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PAIC 2012: building works of Construction Industry increase 10.2% in value over 2011 figure

September 03, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 21, 2018 12h59 PM

In 2012, construction companies were responsible for incorporation, works and services amounting to R$ 336.6 billion, a figure which represents real increase of 10.2% over the 2011 result. In this period, net revenue (R$ 321.9 billion) grew 9.3%, in real terms.

In 2012, construction industry had about 104 thousand active companies, 12.5% more than in 2011. These companies employed about 2.8 million workers, whose salaries corresponded to 32.5% of their overall costs and expenses. The average monthly salary (R$ 1,648.70) paid by the sector recorded real increase of 7.9% over that of 2011.

From 2011 to 2012, the value added of construction industry increased 16.9%. Among the three subdivisions of the sector, construction of buildings presented the biggest nominal increase (22.7%), due to: a 32.2% expansion in the number of active companies; the expansion of mortgage loans; and works done in preparation for the 2014 World Cup.

In 2012, the Southeast Region remained in the first position regarding number of employed persons (55.1%) and value of construction incorporation, works and services (62.0%). However, in comparison with the result of 2011, and considering these same items, the biggest increases were observed in the South and Northeast Regions, with 0.7 and 0.6 percentage points, respectively.

See below the main data presented by the 2012 edition of the Annual Survey of Construction Industry (PAIC), also available at

In 2012, construction companies were responsible for incorporation, works and services amounting to R$ 36.6 billion, which represents real1 increase of 10.2% over the 2011 figure. Except for incorporations, the value of construction works and services reached R$ 326.1 billion, out of which R$ 114.1 billion (35.0%) came from works contracted by public entities. This level of participation was lower than in 2011 (38.4%). The net operating revenue, also in real terms, increased 9.3% between 2011 (R$ 271.3 billion) and 2012 (R$ 312.9 billion).

Table 1 - General data of Construction Industry - Brazil - 2011-2012
General Data of Construction Industry

Number of active companies
Employed persons
Salaries, withdrawals and other compensation
Expenditure on salaries
Total costs and expenses
Value of incorporations, works and services
Value of works and/or services
Constructions for public entities
Net operating revenue
1 000 1 000 000 R$
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção 2011-2012

In 2012, construction industry was positively influenced by the bigger suply of mortgage loans, increase of employment and of income and exemption of IPI for several inputs. Also relevant were the governmental programs called Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) and My Home, My Life.

In 2012, there were about 104 thousand active companies in construction industry, and they employed about 2.8 million persons. Expenditure on employed persons corresponded to 32.5% of the overall costs of these companies, a percentage above that of 2011 (30.7%), and it reached R$ 90.5 billion, out of which R$ 60.3 billion corresponded to salaries, withdrawals, and other compensation. The average monthly wage had real 2 increase of 7.9% (from R$ 1,439,00 in 2011 to R$ 1,648.70 in 2012, or from 2.6 to 2.7 minimum wages). In 2012, there was increase of 12.5% in the number of active companies, in relation to 2011 (from 92.7 thousand to 104.3 thousand). In 2007, these companies amounted to 52.9 thousand.

The subsector construction of buildings recorded the biggest increase in the period, both in nominal value of incorporation, works and services (20.9%, having changed from R$ 118.6 billion to R$ 143.3 billion) and in number of companies (32.2%, from 32.3 thousand to 42.8 thousand). The segment of infrastructure building works recorded the second biggest increase in terms of nominal value of incorporation, works and services (15.5%) and of number of companies (13.8%). The segment of specialized services recorded relative stability in terms of number of enterprises (-0.2%) and the lowest increase in nominal terms of incorporation, works and services (7.3%) in the construction sector.

Construction of buildings takes the leadership of gross sales revenue

Works and/or services performed by construction companies generated 94.3% (or R$ 317.1 billion) of the sector revenue in 2012. This level of participation was higher than in 2011 (91.6%).

