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PNS 2013: IBGE widely portrays health of Brazilian adults

December 10, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 05h58 PM

In 2013, slightly more than one third (37.3%) of the population aged 18 years and over consumed fruits and green vegetables according to the recommendations from WHO. Nearly the same percentage (37.2%) consumed fatty meat and chicken.

About 24.0% of the adult population ingested alcoholic beverages one or more times during the week. This practice among men (36.3%) was about three times higher than among women (13.0%).

11.2 million adults were diagnosed with depression by a mental health professional, but only 46.4% of them received medical assistance in the last 12 months. 1.8% of the adult population was diagnosed with cancer. The most frequent types were breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and cervical cancer.

Among adults, 46.0% did not practice sufficient physical activities during leisure, work, housework and daily commuting, and 28.9% watched television for three or more hours a day.

This was part of the information collected by the National Survey of Health (PNS) of IBGE, which visited, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, about 80 thousand housing units in 1,600 municipalities all over the country, in the second semester of 2013.

This first release of PNS brings information on eating habits, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population aged 18 years and over. PNS also investigated whether the adult population was diagnosed by health professionals for any of the 11 main chronic non-communicable diseases, which, altogether, causes more than
70% of deaths in Brazil.

Based on the household interviews, the survey estimated 31.3 million hypertensive persons, 27.0 million persons with back problems and 2.2 million adults who already suffered a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) in Brazil About 12.5% of the population were diagnosed with a high level of cholesterol, 6.2% with diabetes and 4.2% with some heart disease.

12.7% of the adults were daily smokers and 17.5% were ex-smokers. Among the smokers, 51.1% tried to quit smoking in the 12 month-period before being visited by PNS. 52.3% of them thought of getting free from the addiction due to the warnings about the risks of smoking displayed in the cigarette packs.

The complete publication of the National Survey of Health can be accessed on

66.1% of adults evaluate own health as good or very good

According to the National Survey of Health (PNS), Brazil had 146.3 million persons aged 18 years and over in 2013 and 66.1% of them evaluated their health as good or very good. The Northeast registered 56.7% and the Southeast, 71.5%.

Among men, 70.3% considered their health good or very good, against 62.4% of women. Slightly less than half (49.2%) of persons without education or with incomplete primary school evaluated their health like that, as well as 84.1% of those with complete higher education.

Among adults, 2.5% use crutches, canes or wheelchairs

PNS estimated that 2.5% of persons aged 18 years and over used some mean (crutches, canes, wheelchairs or another equipment) to help walking. This percentage varied from 1.7% in the North to 2.8% in the Northeast. Even using such means, 2.7% of persons faced great difficulty to walk or did not walk at all.

The prevalence of persons with symptoms of angina was also investigated. Angina can occur at level 1 - pain or discomfort in the chest when climbing slopes, climbing a flight of stairs or walking fast in the flat - or at level 2 - pain or discomfort in the chest when walking in the flat at a normal speed. The incidence of angina at level 1 was 7.6% and at level 2, 4.2%. The highest proportions were registered in the North (8.5% and 5.2%) and the lowest, in the Southeast (7.2% and 3.7%), respectively.

37.3% of adults consume fruits and green vegetables according to WHO

Among the persons aged 18 years and over, 37.3% consumed five daily servings of fruits and green vegetables, as recommended by WHO. This percentage varied from 28.2% in the Northeast to 42.8% in the Southeast and 43.9% in the Central-West. The frequency of women (39.4%) with this consumption pattern was higher than men´s (34.8%).

On the other hand, beans was regularly consumed - five or more days in the week - by 71.9% of persons: women (67.6%) consumed less than men (76.8%). Among the persons with complete higher education (54.9%) the frequency was lower than among those with lower schooling levels, who ranged between 70.6% and 77.3%.

37.2% of adult population consumes fatty beef and chicken

The proportion of persons consuming fatty beef and chicken was 37.2%, varying from 29.7% in the Northeast to 45.7% in the Central-West. The consumption was higher among men (47.2%), among youngsters (39.9%) and among those with less education (40.0%). The prevalence among women was 28.3%.

Among persons aged 18 years and over, 23.4% consumed soft drinks at least five days a week. This was more frequent among men (26.6%) than among women (20.5%). The lowest proportion was posted in the Northeast (16.8%) and the highest, in the Southeast (26.8%) and Central-West (27.7%), where slightly more than 30% of men followed this consumption pattern.

The regular consumption of cakes, pies, chocolates, candies and sweet cookies five days or more in the week was a habit for 21.7% of persons aged 18 years and over.

The consumption of salt was considered high or very high by 14.2% of persons. This percentage among women (12.5%) was lower than among men (16.1%).

24.0% of adults ingest alcoholic beverages once or more times a week

In the population aged 18 years and over, 24.0% consumed alcoholic beverages once or more times a week. The frequency among men (36.3%) was about three times higher than among women (13.0%), varying from 18.8% in the North to 28.4% in the South.

PNS estimated that, on average, men began to drink with 17.9 years of age and women, with 20.6 years of age.

