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In November, IBGE expects harvest to be 15.4% higher than in 2012

The eleventh estimate of the national harvest of grains, legumes and oilseeds accounted for...

December 10, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 20, 2019 03h22 PM


In the estimate of November versus October, the highlights were changes in the production estimates of potatoes - 3rd crop (1.0%), beans - 3rd crop (2.9%) and wheat (1.8%).

POTATOES - 3rd CROP - The estimated output of potatoes - 3rd crop in November was 742,808 tonnes, with hike of 1.0% versus October, as a result of the increase of planted area (1.8%) and in the area to be harvested, despite the decrease of 0.7% in the average yield. This increase results from the reevaluations in Goiás and Minas Gerais, the main producers of this crop, which represented 27.2% and 40.6% of the total output.

BEAN SEED - 3rd crop - For beans - 3rd crop, the production estimate was 520,225 tonnes, recording increase of 2.9% in comparison with October. This increase occurred mainly due to the change in the figures of Goiás (10.7%), which conducted a new field survey then updating its results.

WHEAT GRAIN - The expected national output in November is 4,971,520 tonnes, in a planted area of 2,188,861 ha and expected average yield of 2,273 kg/ha. Planted area, production and average yield increased, respectively, by 0.1%, 1.8% and 1.7% in comparison with October results.  These increases were mainly due to Paraná figures.


November estimate versus 2012 figures


Among the twenty-six main products, fifteen recorded positive percent change in the production estimate in relation to 2012: peanuts - 1st crop (12.5%), paddy rice (2.4%), potatoes - 1st crop (2.5%), potatoes - 2nd crop (7.9%), cacao nuts (1.9%), sugarcane (6.1%), barley grain (7.3%), bean seed - 2nd crop (20.1%), bean seed - 3rd crop (7.3%), corn grain - 1st crop (3.2%), corn grain - 2nd crop (21.2%), soybeans (23.8%), sorghum grain (0.7%), wheat grain (13.5%) and triticale grain (3.7%). Eleven products faced decrease: upland cottonseed (31.3%), peanuts in the shell - 2nd crop (13.1%), oat grain (4.0%), potatoes - 1st crop (9.8%), coffee beans - arabica (4.1%-, coffee beans - canephora (14.7%), onions (3.2%), bean seed - 1st crop, orange (14.2%), castor beans (43.0%) and cassava (11.3%).

In absolute figures, the main hikes in relation to 2012 occurred among sugarcane, soybeans, corn and wheat, and the biggest decreases among cassava, upland cotton and orange.


UPLAND COTTONSEED - The output of 3.4 million tonnes is 31.3% smaller than that of 2012, mainly due to the reduction of planted area (33.3%), seen as a consequence of the regularization of stocks with the crops harvested in the two previous years (2011 and 2012), the decrease in the demand of Europe and the high prices of soybeans, a product which occupied, in 2013, areas previously used for cotton crops.  Mato Grosso, the main producer, accounted for 54.7% of the national output.  


PADDY RICE - The national harvest, of 11,664,154 tonnes, was 2.4% bigger than that of 2012. The average yield, of 4,963 kg/ha was above that in the previous year (3.3%) leading to this increase in production, despite the reduction of 0.9% of planted area and of 0.8% of the harvested area. Rio Grande do Sul is the main national producer, with 69.4% of contribution to the national total.


COFFEE BEAN - The two types of coffee, together, accounted for a decrease of 6.7% of production in relation to 2012. The 2013 harvest, estimated at 2.8 million tonnes (47.6 million 60 kg sacks of processed grains) faced decrease of 3.4% in harvested area.  The total area planted with this crop in all the steps of development recorded decrease of 2.3%.

There are few areas with coffee arabica to be harvested. The decrease of 4.1% of national production, in relation to 2012, was mainly a consequence of the particular nature of this species, which alternates low and high statuses of crops. The national output of coffee arabica for 2013, estimated at 2,209,412 tonnes, is equivalent to 36.8 million 60 kg sacks. Minas Gerais, the main producer of this species of coffee, accounts for 69.0% of the national output.

For canephora, also with few areas to be harvested, the estimate for 2013, of 646,595 metric tons (10.8 million sacks) was 14.7% smaller than the production of 2012, in an area of harvest of 461,285 ha, that is, 8.5% smaller.  Espírito Santo, the main producer, accounted for 75.7% of the production of this species in the country.


