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IBGE publishes Annual Survey of Services 2005

July 25, 2007 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 25, 2019 04h20 PM

Brazil had 948 420 non-financial service companies in 2005. The net operational revenue was R$ 450.1 billion. Between 2000 and 2005, the Southeast diminished the participation ...


Brazil had 948 420 non-financial service companies in 2005.  The net operational revenue was R$ 450.1 billion.  Between 2000 and 2005, the Southeast diminished the participation in the revenue of the sector, from 68.4% to 65.7%.  Regarding employed persons, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná diminished their participation.

The Annual Survey of Services 2005 showed that summing wages and other compensations R$ 82.4 billion were paid by the 948 420 enterprises in the segments of non-financial services1 of Brazil: services rendered to families, services of information, services rendered to companies, transportation and mailing, real estate activities and renting of material goods, maintenance and repair services and the group other service activities.


In 2005, the activity Transportation, auxiliary services of transportation and mailing was in the leadership regarding net operational revenue (R$ 136.9 billion or 30.4% of the total) and had 1.7 million employees.

The segments Services rendered to families (20.8%), Services rendered to companies (36.5%), and Transportation and Mailing (22.9%) had the major participation in the total employed persons of services in 2005.  This participation changed from 78.9% to approximately 80.2% of the total employed persons in services, between 2000 and 2005.

Feeding services had the major part of the revenue among Services rendered to families


In 2005, among the Services rendered to families, the activities which include feeding services concentrated 62.3% of the operational revenue (R$ 24 billion) and, also 57.8% of the overall wages (R$ 5.8 billion), 63.4% of labor force (1 053 829 persons) and 70.3% of the companies of the segment (210 649).

In 2005, Brazil had 278 924 companies related to activities of Services rendered to families, an increase of 17.7% in relation to 2000.  Regarding employed persons, an increase from 1.3 million to 1.6 million persons was recorded.  The workers of the feeding activities had the lowest average compensation among all the segments of the activities of services of the survey: 1.5 minimum wages.

News agencies and journalism services had the highest average wage 


Information services had the second major net operational revenue (R$ 133.6 billion).  The activities of telecommunications, which have as main characteristic transmission of content developed by big-size companies and intensive in capital, generated R$ 87.1 billion, representing 65.3% of the total of the segment in 2005.  The average number of employed persons was six times higher than the average of the segment, 50 employees, with remuneration of 11.3 minimum wages. 

News agencies and journalism services had the major average wage of services: 12.7 minimum wages.  This group has 300 companies with average of four employed persons in each one.


Even being the second one in operational revenue (R$ 28.1 billion), the activities of computer science were the ones which most employed in the group (295 023 persons).  It also led the number of surveyed companies (49 510) and in   volume of wages, withdrawals and other compensations (R$ 6.7 billion).


The segment of Services rendered to companies employed 35.9% of the total PAS 2005

The activities Services rendered to companies had a net operational revenue of R$ 94.0 billion, leading in employed persons (with 2 725 566 persons) and in wages paid (R$ 27 billion).





In relation to 2004, the nominal revenue of technical-professional services changed from R$ 37.5 to R$ 46.5 billion, which equals to 49.5% of the total.  Also stood out the number of companies (132 782, or 59.2%).

The activity of sanitation services in buildings and houses and other services rendered to companies had, in 2005, the major number of employed persons in the segment: 1 239 389 persons, or 45.4% of the total.

Air transportation presented the major average wage of the segment transportation and mailing

The services of highway transportation generated, in 2005, R$ 68.6 billion, or 50.0% of the net operational revenue of the segment.  This activity concentrated 72.3% of the total 121 707 companies of the segment, paid R$ 12.0 billion in compensations (51.5% of the overall wages), and had 66.1% (1.1 million) of the employed persons.




Railway and subway transportation had the major average number of employed persons by company in the survey (1 808), since it is an activity concentrated in a reduced number of companies (23).  The activity employed 41 589 persons, which represented 2.4% among 1.7 million employed persons in the segment.

Real estate activities had increase in the revenue and decrease in employment

In 2005, the companies of real estate renting generated R$ 7.4 billion of net operational revenue, representing 41.1% of the total of the segment.  They were also leaders in wages and withdrawals with 44.0% (R$ 1.1 billion) and employed 37.9% of the labor force of the activity (95 527 persons).  In relation to 2000, the operational revenue increased (R$ 4.5 billion), and the number of employed persons decreased (99 025).

