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In the third quarter increased the slaughter of animals, production of eggs and buying of leather

December 19, 2006 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 20, 2018 02h38 PM

Positive rates for the slaughter of cattle (7.3%), hogs and pigs (7.6%) and pullets (1.4%), in the comparison with the same period of the previous year were observed.  In the relation with the second quarter of 2006, hikes of respectively 5.3%, 8.0%, and 14.3% were recorded.  The production of eggs increased 3.2% in the relation 3rd quarter 06/ 3rd quarter 05, and 2.5% compared to the second quarter /06.  The acquisition of leather increased by 6.9% compared to the third quarter/05 and 3.8% from the second to the third quarter /06.  The volume of milk fell (-1.4%) in the comparison 3rd quarter 05/06, but increased (3.6%) compared to the second quarter /06.  The grain storage system changed 0.1% in the relation 1st semester 06/2nd semester 05

Slaughter of cattle increased by 7.3%

In the 3rd quarter 2006, 7.9 million cattle heads were slaughtered, which represented an increase of 7.3% in relation to the 3rd quarter of 2005 and of 5.3% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2006, according to the Quarterly Slaughter Survey.

Regarding the regional participation, the Central West concentrated 36.9% of the national slaughtering, the Southeast, 22.5%, the North, 18.7%, the South, 12.1% and the Northeast, 9.8%. Mato Grosso contributed with 16.2% for the total volume of the slaughter, Mato Grosso do Sul, with 11.5% and São Paulo with 13.5%.

In relation to the foreign market, in the 3rd quarter of 2006, 350.3 million kilos of cattle meat were exported, according to Secex (Secretariat of Foreign Commerce), which shows an increase of 0.8% in volume compared to the same period of the previous year.

Hogs and pigs: hike of 7.6%

The slaughtering of hogs and pigs in the 3rd quarter of 2006 (6.6 million animals) increased by 7.6% in the comparison with the same period of the previous year and 8.0% in the relation to the 2nd quarter of 2006.

Regionally, the South concentrated 70.2% of the total slaughter; the Southeast 16.9%; the Central West, 11.0%; the Northeast, 1.9%; and the North 0.1%.  The main slaughtering state was Santa Catarina (28.3%), followed by Rio Grande do Sul (26.8%), Paraná (15.7%) and Minas Gerais (10.0%).

The slaughtering of pullets increased by 1.4%

The total of slaughtered pullets in the 3rd quarter of 2006 was 1.0 billion units, showing an increase of 1.4% in relation to the third quarter of 2005 and of 14.3% in the comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2006.

The slaughtering concentrated in the South of the country, which answered for 59.9% of the total, followed by the Southeast, with 25.1%, and the Central West, with 11.2%. Paraná stood out as the main state in slaughtering of pullets in the 3rd quarter of 2006, with 25.3% of the total production, followed by Santa Catarina (18.4%); São Paulo (16.4%); and Rio Grande do Sul (16.2%).

Acquisition and industrialization of milk decreased

The volume of acquired milk by companies of the milk sector in the third quarter of 2006 was 4.0 billion liters, showing a decrease of 1.4% relatively to the 3rd quarter of the previous year and increase of 3.6% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2006.

Regarding the industrialized milk, the volume was of approximately 4.0 billion liters, a decrease of production of 1.5% in relation to the same period of 2005, but increase of 3.6% in the comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2006.

The acquisition of Brazilian milk is concentrated in the Southeast, with 43.8%, followed by the South, with 31.5%, and the Central West, with 14.7%.  The main states in acquisition are Minas Gerais  (26.6%), Rio Grande do Sul (15.6%) and São Paulo (13.5%).

Evolution of 6.9% in the acquisition of leather

In the third quarter of 2006 approximately 11.0 million units of leather were acquired, an increase of 6.9% in relation to the 3rd quarter of 2005 and of 3.8% in relation to the 2nd quarter of 2006.  The Southeast concentrated 32.0% of the total of informants of the survey, the South, 31.3%; the Central West, 16.2%; the North, 10.5%; and the Northeast, 10.0%.

Production of hen’s eggs increased by 3.2%

533.7 million dozens eggs were produced in the third quarter of 2006, showing a positive change of 3.2% in relation to the same period of 2005 and 2.5% in the comparison with the 2nd quarter of 2006.  August was the month with major production of hen’s eggs: 180.3 million dozens.

The distribution of the production of hen’s eggs concentrated in the Southeast Region, with 44.0% of the total, followed by the South Region, with 38.6%, and the Northeast, with 8.7%.  The main producer, São Paulo, had 33.9% of the total, followed by Minas Gerais, with 13.0%, and Espírito Santo, with 5.4%.

Grain storage system changed 0.1% from the 2nd semester/05 to the 1st semester/06

The results of the Storage Survey of the first semester of 2006 show that the storage system of agricultural products  in the country increased by 0.1% the number of active establishments, comparatively to the second semester of 2005.  In the end of the first semester of 2006 this system had 9,424 active establishments, from which 41.9% were in the South Region; 24.2% in the Southeast Region; 21.9% in the Central West Region; 8.5% in the Northeast Region; and 3.5% in the North Region.

Capacity of storage units of conventional, structural and inflatable warehouses summed 81,933,916  cubic meters, with slightly more than 70,0% concentrated in the Southeast and South Regions.

The storage units of the type grain and bulk warehouses totaled 48,668,957 tons of capacity, being 49.2% of storage capacity in the Central West and 34.8% in the South Region. 

The silos for grains had 39,556,273 tons of total capacity in the country.  The South Region answered for 52.7% of this total and the Central West and Southeast Regions for 27.3% and 15.2%, respectively.

The major stocks registered in June 30, 2006 were the ones of soy grains (21,545,098 t), of corn in grain (8,215,173 t), of rice in husk (4,354,557 t), of wheat in grain (2,070,453 t) and of coffee in grain (783,046 t).

When comparing with the stocks in June 30, 2005, the stock of rice in husk had a positive change of 3.4%, while the stocks of wheat, coffee, corn and soybeans had negative changes of 22.4%, 8.3%, 4.4% and 1.1%, respectively.