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Unemployment rate: 5.4% in September

October 24, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: April 24, 2018 06h36 PM


The number of unemployed persons (those without work who are trying to join the job market) in September 2013 was estimated at 1.3 million persons in the group of six areas surveyed, reflecting stability in the comparison with August 2013 and also versus September last year. In the comparison with September 2012, there was increase of the number of unemployed persons in the metropolitan area of Salvador (54.7% or 67 thousand persons) and stability in the others.  


Employment level stays at 54.0%

The employment level (proportion of employed persons in relation to those at working age) was estimated at 54.0% for the group of six metropolitan areas, not recording change over August 2013. In the comparison with September 2012 (54.5%), this indicator decreased by 0.5 percentage points. In the monthly comparison, there was stability in all the areas. Compared to September 2012, this indicator recorded decrease in Belo Horizonte and in Recife (3.1 and 1.6 percentage points, respectively) and in the other areas there was no significant change.

An analysis of employed persons by group of activity, from August to September 2013, shows there were no significant changes in any of the groups surveyed in the six metropolitan areas. In comparison with September 2012, there was increase in Education, Health, Public administration (3.8%) and decrease of Domestic services (-10.6%), whereas the other groups did not record any statistically significant change.


Annual comparison: average income  increases in four of the six areas

By areas, in relation to August, the income of workers increased in the metropolitan areas of Salvador (1.9%), Rio de Janeiro (2.4%) and São Paulo (1.0%). There was stability in Recife and in Belo Horizonte and decline in Porto Alegre (2.0%).  In comparison with September 2012, there were increases in Rio de Janeiro (6.8%), Porto Alegre (3.5%), São Paulo (0.9%) and Belo Horizonte (0.5%).  It fell in Salvador (2.7%) and Recife (0.8%).  

In the classification by group of activity, for the group of six areas surveyed, the biggest increase of average income usually earned in relation to August 2013 came from Mining and quarrying industry (3.2%), and the biggest decrease was faced by Services rendered to enterprises (-2.5%).  In the annual comparison, there was increase of 5.1% in Domestic services and decrease in the group Services rendered to enterprises (-1.0%).

In the classification by categories of employment type, the biggest rise of average income usually earned took place among workers without an employment record card signed in the private sector, both in the monthly comparison (2.5%) and in the comparison with September 2012 (8.4%).  

The unemployment rate was estimated at 5.4%, without significant change over August 2013 (5.3%) and September 2012 (5.4%). The unemployed population (1.3 million persons) also recorded stability both in relation to August 2013 and to September in 2012. The employed population (23.2 million) did not change significantly in comparison with that of August 2014 and September 2012. The number of workers with an employment record card signed in the private sector (11.8 million) was stable in relation to August and increased 3.5% in the annual comparison, representing an additional 399 thousand job posts with a signed record card. The average real income usually earned by employed persons (R$ 1,908) increased 1.0% in relation to August (R$ 1,888.50) and 2.2% in relation to September 2012 (R$ 1,866.60). The volume of real income usually earned (44.7 billion) recorded hike of 0.9% over August 2013 and of 2.8% over September 2012. The volume of real income of the employed population (44.5 billion in August 2013) increased 0.9% versus that of July 2013 and 2.4% versus that of August last year.

The Monthly Employment Survey is conducted in the metropolitan areas of Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre. The complete publication can be seen at


Versus August results, unemployment is stable in all the areas

By area, in the monthly analysis, unemployment rate did not record any significant change. In comparison with September 2012, there was significant change only in Salvador, with increase from 6.2% to 9.3%.