In the sector, the highlight was the change in the ranking of activities, since construction of buildings, with value of R$ 143.3 billion, recorded the biggest participation in gross revenue of construction industry, having changed from 40.4% in 2011 to 41.9% in 2012. Infrastructure works represented about R$ 136.8 billion in 2012, maintaining the same proportion as in the previous year, 40.9%. The sector of specialized services (R$ 56.5 billion in 2012) had its participation reduced from 18.7% to 17.2% in the period.

In the analysis by ranges of employed persons, there were few changes in comparison woth 2011. Companies with more than 250 employed persons, accounting for bigger production and having better access to funding, had gross revenue of R$ 169.1 billion in 2012 and increased their participation from 49.5% (2011) to 50.3%. Companies with 50 to 249 employed persons had gross revenue of R$ 83.6 billion in 2012 and their participation changed from 24.1% to 24.9%. Companies with 1 to 4 employed persons had gross revenue of R$ 83.4 billion in 2012 and reduced their participation from 26.4% to 24.8%.

Between 2011 and 2012, value added of Construction increased 16.9%

By analyzing the value added of construction activity from 2011 to 2012, it was observed that its three subdivisions - construction of buildings; infrastructure works and specialized construction services recorded nominal increase above 11.7% (table below).

Table 5 - Current value, relative change and absolute change of the value added of construction industry,
by divisons of concstruction industry activities - Brazil - 2011-2012

Construction industry
Value added
Total Absolute
change (%)
2011 2012 2011 - 2012 2011 - 2012
136 271 330
159 262 809
22 991 479
Construção de edifícios
52 558 323
64 472 715
11 914 391
Obras de infraestrutura
55 284 429
63 021 983
7 737 554
Serviços especializados
para construção
28 428 577
31 768 112
3 339 534
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção 2011-2012

From 2011 to 2012, construction of buildings recorded the biggest nominal increase (22.7%), due, among other factors, to the increase of 32.2% in the number of active companies (32,334 in 2011 and 42,752 in 2012), to the expansion of mortgage loan and to works done in preparation for the 2014 World Cup.

The subdivision which traditionally had the biggest level of participation in the value added of this activity - infrastructure works - faced decrease from 40.6% in 2011 to 39.6% in 2012, and was surpassed by construction of buildings, which grew from 38.6% in 2011 to 40.5% in 2012. Specialized construction services changed from 20.9% in 2011 to 19.9% in 2012.

From 2007 to 2012, despite the international crisis, value added of the construction activity recorded continuous nominal increase (from R$ 62.7 billion to R$ 159.3 billion) due to several countercyclical measures (exemption of IPI for construction material, increase of disbursement from BNDES, expansion of mortgage loans and programs such as PAC and My Home, My Life, among others).

Southeast remains as leader of the sector, but South and Northeast record bigger increases

In 2011, the Southeast held the highest levels of participation in terms of employed persons (55%) and of value of construction incorporation, works and services (63.3%), and kept the leadership in the two other criteria in 2012, with results of 55.1% and 62.0%, respectively. South and Northeast presented the biggest increases, proportionally, from 2011 to 2012, in terms of value of construction incorporation, works and services: 0.7 percentage points and 0.6 percentage points, respectively (table 6).

Table 6 - Employed persons and current value of incorporation, works and/or services of industryconstruction
industry, by Major Region - 2011-2012

Major Regions
Employed persons
Value of incorporation, works and/or services of construction industry
2011 2012 2011 2012
PO em
participation (%)
PO em
participation (%)
(1 000 R$)
participation (%)
(1 000 R$)
participation (%)
Central West
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção 2011-2012

Residential building works account for major contribution to the current construction value

In this analysis construction products for companies with 30 or more employed persons were subdivided into five major groups: incorporation of real estate; residential building works; industrial, commercial and other non-residential buildings residential buildings; infrastructure works ; and specialized services.

