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In May, industry grew in 10 of the 14 areas surveyed

July 09, 2007 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 25, 2019 04h25 PM

From April to May, the seasonally adjusted industrial production indexes by area increased in ten of the fourteen areas surveyed. In seven of them, the industry growth rate was the same as or even above the national average.


From April to May, the seasonally adjusted industrial production indexes by area increased in ten of the fourteen areas surveyed. In seven of them, the industry growth rate was the same as or even above the national average. In May 2007, in comparison with the same month in the previous year, the indexes by area had positive rates in twelve of the fourteen areas surveyed.

São Paulo (1.3%), the biggest industrial zone in the country, had the same rate as that of the country (1.3%). It was surpassed by Goiás (6.1%), Ceará and Santa Catarina (both with 3.4%), the Northeast Region (3.0%), Pará (2.5%) and Bahia (2.2%). The remaining positive rates were those obtained in: Espírito Santo (1.2%), Minas Gerais (1.1%) and Pernambuco (0.7%). Industrial production fell in: Rio de Janeiro (-0.2%), Paraná (-0.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (-1.1%) and Amazonas (-2.5%).

Following the trends in national industry, which advanced 0.8% between the quarters which ended in April and in May, the biggest increment since December 2005 (1.1%), the quarterly moving average index reveals the predominance of areas (twelve) with positive results in this comparison. The highlights in this case were the industries of Minas Gerais (1.8%), Goiás (1.8%), Rio de Janeiro (1.5%), Pernambuco (1.4%) and Santa Catarina (1.3%). Decrease in this comparison was observed in only two areas: Espírito Santo (-0.6%) and Amazonas (-1.0%).



In the May 2007/ May 2006 comparison without seasonal adjustment,  the main highlights were Pernambuco (9.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (9.5%), Minas Gerais (8.5%) and Santa Catarina (7.1%), whose results were above the national average (4.9%). Ceará (4.8%), Paraná (4.2%), São Paulo (3.2%), the Northeast Region (2.9%), Espírito Santo (2.5%), Rio de Janeiro (2.0%), Pará (1.3%) and Bahia (0.5%) also had increased below the figure for the country. There was decrease of production in Goiás (-0.2%) and Amazonas (-1.9%).


Considering the indicator accumulated in the first five months of the year, in comparison with the same period in 2006, there is also a widespread growing trend observed in eleven areas. Rio Grande do Sul (8.8%), Paraná (8.1%) and Minas Gerais (7.2%). These results evidence the presence of car industry (automobiles, trucks and vehicle pieces) and of the subsectors which produce machinery and equipment, mainly, of items related to agriculture industry. The other areas with positive results are: Pernambuco (6.6%), Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo (both with 4.6%), Pará (4.4%), São Paulo (3.4%), Goiás (3.1%), Rio de Janeiro (2.2%) and Northeast Regions (1.9%). There is stability in Ceará (0.0%) in comparison with the period January-May 2006, whereas Bahia and Amazonas face decrease of production, with rates of -0.2% and -1.2%, respectively.




In May, the industrial production in Amazonas faced the second consecutive decrease in comparison with the immediately previous month (-2.5%), in the seasonally adjusted series; there was accumulated decrease of 3.8% between last March and May. As a consequence, the quarterly moving average index had the second negative result, having accumulated decrease of 3.5% between the quarters which ended in May and in March.


In comparison with the same month last year, the industry of Amazonas faced new decrease (-1.9%), after having expanded by 3.6% in April. The indicator accumulated in the year remains on a falling trend (-1.2%). In terms of the result accumulated in the year, production has presented slight reduction in the last twelve months: -3.7% in April and -3.3% in May.


The negative result in the quarterly index (-1.9%), in which five of the eleven subsectors had decrease of production in relation to May 2006, resulted, mainly, from the contribution of electronic material and computer equipment (-23.4%). The decreases of production of mobile telephones and television sets were significant to the result of this segment. At a lower rate, it is also worth mentioning the negative influences from rubber and plastic (-30.1%) and medical, hospital, optical, and other equipment (-15.5%). On the other hand, machinery and equipment (94.3%), editing and printing (62.9%) and food products and beverages (12.1%) were the most relevant positive impacts. In the first one, the production of microwave ovens was the highlight, especially due to the increase of exports of this product, whereas in the other two the highlights were the increases observed in production of video tapes and preparation of syrups for beverage elaboration.


Considering the indicator accumulated in the year (-1.2%), five of the eleven subsectors had negative results, being the most significant contribution that of electronic material and communication equipment (-31.4%). With a lower impact on the overall result, can also be mentioned the decreases of rubber and plastic (-30.7%) and of medical, hospital, optical, and other equipment (-13.9%), whose performances have been explained by the decreases observed in the products plastic pieces and accessories for electronic industry; clocks and glasses lenses. On the other hand, food products and beverages (25.1%), machinery and equipment (75.8%) and other transportation equipment (16.3%) a accounted for the main positive changes, having been affected, mainly, by the increased production of syrup and powder preparations for beverage elaboration; microwave ovens, motorcycles and bicycles.





In May, the industrial production of Pará grew by 2.5% in comparison with April, in the seasonally adjusted series, after facing decreases for three consecutive months, a period in which it accumulated loss of 3.8%. Also in the same series, the quarterly moving average index had slight positive change (0.3%) in the quarters which ended in April and in May.  


