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IBGE makes available the vector files of the Influence Regions of the Cities (REGIC) survey

Section: Geosciences

June 22, 2011 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 11, 2018 03h29 PM


The Coordination of Geography of IBGE makes available today (06/22/2011) the vector files of the data and information assessed in the Influence Regions of the Cities 2007 survey. The survey included all metropolis and regional capitals of the country, encompassing 81 urban centers.

The files ease the manipulation and visualization of the results of REGIC, as they are presented by urban center in vector format (lines and points) ready for mapping. To read this type of file, specific software (not provided by IBGE) should be used. This way, users can map and visualize the cities of their direct interest, not having to conduct complex filtering.

The material can be downloaded at ( and it is available as a service at INDE – National Spatial Data Infrastructure ( 

The information presented sheds a light on spatial dynamics, by supporting studies on urban network, transportation demands, population migration and market dynamics, to be compared with the previous patterns of the national territory.

It also suits practical purposes, such as decisions concerning the best locations for economic activities and services for the population (schools, hospitals, airports, bus lines etc.).

There are four groups of files for each one of the 81 centers.

The "Rede_Regic_Final" and "Centralidade 2007" files present the hierarchical classification of each center in the urban network and a series of socioeconomic variables of interest. The "Redes_questionário" file displays the flux of people from one center to the other for the acquisition of goods and services, and the "Ligações_Entre_Centros" file shows the relations of subordination between cities in the managing networks of public institutions and private companies . Those files can be downloaded by center or for the whole Brazil.

The REGIC displays the networks composed of the main urban centers of the country. It, particularly, provides information on the presence of Executive or Justice offices and big companies as well as on the offer of superior education, health services and Internet coverage.

Such networks, sometimes, override the official territorial division, establishing strong influence ties between cities located even in different Federation Units. Further information can be obtained in the release of the survey ( and in the complete publication (