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In 2013, GDP grows 2.3% and reaches R$ 4.84 trillion

February 27, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 20, 2018 11h36 AM

In relation to the third quarter, the GPD of the fourth quarter of 2013 grew 0.7%, considering the seasonally adjusted series. Services expanded 0.7%, agriculture registered no change and industry recorded a negative change of 0.2%.

In the comparison with the fourth quarter of 2012, the GDP grew 1.9%. The value added at basic prices rose 1.7% and the taxes on products, 3.1%. Agriculture rose (2.4%), services rose (1.8%) and industry rose (1.5%).

In 2013, the GDP increased 2.3% in relation to 2012, as a result of the growth of 2.1% in the value added and of 3.3% in the taxes. In this comparison, agriculture (7.0%), services (2.0%) and industry (1.3%) grew. In 2013, the GDP at current values reached R$ 4.84 trillion. The per capita GDP stayed at R$ 24,065, posting a rise, in volume, of 1.4%, in volume, over 2012.

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GDP rises 0.7% over the third quarter of 2013

In the comparison with the third quarter of the year, services expanded 0.7%, agriculture registered no change and industry recorded a negative change of 0.2%.

In services, all the activities posted positive figures, highlighted by information services (4.8%). Financial intermediation and insurance rose 2.0%, followed by other services (1.2%), trade (0.8%), transportation, storage and mail (0.4%), public administration, health and education (0.4%) and real estate activities and renting (0.2%).

Among the subsectors that comprise the industry, manufacturing industry registered a decline of 0.9%, whereas mining and quarrying and civil construction remained virtually stable (-0.1% and 0.0%, respectively). This result was offset by the expansion in electricity and gas, water, sewage and urban sanitation (1.4%).

Under the point of view of expenditures, all the components of the domestic demand recorded a rise. The consumption expenditure of the public administration expanded 0.8%, followed by the consumption expenditure of households (0.7%) and by gross fixed capital formation (0.3%). As to the foreign sector, exports of goods and services grew 4.1%, while imports changed -0.1%.

GDP rises 1.9% over the fourth quarter of 2012

When compared with the same period last year, the GDP increased 1.9% in the fourth quarter of 2013. Among the activities that contributed to the generation of value added, agriculture rose 2.4%. The agriculture products with significant harvests in the fourth quarter and which reported a growth in the estimated production were wheat (30.4%), sugarcane (10.0%) and tobacco (5.5%),whereas oranges (-14.8%) and cassava (-9.5%) dropped, according to IBGE´s LSPA released in February 2014.

Industry expanded 1.5%. In this context, manufacturing industry rose 1.3%. This result was influenced by the increased production of machinery and equipment; electronic material and communication equipment and apparatus; other transportation equipment; toiletries; oil refining and ethanol; and wood products. Civil construction also increased the volume of value added by 2.4%, electricity and gas, water, sewage and urban sanitation rose 3.4% and mining and quarrying declined 0.9% over the last quarter of 2012.

The value added of services grew 1.8% compared with the same period last year, highlighted by information services (7.6%). Trade (wholesale and retail) expanded 2.9%, followed by public administration, health and education (2.4%), transportation, storage and mail (2.2%), real estate services and renting (1.5%) and financial intermediation and insurance (1.1%). Other services declined 0.6% in the quarter.

Among the components of the domestic demand, gross fixed capital formation stood out by growing 5.5%, explained by the domestic production of capital goods. Consumption expenditure of households rose 1.9%, registering the 41st consecutive positive change in this base of comparison.  Consumption expenditure of the public administration grew 2.0% in the comparison with the same period of 2012.  As to the foreign demand, both exports (5.6%) and imports (4.8%) of goods and services increased.

In 2013, GDP rises 2.3% and per capita GDP rises 1.4%

The GDP registered a cumulative growth of 2.3% over the last year. In 2012, the cumulative growth in the year was 1.0%. The per capita GDP reached R$ 24,065 (at current values) in 2013, after a growth (in real terms) of 1.4% over 2012.

The expansion of the GDP was due to the rise of 2.1% in the value added at basic prices and to the growth of 3.3% in the net excise taxes. The result of the value added in this type of comparison reflected the performance of the three activities that comprise it: agriculture (7.0%), industry (1.3%) and services (2.0%).

The growth in volume of the value added of agriculture was due to the behavior of a number of important cultures, which recorded an increased annual estimate in the production, as well as higher productivity gains, highlighted by soybeans (24.3%), sugarcane (10.0%), corn (13.0) and wheat (30.4%).

In industry, the increased activity of electricity and gas, water, sewage and urban sanitation (2.9%) stood out, led by the residential consumption of electricity. Mining and quarrying posted a cumulative drop of 2.8%, influenced by the decreased extraction of ores. Both civil construction and manufacturing industry grew 1.9% over 2012.

All the activities that comprise services registered a cumulative growth in the year: information services (5.3%), transportation, storage and mail (2.9%), trade (2.5%), real estate services and renting (2.3%), public administration, health and education (2.1%), financial intermediation and insurance (1.7%) and other services (0.6%).

The growth of 6.3% of gross fixed capital formation was the highlight in the demand, led by the increased domestic manufacturing of machinery and equipment. The consumption expenditure of households rose 2.3%, representing the 10th year of growth in a row. Such behavior was favored by the increased wage bill, as well as by the increased balance of loans of the financial system for consumer credit. The consumption expenditure of the government increased 1.9%.

As to the foreign sector, both exports (2.5%) and imports (8.4%) of goods and services grew. Among the exports, the highlights were agriculture products; other transportation equipment; motor vehicles and sugar refining. Among the imports, the highlights were oil industry; food and housing services; machinery and equipment; diesel fuel and parts and pieces for motor vehicles.

The investment rate in 2013 was 18.4% of the GDP, slightly above the rate reported last year (18.2%). The savings rate was 13.9% in 2013 (against 14.6% last year).