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In July, industrial production grew in nine among 14 surveyed localities

September 12, 2006 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 22, 2018 03h20 PM

In the series with seasonal adjustment, in relation to June, the highest growth was observed in Amazonas (3.3%), with Ceará (2.2%) and RS (2.1%) following it.  Decreases were observed in Santa Catarina (-0.7%), Pernambuco (-1.0%), Espírito Santo (-1.0%), Paraná (-1.2%) and Bahia (-1.6%)

In July 2006, the regional indexes seasonally adjusted of industrial production showed a positive scenario compared to June, with nine among fourteen localities presenting growth. Amazonas (3.3%) indicated the major increment, after decreasing 5.2% in the previous month. São Paulo (1.5%), major industrial state of the country, registered a rate above the national average (0.6%) and remained slightly below its historical level. Santa Catarina (-0.7%), Pernambuco (-1.0%), Espírito Santo (-1.0%), Paraná (-1.2%) and Bahia (-1.6%) were the localities which present fall from June to July.

In the comparison July 06/ July 05, the indexes were also predominantly positive, with ten localities registering increase in the production. The main highlights were observed in Pará (22.8%), Espírito Santo (18.5%) and Ceará (13.1%) which indicated a two-digit rate growth. São Paulo (5.0%) and Rio de Janeiro (4.8%) complete the group of localities with increase above the national average (3.2%).  The other positive results came from Santa Catarina (3.0%), Northeast Region (2.6%), Pernambuco (2.5%), Minas Gerais (2.2%) and Goiás (1.9%).  On the other hand, the only localities which had fall in July were Rio Grande do Sul (-2.5%), Bahia and Amazonas (both with -1.7%) and Paraná (-1.0%).

Also in the indicator accumulated in the year, ten localities registered positive indexes, with Pará (14.8%), sustained by the performance of mining and quarrying (iron ore) and of basic metallurgy (aluminum oxide), indicating the highest rate in this type of comparison.  In the other localities which had increase in the production, the results ranged from 8.1% registered by Ceará and 1.6% by Goiás. In this way, it can be observed that the state with major expansion in the first seven months of the year was influenced by the maintenance of the dynamism of the typically export products (commodities), a fact which also influenced the positive performance of the industrial activity of Espírito Santo (6.6%), Bahia (4.8%), Minas Gerais (4.2%) and Rio de Janeiro (3.5%).  On the other hand, the negative results were concentrated in the states of the South Region – Rio Grande do Sul (-3.7%), Paraná (-3.3%) and Santa Catarina (-0.4%) – and in Amazonas (-2.5%).  This last one has its performance explained mainly by the recent fall in the production of mobile telephones, as a result of the decrease observed in the foreign sales.

In relation to June, Amazonas increased by 3.3%, the major rate in the adjusted series

In July, the industry of Amazonas increased in relation to the previous monthly (3.3%), in the series without seasonal influence.  In the comparisons with the year 2005, the results continued negative: -1.7% in relation to July of the previous year and -2.5% in the indicator accumulated of the year. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months showed an evident trend of deceleration, once in the last three months it indicated: 5.2% in May, 0.9% in June and -0.1% in July, first negative rate since the beginning of the series (December 2003).

In relation to July 2005, occurred the fourth consecutive decrease (-1.7%) with five among eleven activities showing reduction in the production.  The decrease of electronic material and communication equipment (-17.8%) brought the most important negative result on the overall rate.  In this segment stands out, mainly, the decrease in the manufacturing of mobile telephones, influenced by the combination between export reductions in this year and a high base of comparison, due to a major production in July 2005.  It can also be mentioned the decreases in petroleum refining and alcohol production (-23.1%) and chemical products (-13.5%).  Metal products, with an atypical growth of 67.1%, and food products and beverages (17.0%), brought the most relevant positive influences on the overall industrial average.  In these segments, stood out, respectively, shaving equipment in the first one, as a consequence of the increase of exports, and the major manufacturing of syrups and powder for beverage elaboration, in the second one.

In the index accumulated in the year (-2.5%) there were decreases in five among eleven surveyed segments, with the most relevant result observed in electronic material and communication equipment (-9.3%), followed by chemical products (-31.1%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-14.4%). The main responsible for the performance of these activities were, respectively: mobile telephones; photographic films and papers; and gasoline.  On the other hand, other transport equipment (15.7%) and metal products (17.9%) brought the major positive contributions, influenced mainly by the major production of motorcycles and its parts and accessories; and  razor blades and shaving equipment.

Pará grew by 1.5% in relation to June

In July, the industrial production of Pará, seasonally adjusted, increased by 1.5% in relation to June, third consecutive positive rate.  In the comparison with the same month of the previous year, there was an increase of 22.8%.  The sector accumulated 14.8% in the year in relation to the same period of the previous year.