In comparison with the same month in the previous yeat, the industrial sector grew by 1.3%. In the indicators for longer periods, both accumulated in the year and accumulated in the last twelve months increased by 4.4% and 10.5%, respectively.


In the monthly indicator, the increment of 1.3% was mainly a consequence of the performance of mining and quarrying industry (6.0%), influenced by the extraction of iron and aluminum ore, once the manufacturing industry remains on a falling trend (-2.6%). In the latter, the most relevant negative impact acme from food products and beverages (-9.7%), which was mainly affected by the item frozen crustaceans.  



The increase by 4.4% of the indicator accumulated in the year, is mainly supported by the two-digit increase of the mining and quarrying industry (10.7%) and, to a lower extent, the performance of metallurgy (6.4%). In these subsectors, the main highlights are the exports products: iron ore and aluminum oxide. On the other hand, the main negative pressures came from food products and beverages (-9.8%) and cellulose and paper (-12.1%), which faced production decrease, especially of frozen crustaceans and cellulose.


Northeast Region


In May, the industry of the Northeast grew by 3.0% in relation to April, in the seasonally adjusted series, after three months with negative results, in a period in which it had accumulated loss of 3.0%. With these results, the quarterly moving average index remained practically stable (0.1%) among the quarters which ended in April and in May.


In comparison with the same month in the previous year, the industry of the Northeast Region grew by 2.9%. There were also increases in the indicators accumulated in the year and in the last twelve months, with rates of 1.9% and 2.6%, respectively.


Considering the monthly indicator, the increase by 2.9% is a consequence, above all, of the performance of food products and beverages (15.5%), in which the highlights were peanuts ad toasted cashew nuts and soft drinks. It is also worth mentioning the positive contributions from textiles (4.6%) and metallurgy (4.7%). In these subsectors, the main positive impacts were those of bath towels and cotton cloth; and non-connected aluminum in raw form. Among the five subsectors with decrease of production, cellulose and paper (-9.7%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (-15.2%) were the most relevant negative contributions, affected, to a great extent, by the decreases in the production of cellulose; of electrodes and carbon brushes, and of transformers, respectively.


Considering the indicator accumulated in January-June, the increase by 1.9% is also supported by the performance of food products and beverages (10.4%), which had increases in most of the products surveyed, especially: crystallized sugar, flour and soybeans pellets, and soft drinks. Also exerting positive influence on the average of the industry of non-metallic minerals (7.2%) and chemical products (1.65). On the other hand, the main negative increases were those of petroleum refining and alcohol production (-2.9%) and cellulose and paper (-6.1%). In these segments, the highlights were the decreases in the production of diesel and cellulose.



In May, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Ceará increased by 3.4% in relation to the immediately previous month, after two month of falling rates, when there was accumulated decrease by 2.2%. The quarterly moving average index faced slight increase (0.4%) in the quarters which ended in April and in May.

In comparison with the same month in the previous year, the industrial production of Ceará had increment of 4.8%, whereas the indicator accumulated in the year was stable (0.0%) in comparison with the same month in the previous year. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months (5.3%) has remained virtually stable in the last three months.

In the monthly indicator, the industry of Ceará grew by 4.8%, with increase in six of the ten subsectors surveyed. The main positive impact came from food products and beverages (19.3%)), due to the increase of the production of peanuts and toasted cashew nuts, and soft drinks. It is also worth mentioning the positive contributions of apparel (20.5%), due to the bigger production of cotton shirts for male use; and trousers, shorts and related items for female use; and of chemical products (13.5%), due to the increase of the production of paints and varnishes for construction industry. On the other hand, the main negative contributions came from electric machines, appliances and equipment (-23.7%0, due, respectively, to the decrease of the production of gasoline and transformers.

The indicator accumulated in the year shows null increase (0.0%), and increase in six of the ten subsectors surveyed, with the main significant contributions coming from petroleum refining and alcohol production (-36.7%), textiles (-5.6%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (-17.0%), which showed reduction of the production of gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (GLP); cotton thread and cloth, and of transformers. On the contrary, the main positive contributions were those of fod products and beverages (11.4%) and chemical products (16.8%), due, respectively, to the increase of the production of peanuts and toasted cashew nuts and soft drinks, and of paints and varnishes for construction.


In May, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Pernambuco increased by 0.7% in relation to that of the immediately previous month, after decreasing by 1.3% in April. Still considering the seasonally adjusted series, the quarterly moving average index increased by 1.4% in the quarters which ended in April and in May, keeping the growing trend which started in February.

In comparison with the same month in the previous year, the sector had increase of 9.7%, the highest result since October 2006 (11.3%). As a consequence, industrial activity highlights the positive performance of both the indicator accumulated in the year, which changed from 5.9% in April to 6.6% in May, and that of the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months (from 5.3% to 5.7%).

The monthly indicator of industry in Pernambuco had the ninth consecutive positive result, with increase in seven of the eleven subsectors surveyed. The main positive influence to the formation of the rate of 9.7% came from the unusual increase rate observed in metal products (114.5%), as a consequence of the low comparison basis, due to the interruption of services in a modern company of the sector in 2006. It is also worth mentioning the contributions from chemical products 921.9%), due to the increased production of paints and varnishes for construction, and oxygen; and of food products and beverages (7.8%), due to the increased production of ice creams and pasta in general. On the other hand, the most significant negative contributions were those of metallurgy (-4.0%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (-4.6%), due, respectively, to the reduction of the production of aluminum plates and bands, and carbon steel square bars, and threads for ignition plugs.