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IBGE releases Regional Accounts 2002-2005

November 26, 2007 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 11h34 AM

Amazonas was the state with the major change of volume of the GDP 2005 in relation to 2004(10.2%), while Paraná (-0.1%) and RS (-2.8%) had decrease.  The Southeast and Central West Regions increased their participation in the economy of the country, which continued concentrated: seven states (SP, RJ, MG, RS, PR BA and SC) represented more than 75% of the GDP of Brazil. The Federal District continued with the major GDP per capita but, in the new series, São Paulo surpassed Rio de Janeiro and is now in the second position in this ranking.  These are some information of the Regional Accounts 2002-2005, of the IBGE.

The Regional Accounts 2005, published by the IBGE in partnership with the state governments and the SUFRAMA (Superintendence of the Free Trade Zone of Manaus) calculated in regional level the great changes of the National Accounts published in March and November of 2007.  The main revision of procedures was the use of data which came from the annual structural surveys of the IBGE (PIA, PAC, PAS and PAIC) for the calculation of the GDP of the states.

In the new series, Central West and Southeast elevated their participation in the GDP of the country

The result of the new series showed that, in 2002, in relation to the previous series (1985 as year of reference), the Central West (from 7.4% to 8.8%) and the Southeast (from 56.3% to 56.7%) increased their participation in the Brazilian GDP.  In the other regions, there were decreases, as we can see in the following table.

In the case of the Central West Region only the participation of Mato Grosso do Sul (-0.1%) fell in 2002. The states of Mato Grosso (0.1%), Goiás (0.2%) and Federal District (1.1%) increased their participation. The participation of the Federal District was the one that most increased: from 2.7% to 3.8% of the GDP.

In the North Region, Pará, Rondônia and Amazonas had decrease in their participation (-0.2%, -0.01% and -0.4%, respectively), while in Acre (0.03%), in Roraima (0.05%), in Amapá (0.01%) and in Tocantins (0.12%, the major increase) there were gains.

In the Northeast, Maranhão (0.2%), Piauí (0.04%), Ceará (0.16%) and Alagoas (0.1%) improved their participation in relation to the previous series. Rio Grande do Norte (-0.04%), Paraíba (-0.2%), Sergipe (-0.07%) Pernambuco (-0.3%) and Bahia  (-0.5%) lost participation.

In the Southeast, São Paulo changed level, recording 2% above the previous results (from 32.6%, reference 1985 to 34.6% reference 2002), but showed the same trend of fall registered in the previous series, showing the new Brazilian economic structure, where the producing sectors of goods have decrease of participation and the sector of services showed a major predominance. The participation of Rio de Janeiro fell 1%. Espírito Santo continued in the same level of the previous series, around 1.8%. Minas Gerais had a decrease in participation of approximately 0.6% (in 2002 of 9.3% to 8.6% in the same year, in the new series).

In the South Region, Santa Catarina and Paraná almost maintained the same participation in the GDP.  Rio Grande do Sul lost, in comparison, approximately 1%.


Seven states concentrated more than 75% of the economy of the Country

The sum of participation of the seven major states in the Brazilian economy was 75.9%, in 2002 and fell to 75.2% in 2005 (table below).  Between 2002 and 2005, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul were the states which most lost participation, although São Paulo recovered slightly in 2005, without returning to the level of 2002.  RS had in 2004 and, mainly in 2005, a strong drought together with a decrease of prices of grains, which also reached Paraná, in 2005.

Santa Catarina got closer to Bahia in the new series, mainly by the loss of participation of Bahia in the Brazilian GDP.  Federal District changed to the 8th position and got closer to Santa Catarina, both of them had a completely different economic structure: Santa Catarina has almost 43% of its economy generating goods, 8% in agriculture and 34% in the industrial sector, while the Federal District had 94% directed to services.

Goiás (9th), Pernambuco (10th) and Espírito Santo (11th) followed, being that the first two with almost the same nominal value.  In Goiás the participation of agriculture was considerable (13.4%), but industry (26%) was greater.   Pernambuco had the sector of services with participation around 70% and, as all the states of the North and Northeast, depended considerably on the public administration (around 23% in 2005).

Ceará (12th), Pará (13th) and Mato Grosso (14th), are also very close to one another.  In Ceará, services had participation around 71%, but industry was also important (approximately 22%), and 66% of it was related to the sectors of leather, textiles and feeding.  In Pará, the industry levered the economy, especially the extraction of ores (8%) and manufacturing (13%), but metallurgy, food products and beverages, together with wood represented 65% of the industry of the state.

