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Four capitals concentrate more than 40% of the accommodation capacity in the country

February 28, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 30, 2018 05h50 PM

The accommodation network of the 27 Brazilian capitals had 5,036 establishments, with 250,284 accommodation units... 

The accommodation network of the 27 Brazilian capitals has 5,036 establishments, with 250,284 accommodation units (suites, apartments, rooms and chalets) and 373.673 beds in 2011.

Most of the establishments are hotels (52.1%) with 50 accommodation units and 74 beds per establishment. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Belo Horizonte were leaders in the accommodation services sector, accounting for 40.7% of the total establishments, 45.8% of the accommodation units and 43.0% of the beds. Although most hotels (37.6%) fit in the budget category, 23.2% of the whole network present an inferior comfort/quality standard as to offered services (simple category). The establishments declared that only 1.3% of their accommodation units are adapted to disabled people or elderly. The positive highlights in terms of adapted units were São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Natal, Brasília and Maceió. Those were some of the results presented by the Survey of Accommodation Services (PSH 2011), conducted by IBGE in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism. The purpose is to portray the accommodation infrastructure in the country. The survey is available at 

The survey reveals that São Paulo has the biggest network of accommodation services of the country, with 972 establishments (19.3%), 54,065 accommodation units (21.6% of the total) and 73,488 beds (19.7%).

Rio de Janeiro follows that with 429 establishments (8.5%), 31,594 accommodation units (12.6%) and 45.416 beds (12.2%). Salvador, with 358 establishments (7.1%), and Belo Horizonte (5.8%), with 291 establishments, complete the top four ranking of the capitals with the highest accommodation capacity of the Brazilian capital municipalities. 

According to the survey, Salvador has 15,666 (6.3%) accommodation units with 22,366 beds (6.0%), while Belo Horizonte has 13,353 accommodation units (5.3%) and 19,031 beds (5.1%). Other capitals also present a significant contribution: Fortaleza, with 280 establishments (5.6%), 12,188 accommodation units (4.9%) and 19,745 beds (5.3%); Florianópolis, with 254 establishments (5.0%), 10,098 accommodation units (4.0%) and 20,060 beds (5.4%); Curitiba, with 242 establishments (4.8%), 12,780 accommodation units (5.1%) and 19,083 beds (5.1%) and Brasília, with 222 establishments (4.4%), 11,980 accommodation units (4.8%), 19,216 beds (5.1%). 

Three capitals of the North region present the smallest accommodation networks in the country: Boa Vista, with only 32 accommodation establishments (0.6%), 1,077 accommodation units (0.4%) and 1,726 beds (0.5%); Rio Branco, with 36 establishments (0.7%), 1,231 units (0.5%) and 2,047 beds (0.5%); and Macapá, with 41 establishments (0.8%), 1,247 units (0.5%) and 1,584 beds (0.4%). 

Hostels account for 1.9% of the accommodation network 

The accommodation network of the capitals is composed of 5,036 establishments. Hotels (including historic hotels, resorts and farm hotels) prevail, representing 52.1% of the total (2,627 hotels). The second most common type of establishment is the motel (1,184), representing 23.5%, followed by inns (714), representing 14.2%. Apartment hotels (4.2%), guesthouses (3.1%, including rooming and boarding houses) and hostels (1.9%) are less common. In the others group, camping grounds, dormitories and lodges total only 1.0%. 

The survey shows that Brasília has the highest proportion of hotels (67.1%), followed by Curitiba (62.4%), São Paulo (59.1%) and Rio de Janeiro (58.3%).

The distribution reveals the highest concentration of motels in Fortaleza (39.3%), followed by Belo Horizonte (34.0%) and Porto Alegre (32.1%). The highest percentage of inns was registered in Florianópolis (40.2%) and in the main capitals of the Northeast region: Natal (30.2%), Salvador (26.0%) and Fortaleza (21.4%). 

In absolute numbers, São Paulo (574) and Rio de Janeiro (250) registered the highest quantity of hotels. Boa Vista (16) and Rio Branco (20) recorded the lowest number of establishments. Concerning motels, São Paulo (264) leads the ranking, followed by Fortaleza (110), and Belo Horizonte (99). Florianópolis presented more inns (102) followed by Salvador (93 ).


