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ESTADIC 2013: number of state servants changes -0.5% over 2012 (updated on 03/14, at 10:30 am)

March 13, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 20, 2018 11h47 AM

In 2013, there were 3,120,599 state servants in the country, 0.5% less servants than in 2012. There was a high of 4.1% in the number of servants in the direct administration and fall of 23.7% in the indirect administration.

The states that passed on the lowest percentage of their budgets to Health were RJ (7.2%), MS (8.7%) and PR (9.0%), whereas TO (16.9%), MG (16.3%) and PE (16.2%) passed on the highest percentages. Besides, 17 states hired Health services through Social Organization (AM, RR, PA, MA, PI, CE, RN, PB, PE, BA ES, RJ, SP, SC, MT, GO and DF).

Regarding the environment, out of the nine states that did not carried out the management of their aquifers, four (MA, CE, AL and SE) belonged to the Northeast. In contrast, among the states that did not implement the monitoring of water quality, three (AC, RR and AM) were in the North Region.

As to the budget reserved for gender policies, the greatest figures, in relation to each state GDP, occurred in PE and AL (R$ 197.18 and R$ 95.87 per R$ million of the state GDP). Rio, the second greatest GDP among the states, has the second lowest budget destined to this purpose (R$ 2.05) and Pará (R$ 0.65), the lowest one.

In 2013, in the area of Social Assistance in the states, 15.8% of the servants did not have a permanent employment bond. In Pernambuco, 95.3% of the servants faced the same situation.

In relation to 2012, the number of states with a Food and Nutritional Security Plan rose from four to ten. In 2013, SP, AC and RN were the only states without Food and Nutritional Security Laws.

In 2013, all states carried out Productive Inclusion actions. Among these actions, except for MA, all states carried out labor force qualification. 

Those are some of the highlights of the Profile of Basic State Information (ESTADIC) 2013, which collects data on the 27 Federation Units of the country by means of a questionnaire answered by the state administrations themselves.  The complete publication can be accessed on link

In 2013, there were 3,120,599 state servants in the direct and indirect administration, representing 1.6% of he estimate population for the same year (201,032,714 inhabitants). The biggest percentages of employed persons in relation to the total resident population in each Federation Unit were in the Federal District (5.2%), Acre (4.7%), Amapá (4.2%) and Tocantins (3.6%). The lowest percentage occurred in Bahia (0.8%).

Employed population in the indirect administration in the states fell to 23.7%

In relation to 2012, the total number of servants fell 0.5% (or less 14,742 persons). The highlights are the drops of 17.1% among those ruled by CLT and of 1.7% among the statutory. On the other hand, there were highs among workers with a permanent employment bond (13.6%), interns (10.7%) and commissioners – only (3.4%).

Among servants, 87.5% were in the direct administration and 12.5% in the indirect administration. The states with the greatest percentage of workers in the direct administration were Mato Grosso (98.3%), Roraima (97.8%), Rio Grande do Norte (94.1%), Ceará (93.7%) and the Federal District (92.5%). Whereas Sergipe (22.7%) and Bahia (21.0%) had the biggest figures in the indirect administration.

In relation to 2012, there was a 3.8% high in the servants employed in the direct administration. In the indirect administration, there was a 23.7% drop (or less 121,137 persons).

Direct administration refers to the set of departments of the sate governments and indirect administration to the several public entities with legal personality; autarchies; public enterprises, joint stock companies, public foundations, funds and special regime agencies.

RJ passes on the lowest budget percentage to Health

In 2013, the states with the lowest proportional budgets to Health (in relation to the total budgets of the states) were Tocantins (16.9%), Minas Gerais (16.3%) and Pernambuco (16.2%). Conversely, the lowest proportional budgets were those of Rio de Janeiro (7.2%), Mato Grosso do Sul (8.7%) and Paraná (9.0%).

Thirteen states passed on less than 2.0% of the total Health budget to basic attention (the initial assistance to citizens) and the lowest percentages were in Maranhão (0.3%), Roraima (0.3%) and Acre (0.3%). However, Minas Gerais (11.8%) and Rio Grande do Sul (12.9%) were the only states to pass on more than 10% of their budgets to basic attention in Health.

The secretaries of Health of 26 states (except for Maranhão) had a bachelor’s degree, 18 of them in the medical area. In 22 states, the secretaries were men.

In 2013, 17 states hired Health services through Social Organization. Amazonas, Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso, Goiás and FD.

Among the nine states that do not manage their aquifers, four are in NE

On average, the environmental area received 2.24% of the budgets of the respective states, ranging from 0.13%, in Goiás, to 7.00% in Minas Gerais.

Considering just oil and gas royalties, ten Brazilian states are entitled to them. But, according to ESTADIC 2013, just five states (Sergipe, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina) informed that the royalties were the source of the financial resources for the environmental area.

Eighteen states (66.7%) had a state secretary exclusively dedicated to the environment and just one (RO) did not have a secretary, but a department, advisory service or the like. In 22 states (81.5%), besides the secretary, there was/were (an)other body(ies) (autarchy, department or advisory) specifically for the environment. Among the themes addressed by this body/advisory, the highlights were: forestry in 21 states (77.8%), water resource management in 18 states (66.7%) and fisheries management in 9 states (33.3%).

