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2010 PAS: Sector of services recovers from economic crisis

After a real growth of 6.4% in the net operating revenue in 2009, the sector of services posted again...

September 26, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2019 04h33 PM


After a real growth of 6.4% in the net operating revenue in 2009, the sector of services posted again, in 2010, a rise of 11.0%, close to the figure obtained in 2008 (11,4%), which is an evidence of the sector’s recovery from the world economic crisis initiated in the second semester of 2008. From 2007 to 2010, the net revenue of the service firms accumulated a real growth of 31.6%. But in four segments the accumulated change was higher than that result:  maintenance and repair services (63.0%); real estate activities (59.8%); services rendered mainly to families (44,9%) and professional, administrative and complementary services (44.9%).

Such data are gathered in the 2010 Annual Survey of Services (PAS), which provides information on the productive structure of nonfinancial services in Brazil. The publication also reveals that, in 2010, the 992.808 companies surveyed obtained R$ 869.3 billion of net operating revenue and generated R$ 510.4 billion of value added, employed 10.622 thousand persons and spent R$ 172,5 billion in wages, withdrawals and other compensation.  The 54.827 companies that employed 20 persons or over accounted for 5.5% of the total and were responsible for 77.9% of the revenue (R$ 677.0 billion), 73.2% of the value added (R$ 373.6 billion), 66.0% of the employed persons (7,012 thousand) and 76.1% of the annual payroll (R$ 131.3 billion).

Even though the majority of the firms were in the segment of services rendered to families (310,958 or 31.3% of the total) transportation and auxiliary services to transportation and mailing activities accounted for the greatest share of the revenue in the sector (R$ 251.1 billion or 28.9% of the total). The other highlights, concerning the revenue, were information and communication services  (R$ 233.5 billion or 26.9% of the total) and professional, administrative and complementary services (R$ 220.8 billion or 25.4% of the total). Together, those three segments were responsible for 81.2% of the net operating revenue of services.

Conversely, the accumulated change of the gross revenue of service enterprises from 2007 to 2010 in Brazil was at 31.8%. The Northeast Region obtained in the period the sharpest rise, 36.1%. Piauí posted the greatest growth in the country (50.2%).

The complete publication of 2010 PAS is available at

Food sector generates a R$ 55.7 billion revenue in 2010

Among the services rendered mainly to families, the food activity stood out as the most important in terms of revenue generation, value added, wages, employed persons and number of enterprises. The 193,309 companies of the activity (62.2%) obtained R$ 55.7 billion of net operating revenue (64.5%), employed 1.398 thousand persons (61.8%) and spent R$ 13.1 billion (60.2%) in wages, withdrawals and other compensation. But the accommodation services were the ones with the greatest average of employed persons by enterprise, 12, while the segment’s average was seven. Additionally, they held the biggest average wages, 1.6 minimum wages.  Cultural and recreational activities and sports revealed the highest productivity (R$ 30.1 thousand), whereas the set of all services rendered to families was at R$ 21.1 thousand.

Telecommunication revenue reaches 131.0 billion in 2010


In the information and communication sector, the activity of telecommunication, with  its  3,663 enterprises, accounting for 4.5 % of the segment, was responsible for the greatest share of the net operating revenue of the sector (R$ 131.0 billion or 56.1%). The activity also stood out with the greatest average of employed persons by enterprise (44, against 10 in the segment), the highest average wages (6.3 minimum wages), above the average of the information and communication services (5.8), and the biggest productivity (R$ 382.6 thousand), also above the average of R$ 148.0 thousand.  The information technology services reached the highest contributions in the number of enterprises, (64.5%, 52,723), in the employed persons (48.7%, 389,881) and in the annual payroll (52.6%, R$ 16.2 billion).

Professional, administrative and complementary services pay R$ 61.2 billion in wages, withdrawals and other compensation in 2010

Besides being very expressive in terms of revenue and number of enterprises (296,944 or 29.9% of the total), professional, administrative and complementary services posted the biggest share of value added, of the annual payroll and of the employed persons of the service overall.  They generated R$ 166.5 billion of value added (32.6%), spent R$ 61.2 billion in wages, withdrawals and other compensation (35.5%) and employed 4,320 thousand persons (40.7%) in 2010.