In the comparison with July 2005, the hike of 22.8% showed the increase of the six surveyed segments.  The main positive result was observed in mining and quarrying (22.6%), with the major extraction of iron ore.  Also stood out the performances of basic metallurgy (26.7%) and food products and beverages (32.3%), were stood out the items: aluminum oxide; and frozen crustaceans, respectively.

The hike of 14.8%, in the index accumulated in the year, was a result, mainly, of the growth of mining and quarrying (18.9%).  In the manufacturing industry (11.6%) the main highlight was observed in basic metallurgy (17.8%), in which stood out the increase in the manufacturing of aluminum oxide.  The only negative contribution was observed in wood
(-6.5%), which registered decrease in the production, mainly, of plywood and compacted wood.

Northeast industry increased by 1.9% in relation to June

In July, the industry of Northeast increased by 1.9% in relation to June, in the series without seasonal influence, after two months indicating negative rates.  In the comparison with the same month of the previous year it can be observed the expansion of 2.6%.  The indicators for longer periods also recorded increases: 3.2% in the accumulated index of the year and 2.0% in the last twelve months, which shows a slight trend of growth in the last three months.

The hike of 2.6% in the monthly indicator was a consequence, mainly, of the positive performance of six among eleven surveyed segments, and the most significant results were observed in food products and beverages (8.8%) and basic metallurgy (17.1%).  In these segments stood out the increases in the production of the items: benefited cashew nuts, and soft drinks; and carbon steel square bars.  It can also be observed the increases in textiles (9.3%) and cellulose and paper (16.9%).  On the other hand, the major negative results came from chemical products (-4.9%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-4.1%), which present decreases in the production, mainly, of mixtures of alquilbenzene; diesel oil and aviation kerosene, respectively.

The expansion of 3.2% in the index accumulated in the year occurred due to the positive results in eight among eleven surveyed activities.  Among these, the main results came from cellulose and paper (27.9%), basic metallurgy (14.9%) and textiles (9.2%), influenced, mainly, by the increases in the production of cellulose; copper square bars, profiles and bars; and cotton textiles, respectively. The more relevant negative contributions were observed in apparel (-22.4%) and mining and quarrying (-3.4%), especially regarding the decreases in the manufacturing of apparel for professional use; and crude petroleum oils, respectively.

In relation of June, Ceará increased by 2.2%

In July 2006, the industrial production of Ceará increased by 2.2% compared to June, in the series without seasonal influence.  In relation to 2005, the indicators had positive rates: 13.1% in the comparison with the same month of the previous year and 8.1% in the index accumulated of the year. The index accumulated in the last twelve months reached 0.8%, the first positive result in the year.

In the comparison July 2006/ July 2005, the industry of Ceará increased by 13.1%, with six among ten industrial activities showing expansion.  The most significant positive results were observed in textiles (21.8%), due to the major manufacturing of threads, cotton and mesh of artificial fibers; and food products and beverages (13.1%), due to the increase of the production of benefited cashew nuts and peanuts and toasted cashew nuts.  On the other hand, the major negative influence was observed in footwear and leather articles (-11.1%), due mainly, to the decrease in the manufacturing of plastic footwear.

In the indicator accumulated in the year, the industrial production of Ceará had expansion of 8.1%, with positive rates in six among ten investigated manufacturing activities.  The most important results were registered by textiles (16.9%); electric machines, equipment and material (92.5%); and petroleum refining and alcohol production (35.6%).  The main items responsible for the favorable performance of these activities were, respectively: cotton textiles; transformers; and diesel oil.  On the other hand, the major negative influence was observed in apparel (-19.7%), due mainly of the lower manufacturing of apparel for professional use and long pants for feminine use.

Pernambuco fell by 1.0%

The industrial production of Pernambuco, in July, with seasonal adjustments, decreased by 1.0% in relation to June 2006, after growing 2.2% in the previous month. Nevertheless, in the comparisons with 2005, the indexes continue positive: 2.5% compared to July of the previous year and 4.4% in the indicator accumulated in the year.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months (4.3%) continues in an increasing trend since March 2006.

The industry of Pernambuco, for the ninth consecutive month, registered expansion in the monthly indicator. For the formation of the rate of 2.5% contributed positively seven among eleven industrial surveyed activities, especially basic metallurgy (21.8%), influenced by the increase of the production of carbon steel square bars, and aluminum plates and bands.  It can also be mentioned, the good performance of food products and beverages (5.0%) and rubber and plastic (22.2%), due respectively to the items cachaça and soft drinks; and plastic films.  On the other hand, the main negative influences came from chemical products (-15.9%); and electric material, machines and equipment (-26.8%), as a consequence, respectively of the lower production of rubber of styrene-butadiene and oxygen; electric cells and batteries.