Among the five states that did not implement the monitoring of water quality, three (Acre, Roraima and Amazonas) were in the North Region, where this resource is abundant.

Of the nine states that did not carry out the management of aquifers, four (Maranhão, Ceará, Alagoas and Sergipe) were in the Northeast, where those resources are extremely critical.

Despite the high percentage (78%) of Federation Units that took part in some river basin committee, it is quite surprising that, in the North - the richest Region in this aspect, states like Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará and Amapá did not integrate this kind of committee.

14 states have laws on ecological ICMS

All environment state managers had a bachelor’s degree and 15 (55.5%) were higher. Just five of them were women.

Two themes on environment management in the states still registered a low contribution: the existence of laws on ecological ICMS – value added tax - (14 states) and programs or actions linked to the paying of environmental services (11 states).

Eight states do not have specific budget for gender policy

In 2013, 40.7% of the states had an exclusive secretary to deal with gender policies. Eight states (Rondônia, Roraima, Sergipe, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso do Sul) did not have specific budget for such policies. Among those with a budget, Pernambuco presented the highest one (R$ 21.7 million) and Pará, the lowest (R$ 60.1 thousand).

In relation to the female population in each state (Chart 8), the highest proportional values of the budget were those of Pernambuco and the Federal District (both with R$ 4.60 per woman) and the lowest, that of Pará (just 2 cents of real for each woman in the state).

Table 5 - Value of the budget in force in 2012 planned by the management agencies with specific budget to formulate, coordinate and implement women policies, total, in relation to the total of women and according to the GDP, by Federation Units - 2013

Federation Units Total (1 000) In relation to the women overall In relation to the GDP 2011 at prices of 2012 (1 000 000) (1)
1 899.13
1 637.86
Rio Grande do Norte
1 150.07
21 695.43
2 884.00
6 026.28
Espírito Santo
1 325.00
Rio de Janeiro
1 000.00
Rio Grande do Sul
3 625.50
Mato Grosso
6 681.31
Federal District
6 555.00
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais, Pesquisa de Informações Básicas Estaduais 2013
(1) INPC inflated values

As to the administrative structures for gender policies, the most frequent one was the Women Police Station (DEAM): 421 units, 49% of them in the Southeast. To assist women threatened by violence, there are in the country 110 specialized divisions in ordinary police stations. 64.5% of them are in the South (37 Divisions) and Central-West Regions (34 Divisions). There are no such Divisions in Rondônia, Acre, Roraima, Pará, Amapá, Piauí, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Goiás.

The typification of violence that threatens women serves as a way of understating this phenomenon as well as a basis for specific actions. Just Rondônia, Pernambuco, Sergipe and the Federal District did not collect that kind of information.

15.8% of Social Assistance State Servants do not have permanent employment bond

The second edition of ESTADIC has also investigated Social Assistance. There were 17,146 people working in this area in the states, representing just 0.5% of the employed persons in the state and district administrations (3,120,599 persons).

In 2013, the proportion of persons without a permanent employment bond was significant in the social assistance area (15.8%), mainly in Pernambuco (95.3%), Mato Grosso (52.6%) and Piauí (39.1%).

In 2013, just as in 2012, all states had an organizational structure for social assistance. In 17 states, there were structures combined with other policies and the most shared areas were food security, labor and human rights.

The Social Assistance secretaries of 13 states had women holders. Four of them had a Master's or Doctor's degree, 11 had specialization, ten had a bachelor’s degree and just one holder (Sergipe) had unfinished higher education.



SP, AC and RN were the only states without food and nutritional security law

In 2013, 26 sates and the Federal District had organizational structure for food and nutritional security policy (SAN), differently from 2012, when Roraima and Acre reported not having any organizational structure for the theme.

24 Federation Units reported to have in 2013 a State Law of Food and Nutritional Security.  São Paulo, Acre and Rio Grande do Norte were the only states without the law.

The survey found the existence of a State Plan of FNS in nine states and in the Federal District, and, among the actions listed in all plans, were: productive inclusion, nutritional and health actions and capacity building courses for managers in the food security area. That was a quite different situation from that of 2012, when just four states had a plan.

In 2013, all states carried out productive inclusion actions

Productive inclusion actions aim at fostering occupational inclusion through professional qualification and enhancing education, among other strategies. In 2013, all states claimed to carry out actions, programs or projects of productive inclusion or professional and technological education, under the responsibility of the management agency of labor and income policies, together with other sectors of the state administration.

Twenty three states developed actions of rural productive inclusion in 2013.

Except for Maranhão, in 2013, and Amazonas, in 2012, all Federation Units carried out labor force qualification.

In 2013, 25 states had productive inclusion actions for the beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program, including Amazonas, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo, which in 2012 declared not to implement such actions.

In 2013, the Federal Government (27) and the National System of Apprenticeship ('S' System) (26) were referred to as partners in productive inclusion actions by the greatest number of state governments. The NGOs were mentioned as partners by 20 state administrations whereas 22 declared to have partnerships with municipal governments. The state governments also established partnerships with financial institutions (19), universities (20) and institutions related to disabled persons (17).