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PPM 2011: cattle herd size rises 1.6% and reaches 212.8 million head

National cattle herd size reached 212.8 million head in 2011, with increase of 1.6% over 2010...

October 18, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2019 11h48 AM


National cattle herd size reached 212.8 million head in 2011, with increase of 1.6% over 2010, mainly in the Central West, North and Southeast Regions. The herd of buffaloes expanded by 7.8% in this period, amounting to 1.3 million head, concentrated in Pará (38.0%), Amapá (18.4%) and Maranhão (6.5%). The number of horses was 5.5 million head, in a sign of stability.  Also considering large-sized animals, decline was recorded by asses and mules (-0.7%).  In terms of middle-sized animals, hogs and pigs (0.9%) and goats (0.8%) changed positively, whereas sheep recorded the biggest level of increase (1.6%). Among small-sized animals, the ones recording increase were gallinaceous birds (2.2%), rabbits (3.2%), being a highlight the bigger number of quails (19.8%).


As for animal products, between 2010 and 2011, increase of output was observed in milk and hen’s eggs (both with 4.5%), quail eggs (12.1%), honey (9.4%) and wool (1.4%). Silkworm cocoon was the only item facing decrease of output (-11.8%). The production of bovine milk reached 32 million liters in 2011, recording increase of 4.5% over 2010.


These and other data are available in the survey Municipal Livestock Production (PPM) 2011, which presents information relative to the number of animal and animal products in Brazil, its Major Regions, Federation Units and municipalities.  The complete publication is available at



Herds of cattle and buffalos expand, herd of horses remains unchanged and herds of asses and mules face decrease


The Brazilian cattle herd ended 2011 with increase of 1.6% in relation 10 2010 (209.5 million), amounting to about 212.8 million head (totals refer to herds existing on December 31, 2011, whereas output is relative to year 2011). In 2011, Brazil was in the 2nd position in the world ranking of bovine cattle, being second to India. The latter had a herd formed by 324.5 million head, about 1.5 times bigger than that of Brazil, but it is not a commercial herd and also includes buffaloes.  The highlights in were China and the United States.


Herd was distributed by Region as follows: Central West (34.1%), North (20.3%), Southeast (18.5%0, Northeast (13.9%) and South (13.1%). The state of Mato Grosso (13.8%) had the biggest number of cattle, followed by Minas Gerais (11.2%), Goiás (10.2%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (10.1%). The ten main cattle-raising states concentrated 81.1% of the whole the national herd.


The expansion of bovine cattle was more significant between 2010 and 2011, in the Northeast (2.9%), Southeast (2.8%) and North (2.7%), where the main highlights were recorded in Pará and Rondônia. Considering municipalities, São Félix do Xingu held the biggest number of animals or 1.0% of the national total, followed by Corumbá (MS) and Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS). Esses municípios conservaram, em 2011, as mesmas posições ocupadas em 2010. Destaque para o ganho de posição de Altamira (PA), que passou da 28ª para a 12ª posição, em 2011.

The total of buffaloes in 2011 was 1.3 million head, with increase of 7.8% over 2010. Buffaloes were concentrated in the North and Northeast of the country, with the main figures recorded in Pará (38.0%), Amapá (18.4%) and Maranhão (6.5%).

The municipalities of Chaves (PA), Cutias (AP) and Soure (PA) were the ones holding the biggest totals of buffaloes.  The main 20 buffalo-raising municipalities represent 52.4% of the national total for this species.

The total number of horses in 2011 was 5.5 million head, recording some stability in relation to 2010 (-0.1%). The total was concentrated in the Southeast (24.4%) and in the Northeast (24.3%).  Cattle was mainly found in the states of Minas Gerais (14.3%), Bahia (10.1%) and Rio Grande do Sul (8.6%).

The total of asses in 2011 was 974.5 thousand animas, with decrease of 2.7% in relation to 2010. These animals were mainly found in the Northeast of the country, especially in Bahia (26.1%), followed by Ceará (19.8%) and Piauí (12.2%).  The municipalities of Petrolina (PE), Feira de Santana (BA) and Boa Viagem (CE) were those with the biggest concentration of this kind of herd. 

