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Forestry production amounts to R$ 10.31 billion in 2005

November 22, 2006 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 16, 2018 12h07 PM

Out of this total, 66.4% came from silviculture (planting of forests with exotic or native vegetation), and 33.6% from vegetal extraction (products collected from native and spontaneous vegetation). Wood products represented 85.3% of the total forestry production; non-wood products, 14.7%. Among the items which recorded increase between 2004 and 2005, the highlight was eucalyptus leaves for the production of essential oil: its output changed from 33,572 to 809,218 metric tons. The other silviculture items investigated also recorded production increase: logwood for pulp and paper (18.2%); resins from pine and araucaria wood, among other types (20.2%); charcoal (17.1%); black wattle bark(15.5%); and logwood for other pruposes (11.4%). The total volume of wood produced by silviculture amounted to 100,614,643 m³, with increment of 13.099.482 m³ (15.0%) over the 2004 figure.

Among the non-wood products from vegetal extraction representing highlights, the main one was babaçu nut, which accounted for 19.4% of the total non-wood extraction in the country in 2005 and made up a total R$ 508.6 million. Following this product came piassava fiber, with 17.6% of participation; acai berry, with 16.4%; yerba mate, 15.1%; carnauba powder and Brazil nut, each one with 9.2%. 

As for the other non-wood prducts from vegetal extraction, 17 recorded output increase between 2004 and 2005; and 14 recorded decline. The main increment was that of oiticica seed, with 1,379 metric tons, 12 times more than in the previous year, due to production peaks related to weather conditions. The following items or products also recorded increase: other tanning substances (such as mangrove, quebracho tree, etc), 50.0%; other oilseeds, 28.5%; cumaru nut, 23.6%¨; Brazil nut, 12.9%; carnauba powder , 9.0%; native hevea (rubber) 8.3%; cashew nut from native trees, 7.1%; carnauba fiber , 4.6%; copaiba oil , 4.4%; pequi, 3.4%; acai berry , 3.8%; mangaba fruit , 2.7%; licuri nut, 2.5%; service tree, 2.3%; pine fruit, 2.0%; and babacu nut, 0.3%.

On the other hand, among the itesm which recorded significant decline in production, the main ones were other aromatic substances, medicinal or toxic substances and corantes??? (-56.4%) and heart of palm (-35.2%). Besides, other decrease were observed in other fibers (-36.3); urucu (seed) , -20.6%; hevea (liquid latex) , -20.5%; angico (bark) , -17.5%; sryphnodendron , -14.3%; carnauba wax, -10.9%; piassava fiber, -10.0%; jaborandi leaf, -8.6%; native yerba mate, -3.2%; buriti fiber,-1.8%; umbu fruit , -1.8%; and tucum nut , -1.5%.

Participation of silviculture increases in terms of firewood and wood, and falls in terms of coal

From 2004 to 2005, the particpation of silviculture increased so much in terms of the national production of firewood (2.5 percentage points) as in terms of logwood (3.1 percentage pojts). On the other hand, the production of coal faced decrease of 3.8 percentage points in the same period.

Considering planted forests, charcoal represented a contribution of 45.9%; firewood of 43.9% and logwood of 85.3% of the national production. This composition occurred due to the fact that the industrial sector of wood, in accordnace with the environmental legislation, is now working to decrease the pressure upon naturalm resources in general. In the case of logwood, the increase of participation is also associated to bigger investments in the forest-based industrial parks, due to the closing of paper and pulp factories in Europe and in North America.

The production of firewood in silviculture reached 35.542.255 m³,, and Rio Grande do Sul, the main producer in the country, accounted for 36.35 of this total. In ths state, the biggest producers were the municipalities of Butiá, taquari, Santa Cruz do Sul, Encruzilhada do Sul, Venâncio Aires and Paverama, representing, together, 10.1% of the national production.

The second biggest producer was the state of São Paulo (19.2% of the national production), where the main municipalities were Itapetininga and Itaberá. The third main national producer, Paraná concentrated 14.7% of the total and had Arapoti as its main producing municipality.

As for logwood, the total production in 2005 was 100,614,643 m³. About 54.4% of the total were directed to the pulp and paper industry, and 45.6% to other purposes (furniture, civl construction, etc.). São Paulo is the main producing state, with 23.9% of the national overall, or 24,061,993 m³.

The state of São Paulo is also the main producer of logwood for paper and pulp, with 15,592,240 m³ produced in 2005, that is, 28.5% of the national overall. In following positions came Bahia (11.973.906 m³), Paraná (7.500.768 m³) and Santa Catarina (6.043.924 m3). The municipality of Mucuri (BA), with an output of 4,456,540 m³, or 8.1% of the total, was the main national producer. In São Paulo, the highlight was the municipality of Itapetininga (2,490,650 m³).

Paraná is the main producer of logwood for other purposes (furniture, civl construction, etc.), with 15,335,060 m³, or 33.4% of the national total, which was 45,916,164 m³. Then came Santa Ctarina (9,731,799 m³ or 21.2% of the total); São Paulo (8,469,753 m³ or 18.4%; and Rio Grande do Sul (4,905,561 m³ or 10.7%).

