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Vegetal extraction of coal fell 15.7% and changed trend of growth

December 11, 2007 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 02h28 PM

Vegetal extraction of coal fell 15.7% and changed trend of growth

The value of forest primary production of the country, in 2006, summed R$ 10.9 billion, according to the Production of Vegetal Extraction and Silviculture, an increase of 6.8%.  From this total, 66.0% (R$ 7.2 billion) came from silviculture (exploitation of planted forests) and 34.0% (R$ 3.7 billion) from vegetal extraction (R$ 3.2 billion of wood production with vegetal coal, firewood, logs and pine knots and R$ 539.2 million referent to non-wood vegetal extraction.).  Coal extraction fell 15.7%, changing the trend of growth since 1998.

Nine products summed 93.7% of the value of non-wood vegetal extractive production

37 items or non-wood products were researched, especially nine among them:  açaí (fruit) (R$ 103.2 million), babassu nuts (R$ 102.2 million), piassaba palms (R$ 88.9 million), native yerba mate (R$ 86.9 million), carnauba wax and wax powder (R$ 48.6 million and R$ 13.3 million, respectively), Brazil nut (R$ 43.9 million), native palm (R$ 9.9 million), rubber (coagulated latex) (R$ 7.9 million).  These items summed 93.7% of the total value of the vegetal non-wood extraction of the country, in 2006.

The North Region had 90.7% of the national production of açai (fruit), 98.3% of Brazil nut, 11.3% of Piassaba plams, 94.7% of native palm and 99.8% of rubber (coagulated latex). The Northeast contributed with 9.3% of the production of açai (fruit), 99.2% of babassu nuts, practically 100% of the production of carnauba wax and wax powder and 88.7% of piassaba palms.  The South concentrated 99.8% of all the yerba mate collected in the country.  The Southeast and Central West did not participate significantly of the nine main items of the non-wood vegetal extraction.

In the segment of silviculture, the production of  resin (pinus resin oil and of other forest species) summed 61,077 metric tons and the production of barks of Black Acacia, 262,313 metric tons.  The production of eucalyptus flowers, used in the manufacturing of essential oil (eucalyptol) totaled 48,364 t,  and the major national producer was once more the municipality of Minas Gerais, São João do Paraíso (24,938 t, 19.8% less than in the year 2005).

The production of açai, in 2006, summed 101,341 t, being 3.4% less than in 2005.  The main producer was Pará (87.4% of the total).  The municipalites of Pará, Limoeiro do Ajuru, Ponta de Pedras, Igarapé-Miri, Oeiras do Pará, Muaná, São Sebastião da Boa Vista, Mocajuba, Barcarena, Cachoeira do Arari and Inhangapi answered for 68.5% of the national production.

The production of babassu nuts was 117,150 t  and Maranhão had 94.2% among this total.  Regarding the Piassaba palms,  80,942 t were harvested, 6.5% less than in 2005, and Bahia  answered for 88.7%, followed by Amazonas 11.3%.

The major producer of yerba mate in Brazil was Paraná (152,971 t) with 65.5% of the national total (233,360 t).  The other states of the South Region also stood out: Santa Catarina (41,833 t) and Rio Grande do Sul (38,127 t).  The municipality of Pará, São Mateus do Sul had 14.8% of the Brazilian total.

The production of carnauba wax powder summed 19,280 t (0.7% more than in 2005). Piauí led with 11,809 t, or 61.3% of the production.  Carnauba wax totaled 3,130 t, in 2006, with decrease of 2.5%. Ceará had 81.0% of the total.

28,806 t of Brazil nut were produced, a decrease of 5.7% in relation to the previous production of 30,555 t.  Acre had 35.5% of the total harvested, followed by Amazonas (31.8%), Pará (18.4%) and  Rondônia (9.2%).  The municipality of Rio Branco, in Acre, had 9.9% of the national total.

The quantity of heart of palm extracted from native specimens summed 6,524 t, 17.0% less than in the previous year.  Pará produced 92.8% of the national total, being that the municipality of Anajás (2,000 t) was responsible for 30.7% of the total harvested.

Extraction of rubber tree was 13.5% lower

In 2006, the extractive production of rubber (coagulated latex) was only 3,942 t, 13.5% less than in 2005.  In the same year, according to data of IBGE provided by the survey Municipal Agricultural Production, the national production of cultivated rubber summed 175,723 t, being that, in the total, the country produced 178,665 t.  The extractive segment was 2.2% of this number.  Amazonas and Acre were the major producers of natural collected rubber in native Pará rubber trees, with 51.9% and 35.7% of the total, respectively. 

Extractive production of coal fell 15.7%

The production of coal of silviculture (planted forests) increased 3.3%, reaching 2,608,847 t. The coal which came from extractive production had decrease of 15.7% (2,505,733 t), changing the trend of growth observed since 1998.   In the total, the production of vegetal coal summed 5,114,580 t, 6.9% less than in 2005. 

 In 2006, the main states producers of vegetal coal from the silviculture were Minas Gerais (75.7%), Maranhão (9.8%), Bahia (3.1%), São Paulo (2.9%), and Mato Grosso do Sul (2.8%). Buritizeiro, in Minas Gerais, with 446,795 t, answered for 17.1% of the total produced in the country. For the vegetal coal obtained with firewood material of vegetal extraction, Mato Grosso do Sul (24.0%), Maranhão (19.0%), Bahia (14.5%), Goiás (11.4%), Minas Gerais (10.5%) and Pará (8.6%) were the major national producers.  Bahia had decrease in the production of 54.6%.

36,110,455 m³ of firewood from silviculture and 45,159,866 m³ of firewood from vegetal extraction were produced.  In the total, 81,270,321 m³ of firewood, or 0.4% more than in 2005 were produced.  The main states producers of firewood from silviculture were Rio Grande do Sul (37.1%), São Paulo (19.9%), Santa Catarina (13.7%), Paraná (13.6%) and Minas Gerais (7.2%).  The major producing municipalities of firewood from silviculture were Butiá (800,000 m³), Taquari (764,000 m³) and Santa Cruz do Sul (752,768 m³) from Rio Grande do Sul.

Bahia (24.8%), Ceará (10.2%), Pará (8.6%), Maranhão (7.2%) and Paraná (6.2%) stood out in the production of firewood from vegetal extraction.  The major producer of wood from vegetal extraction was the municipality of Bahia, Euclides da Cunha (720,000 m³).

Regarding logs, the national production of 2006 totaled 118,752,800 m³, being 84.9% from planted forests and 15.1% collected in native vegetations.  The production of wood in the extractive activity summed 17,985,901 m³, 3.5% major (613,473 m³) than the one registered in 2005.  Pará (9,506,602 m³) contributed with 52.9% among this total. 

In the segment of planted or cultivated forests, the production summed 100,766,899 m³, which represented an increase of 0.2% (152,256 m³) in relation to the production of 2005.  In this total, the production of wood for paper and cellulose summed 55,114,729 m³ (0.8% major), with São Paulo leading the national production (35.6%).  Wood for other activities (construction, furniture, naval construction, etc.) decreased 0.6%.  Paraná answered for 14,097,505 m³ (30.9% among the 45, 652 170 m³ produced in 2006).