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IBGE: grain crops in April expected to overcome by 6.0% the record harvest of 2010

May 10, 2011 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 29, 2019 02h51 PM

The national harvest of cereal, legumes and oilseeds points to an output of about 158.7 million metric tons, 6.0% above the amount obtained in 2010 ...



The national harvest of cereal, legumes and oilseeds points to an output of about 158.7 million metric tons, 6.0% above the amount obtained in 2010 (149.7 million metric tons), according to the fourth estimate of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA) in 2011.


The area to be harvested in 2011, of 48.6 million hectares, points to increase of 4.3%, compared to the area harvested in 2010. The three main crops, which, together, account for 90.8% of the volume of production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds, rice, corn and soybeans, cover 82.5% of the area to be harvested and record. They record, versus the previous year, changes of 2.1%, 4.1% and 2.8%, respectively. As for output, there are increases, in the same order, of 18.4%, 3.0% and 6.3%.


The complete publication of this survey is available at


Among the Major Regions, the output of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is distributed as follows: South Region, 66.0 million metric tons; Central West, 57.0 million metric tons; Southeast, 16.4 million metric tons; Northeast, 15.0 million metric tons and North, 4.3 million metric tons. Compared to the previous year, there were increments in the North (-7.4%), Northeast (26.5%), Central West (8.5%), South (2.8%), and decrease in the Southeast (-3.8%). Paraná, in this evaluation for 2011, remains as the leader in terms of national grain output, with a participation of 20.6%, followed by Mato Grosso, with 19.9% and Rio Grande do Sul, with 17.0%.




April estimate versus 2010 output


Among the twenty five products selected, fifteen recorded positive change in the production estimate in relation to the previous year: herbaceous cotton seed (69.5%), peanuts in shell - 1st harvest (7.8%), paddy rice (18.4%), potatoes - 1st harvest (13.3%), potatoes - 2nd harvest (13.4%), cacao beans (4.4%), barley grains (2.6%), dry beans - 1st harvest (27.2%), dry beans - 2nd harvest (5.1%), castor beans (51.2%), cassava (9.2%), corn grain - 2nd harvest (7.6%), dry soybeans (6.3%), sorghum grains (13.4%) and triticale grains (26.2%). With negative change: peanuts in shell - 2nd harvest (7.8%), oat grains (12.7%), potatoes - 3rd harvest (10.2%), coffee beans (11.0%), sugarcane (7.5%), onions (8.8%), dry beans - 3rd harvest (7.2%), oranges (2.2%), corn grain - 1st harvest (0.2%) and wheat grains (16.6%).


The harvest of the main temporary summer crops, mainly of soybeans, corn and rice is reaching its end. Coming surveys will show the evolution of the end of harvest for these crops, and the development of second and third harvests of some products, besides winter crops which due to the agricultural calendar, have most of their estimates still based on projections.


Highlights in April estimate versus March figures


HERBACEOUS COTTON (seed) – The estimated output is 5.0 million metric tons, 3.6% above that of March. The increase is a consequence of the bigger planted area, which had an increment of 4.1%, making up 1.3 million hectares. Mato Grosso, the main producer, with participation of 53.1% in the national output, was the main responsible for this increase. The good prices charged in the market stimulated the planting of this product. The area of 700,422 hectares estimated for the crops in Mato Grosso have overcome by 7.4% the figure previously informed; the same has occurred to the estimated output, of 2,640,156 tons, with increase of 6.6%.


PADDY RICE – The expected output of 13.4 million metric tons and the planted area of 2.8 million metric tons are bigger than in the March estimate, by 0.4% and 0.5%, respectively. These increments result, notably, from the data reevaluation conducted in Mato Grosso. In this state, there was increment of 8.2% in the area planted, now estimated to be 203,641 hectares, considering this crop has been used in areas for pasture renovation. The expected output of 648,034 metric tons is 12.2% bigger than in the March evaluation.


COFFEE (beans) – The estimated national output of coffee for the national harvested to be obtained in 2011 amounts to 2,559,308 metric tons, with decrease of 1.5% in relation to March. The other variables also record decreases: total area with crops in the country (-0.6%), area directed to crops (-0.1%) and average yield (-1.3%). Minas Gerais, the main national producer of coffee, has an estimate of decrease of 0.8% in the expected production of 2011, which amounts to 1,328,716 metric tons, considering the two types together (Arabic and  Canephora), what represents 51.9% of the total expected for the country in 2011. Espírito Santo and São Paulo, the 2nd and 3rd main producers of coffee, did not conduct estimates in April. The decrease expected in the national output, in relation to the harvest of 2010, results, mainly, from the singularity of Arabic coffee, the predominant species in Brazil, which alternates between periods of high and low productivity.