Mato Grosso continued having the major increase, in volume, and the new series showed the economic effects of the increase of the agricultural frontier, together with the industry of manufacturing. Agriculture represented approximately 32% of the economy of Mato Grosso, and manufacturing, 11%, naturally directed to the production of food products and beverages (62.4%), followed by wood (10.4%).

Amazonas (15th) was one of the most affected states by the introduction of new procedures of regional accounts.  With the Annual Survey of Industry (PIA), the industrial sector began to be measured the same way as the other states.  This did not occur in the previous series, which used indirect indicators, not proper to catch the evolution of costs and expenditures (intermediate consumption).  In the previous series, the industry of manufacturing had 50% of the economy of the state, and fell to 37% in the new series, making the sectors of services to gain participation, especially trade (from 5% to 10%); renting and services rendered to companies (from 3.2% to 9.7%); and public administration (from 10% to 15%).  The industry of Amazonas is structured with food products and beverages 16.4%, electronic material 26.3%, two wheels 15.6%, machines and equipment 6.6% and rubber and plastic artifacts (pet bottles) 5.9%, in 2005.

 Maranhão (16th) was far away from Amazonas as well as MS, and improved its position in the new series of the GDP, especially trade (from 7% to 14%) and transportation (from 5% to 8%).  The agricultural sector of Maranhão represented 4% of the agriculture of the Country, and only lost, in importance in the Northeast Region to Bahia (7%). As all Northeastern States, the public sector still had a strong participation (approximately 20%) in the economy of the stat 

In the next group, very close, were Mato Grosso do Sul (17th), Rio G. do Norte (18th) and Paraíba (19th).  The economical structure of MS had approximately 20% related to agriculture, besides the industry of manufacturing (10%), and 54% of the industrial sector was related to food products and beverages.  RN and PB were very similar, except for the production of petroleum, which made RN the second major producer of Brazil, loosing only to Rio de Janeiro.  In the industry of RN, the participation of the sectors of food products, beverages, textiles and apparel was 63%.  The sector of textiles and apparel, as in other states of the Northeast, had looses due to the competition of Chinese products.  In Paraíba, the industry of manufacturing was related to the sectors of textiles, apparel and leather (45%) and food products and beverages (15.8%).

Alagoas (20th), Sergipe (21st), Rondônia (22nd) and Piauí (23rd) were also very near. Alagoas had an agricultural structure similar to the ones of RN and PB, and 50% of its industry was directed to the sector of food products and beverages, being another important sector of the state the chemical production (30%). Following were Sergipe, where the industrial activity represented 34% of the economy: 4% in the extraction of petroleum, 11% in the industry of manufacturing, 12% in the generation and distribution of electricity and 7% in construction. It is also worth mentioning that the hydroelectric of Xingó belongs to the state.

Rondônia, which in the last years was standing out in livestock and also in the production of grains, had in this new report, an important updating in its economic profile.  In the previous series, the industrial activity had a major participation than agriculture (30.6% compared to 12.6% in 2004).  In this new series, agriculture (20%) had a major participation than industry (14%), showing an important increase in the agricultural frontier and in the national herd.



Tocantins (24th), for the first time had a GDP obtained directly through a survey, since it was created in 1989, after the last economic census conducted by the IBGE.  In Tocantins, still in expansion, the participation of the sector of construction was the major among all the states (16%).
Acre (25th) and Amapá (26th) were very close.  They are old territories with a lot of dependence of the public sector, as well as Roraima (27%), the lowest GDP.  In Roraima and in Amapá, almost 50% of the economy was related to the public sector but, in both states, this sector lost participation, in the new series.



Federal District continued with the major GDP per capita of the Country



The major GDP per capita continued to be the one of the Federal District (R$ 34,510) which, in 2005, in the previous series, represented twice of the Brazilian series and changed to 2.9 times in the new series.  The second major result was recorded by São Paulo (R$ 17,977), surpassing Rio de Janeiro, now in 3rd position (R$ 16,052).



The other states with GDP per capita above the Brazilian average were Santa Catarina, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso, RS and Paraná.  The GDP per capita of Amazonas, in the new series, was above the average.

Also in the new series, Maranhão (R$ 4,150) now was the 26th, and Piauí (R$ 3,700) the 27th, changing their positions of the previous series.  These two states, nevertheless, got close to the Brazilian average.  The major increase in relation to the GDP per capita of the Country came from the Federal District, Tocantins, Roraima and Maranhão.