SUGARCANE - With harvesting yet to be concluded in some states of the Northeast and Central West , the national output of sugarcane increased 6.1% in 2013 in comparison with 2012. The area harvested or to be harvested in the year recorded increase of 1.0%. The average yield increased 5.1%, being benefited by a bigger renewal of sugarcane plants and by better climate conditions.

The South Region concentrates 64.8% of the national output.  São Paulo, which accounts for 53.6% of the Brazilian production, presents increase of 6.7% in output over that of 2012, due to the recovery of productivity in sugarcane crops.


ORANGE – The harvest is still underway in some states.  THe national output in 2013, of 16,409,952 tonnes (402.2 million 40.8 kg boxes), recorded increase of 14.2% in relation to 2012. Reduction of the demand from Europe and the customs blocking in the USA were important factors accounting jeopardizing production in 2013, reducing the flow of exports.

São Paulo, contributing with 72.4% to the national output in 2013, faced a major impact due to the decrease of international demand, and recorded decreases of 12.4% in total area, 15.4% in the area to be harvested and  of 18.0% in output. The state also faces serious problems of phytosanitary nature, and the low prices of fruit production directed to industry.


CASSAVA (roots) - Output of 20,777,560 tonnes. Negative change of 11.3% in the output estimate of 2013 versus that of 2012. The total area decreased 15.7% and the harvesting area, 12.8%. The dry period in the Northeast Region, which lasted for two years, stopped a better demand for roots, the cycle of which usually surpasses 12 months. The big scarcity of food in the region promoted the use of “sprigs” as animal feed, reducing the availability of planting stakes. Considering the two main producers in the country, Pará accounted for 22.5% of the total output and Paraná for 18.4%.


CORN GRAIN – The total output increased 12.8% in relation to that of 2012, with increment of harvested area (7.6%). The 1st-crop increased 3.2%, in spite of the reduction of harvested area by 11.7%. The 2nd crop output increased 21.2%, with growth of 22.6% of harvested area. This was the second consecutive year in which the 2nd crop output surpassed that of the 1st one.  Mato Grosso became, in 2013, the main national producer of corn, accounting for 25.1% of the total produced in the two crops, and surpassing Paraná, the state which is currently in the second position, with 21.7% of the total.


SOYBEAN GRAIN – With almost complete results, soybeans presented output increase of 23.8% in relation to 2012, representing a new record.  The planted area was 10.8% bigger; the area to be harvested surpassed that in the previous year by 11.2% and the average yield was above the 2,635 kg/ha obtained from the previous crop, reaching 2,934 kg/ha, with increase of 11.3%.  The prices charged and the good climate conditions, especially in the South Region, versus those of 2012, accounted for such increases.  Mato Grosso, the main producer, represented 28.8% of the national output.  


WHEAT GRAIN – The estimated national output for 2013, 4,971,520 tonnes, records increase of 13.5% in relation to the amount harvested in 2012. There was also increase of 14.0% in planted area and of 15.6% in the area to be harvested.  Average yield faced the only decrease: 1.9%. The prospects of good prices at the time of planting stimulated the planting of this grain.  Rio Grande do Sul, which accounts for 54.7% of the national output, had estimated output increase of 45.6%, with increment of 9.3% in the area to be harvested and prospects of a yield 33.2% bigger than in 2012. Paraná fell to the 2nd position in 2013, due to the damages caused by severe frosts.


Prospects for crops in 2014

In November 2013, IBGE released the second prospect of area and output for crops in 2014. The figures of regions and states where the survey was conducted were added to prospects obtained from information form previous years, foe Federation Units which do not have initial data yet.

Among the ten most important products, six record increases in coming summer crops: beans – 1st crop (31.7%), cotton (12.4%), cassava (9.9%), soybeans (9.0%), rice (5.8%) and tobacco (2.0%).  In terms of decrease can be mentioned: peanuts – 1st crop (-8.0%), corn – 1st crop (-7.1%), onions (-6.6%) and potatoes – 1st crop (0.5%).