The survey also investigated whether persons aged 18 years and over drove cars and motorcycles after ingesting alcoholic beverages. The percentage found was 24.3%, varying from 20.8% in the Southeast to 29.6% in the Central-West. The percentage of men (27.4%) who drove after drinking was more than twice that of women (11.9%).

Only 22.5% of adults practice the recommended level of physical activities during leisure

22.5% of adults (27.1% of men and 18.4% of women) reported to practice the recommended level of physical activities during leisure. The lowest proportion of women (15.4%) and the highest proportion of men (29.3%) practicing exercises during leisure were found in the North. This indicator tended to grow with the schooling level and to reduce with higher ages.

Physically active individuals were those who walk, make heavy cleaning, carry weight or make intense physical effort during 150 minutes or more a week. In Brazil, 14.0% of adults were in this condition, 12.9% of them in the urban area and 21.1% in the rural area. The proportion of men (22.0%) was more than three times that of women (7.0%).

Women prevail in physical activities during housework

Among persons aged 18 years and over, 12.1% of them (18.2% of women and 5.4% of men) practiced housework demanding intense physical effort at least 150 minutes a week.

Those individuals who go to work or school by bike or walking at least 30 minutes a day practiced the recommended volume of physical activities during commuting. In Brazil, 31.9% of persons were in this condition, varying from 24.7% in the Central-West to 36.1% in the Southeast, being 28.7% of white persons, 38.3% of black persons and 33.9% of brown persons.

46.0% of adults are insufficiently active and 28.9% heavily watch TV

Among the population aged 18 years and over, 46.0% were insufficiently active persons, i.e., they did not practice any physical activity during leisure in the last three months, did not make intense physical effort during work and did not commute to work or school by bike or walking. Women posted the highest frequencies of inactivity, varying from 50.3% in the South to 56.4% in the North.

About 42.3 million persons, or 28.9% of adults, watched television for three or more hours a day. The lowest participation was in the South (23.7%) and the highest, in the Southeast (31.0%).

12.7% of adults are daily smokers and 17.5% are ex-smokers

PNS concluded that 14.5% of adults smoked manufactured cigarettes and 12.7% were daily smokers of some tobacco product, being 16.2% of men and 9.7% of women. Ex-smokers were 17.5% of adults, being 21.2% of men, 14.1% of women, 31.1% of senior citizens and 5.6% of youngsters aged between 18 and 24 years.

Among the smokers, 51.1% tried to quit smoking in the 12 month-period before being visited by PNS, being 47.9% of men and 55.9% of women. Among those who tried to quit smoking, 8.8% looked for a health professional.

10.7% of non-smokers were exposed to tobacco smoke in the housing units. Non-smoking women were more exposed (11.7%) than men (9.5%).

Among the non-smokers who worked in closed environments, 13.5% were exposed to secondhand smoke, 16.9% of men and 10.4% of women.

52.3% of smokers consider quitting due to warnings in cigarette packs

PNS asked whether the dweller noticed any cigarette advertisement in the points of sales along 30 days before the interview. The advertisement was perceived by 28.7% of persons and hit 32.4% of men and 25.4% of women.

Still among the adults, 52.1% watched or listened media campaigns encouraging to quit smoking or informing about the risks of tobacco to health.

Among the smokers, 86.2% perceived the anti-tobacco warnings in the cigarette packs and 52.3% considered quit smoking because of them.

Chronic non-communicable diseases cause more than 70% of deaths in Brazil

Today, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) accounted for more than 70% of the causes of death in Brazil. The main NCDs (heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and neuropsychiatric diseases) have been causing a high number of deaths below the age of 70 years, as well as a loss in the quality of life, generating disabilities and a high level of limitation to sick persons, either at work or at leisure.

High blood pressure hits 21.4% of population aged 18 years and over

In 2013, 21.4% (31.3 million) of persons aged 18 years and over were diagnosed with high blood pressure, hitting a higher proportion among women (24.2%) than among men (18.3%). The prevalence increases with age, going from 2.8% in the group aged between 18 and 29 years up to 55.0% in the group aged 75 years and over. According to color or race, 24.2% of black persons were diagnosed with high blood pressure, a proportion statistically equivalent to that of white persons (22.1%) and higher than that of brown persons (20.0%).

Considering persons without education or with incomplete primary school, 31.1% were diagnosed with high blood pressure, a proportion that decreased with schooling - 16.7% among those with complete primary school or incomplete secondary school and 13.4% among those with complete secondary school or incomplete higher education -, yet rising again for persons with complete higher education (18.2%).

Of the total number of hypertensive, 69.7% of them stated to have received medical assistance in the 12- month period before the reference period of the survey, led by women (72.4%). Basic health units were responsible for 45.9% of attendances and private clinics or practices, for 27.3%.

6.2% of adults diagnosed with diabetes and 12.5% with high level of cholesterol

In 2013, 9.1 million persons aged 18 years and over (or 6.2% of adults) were diagnosed with diabetes, mostly among women (7.0%). In the age groups, the percentage varied from 0.6% for those aged between 18 and 29 years up to 19.9% and 20.3% for the group aged 75 years and over.