Amazonas led in volume (10.2%), but Paraná (-0.1%) and RS (-2.8%) decreased

Amazonas had the best performance, in 2005, with 10.2% of growth in volume of the GDP in relation to the previous year, influenced by the industry of manufacturing (11%), trade and services of maintenance and repairing (15.7%), industry of construction (5.7%), transportation, storage and mailing (13.6%) and real estate activity and renting (12.2%).  The segment of electronic material and communication equipment, which participated with 27% of the volume, stood out in the industry of manufacturing. This sector increased 23.1%, due, mainly, to the good performances of mobile telephones and TV sets.

Maranhão, Tocantins and Acre increased by 7.3%.  In Maranhão, trade and services of maintenance and repairing increased by 15.1% in volume, influenced by the increase in the sales of retail trade (23%). Tocantins and Acre were influenced by agriculture, silviculture and forest exploitation with 19.4% and 7.7%, respectively, between 2004 and 2005.  In Acre, the services of information also had good results, growing 26.1%.

Sergipe was in sixth place in the ranking of growth of the GDP (5.5%).  The highlights were livestock and fishing (15.7%), due to the increase in the number of cattle and in the production of milk (22%).  The production and distribution of electricity and gas, water and urban sanitation increased by 11.3% as a consequence of the hike of the generation of electricity in the Hydroelectric of Xingó (12%).  The segment trade and services of maintenance and repairing increased by 10.9%, mainly due to hypermarkets and fuels (28%).  The negative results came from services of information (-8.5%) with decrease of 21% of line telephony due to the major search for other means of communication and highway transportation (-11%) being that since it was the most significant modality of the state, it influenced the final result of Transportation (-4.3%).



The Federal District increased by 5.1%.  The sector of trade and services of maintenance and repairing increased by 8.5% with the performances of furniture and electronic equipment (24%) and hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products and tobacco (18%).  In 2005 all the segments of trade increased, standing out office machines and computer and communication equipment (40%) and furniture and electronic products (24%).  The industry of manufacturing increased by 7.8%, and the segments with the best results were food products and beverages (11%) and edition and printing (20%).  The activities of construction (6.6%), production and distribution of electricity and gas, sewage and urban sanitation (4.6%), services of lodging and feeding (5.8%) and services of information (19.5%), stood out.  On the other hand was transportation, storage and mailing (-1%), due to the reduction in the number of passengers who boarded in the Federal District, which in 2004 increased 42.6% and, in 2005, fell 12.8%.

Mato Grosso had the eighth major growth in 2005 (5.0%), but was the only one with decrease in the relative position: from 12th to 14th.  Low prices of commodities and the valuation of exchange influenced, especially, the export crops.  Even with positive results in agriculture (10.9%), the price affected negatively, the value added (R$ 10.74 billion) fell approximately 8% (R$ 11.66 billion), and the value added of agriculture fell from 35.3%, in 2004, to 32.2%, in 2005.

Alagoas, with growth of 4.3% in volume of GDP, had decrease in the sector of agriculture, silviculture and forest exploitation (-5.8%).  Adverse climatic conditions reduced the production of sugar cane in 9.7%.  The sector of services (64.3% of the total value added in Alagoas) increased 5.7%, standing out the activities of trade and services of maintenance and repairing (9.5%).

The growth of the economy of Bahia, in 2005, was directly related to the good performance of the activities of agriculture, silviculture and vegetable exploitation (15.9%) and of the manufacturing industry (4.8%).  The performance of agriculture is related to the expansion of the agricultural frontier.  In the comparison 2005/2004 the production of herbaceous cotton (16.8%) result which turned it the second most important crop of the state in gross value of production was a highlight.  The segments of cellulose and paper products and automotive vehicles influenced positively the industry of manufacturing in 2005, reaching 21% and 31%, respectively.  In the case of the automotive industry, the hike occurred due to the adoption of the triple work shift, still in the end of 2004, in the manufacturer of the state and in the attraction of five systemists suppliers to the automotive industry.

With the 11th best performance in 2005, Rondônia increased by 4.5%.  This was a consequence of the hike in agriculture (7.7%), with the increase in the processing of meat, milk, grains and wood activities in the state.  Information services and services rendered to companies increased by 13.4% and 6.7%, respectively, by the expansion in the sector of telephony and of outsourced services.  The activities of transportation, storage and mailing (7.1) and trade and services of maintenance and repairing (7.6%) also stood out, being that air transportation (12.7%) influenced positively the rate.