In 2012, the total current value of construction incorporation, works and/or services performed by companies with 30 or more employed persons (R$ 281.7 billion) recorded real3 increase of 13.5% in relation to 2011 (R$ 235.4 billion). The segment of residential building works was responsible for activities amounting to R$ 69.5 billion in 2012, corresponding to 24.7% of the total construction incorporation, works and/or services, a result above that of 2011 (22.0%). The current (nominal) value of with the biggest individual importance to this group residential building - changed from R$ 44.1 billion in 2011 to R$ 57.2 billion in 2012, and its participation rose from 18.7% (2011) to 20.3% (2012). It is also worth mentioning services of refurbishment or maintenance of residential buildings , which recorded increase from R$ 7.7 billion (2011) to R$ 12.3 billion (2012), with an increment from 3.3% t 4.4% in participation between 2011 and 2012.

According to the Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry (CBIC), the value of funding with resources from Savings Accounts changed from R$ 79.9 billion in 2011 to R$ 82.8 billion in 2012 (nominal increase of 3.6%) and the number of units financed changed from 492,908 to 453,209 (reduction of 8.1%), with rise in the average value of the funded units. FGTS-based loans directed to construction industry changed from R$ 34.9 billion in 2011 to R$ 38.2 billion in 2012 (nominal increase of 9.7%) and the number of funded units increased from 464,563 to 487,420 (a 4.9% increase).

Between 2007 and 2012, also according to CBIC, the evolution of mortgage loans with resources from savings accounts recorded a change from 196.133 to 453.209 funded units and from R$ 18.4 billion to R$ 82.8 billion (nominal figures). Credit with FGTS resources, in the same period, recorded a change from 319,706 to 487,420 units and from R$ 6.8 billion to R$ 38.2 billion (nominal figures).

The group industrial, commercial and other non-residential buildings was responsible for activities amounting to R$ 41.3 billion in 2012, corresponding to 14.6% of the total construction incorporation, works and/or services, with participation below that of 2011 (15.1%). Among the products which had increase in participation between 2011 and 2012, it is worth mentioning non-residential buildings (hospitals, schools, hotels, garages, stadiums, etc.), which changed, in current values, from R$ 7.3 billion (3.1%) to R$ 10.6 billion (3.8%); and boarding stations (bus stations, airports, ports, subway and train stations, etc.) from R$ 0.6 billion to R$ 1.3 billion, with increase of participation from 0.3% to 0.5%. On the other hand, participation decreased in the cases of: industrial buildings (factories, garages, industrial sheds, etc.), which changed from R$ 11.6 billion (4.9%) to R$ 9.7 billion (3.4%).

As for infrastructure works, despite the rise of construction value in the period (from R$ 103.3 billion to R$ 122.2 billion), this segment reduced its participation in the total construction incorporation, works and services from 43.9% to 43.4%. Infrastructure works are influenceD by disbursement of BNDES, which fell, in nominal terms, 5.7%, having changed from R$ 56.1 billion in 2011 to R$ 52.9 billion in 2012. Among these, R$ 15.5 billion were in the sector of road transportation and R$ 18.9 billion in electricity, which, together, accounted for 65.0% of the disbursement of industry in 2012. However, from 2007 to 2012, disbursement for infrastructure, in nominal terms, changed from R$ 25.6 billion to R$ 52.9 billion. The biggest figure in the period (R$ 56.1 billion) was that of 2011.

The group of specialized services was responsible for 14.9% (R$ 41.9 billion) of the total construction incorporation, works aNd services in 2012, which was below that of 2011 (16.6%).

Personnel represented 32.5% of the costs and expenses of construction

In the structure of costs and expenses of construction industry, the highlights were expenditure on personnel, with 32.5% in 2012, above the 2011 figure (30.8%). The coonsumption of construction material appears in second place (25.0%), with a similar rate to that of 2011 (25.2%).

The analysis of costs according to construction subdivisions, shows that in 2011 and 2012, the division of infrastructure works recorded the main percentage change: 43.4% in the former and 44.3% in the latter. The activity construction of buildings increased its participation from 39.7% in 2011 to 40.3% in 2012. Nevertheless, the sector of specialized construction services reduced its participation from 16.9% to 15.4% in the same period.


1 Deflated by the IBGE's Sinapi index, with average change of 5.5%, in 2012.

2 Considering the change of the National Consumer Price Index - INPC, which changed by 6.2% in 2012.

3 Deflated by IBGE's National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction - SINAPI, whose average change was 5.5% in 2012.