In 2005, Paraná was the main producer of logwood for other purposes (furniture, civl construction, etc.), with 15,335,060 m³, or 33.4% of the national total, which was 45,916,164 m³. The cities in the four following positions were General Carneiro (PR), with 1,559,100 m³; Itapetininga (SP), 1,530,840 m³, Sengés (1,511,515 m³) and Inácio Martins (1,500,000 m³), both in Paraná.

As for charcoal from silviculture, the main producer in the country is the state of Minas Gerais (69.0% of the total). Among the ten main producing municipalities, five are located in Minas Gerais. Buritizeiro has the top position in the ranking, with 125,814 t, or 5.0% of the national total. The other three main producers from Minas Gerais in 2005 were joão Pinheiro (105,435 t), itamarandiba (71,911 t), Curvelo (70, 893 t) and Trê Marias (61, 192 t) which, together, accounted for 17.2% of the national production.

Bahia is the main producer of firewood and charcoal obtained from vegetal extraction

The firewood produced from vegetal extraction, in 2005, amounted to 45,422,943 m³. The five main producing states were Bahia (26.1% of the total), Ceará (10.0%), Pará (8.2%), maranhão (6.7% and Paraná (6.2%). In Bahia, the highlight was Xique-Xique, the first in the ranking, with an output of 666.538 m³.

Bahia was another highlight as producer of charcoal, with 26.9% of the 2,972,405 t produced in the country in 2005. Mato Grosso do Sul (18.8%); Maranhão (16.9%); and Minas Gerais (10.4%) were the main highlights. The municipality of Cocos, in Bahia, with an output of 200,319 t (6.7% of the national total) was the main producer. Other important municipalities were Riachão das Neves, Santa Rita de Cássia, Formosa do Rio Preto, Cotegipe, Jaborandi e São Desidério, todos na Bahia; Bom Jardim (MA); and Marabá (PA). Together, they accounted for 28.55 of the national production in 2005.

As for logwood from the vegetal extraction segment, the national output in 2005 reached 17,372,428 m³, and Pará accounted for 57.2%, a participation of 1.7 percentage points more than in 2004. Among the ten biggest producing municipalities, sven are located in Paraná: Tailândia, Portel, Paragominas, Baião, Almeirim, Ulianópolis and Dom Eliseu. Together, they accounted for 30.2% of the national output.

Mato Grosso, with 1,694,022 m³ was the second biggest national producer of logwood from vegetal extraction in 2005. In the third position was the state of Bahia, the production of which amounted to 1,304,099 m³.

MA was a highlight concerning the production of babacu; BA, of piassava; PA, of acai

In 2005 a total 119,031 t of babacu nuts were collected, and Maranhão, the main national producer, accounted for 93.9% of this total. All the ten biggest municipalist in the ranking of babacu production are located in Maranhão: Vargem Grande, Pedreiras, Poção de Pedras, Bacabal, Chapadinha, Codó, Bom Lugar, São Luiz Gonzaga do Maranhão, Cajari and Coroatá. Together, they accounted for 33.9% of the national output.

Bahia is the biggest producer of piassava, with 89.7% of the national output, which, in 2005, reached 86,550 t. The main producing municipalities were Cairu, Ilhéus and Nilo Peçanha, which, together, accounted for 73.4% of the national output. The state of Amazonas was another highlight, being responsible for 10.3% of the national production of piassava.

The production of acai made up, in 2005, 87.8% of the amount collected in Pará (92,088 t). The ten biggest producing municipalities are located in Paraná and concentrated 66.5% of the national production. The main producer was the municipality of Limoeiro do Ajuru (17,520 t)

The production of yearba mate took place in the states of the South Region and in Mato Grosso do Sul. In 2005, the country produced a total 238,869 t, and the main producer was Paraná, with 139,657 t, or 58.5% of the total. In this state, the municipalities of São Mateus do Sul, Paula Freitas, Inácio Martins, Cruz Machado, Ibituruna and Pinhão were the main producers, accounting, together, for 34.0% of the national total. The particpation of Santa Catarina was 25.8%, which granted it the second position in the ranking of producing states. Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul accounted for 15.6% and 0.2% of the national production.

The exploration of carnaubeira for the production of wax powder occurred predominantly in Piauí and Ceará, which accounted respectively, for 61.3% and 35.9% of the natonal production, of 19,143 t.

The main producer of Brazil nut in 2005 was Acre, with 11,142 t or 35.5% of the total collected in the country. The main producing municipalities in the state were Rio Branco, Brasiléia, Xapuri and Sena Madureira which, together, accounted for 28.1% of the national output. Amazonas was the 2nd main producer in the country (29.4%), being followed by Pará (22.3%). Although Rondônia represented only 8.9%, its capital, Porto Velho, was the second main producer at municipal level, with 2,354 metric tons (7.7% of the national output).

São João do Paraíso (MG) is the main producer of eucalyptus leaves

In 2005, the country had a production of 809,218 t of eucalyptus leaves, and, out of this total, Minas Gerais accounted for 96.6%. The municipality of São João do Paraíso (MG), with output of 780,000 t, was the main producer. It houses the biggest eucalyptus oil distillery in the country. In São Paulo, the main producers were Santa Maria da Serra, Torrinha, Espírito Santo do Turvo and Dois Córregos.