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IPCA of September stays at 0.57%

The Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA – recorded a change of 0.57% in September and stood...

October 05, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2019 03h54 PM



The Extended National Consumer Price Index - IPCA – recorded a change of 0.57% in September and stood 0.16 percentage points above the rate of 0.41% recorded in August. With September’s result, the accumulated of the year closed at 3.77%, above the 4.97% relative to the same period of 2011. Considering the last 12 months, the index was at 5.28%, a little above the 5.24% relative to the 12 immediately previous months. In September 2011, the rate was at 0.53%.

The complete publication of the survey can be accessed at


The results by group of products and services surveyed are as it follows:



Food products still peak the group’s results, up 1.26%. Besides posting the highest result, the group food and beverages stayed 0.38  percentage points above the 0.88% rate of the previous month.  With an impact of 0.30 percentage points of impact, the sector was responsible for 53% of  September’s IPCA , more than half of it. In the metropolitan regions of Recife and Fortaleza the increase reached 2.01% and 2.04%, respectively. The smallest price increase in food was recorded in Curitiba, as opposed to the previous month, when it was responsible for the highest result (1.30%); nevertheless, the high reached 0.90%.

Tomatoes (leading the main individual impacts on the latest months’ indexes) has reversed the price growth phase and presented a fall of 12.88%. Even though it exerted the main down impact in September (-0.05 percentage points), other food products had a strong influence on the index.   The main item was meat, whose prices rose 2.27%, generating a 0.06 percentage points impact on the IPCA, individually, the greatest one. Strong rises were recorded in family’s basic food products, such as rice, whose prices increased 8.21%, on average, achieving 12.63% in the metropolitan region of Belém. The highlights are the French roll, 3.17% more expensive, and pullet, which rose 4.66%. The main food products which rose are in the following table:



Among the other groups of products and services that increased more in September than in August, the highlight is Housing, which, with a change of 0.71%, showed a growth of 0.49 percentage points in relation to the 0.22% rate of the previous month. The  expenses with Housing rose mostly influenced by the increases registered in electricity (from -0.83% in August  to 0.83% in September), housing rent (from 0.43% to 0.61%), condominium fees (from 1.06% to 1.19%), water and sewage (from 1.04% to 0.92%) and cooking gas (from -0.48% to 1.27%).  In the item electricity, the increase is attributable to the rise of 12.17% occurred in Goiânia (6.68%)  on September 12, to the rise of 6.83% in Belém (1.72%) in force since August 7, as well as tax increases in other regions. In sewage and water, the increase was exerted by the 13.85% adjustment in the fees in Rio de Janeiro (1.59%) in force since August 1st, as well as in São Paulo (2.79%), where the 5.10% adjustment was set on September 11.

Personal expenses also rose, from 0.73% in September against 0.42% in August. That is due, basically, to the item recreation (from -0.54% to 0.79%) and domestic workers (from 1.11% to 1.24%).

The estimate of the workers in Rio de Janeiro, exceptionally, resulted from the accumulated index of August and September (3.59%) obtained from the Monthly Employment Survey (PME) of June and July, removing the change that had been appropriate in the IPCA of August (0.50%). That generated the 3.08% change in September. By the way, still in Rio de Janeiro, for the item “manpower for small repairs”, in the group Housing, the procedure was the same. The accumulated of August and September (-2.63%) minus the appropriate change of the IPCA of August (0.50%) generated as a result -3.12% in September.

In the group of apparel, which rose to 0.89% against the 0.19% of August due to the new collection in the market, the highlights are footwear (from 0.49% to 1.06%) and women’s clothes (from -0.17% to 1.04%).

Thus, considering the non-food products, the change was of 0.36%, above the 0.27% of August.

Transports (from 0.06% in August to – 0.08% in September) have been falling due to the influence of several items, principally used automobiles (from 0.15% in April to -1.62%), car repair (from 0.67% to -0.55%) and gasoline (from -0.09% to -0.13%). Besides, important items, like urban bus fees (from 0.46% to 0.08%) and voluntary insurance (from 0.98% to 0.35%) showed a slower price growth from one month to the other.

In house appliances (from 0.40% to 0.18%) the highlight was the drop in TV, sound and computer equipment (from -0.31% to -1.10%), as well the deceleration in the rates of items such as house appliances (from 0.68% to 0.44%).

In the expenses with health and personal care (from 0.53% in August to 0.32% in September), the influence came from medicine (from 0.48% to 0.03%), whose prices did not rise, and of personal hygiene products (from 0.52% to 0.27%), which recorded a lower price growth.

Among the regional indexes, the largest came from Recife (0.79%) where food products rose 2.01% with an impact of 0.51 percentage points, accounting for 65% of the region’s index. The lowest was seen in Curitiba (0.29%) mostly due to the result of new (-0.77%) and used automobiles (-1.73%), which became much cheaper in September, as well as to the decrease in the prices of gasoline (0.67%) and ethanol (-0.61%).   The table with the results by region is as it follows:




IPCA has been calculated by IBGE since 1980. It refers to families with monthly income of one to 40 minimum wages, whatever the source, and it encompasses nine metropolitan regions in the country, besides the municipalities of Goiânia and Brasília. In order to estimate the index of the month, the prices collected from August 28 to September 27 of 2012 (reference) were compared with the prices in force from July 28 to August 27 of 2012 (base).


INPC changed 0.63% in September

The National Consumer Price Index - INPC recorded a change of 0.63% in September and stood 0.18 percentage points above the result of 0.45% of August. As a consequence, the accumulated index of the year closed at 4.11%, below the rate of 4.61% relative to the same period of 2011. Considering the last 12 months, the index was at 5.58%, above the immediately previous twelve months (5.39%). In September 2011, the INPC had been at 0.45%.

Food products recorded a change of 1.40% in September, while non-food products increased by 0.32%. In August, the results had been 0.89% and 0.27%, respectively.

Among the regional indexes, the greatest ones occurred in Belém e Goiânia, both with 0.80%, due to the result in food products and electricity. In Belém, food products rose 1.12% and in Goiânia, 1.24%.  As to electricity, in Belém (1.66%) the adjustment complementation of 6.83% was appropriate and in force since August 7. Concerning Goiânia, the change of electricity was of 6.66%, reflecting the 12.17% adjustment occurred on September 12.  The lowest regional index came from Brasília (0.33%).  The table with the results by region is as it follows: