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PAIC 2010: incorporation, works and services of construction industry reached R$ 258.8 billion, 23.3% more than in 2009

In 2010, incorporation, works and services of construction industry reached R$ 258.8 billion...

June 15, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 27, 2019 11h26 AM


In 2010, incorporation, works and services of construction industry reached R$ 258.8 billion, with real increase of 23.3% over 2009. Except for real estate incorporation, the value of construction (works and services) reached R$ 250.00 billion, out of which R$ 170.0 billion (42.8%) came from public construction works, with a level of participation slightly below that of 2009 (44.0%). Net operating revenue was R$ 245.2 billion, recording real increase of 23.4% over the equivalent figure in 2009.  


The number of active companies with one or more employed persons in construction industry was 79.4 thousand in 2010, that is, 24.6% bigger than in 2009, 63.7 thousand companies, and 50.2% bigger than in  2007, when version 2.0 of the CNAE  (National Classification of Economic Activities was first used. 


In 2010, construction companies employed about 2.5 million persons and spent R$ 63.1 billion, what represented 30.7% of the total construction costs and expenses (R$ 205.6 billion).   Expenditure on salaries, withdrawals and other compensation amounted to R$ 41.9 billion, and the average salary was R$ 1,300, 8.7% higher compared with that of 2009 (R$ 1,196). The average salary paid in 2010 was almost the same as in the previous year, approximately 2.6 minimum wages per month.


The composition of gross revenue in the construction sector repeated, in 2010, the pattern of 2007, with rise of 96.3% in total gross revenue, from R$ 134 billion to R$ 263.1 billion.  Works and or services performed by construction companies, which, in 2007, represented 93.4% of the total revenue of the sector (R$ 125.2 billion), remained in the leadership in 2010, with 94.0% (R$ 247.3 billion).


Among the regions, the Southeast Region held the highest level of participation in terms of employed persons (56.1%) and of the value of incorporation, works and services of construction industry (63.6%) in 2010. However, the Northeast had the most significant increase between 2007 and 2010 (from 17% to 19% and from 11 to 13.8%, respectively).  The Central West Region also recorded increase, from 7.2% to 7.6% and from 6.8% to 7.4%.  Both Major Regions benefited from the investments for the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), which includes the project “My Home, My Life”, and for the World Cup in 2014.


In 2010, the value of incorporations, works and services performed for companies with 30 or more employees reached R$ 212.5 billion, what represented real increase of 20.9% over 2009 and of 61.5% over 2007.


These and other relevant data are available in the Annual Survey of Construction Industry (PAIC) 2010. It presents information about the business segment of construction industry all over the national territory, compared with data of 2009 and 2007, and with special highlight to companies which have 30 or more employed persons. 


The complete publication is available at







The number of active companies encompassed by the survey changed from 52.9 thousand in 2007, to 63.7 thousand in 2009 and to 79.4 thousand in 2010. This figure represented increase of 24.6% over 2009 and of 50.2% over 2007. 

In 2010, the 79.4 thousand companies of the construction segment performed incorporation, works and services which amounted to R$ 258.8 billion. That represented real increase of 23.3% over the previous year.  Except for incorporation, the value of construction works and services reached R$ 250.0 billion. Works contracted by government agencies made up R$ 107.0 billion out of this amount, and represented 42.8% of construction, a slightly smaller figure compared with that of 2009 (44.0%).  The net operating revenue was R$ 245.2 billion, recording real increase of 23.4% over 2009.


In 2010, construction companies employed about 2.5 million persons, versus 2.0 million persons employed in 2009 and had expenditure spent R$ 63.1 billion on personnel, that is, of 30.7% of the total costs and expenses of construction (R$ 205.6 billion).  Expenditure on salaries, withdrawals and other compensation amounted to R$ 41.9 billion, with an average wage of R$ 1,300, 8.7% higher in 2009 (R$ 1,196). The average figure paid in 2010 repeated the same result as in the previous year, approximately 2.6 monthly minimum wages.


Gross revenue of construction up 96.35 % between 2007 and 2010






Gross revenue in the construction sector repeated, in 2010, the pattern of 2007, with rise of 96.3%, from R$ 134 billion to R$ 263.1 billion.  Works and/or services performed by construction companies, which, in 2007, represented 93.4% of the total revenue of the sector (R$ 125.2 billion), remained in the leadership in 2010, with 94.0% (R$ 247.3 billion).


As in 2007, companies of infrastructure services were a highlight due to their bigger contribution to total gross revenue.  The R$ 114.3 billion represented 43.5% of the total gross revenue in 2010, 0.3 percentage points below the figure recorded in 2007 (R$ 58.7 billion). Companies in the building segment contributed with about R$ 107.0 billion in 2010, 40.7% of the total. They recorded increase of 1.6 percentage points in relation to 2007 (R$ 52.5 billion), whereas companies of specialized construction services, which had gross revenue of R$ 41.8 billion in 2010, accounted for 15.9% of the total, facing decrease in participation over 2007 (17.0%).


With reference to employed persons, companies with more than 250 or more employees, with bigger access to production and funding, accounted for a contribution of R$ 139.20 billion in 2010 and increased their participation from 47.8% in 2007 to 52.8% in 2010. Companies with 1 to 49 employed persons contributed, in 2010, with R$ 62.4 billion and R$ 61.7 billion. These companies faced decrease of participation in the total gross revenue, having changed from 26.1% to 23.7%, in the group with 1 to 49 employees, and from 26.1% to 23.5% among those with 50 to 150 employed persons.


Cost structure also recorded little little change in the comparison between 2007 and 2010, being the main highlight the group salaries, withdrawals and other compensation and the group outsourced works and services, which increased 1.0 percentage opints over the 2007 figure. In turn the group “other costs and expenses” lost 1.7 percentage points in the same period.


Machinery and equipment represented 50.7% of the investments


In 2010, the investments made in fixed assets for all the companies of the construction sector amounted to about R$ 7.4 billion, out of which 50.7% were in machinery and equipment, 21.6% in land and buildings, 21.0% in means of transportation and 6.7% in other acquisition (furniture, personal computers, etc.).  This structure repeats the ranking of 2007, with increase of participation of machinery and equipment by 5.8 percentage points and reduction of participation of other acquisition by 4.5 percentage points, in the period.


Value added of construction increased by 97.6% between 2007 and 2010


The value added of construction increased by 97.6% in the period 2007-2010, having changed from R$ 63.3 billion to R$ 125.1 billion.  In the division by activity, the construction of buildings recorded increase of 97.6%, from R$ 25.5 billion to R$ 50.1 billion; in infrastructure works, there was increase of 97.0%, from R$ 25.7 billion to R$ 50.6 billion; and specialized construction services recorded increase of 99.8%, having changed from R$ 12.2 billion to 24.4 billion.


Although the economy as a whole has faced a period of turmoil resulting from the world crisis between the last quarter of 2008 and the first semester of 2009, construction recorded continuous increase in the period 2007-2010, favored by several measures, as the end of IPI over construction material, increase of disbursement from BNDES, expansion of real estate credit and investment in PAC construction works, among others.

Governmental programs and construction works for the World Cup have led to increase the Northeast and Central West participation in construction industry


Among the regions, the Southeast held the highest level of participation in terms of employed persons (56.1%) and value of construction incorporation, works and services (63.6%) in 2010. However, the Northeast had the most significant increase between 2007 and 2010 (from 17% to 19% and from 11.7% to 13.8%). The Central West also recorded increase in participation, from 7.2% to 7.6%, and from 6.8% to 7.4%, respectively.  These regions have received investments from the initiative My Home My Life, of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), and from measures in preparation for the 2014 World Cup. The highlights, in the Northeast region, were the transposition of São Francisco River, the expansion of the sewage system for the marine outfall of Salvador, and the Transnordestina East-West Railway.  In the Central West, the highlights were the construction of the North-South Railway and the works for paving and duplication of several roads, among which can be mentioned BR-163, BR-158 and BR-364.

Value of incorporation, works and services of construction in companies with 30 or more employed persons increased 61.5% in four years  


In 2010, among the 74.9 thousand companies of construction industry, 11.8 thousand had 30 or more employed persons.  These companies form the certainty stratum of the survey and are always investigated thoroughly, whereas information on companies with fewer than 30 employed persons is collected by means of samples. 


The value of incorporation, works and/or services performed for companies with 30 or more persons employees reached R$ 212.5 billion, and recorded increase of 20.9% over 2009 and of 61.5% over 2007, not considering inflation effects. The value of incorporation of real estate enterprises was R$ 5.6 billion in 2010, representing 2.6% of the total value of incorporation, works and/or services, 2.7% above the 2009 figure and 2.7% above the 2007 one.


Residential construction works accounted amounted to R4 43.8 billion, and corresponded to 20.6% of the total in 2010 and to 15.1% of the total in 2007.  This gain in participation is mainly due to residential buildings, which changed from R$ 26.0 billion in 2009 to R$ 39.4 billion in 2010, having increased its participation from 15.8% to 18.5% in the total construction in these two years.  The increase is related to the expansion of real estate credit and the number of units funded, affected by the reduction of interest rates and increase of funding periods, increase of income and employment and changes in the regulatory framework of real estate credit.


Products in the group industrial, commercial and other non-residential buildings accounted from R$ 31.1 billion in 2010, representing 14.6% of the total works and/or services of construction, losing in participation in relation to years 2009 (18.9%) and 2007 (16.9%).  This reduced participation may have resulted from the decrease of construction of commercial buildings (shopping malls, supermarkets, stores, etc.), which changed from R$ 10.7 billion in 2009 to R$ 8.1 billion in 2010. On the other hand, construction of industrial buildings (factories, repair shops, industrial sheds, etc.) increased from R$ 8.9 billion to R$ 9.5 billion between 2009 and 2010; and of non-residential buildings (hospitals, schools, garages, stadiums, etc.), from R$ 6.7 billion to R$ 7.3 billion in the same period.


Infrastructure works, the group with the biggest participation in construction, in spite of having expanded the value of construction from R$ 81.7 billion (2009) to R$ 99.6 billion (2010) reduced its participation from 49.6% to 46.9%.  The main highlights were:  paving of roads (R$ 12.7 billion); construction of roads (R$ 7.7 billion); industrial plants and facilities (R$ 7.7 billion); hydroelectric stations and substations, plants, thermoelectric, nuclear and wind-power stations (R$ 6.1 billion); bridges, viaducts and tunnels (R$ 5.0 billion), pipelines - oil, gas and mineral pipes (R$ 4.8 billion); and streets, squares, sidewalks and other urbanization elements (R$ 4.6 billion).  


The group specialized construction services reached the figure of R$ 32.3 billion, corresponding to 15.2% of the costs of construction works and/or services in 2010, with participation above that of 2009 (13.3%), but below that of 2007 (16.2%). The products which represented the main highlights were excavation and earthmoving, with R$ 8.3 billion and administration of construction works (R$ 3.2 billion).