2013. This result is the best for the third quarter since the survey was created in 1997, establishing a new record. The cumulative carcass weight reached 833.369 thousand metric tons, representing a 4.2% increase in relation to the previous quarter and a rise of 2.8% in relation to the same period of 2013.

The South Region accounted for 66.0% of the national slaughter of pigs and hogs, followed by the Southeast (18.7%), Central-West (14.2%), Northeast (1.0%) and North Regions (0.1%). In the annual comparison, the South Region recorded a 3.2% increase in the number of slaughtered head, expanding its contribution to the national slaughter by 0.2%, mainly due to the increment of 8.0% in the volume of head slaughtered in Santa Catarina. The Southeast Region also raised its contribution (0.1%) with the positive trend of São Paulo (9.7%), whereas the Central-West Region recorded a contribution drop (-0.1%), despite the increase in the number of head slaughtered, principally with the positive performance of Mato Grosso do Sul (12.6%)

Cattle slaughter stands at 8.4 million and falls 4.5% in the annual comparison

In the Q3 of 2014, 8.457 million cattle head were slaughtered. This figure was 1.0% lower than the one recorded in the previous quarter (8.5 million head) and 4.5% lower than the one registered in the 3rd quarter of 2013 (8.8 million head).  The 3rd quarter of 2014 breaks the series of 11 rises in a row in the annual comparisons of the same quarters.

The cumulative carcass weight in Q3 of 2014 (2.037 million metric tons) was 1.3% higher than the one registered in the previous quarter (2.011 million metric tons) and 4.1% lower than the one recorded in the 3rd quarter of 2013 (2.124 million metric tons).

At national level, the slaughter of 402,579 cattle head less in the 3rd quarter of 2014, in the comparison with the same period of the prior year, had as highlights: Mato Grosso (-217,187 head), Rondônia (-114,723 head), Mato Grosso do South (-102,922 head) and Goiás (-86,349 head). However part of the decrease was offset by the rises in other states, such as Paraná (+30,392 head), Minas Gerais (+28,727 head) and São Paulo (+16,315 head). In the national ranking of cattle slaughter, Mato Grosso keeps the leadership and São Paulo takes the second position after the drops in the slaughter in Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás.

Milk acquisition increases 8.1% in relation to Q2 2014

In the 3rd quarter of 2014, the acquisition of milk by the milk processing industries reached 6.267 billion liters of the product, registering rises of 4.6% over the 3rd quarter of 2013 and of 8.1% over the 2nd quarter of 2014. The industrialization, on its turn, achieved 6.2 liters or a 4.9% increase over the same period of 2013 and a 8.1% rise in relation to the volume registered in the 2nd quarter of 2014.

Regionally, the South was responsible for 38.7% of the national acquisition of milk, the Southeast for 38.6% and the Central-West for 13.0% in the 3rd quarter of 2014. The Northeast of the country contributed with 5.3% of the acquisition and the North, with 4.5%. In this 3rd quarter of 2014, the South of the country surpassed the Southeast in milk acquisition, taking the leadership in the national contribution.

With 720.0 million dozens, egg production hits record

The production of hen eggs was of 720.036 million dozens in the 3rd quarter of 2014. In relation to Q3 of 2013 and to Q2 of 2014, there were rises of 3.9% and 3.0%, respectively. The production of hen eggs obtained in the 3rd quarter was the highest of the whole time series of the survey initiated in 1987. Taking the 1st point of the series (January 1987) and the last one, the production of hen eggs more than doubled. In terms of regional distribution of the production, the Southeast had 48.9%, followed by the South (22.1%), Northeast (13.4%), Central-West (13.1%) and North Regions (2.4%).

Leather purchase falls 8.1% over Q3 2013

Leather acquisition was 9.208 million pieces in Q3 2014, representing an increase of 0.3% over the previous quarter and a 8.1% reduction over the 3rd quarter of 2013. Out of the total leather purchased, 66.7% came from refrigerated slaughterhouses, followed by the ones from services rendered (23.8%). 

As to the contribution of the Federation Units to the total of rawhides acquired, Mato Grosso, the undisputed leader in cattle slaughter and in rawhide processing, kept the leadership in the national ranking in Q3 2014.