The economy of Piauí, which increased by 4.5% in 2005, was positively influenced by public education, health and administration (2.1%) and by trade and services of maintenance and repairing (4%), due to the increase in the volume of retail trade sales (22.5%) between 2004 and 2005.  The activities which most contributed for the overall rate of the economy were real estate activities and renting (5.8%); manufacturing industry (5.4%); and agriculture, silviculture and vegetable exploitation (24.2%), being that the planting of cereals contributed with growth of 50% of the value added, standing out the increase in the production of corn (43%) and rice (34%) and the crop of soybeans with volume of 62% of the value added.  

Roraima in 2005 had 4.5% of growth in volume of the GDP, the activities which most contributed were public education, health and administration with growth of 4.5% and participation of 48.4% of its economy, followed by the activity of trade and services of maintenance and repairing with 5.4% and contribution of 10.9% of the total value added of the state.  The segment trade of vehicles and motorcycles (22%) was responsible for the expansion of trade. It is also worth mentioning, the services of information (21.4%), whose growth was related to the expansion of the mobile telephony network in the state. Also stood out the services of feeding and lodging (21.8%) as a consequence of the increase of 16% in the number of establishments related to the production of food products and by the expansion, in 20%, of own-account employed persons in the activity.

Rio Grande do Norte recorded an increase of 4.3%.  Trade and services of maintenance and repairing stood out, with a change of 14.1% in the volume of value added.  Manufacturing industry increased by 2.4%, construction by 6.7%, real estate and renting by 6.4%, services of information by 6% and services rendered to companies by 7.2%, respectively.  On the other hand were agriculture, silviculture and forest exploitation with -5.5% of growth due to the reduction in the production of melon (-4%), main agricultural product of the state and mining and quarrying with decrease of 5.5% in volume as a consequence of the decrease in the production of petroleum.

Espírito Santo had a growing rate of the GDP of 4.3%, the agriculture had growth of 0.8%, industry 2.1% and services 5.6% summing 8.8%, 33.8% and 57.5% of the total value added of the state, respectively.  The activity trade and services of maintenance and repairing, which participated with 13.2% of the value added of Espírito Santo, obtained a volume rate of 8.2% in 2005.

Goiás in the sixteenth position increased by 4.2% the same as Pernambuco and Pará.  In Goiás, agriculture, silviculture and forest exploitation contributed with 11.4%, but the value added of agriculture fell 18%, due to the decreases in the prices of commodities in the international market and increase of the value of the real. The sector of trade and services of maintenance and repairing contributed with 6.2% of growth, the industry of manufacturing contributed with 2.7% and the highlight was the segment of food products and beverages due to the major production of beers and draft beers and by the increase in the installment of great industrial plants of the segment of beverages. Construction, services of information and services rendered to companies also had a positive increase of 5.1%, 7.7% and 12.9%, respectively.

Pernambuco had increase of 10% in the activity of agriculture, 0.5% in industry and 4.4%. in services.  Agriculture was the highlight with the excellent performance of livestock and fishing (27.6%) standing out the production of cattle.  In the agricultural activity stood out the increases in the production of cereals (87%).  The manufacturing industry increased 2.6% and the main positive influences came from the sectors of food products and beverages (4.5%) and electric machines, equipment and material (20.0%).  Services were influenced, mainly, by the performance of trade and services of maintenance and repairing (7.2%), services of transportation, storage and mailing (4,4%) services rendered to companies (8.1%), and services of information (10.1%).

In Pará the growth occurred due to the activities trade and services of maintenance and repairing (4.4%), as a consequence of the hike in the volume of retail trade sales (12%), mining and quarrying (8.3%), standing out the production of iron ore (10%), and transportation, storage and mailing due to the increases in the modalities air transportation (10.4%) and highway transportation (6.5%).

Paraíba and Minas Gerais grew at the rate of 4% in 2005 when compared to 2004.  In relation to the economy of Paraíba, we may observe that manufacturing had growth of 5.1% due to the increase in the segment of food products and beverages (9%) and leather and footwear (15%). Trade and services of maintenance and repairing increased 16.5% due to the increase in the volume of retail trade sales of 28.5% between 2004 and 2005.  The activity of agriculture, silviculture and forest exploitation, due to climatic irregularities, registered decrease of 8.5%.



Minas Gerais increased 4% in 2005 due to the good performance of the activities mining and quarrying (11.9%), manufacturing (3.5%), and trade and services of maintenance and repairing (4.3%), financial mediation, insurance and complementary social security (6.6%) and real estate activities and renting (4,8%).  In manufacturing stood out food products and beverages (5.6% between 2004 and 2005). In trade, the highlights were retail trade of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces (18%) and wholesale trade, with the exception of fuel wholesale (4%).