In relation to the expected area, there were decreases of upland cotton (13.0%), beans – 1st crop (11.2%), cassava (10.3%), soybeans 94.4%), tobacco (0.7%), rice (0.1%) and peanuts – 1st crop (0.0%).  With reduction of areas are: onions (1.7%), potatoes – 1st crop (0.6%) and corn – 1st crop (0.1%).

In this second prospect, the production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds for 2014 was estimated at 186,867,766 tonnes, 65,363 tonnes above the amount harvested in 2013. The Northeast was the only Major Region to have estimated increase (21.0%), with decreases in the other areas:  North (-2.7%), Southeast (-0.3%), South (-1.0%) and Central West (-2.0%).


UPLAND COTTONSEED – The second prospect for upland cotton to be harvested in 2014 presents estimated planted area of 1,067,253 ha, with increase of 12.8% and an output of 3,836,582 tonnes, 12.4% bigger than in 2013. In Mato Grosso, which accounts for about 60.5% of the national output estimated for 2014, the expected production increase is 24.3%, above the previous crops.


PADDY RICE – The second prospect of output for paddy rice is 12,337,468 tonnes, being 1.4% bigger than the data of October, with an area to be harvested 1.4% smaller in relation to the 1st prospect of 2014. Rio Grande do Sul, the main national producer, is expected to account for about 69.6% of the output of this cereal.


BEAN SEED – 1st crop – The second output estimate for beans – 1st crop for 2014 is

1,466,875 tonnes, 31.7% bigger than the 2013 crop. The increase will partially recover the output of 2013. The area to be planted, of 1,574,024 ha, is 0.4% bigger than that of 2013. the area to be harvested is expected to increase 11.2%.


CASSAVA – The area planted with cassava in 2014 is expected to fall by 0.4%. Nevertheless, the output estimated increase is 9.9% in relation to 2013, amounting to 22,829,284 tonnes. This increase was due to an increment of 10.3% of the area to be harvested with this crop, since the expected average yield is 0.4% smaller that that in the previous year.

In 2014, the highlight must be the production of Bahia, where the expected increase of output if 987,324 tonnes in relation to 2013 (86.1%). Pará, the main producer, with participation of 20.5% in the national output, informed a production estimate of 4,681,102 tonnes, whereas Paraná, the second main producer, with participation of 18.2%, had an estimated production of 4,147,383 tonnes.


SOYBEAN GRAIN - The estimated soybean output for 2014 is 88,635,166 tonnes, pointing to increase of 9.0% in comparison with that of 2013. The area planted with this crop is expected to reach 28,936,803 ha, with increase of 4.2%. In the present prospect, all the states which had this crop were expecting increase of output in comparison with 2014. However, the highlights are Piauí and Bahia, with expected increase of 92.6% and 28.9%, respectively.



The eleventh estimate of the national harvest of grains, legumes and oilseeds[1] accounted for 186.8 million tonnes, 15.4% higher than that of 2012 (161.9 million tonnes), and with a  drop of 21,729 tonnes in relation to October's estimate (-0.0%). The estimate of the area to be harvested in 2013 (52.7 million ha) grew 7.9% over 2012 (48.8 million ha) and fell 12,810 ha in relation to the estimated area in the previous month (-0.0%). Together, rice, corn and soybeans, the three major products in this group, amounted to 92.8% of the estimate of the output and 86.2% of the area to be harvested. In relation to harvested areas in 2012, there were area increments of 7.6% for corn, 11.2% for soybeans and a decrease of 0.8% for rice. Concerning the output in relation to 2012, the increases were of 2.4% for rice, 12.8% for corn and 23.8% for soybeans. The complete publication can be accessed at

Among the Major Regions, the produced volume of cereals, legumes and oilseeds recorded the following distribution: Central-West, 78.4 million tonnes; South Region, 72.2 million tonnes; Southeast, 19.6 million tonnes; Northeast, 12.0 million tonnes and North, 4.6 million tonnes. In relation to last harvest, there were hikes of 10.8% in the Central-West Region, 30.7% in the South; 1.9% in the Southeast and 1.4% in the Northeast. The North Region recorded decrease of 3.8%.  In this evaluation for 2013, Mato Grosso was the leader in terms of production of grains, with participation of 24.6%, followed by Paraná (19.5%) and Rio Grande do Sul (15.8%), which, together, represented 59.9% of the expected national overall output.