Approximately 23% of the network presents a low comfort/quality services standard 

The accommodation establishments that responded to this survey considered some items to identify their comfort standard: decoration, furniture, appliances, amenities and assistance. 

The luxury category includes only 3.5% of the establishments.

The superior/ high comfort category accounted for 11.0%, while the tourist/average comfort category represented 24.7% of the total network. Most establishments (37.6%) fit in the budget category. The establishments in the simple category represent 23.2%. 

Although São Paulo has more establishments in the luxury and superior/high comfort categories (143 total), Rio de Janeiro presents the highest proportion of these establishments in its accommodation network (23.5%), followed by Curitiba (21.1%), Porto Alegre (21.0%) and Natal (19.8%). 

Among the capitals with the highest proportion of establishments in the tourist/average comfort category, Florianópolis (50.0%) is a highlight.

In absolute terms, São Paulo leads that category with 155 establishments, followed by Florianópolis (127) and Salvador (106). As to the budget category, São Paulo (359), Rio de Janeiro (133), Fortaleza (121), Salvador (115) and Belo Horizonte (105) have most of the establishments. Half of the network in this category is represented by hotels (975), followed by motels (515) and inns (288).

In absolute numbers, the low-comfort standard (simple and budget) total 3,064 establishments in the capitals: 1,446 hotels, 831 motels, 459 inns, 153 guesthouses, 94 hostels, only 35 apartment hotels, and 46 establishments of another type. Among the total establishments in the simple category, 315 are located in São Paulo, followed by Salvador (101), Rio de Janeiro (90) and Belo Horizonte (87). In percent terms, São Paulo (69.3%), Belo Horizonte (66.0%) and Fortaleza (60.7%) are more representative in relation to the budget and simple categories.

Rio de Janeiro presents the highest average of accommodation units per establishment

 Concerning the size of the accommodation establishments, the capitals registered, on average, 50 accommodation units (suites, apartments, rooms, chalets) per establishment.

The positive highlights were Rio de Janeiro, with an average of 74 units, followed by São Paulo (56), and Brasília, Natal and Porto Alegre, with 54 units on average. Rio de Janeiro is also a leader concerning the average number of beds per establishment (106). The average among the capitals is 74 beds per establishment. 

The average accommodation capacity (considering single and double beds) is of 110 guests per establishment in the capitals. The highlights are Rio de Janeiro (157), Natal (140) and Brasília (123). As a result, the total accommodation capacity is of 554,227 guests in the capitals. 

The survey also shows that 27.3% of the total establishments have 19 accommodation units maximum; 21.0%, 20 to 29 units; 23.1%, 30 to 49 units; and 28.6%, 50 or more units.

The highest proportion of establishments with more than 50 accommodation units is registered in Rio de Janeiro (50.0% of the total accommodation network of the municipality), 18.0% with 100 or more units and 32.0% with 50 to 99 units. Concerning 50 or more units, Curitiba, with 37.6%, and Porto Alegre, with 34.2%, register the second and third highest proportions. 

The smaller establishments (with 19 units maximum) are concentrated in Florianópolis (43.6%), Brasília (32.8%) and in the main capitals of the Northeast region: Fortaleza (34.2%), Salvador (32.2%) and Natal (29.7%). Most establishments with 20 to 49 accommodation units are located in São Paulo (49.6% of its accommodation network), Fortaleza (46.4%) and Belo Horizonte (45.8%). 

The survey reveals that 1.3% of the 250,284 accommodation units are adapted to disabled or elderly people.

In absolute terms, São Paulo (511 units) and Rio de Janeiro (272 units) concentrate most adapted accommodation units, followed by Natal (237), Brasília (220) and Maceió (219). Macapá, with 14 adapted units, Boa Vista (15) and Vitória (26) are the capitals with the smallest number of adapted units. In percent terms, Maceió (3.4%), Teresina (2.8%), Porto Velho and Aracaju (both with 2.5%) register the highest proportions of adapted units.