São Paulo increased, in volume of GDP, 3.6%.  The sector agriculture (-3.6%) had decrease, mainly due to the increase in the prices of inputs with their value in dollar affecting mainly the crop of soybeans.   Sugar cane helped to soften this scenario, with increase in the production and in the planted area, incorporating new areas which were destined to the cultivation of orange and livestock for slaughter.  Even with decrease in the productivity in relation to 2004, sugar cane continued as a highlight in the agriculture of the state.

 he industry of São Paulo which in 2005, increased 2% in relation to 2004, answered for approximately 44% of the value added of all the Brazilian industry.  The volume of the sector of services also increased, especially of those rendered to families (9.4%), companies (6.6%), lodging and feeding (8.5%) and financial mediation (5.1%).  Trade (2.6%) was benefited by the increase of credit through salary accounts, which allowed major access of low income population to consumer goods.

Mato Grosso do Sul recorded the 22nd major growth (3.4%).  There was decrease in agriculture (-1.9%) causing the participation of this activity in the total of the value added of the state to decrease from 20.9% in 2004 to 15.3%, in 2005.  The main causes were less 700 thousand tons in the production of grains, caused by the drought in the south region of the state, decrease in international prices of soybeans and foot-and-mouth disease in the south of the state.  Manufacturing increased 6.7%, standing out the segment of food products and beverages (8.3%), which represented 53.5% of this sector.

 n Ceará the growth of 3% in volume of GDP in 2005 was supported in the growth of services (4.4%) and the expansion of the activity was based in the evolution of trade and services of maintenance and repairing (8.3%), transportation. storage and mailing (3.5%), services of lodging and feeding (8.4%) and services rendered to families (7.5%) and companies (5.8%).

The agriculture of the state increased only 0.5% due to irregular rains, called “veranicos”, which damaged the production of grains in the producing regions.  The major loss of grains in 2005 was observed in corn.  The manufacturing industry fell 3.1%, but it is worth mentioning that the base of comparison, the year of 2004, was high, and the main industrial segments faced foreign competition of prices such as in the case of footwear and leather articles (-8%), textiles (-5%) as a consequence of the lower manufacturing of cotton thread and mesh of artificial fibers, and food products and beverages (-2%) caused by the decrease of processed cashew nuts, cookies and crackers.

Rio de Janeiro had a growth of the GDP of 2.9%, especially for mining and quarrying (14.2%), services rendered to companies (8.3%), financial mediation, insurance and complementary social security (5.8%), trade and services of maintenance and repairing (2.7%) and trade of hypermarkets and supermarkets (3.6%).  These last ones represented 21% of the trade activity.  The industry of manufacturing of the state decreased 2.1%, as a consequence of the low performance of the following industrial products: rubber and plastic (-25.8%), perfumery and cleaning products (-13.9%) and basic metallurgy (-7.2%).  Among the products with positive growth were: textiles (15.9%), automotive vehicles (14.9%), non-metallic minerals (14.9%) and food products and beverages (10.4%).

Santa Catarina, in 2005, increased 1.6%, as a consequence of the great drought which damaged agriculture and livestock (-3.3%), mainly agriculture (-8.8%), as well as the embargo to the pork meat.  The manufacturing industry had a growth close to zero (0.2%), influenced by the crisis in the industry of apparel articles and accessories (-12%).  The services represented growth of 2.8% and represented 57.7% of the economy, standing out the activities of trade and services of maintenance and repairing with 14.8% of the value added of the state and growth of 2.5% between 2004 and 2005.

Paraná (-0.1%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-2.8%) had, in 2005, decrease in the volume of the GDP.   Paraná had as main responsible the decrease of agriculture, silviculture and vegetable exploitation (-9.2%), damaged by a drought.  The crops of soybeans and corn decreased (-7% and -23%, respectively), and as they represented 44% of the activity, answered for part of the final result observed.  The reduction of the agricultural income influenced the rest of the economy, with changes of -0.1%, in industry, and 1.5%, in services.  

In Rio Grande do Sul, stood out the decrease of agriculture (-17.3%), manufacturing industry (-4.2%) and the stagnation of the sector of services as a whole (0.2%).  The analysis of sectorial performance of the economy of the state, showed that the crops registered a reduction in the production of approximately 25.3%, with decreases in soybeans (-55.9%), corn (-56.0%) and sugar cane (-11.4%), among others.  The industry of manufacturing of the state (-4.2%) related to the agricultural sector, recorded the following results: machines and equipment (-19.1%); parts and accessories (-2.4%); metal products (-0.5%); chemical industry (-5.8%).  When summed, they represented 39.4% of the manufacturing industry.