DRY BEANS – The national production of beans, considering the three harvests of this product, is evaluated at 3,693,909 metric tons, 0.3% above the figure recorded in the previous month. Compared to the March data, the changes of these harvests were, respectively, -0.2%, 0.4% and 2.6%. The decrease of the output of beans - 1st harvest, in this April estimate, originated in the Northeast, where harsh climatic conditions led to reduction of production estimates in Piauí (9.7%) and Pernambuco (5.0%). The second harvest of this product records slight increase in output, mainly due to the reevaluations of data of some states in the Northeast; it is important to mention, however, that these figures refer to planting intentions. Considering third harvest beans, the positive change in production resulted from the inclusion, in this survey, of the first evaluation in Minas Gerais. It is important to point out that the previous figure of this state was only a projection, but its output recorded, in March, increment of 8.1%. In Mato Grosso there was decrease of 8.5% in production, once in irrigated areas, previously planted with this item, have been ceded to cotton, a product which has better prices.


CORN (grain) – The national production of corn in 2011, for both harvests, amounts to 57.7 million metric tons, with a positive change of 2.6% over March. The expected output for corn – 1st harvest is 33.1 million metric tons, pointing to decrease of 0.8% compared to the previous estimate. All the Major Regions got positive results from their reviews: Norte (0.6%), Northeast (1.0%), Southeast (0.2%), South (1.0%) and Central West (1.9%). In Paraná, harvest is approaching its final phase; almost 90% of the area planted with this cereal, of

756,037 ha, has already been harvested. The area recorded increase of 2.1% and, with the maintenance of the favorable climatic conditions for this crop, the average yield was reviewed to 7,749 kg/ha (increments of 0.5%), leading to production of 2.5% in relation to March. Minas Gerais, with an increment of 0.3% in the output, remains as the major national producer, with a total 17.8% versus 17.7% in Paraná. Concerning corn- 2nd harvest, the output is expected to reach 24.7 million metric tons, 5.1% above the figure in March due to the new figures from the main producing centers. In Mato Grosso, the main producer of corn in this planting period, responsible for 32.6% of the national output, the planted area of 1,842,614 hectares and the expected output of 8,056,247 metric tons are 3.3% and 6.4% bigger, respectively. The increase of area in this state, in relation to the previous estimate, occurred due to the fact that several farm producers chose to implement areas out of the proper season, expected to go up to February 25. Paraná, that follows, with 29.7% of participation, presents an area of about 1,657,364 hectares, 2.0% bigger that informed last month. The estimated output, considering income of 4,422 kg/ha, is about 7,328,872 metric tons, above the previous figure by 3.3%. In Mato Grosso do Sul, which is in the third position at present (with a participation of 14.2%), the area of 910,000 hectares to be harvested increased 11.0% whereas the expected production of 3,503,500 metric tons increased 15.5%. These gains occurred due to planting that took place out of the agricultural zoning of climatic risk, one, at the time of planting recommended there were problems in several municipalities due to the excess of rain.


SOYBEANS (in beans) – The expected output of 72.8 million metric tons is 1.7% bigger than the March figure, with a positive reevaluation of the area by 0.7% and of average yield by 1.0%. Mato Grosso, the main national producer, readjusted the harvested area by 1.9%, and it is now reevaluated at 6,448,423 hectares. The delay of rain stopped the early sowing of soybean seeds, and caused its planting to take place in October/November, the most recommended period. This delay has favored the productive potential of the varieties used. Besides, with the exceptional climatic conditions of the main producing centers of the state, the average yield of 3,195 kg/ha increased by 1.9%, leading to an output of 20,605,098 metric tons, 3.9% bigger than the data of March. In Paraná, the second main national producer, with the harvest almost concluded, the estimated area of 4,585,088 hectares, compared to the previously informed figure, recorded increase of 1.9%. In general, throughout the cropping cycle, there was a favorable climate, and the expected production of 15.2 million metric tons was 3.3% bigger, with average yield of 3,306 kg/ha versus the 3,260 kg/ha obtained in March.


WINTER CROPS (grain) – For winter crops, which are concentrated in the southern states, there are increases in oats (16.6%), barley (17.4%), wheat (3.4%) and triticale (4.1%). For wheat, the expected production of 5.0 million metric tons is preliminary and must be analyzed carefully, considering that only Minas Gerais, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul have provided their first data. On the other hand, the first evaluation of the harvest in Paraná, the main national producer, with participation of 56.7% in the national wheat production, records output increase of 6.9% considering normal climatic conditions. It also indicates  the area directed to crops in this state presents decrease of 9.7% compared to that in the previous month. About 30% of the area expected is already planted.


The Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA) is a monthly survey of forecast and monitoring of harvests of the main agricultural products, about which data are obtained through the Municipal Commissions (COMEA) and/or Regional Commissions (COREA), united at state level by the Agriculture Statistics Coordinating Group (GCEA) and later evaluated, at national level, by the Special Commission of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Agricultural Statistics (CEPAGRO). This commission is formed by representatives of IBGE and of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). Due to the need of crop data users, surveys relative to cereals, legumes and oilseeds (seed cotton, peanuts, rice, beans, castor beans, corn, soybeans, oats, rye, barley, sunflower seeds, sorghum, wheat and triticale) have been conducted in close partnership with the National Company of Supply (Conab), a subdivision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), as a sequence to a process of harmonization of official harvest estimates for the main Brazilian crops, initiated in October 2007.