The segment of real estate activities had an average wage of 3.2 minimum wages, close to the average of the total of the segment (2.8).  The productivity reached R$ 75.5 billion and the relation between the value added and the intermediate consumption was 354.9%, above the value found for the total of the segment which was 236.5%. The services of machines, vehicles and real estate renting had 42 100 companies, or 87.9% of the total.


Services of maintenance and repair concentrated 9.9% of the national total of services

The activities of vehicle, personal objects and computer science maintenance and repair had 94 440 companies, or 9.9% of the total of Services.  The activity has a great number of small-size companies, which was stable between 2000 and 2005, as well as the average of employed persons (3).

The companies of vehicle maintenance and repair had 51.6% of the total R$ 8.3 billion of operational net revenue of the segment.  In relation to the number of employed persons and overall wages, the activity had 66.8% (220 377) and 60.2% (R$ 1.5 billion), respectively.

Services of trade and trade representation employed more than 150 thousand persons


The segment Other Services had 100 thousand persons in all Brazil, hiring 417 thousand persons.  As in previous years, the Auxiliary Financing Services  continued as the most important, registering operational revenue of 7.8 billion reais (38.1% of the total) and value added of 5.4 billion (39.0%).   The activity commercial agents and representation was in the leadership regarding employed persons (150 943), followed by urban sanitation and sewage services (131 800).


From 2000 to 2005, employed population in Services increased by 28.59%


Between 2000 and 2005, the National Classification of Enterprise Activities (CNAE) had changes, which influenced the comparability between the several editions of the Annual Survey of Services.  To allow the monitoring of the activities of the sector in this period, an adaptation of the results of PAS 2005 was conducted, following the norms of classification used in 2000.  Therefore, it is possible to have an idea of the percentage changes of the main indicators of the survey.

In 2000, the revenue of non-financial services was R$ 222.0 billion and increased by 102.7%.  In the same period, the employed population in the sector, which was 5.8 million, had an increase of 29.3%.

In 2000, Transportation, auxiliary services of transportation and mailing employed 1.3 million persons and employed 28.12% more in 2005.  The nominal net revenue increased by 112.14%.

From 2000 to 2005, the employed population of Information services, which was 383,492 in 2000, increased by 22.79%. However, in the segment Telecommunications, this indicator fell by 20.42% in the period. There also was decrease in the segment news agencies and services of journalism (-15.69), while in the activity computer science this indicator increased by 57.11%.

The net operational revenue of services of investigation, security, vigilance and transportation of valuables, which was R$ 5.1 billion in 2000, increased by 92.68% in five years.  The number of companies in the sector (2 296) increased by 29.05%; and the number of employed persons (338 152 in 2000) increased by 27.73%.

Air transportation, in 2000, had 325 companies, employed 37 905 persons and obtained a net operational revenue of R$ 10.8 billion. While this revenue increased by 70.20% in nominal terms, the number of companies (-13.23) and employed persons (-8.10%) fell.


In relation to 2000, the Southeast has decrease in the participation of revenue

In 2000, the Southeast represented 68.4% of the total gross revenue of services of Brazil, while in 2005 this contribution was 65.7%. All the other regions had growth in their participation, being that the Central West had the major increase of participation, 5.9% in 2000, changing to 6.8%, in 2005.

For the total of wages, withdrawals and other compensations, the Southeast Region had, in 2000, participation of 69.8% and, in 2005, of 67.1%.  The Central West Region had a similar dynamism to the one observed in the survey.  In 2000, it had a percentage of 5.3% and, in 2005, it increased to 6.4%.

The Northeast Region gained participation in the total employed persons in Services: from 12.6%, in 2000, to 13.4%, in 2005.  Bahia, Pernambuco and Ceará led in hiring with 4.2%, 3.0% and 2.4%, respectively.

Three states concentrated 58.7% of employed persons in Services in Brazil

In relation to employed persons, São Paulo had the major participation (36.2%), with Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais following, respectively with 12.9% and 9.6%.  These three states summed 58.7% of the total persons hired in the area of services, or 4.4 million persons.  However, in relation to 2000, both had percentage decreases.  In Rio Grande do Sul and in Paraná the average of employed persons fell by company: from 6.6 and 5.8, to 6.3 and 5.6, respectively.  In the other states there were hikes and Goiás stood out: from 1.9 to 2.3 persons by company.



1 Group of diversified, non-financial and generically identified economic activities, corresponding to several sections of the National Classification of Economic Activities - CNAE 1.0, without difference in relation to the number of employed persons.