The technical-professional activities, accounting for half of the enterprises in the sector (148,607), obtained R$ 89.9 billion of net operating revenue (40.7%), paid R$ 20.1 billion (32.9%) in wages, withdrawals and other compensation and, employed 870,699 thousand persons (20.2%). They were only surpassed by services for buildings and landscape architectural activities, which employed 917,180 (21.2%).


 As they demand a more qualified labor force, the techno professional services also presented the highest wage average, 3.5 minimum wages, while the general average was at 2.1, and the greatest productivity, R$ 76.7, against the segment’s overall of R$ 38.6 thousand. As to the average of employed persons,  investigation, surveillance, security and transportation services reached the average of 130 employed persons by enterprise, and the services of recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel, 127; while the segment’s average was 15.  

Road Transportation employs 1.5 million persons

Among the services of transportation and auxiliary services of transportation and mailing, the road transportation of passengers and cargo registered the highest contribution to the net revenue, 54.5% or 136.9 billion.  This activity, which comprises the greatest number of enterprises in the segment (79.6% or 117,077), was responsible for the major part of the annual payroll (52.3% of the total, R$ 22.4 billion) and of the employed persons (66.7% of the total, 1.5 million). The pipeline transportation recorded the greatest productivity, R$ 656.9 thousand, while the segment obtained R$ 55.4 thousand, and the biggest average wage, 17.8 minimum wages, against the average of 2.9 for the set of transportation. This activity employed, on average, 820 persons by enterprise, above the group average (15) and only below the figure posted by subway and railway transportation, 976 persons.   

Among real estate activities, purchase, sale and rental generate highest revenue

Among the real estate activities, purchase, sale and rental of own properties, with 16,683 enterprises (59,4%), generated a R$ 13.7 billion revenue (68.8%). The majority of the employed persons were at the intermediation activity, which employed 84,149 persons (57.3%). The annual payroll had a homogeneous distribution. Real estate purchase, sale and rental paid R4 1.1 billion (45.0%) in wages, withdrawals and other compensation, whereas intermediation spent R$ 1.3 billion (55.0%). The highest productivity and the biggest average wages were in the activity of real estate purchase, sale and rental (respectively, R$ 169.6 thousand and 2.6 minimum wages).  The intermediation in the real estate purchase, sale and rental recorded the highest average of the employed persons by company, seven, while the segment’s average was five.


Vehicle maintenance and repair generated a R$ 7.7 billion revenue in 2010

Among the maintenance and repair services, the activity vehicle maintenance and repair presented the greatest share of the enterprises (54,956 or 56.3%), of the revenue (7.7 billion or 50.2%), of the annual payroll (R$ 2.4 billion or 50.8%) and of the employment (226,868 or 56.7% of the employed persons). Conversely, the maintenance and repair of computers and communication equipment had a higher productivity (R$ 38.7 thousand) than the one posted by the segment (R$ 24.3 thousand) and paid, on average, 2.2 minimum wages, while the average wage of the set of the maintenance and repair service was 1.7.  

Services of sewage and material collection, treatment and disposal employed 222.731 persons

Among the other service activities, the services of sewage and material collection, treatment and disposal employed 222.731 persons, or 48.0%. This activity stood out as well with the greatest number of employed persons by enterprise, 47, while the average of the segment was 15. The 20,727 enterprises of financial auxiliary services, insurance and complementary pension (68.1%) registered R$ 26.3 billion of the revenue (61.9%) and R$ 4.7 billion of the annual payroll (53.7%).  They have also boosted the productivity, R$ 122,8 thousand, whereas that of the set of the service activities was R$ 63.539, and reached the highest average wages, 4.5 minimum wages, against the overall average of 2.9.