Mules recorded slight percent decrease compared to the figure of 2010. There were a total 1.3 million head. The state of Bahia had 21.6% of the national total, followed only by Minas Gerais (12.4%) and Pará (8.3%).  Destacaram-se os municípios de São Félix do Xingu (PA), Novo Repartimento (PA) e Una (BA).


Medium-sized animals:  number of hogs and pigs and sheep increase; goats remain unchanged

The total hogs and pigs recorded increase of 0.9% in 2011 compared with the figure in 2010. This species had 39.3 million head, including in this amount 4,806 breeding sows (12.2%) of the total, which maintained the stability of their herd compared to 2010. The biggest number of hogs and pigs was found in the South of the country (48.6%). Santa Catarina accounted for 20.3% of the national total, being followed by Rio Grande do Sul (14.4%), Paraná (13.9%) and Minas Gerais (128%).

The municipalities which held the biggest number of hogs and pigs were Uberlândia (MG), Rio Verde (GO), Toledo (PR) and Concórdia (SC), where there are big cold stores.  A highlight is the rise in the ranking of Marechal Cândido Rondon (PR), which went from the 30th position to the 5th in 2011, due to the opening of new poultry farms.

The total of goats was3.9 million head in 2011, remaining almost unchanged if compared to the figure in 2010. Bahia held 29.2%of the total for this species, being followed by Pernambuco (20.5%0 and Piauí (14.7%). The five states with the biggest totals held 81.8% of the national herd.  The biggest number of goats was found in Casa Nova (BA), Floresta (PE) and Sertânea (PE), which rose two positions in the national ranking.  Juazeiro (BA), on the other hand, fell by two positions.  The 20 main municipalities concentrated 22.6% of the total in the country.

The total of goats was 17.6 million head, which represented 1.6% over the figure in 2010. The state of Rio Grande do Sul held 22.6% of the national herd.  It was followed by Bahia (17.4%) and Ceará (12.1%).  In Rio Grande do Sul, the main objective of the herd is wool production, whereas in the Northeast it is the production of meat.  The first five stets held 70.6% of the national herd of goats. In terms of municipalities, the main highlights were: Santana do Livramento, Alegrete and Uruguaiana (all of them in RS) and Casa Nova (BA).  Uruguaiana (RS) climbed positions considering 2010, when it was in the 5th place at national level.  São Gabriel (RS) also climbed positions, having changed from the 12th, in 2010, to the 7th, in 2011. The first 20 municipalities with the biggest gains concentrated 18.22% of the Brazilian herd.


Small-sized animals:  gallinacean, quails and rabbits record increase, mainly quails, by 19.8% 

Gallinaceous animals (hens, roosters, chickens, pullets, etc) made up 1,266 billion units in 2011, with increase of 2.2% over the total recorded in 2010. Part of this total corresponded to hens (17.1%) and the rest to roosters, chickens, chicks.

 Paraná held the biggest number of chicks (22.3%).  The biggest totals by municipality were in Pará de Minas, which was in the 4th position in 2010, Rio Verde (GO) and Amparo (SP).  Another highlight is Uberlândia (MG), which went from the 22nd to the 6th position in 2011. The number of hens increased by 2.6% in 2011, with a total 216.2 million animals, being São Paulo (20.7%0 the main contributor, in this case, followed by Paraná (11.6%) and Minas Gerais (10.0%).

Bastos (SP), Santa Maria do Jetibá (ES), primavera do Leste (MT) and e Itanhandu (MG) formed the ranking of Brazilian municipalities with the biggest number of these animals.  The production of hens was widespread over the territory, and the 20 main municipal totals represented only 23.8% of the national figure. Considering the totals of animals, quails (19.8%) recorded, in 2011, the biggest increase.  The major sites for the raining and caring of quails were located in São Paulo (46.4%), followed by  Santa Catarina (11.3%), Espírito Santo (11,1%) e Minas Gerais (7,2%).

Bastos (SP), Iacri (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), Videira (SC) and Parapuã (SP) were the municipalities with the biggest municipal figures. The number of rabbits reached 233.6 thousand units in 2011, with increase of 3.2% over 2010. The biggest number was found in Rio Grande do Sul (40.3%), Paraná (17.9%) and Santa Catarina (16.7%), with 74.9% of the national total for these animals.  In municipal terms, the main national total was found in Araricá (RS), which has, as its main activity, the raining and commercialization of matrices, rabbits for slaughtering and shops for the sale of small animals; then featured Mogi das Cruzes (SP) and Paula Freitas (PR).  The 20 main municipalities represent 24.3% of the total in Brazil.


Production of milk increased by 4.4% in 2011, with gain of 3.1% in productivity

The total production of milk, as shown in the survey, amounted to 32.0 billion liters in 2011, with increase of 4.5% in relation to 2010. From this total, 67.9% were acquired by dairy companies which work under sanitary inspections, according to the Quarterly Survey of Milk Production (IBGE).  The rest of this production was directed to self-consumption, non-industrial production of cheese and dairy products, losses, etc.  The highlights were Minas Gerais, with participation of 27.3% in production, followed by Rio Grande do Sul (12.1%), Paraná (11.9%) and Goiás (10.9%).  These states concentrated 62.1% of all the milk produced in the country.

By comparing the amounts produced of 2011 and 2010, it is important to mention the increased production of cow’s milk in Goiás (9.0%), Rio Grande do Sul (6.8%), Paraná (6.2%) and Minas Gerais (4.4%), as well as decreases by 12.0%, recorded in Rondônia and 4.6% in Bahia, besides the relative stability reached by the production of São Paulo.

The three biggest municipalities in terms of milk production in Brazil were Castro (PR), Patos de Minas (MG) and Jataí (GO), which featured in the same positions as in the previous year.  Carambeí (PR) went from the 12th to the 5th position in the national ranking of milk production, due to the expansion of milk producing activity to supply the demand of milk industry in the area. On the other hand, Piracanjuba (GO) lost positions, and went from the 4th (2010) to the 7th position (2011), relative to 2010. The average national productivity of milk was 1 382 liters/cow/year.


Production of eggs, wool and honey increase, whereas silkworm cocoon face decrease

The production of hen’s eggs was 3.3 billion dozens of eggs, in 2011, 4.5% above that of 2010. Prices, in this comparison, recorded increase of 6.1%, having changed from R$ 1.77 to R$ 1.87 per dozen. São Paulo, Paraná and Minas Gerais represented, respectively, 26.0%, 11.5% and 10.8% of the national output. The municipalities of Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), Itanhandu (MG) and Primavera do Leste (MT) were those with the biggest productions at national level.

The production of quail's eggs in 2011 was  260.4 million dozens, what is equivalent to 12.0% more than the volume of 2010. The average price of the product faced increase of 5.8% from one year to the other, having changed from R$ 0.78 to R$ 0.83 per dozen in 2011. São Paulo was the biggest producer of quail eggs in the country, having contributed with 60.4% to the national total.  Espírito Santo (10.1%) came in the seconc position, and Minas Gerais (8.5%) in third.  At municipal level, the biggest productions came from São Paulo:  Bastos, Iacri and Parapuã.

The production of wool got 1.4% bigger in 2011, compared with the figure in 2010. A total 11.8 thousand metric tons of the product were recorded, with a 35% rise in the price (from R$ 4.39 to R$ 5.96 per kg).  

The municipalities of Santana do Livramento, Alegrete and Uruguaiana, in Rio Grande do Sul, accounted for the biggest national productions.  Considering as a basis the first 50 municipalities in terms of wool production, it is possible to see that they are all located in Rio Grande do Sul, confirming, this way, the importance of this state.

The production of honey, in 2011, reached 41.5 thousand metric tons, being 9.4% bigger than in the previous year.  Prices, on the contrary, fell by about 3.0% in the comparison between these two years.  Rio Grande do Sul represented 16.8% of the national production of honey, followed by Paraná (12.5%) and by Piauí (12.3%).  In municipal terms, the highlights were Araripina (PE), Limoeiro do Norte (CE) and Picos (PI).

The national production of silkworm cocoon was 3.2 thousand metric tons in 2011. This figure points to increase in production by 11.8% relative to year 2010. The fact that producers from the São Paulo state have abandoned this activity due to the low financial reward was the main reason for these decreases, 44.2% in São Paulo and 7.7% in Paraná.  In terms of prices there was rise of the kg of product traded in the national market, by about 25.0%.  Productions of this species only took place in 3 states:  Paraná (91%), São Paulo (5.8%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (3.1%).  Among the municipalities, the biggest productions were those of Nova Esperança, with 14.0% of the national output, Alto Paraná and Astorga, in Paraná.