Among the health complications deriving from diabetes, vision problems were the most reported, inflicting 36.6% of persons diagnosed with diabetes for 10 years or more and 21.5% of persons diagnosed with diabetes for less than 10 years.

12.5% of adults (18.4 million) were diagnosed with a high level of cholesterol. The proportion was higher among women (15.1%) than among men (9.7%), as well as in the older groups of age: 25.9% of persons aged between 60 and 64 years and 25.5% of persons aged between 65 and 74 years. The proportion of white persons diagnosed with a high level of cholesterol was 13.4%, against 11.2% for black persons and 11.8% for brown persons.

4.4% of adults diagnosed with asthma or asthmatic bronchitis

In 2013, 4.4% of persons aged 18 years and over were diagnosed with asthma or asthmatic bronchitis, mostly in the urban area (4.6%) and among women (5.1%). Of the total number of persons with this diagnosis, 38.2% were at least once attacked by the disease in the last 12 month-period before the survey. Among sexes, women prevailed (43.4%) over men (29.8%).

Heart diseases hit 4.2% of adults and 2.2 million already suffered CVA

In 2013, 4.2% (6.1 million) of persons aged 18 years and over were diagnosed with some heart disease. Heart diseases were the main cause of deaths in Brazil. The Southeast (5.0%), South (5.4%) and Central-West (4.6%) Regions registered estimates above the national average. The incidence of these diseases was higher among older age groups: 0.9% of persons aged between 18 and 29 years, 3.4% of persons aged between 30 and 59 years, 9.0% of persons aged between 60 and 64 years and 13.7% of persons aged 75 years and over.

Among persons aged 18 years and over, 1.5% (2.2 million) were diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke, mostly inflicting the group aged 75 years and over (7.3%) and the population without education or with incomplete primary school (2.7%).

Brazil has 27 million persons with back problems

About 27.0 million persons aged 18 years and over (18.5%) suffered chronic back problems in Brazil. In contrast with the other chronic diseases investigated by PNS, this indicator was lower in the urban area (18.0%) than in the rural area (21.3%). The proportion of women (21.1%) with back problems was higher then that of men (15.5%). This indicator was also higher in older age groups: 8.7% of persons aged between 18 and 29 years, 19.9% of persons aged between 30 and 59 years, 26.6% of persons aged between 60 and 64 years and 28.5% of persons aged 75 years and over.

The incidence of back problems was well higher among persons without education or with incomplete primary school (24.6%) than among the other schooling categories. Among the persons with any chronic back problem, 46.4% of them reported not to take any kind of treatment. Among those that took some kind of treatment, medicines and shots were the most mentioned (40.0%).

11.2 million adults diagnosed with depression and only 46.4% receive medical assistance

PNS estimated that 7.6% (11.2 million) of persons aged 18 years and over were diagnosed with depression by a mental health professional. The highest prevalence was in the urban area (8.0%), in the South (12.6%) and Southeast (8.4%), among women (10.9%) and in the range between 60 and 64 years old (11.1%). Concerning the schooling level, the prevalence was among persons with complete higher education (8.7%) and among those without education or with incomplete primary education (8.6%).

In regard to the groups of color or race, the proportion of adults diagnosed with depression was higher among white persons (9.0%) than among brown (6.7%) and black (5.4%) persons.

About half (52.0%) of persons diagnosed used medicines for depression and 16.4% of them underwent psychotherapy. Only 46.4% of those who informed to be diagnosed with depression received medical assistance in the 12-month period before the survey. The highest percentages of attendance were in private clinics or practices (42.3%) and in basic health units (33.2%).

As to the reason for not receiving medical assistance despite the diagnosis of depression, 73.4% alleged not to be depressed anymore; 6.6% claimed dismay; 4.6% alleged that wait time in the health service was too long; 2.4% claimed financial difficulties; 2.1% alleged that the hours of operation of the health service were incompatible with their work or domestic activities and 10.9% reported other reasons.

2.7 million persons aged 18 years and over suffer some kind of cancer

PNS estimated that 1.8% of persons aged 18 years and over (2.7 million adults) were diagnosed with cancer in Brazil. The highest estimates were in the South Region (3.2%) and in the oldest age groups: 3.7% of persons aged between 60 and 64 years and 7.7% of persons aged 75 years and over. Concerning the schooling level, the highest prevalence was among persons without education or with incomplete primary education (2.3%) and among those with complete higher education (3.0%). In regard to color or race, the highest proportion was among white persons (2.6%).

Breast, skin, prostate and cervical cancers are the most frequent

Considering the cases of first diagnosis in the population aged 18 years and over, the four most frequent types of cancer found by PNS were breast cancer (reported by 39.1% of women), skin cancer (present in 16.2% of adults), prostate cancer (36.9% of men) and cervical cancer (11.8% of women).

Still considering the first diagnosis in the adult population, PNS estimated at 8.0% the incidence of intestine cancer, at 3.0% the incidence of stomach cancer and at 1.3% the incidence of lung cancer.

The survey also investigated diagnoses of chronic renal failure and work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD), which affected 1.4% and 2.4% of persons aged 18 years and over in 2013, respectively.