Professional, administrative and complementary services employed the greatest number of persons in all Major Regions

The Southeast region concentrated, in 2010, 66.9% of the gross revenue of the enterprises that render nonfinancial services in Brazil (R$ 647.3 billion); 67.2% of the wages, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 115.9 billion); 60.3% of the employed persons (6.4 million). Right after, comes the South region, with 14.2% of the revenue (R$ 137.6 billion); 14.1% of the wages (R$ 24.4 billion); 15.8% of the employed persons (1.7million).  In relation to the average wages, the Southeast region was the only one to present an average wage (2.7 minimum wages) above the Brazilian average which was 2.4. The Northeast region recorded the lowest average wage (1.8 minimum wages).

Professional, administrative and complementary services were responsible for the greatest share of employed persons all over the country, going from 34.3%, in the South, to 44.8%, in the North. The contribution of transportation and auxiliary services to transportation in the total employment of services was also significant in all regions, going from 17.8%, in the Northeast and 24.9%, in the South. The services rendered to families helped generating job posts, with a contribution oscillating from 18.6%, in the North, and 23.4%, in the Northeast.

Net revenue posts once again a rise of 11.0% in 2010

In relation to 2010, the sector of services revealed a recovery trend in relation to 2009, when the crisis impact was felt in the sector.  The real growth of the net revenue of services, which between 2007 and 2008 had hit 11.4%, in the two following years shrank to 6.4% and, in the last two years, regained a figure close to the initial one (11.0%).   The gross value added, the annual payroll and employment followed  the same trend, but reached, in the end of the series, growth rates higher than those of 2007-2008. In the case of value added, the positive change of 12.0% in those two years fell to 7.3% in 2008-2009, and rose to 16.1%, in 2009-2010. The growth rate of wages, withdrawals and other compensations (11.7% in 2007-2008 and  7.6% in 2008-2009) rose to 14.8%, in 2009-2010. The growth rate of the number of employed persons (8.5%, in 2007-2008) decelerated to 6.4% in 2008-2009, and reached 10.2% in the following two years.From 2007 to 2010, the productivity of services recorded a real growth, from R$ 43.8 thousand to R$ 48.1 thousand. There was also a reduction in the proportion of the value added destined to wages, which fell from 34.2%, in 2007, to 33.8%, in 2010. The average wages, in minimum wages, also posted a drop, from 2.6 to 2.4.  

Among the activities, the highlights are information and communication services, which, in all surveyed years, posted the highest productivity and the biggest average wages (in minimum wages). Their productivity, which was at R$ 137.3 thousand in 2007, reached R$ 148.0 thousand in 2010, whereas the average wages paid in their activities kept the figure of 5.8 minimum wages. The maintenance and repair services reached the highest ratio between wages and value added, 54.7%, in 2007, and 47.5%, in 2010.

Northeast region had greatest accumulated change in gross revenue of services

The accumulated change in the gross revenue of enterprises and services in Brazil was at 31.8%. Twelve states were below that average. São Paulo, Santa Catarina and Tocantins grew between 31.1% and  33.0%. Nine other Federation Units had rises between 33.1% and 42.0%. Maranhão had the highest rate (41.8%) and Mato Grosso do Sul, the lowest (33.7%).

Four states in the Northeast region register changes higher than 42.0%.  

Piauí had the highest growth of the revenue (50.2%). The Northeast region obtained, in the period, the greatest accumulated change in the gross revenue of services, 36.1%, concentrating the greatest part of the Federation Units with changes above 33.1%.

From 2007 to 2010, the number of employed persons in services changed 27.3%, with a highlight to the Northeast region, where the rise was of 34.8%. There was a reduction in the growth pace of the employed persons in 2008-2009, in all Major Regions, except for the North. The highest wages averages were in the Southeast region (2.9 minimum wages, in 2007, and 2.7, in 2010), which was also the only one to record an average above the service overall (2.6, in 2007 and 2.4, in 2010). The Southeast registered the lowest relative fall in this indicator, whereas the highest reduction occurred in the North region (from 2.2 minimum wages to 2.0).