In the indicator accumulated in the year, the industry of the state increased by 4.4%, with positive rates in eight among eleven sectors.  The major positive influences came from food products and beverages (8.1%), due to the increase in the production of cachaça; beer and draft beer; and rubber and plastic (46.5%) due to the major manufacturing of plastic films; and plastic hoses, pipes and tubes.  On the other hand, the main negative influence occurred due to chemical products (-14.4%), as a consequence mainly of the decrease in the production of rubber of styrene-butadiene and oxygen.

Industry of Bahia decreased 1.6% in relation to June

In July 2006, the industrial production of Bahia seasonally adjusted fell by 1.6% compared to June, third consecutive negative result, a period in which it accumulated a decrease (-4.3%).  In relation to July 2005, after twelve months with positive consecutive rates, there was decrease (-1.7%), but still there is expansion in the seven first months of the year (4.8%).

The monthly indicator of the industry of the state fell by 1.7%, although only three among the nine surveyed sectors had negative rates.  The most significant contribution came from chemical products (-9.0%), due to the lower manufacturing of mixtures of alquilbenzenes and ammonia.  It can also be observed the performance of petroleum refining and alcohol production (-4.5%), influenced by the decrease of the items diesel oil, and aviation kerosene.  On the other hand,  the main positive influence was observed in cellulose and paper (18.9%), followed by basic metallurgy (7.6%), especially the item carbon steel square bars, and food products and beverages (5.2%), due to beers and refined soybean oil.

In the indicator accumulated in January-July, compared to the same period of the previous year, the industrial production of Bahia increased by 4.8%, supported by the expansion of six among nine investigated activities.  Among these, the major contribution came from cellulose and paper (32.4%), due to the increment in the production of cellulose; followed by petroleum refining and alcohol production (6.9%), due to the item diesel oil; and basic metallurgy (15.0%), due to the increment in the manufacturing of copper square bars, profiles and bars.  On the other hand, the main negative influences came from food products and beverages (-3.1%) and chemical products (-0.9%), influenced, respectively, by the lower production of flour and “pellets” of the extraction of soybean oil, and refined soybean oil; and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and non-saturated ethylene.

Industry of Minas Gerais increased by 0.6%

In July 2006, the industrial production of Minas Gerais increased by 0.6% compared to June, after falling 2.1% in the previous month.  In the comparison with July 2005 there also was hike (2.2%).  Consequently, the indicator accumulated in the year, compared to the same period of the previous year, increased by 4.2%.

In relation to July 2005, the industrial production of Minas increased 2.2%, with hikes in the industry of manufacturing (1.6%) and mining and quarrying (5.9%), especially, in this last one, for the extraction of iron ores.  Among the twelve surveyed activities of the industry of manufacturing, seven increased, with basic metallurgy (9.6%), automotive vehicles (10.3%) and food products (7.8%) bringing the major positive influences.  The main positive influences were, respectively: steel unsealed tubes, carbon steel ingots, iron slugs and blocks; automobiles and pieces for the vehicle motor system; and yogurt and condensed milk.

Among the groups which brought a negative influence stood out: metal products (-28.2%), due, mainly to the decrease of iron and steel structures; and chemical products (-20.3%), due to the decrease, mainly, in the manufacturing of adobes and fertilizers.

In the indicator accumulated in the year, there was hike of 4.2%, due, mainly, to the expansion of mining and quarrying (9.6%), influenced, mainly, by the increase in the extraction of iron ores.  The industry of manufacturing (3.3%) also had influence, with positive results in nine among twelve surveyed sectors.  The major positive results came from automotive vehicles (7.7%), food products (4.8%) and basic metallurgy (3.2%), influenced, mainly, by the major production, respectively, of automobiles; yogurt; and carbon steel ingots, iron slugs and blocks.  On the other hand, the main negative contribution came from metal products (-12.3%), influenced mainly, by decrease in iron and steel structures

Industrial production of Espirito Santo decreased by 1.0%

In July, the industrial production of Espírito Santo seasonally adjusted decreased by 1.0% compared to June, after growing 5.1% in the previous month.  In the comparison with the same month of the previous year the industry of the state had a hike of 18.5%, best result since February 2003 (18.9%).  Consequently the indicator accumulated in the year increased by 6.6%.

The industrial production of July 2006, compared to the same month of the previous year, increased by 18.5%, with significant results in mining and quarrying (25.5%) as in the manufacturing industry (15.5%).  The first, which brings positive influences on the overall average, increased due to the increases in the items petroleum and iron ores.  In the manufacturing industry all these segments had expansion, standing out the atypical growth of basic metallurgy (41.7%), which shows the main influence on the overall industry. In this segment stood out the increase in the manufacturing of carbon steel ingots, iron slugs and blocks.

The index accumulated in the year increased by 6.6%, with all the surveyed segments showing positive rates.  Among these, the major contribution was observed in basic metallurgy (13.0%), followed by mining and quarrying (6.1%) and food products and beverages (10.3%).  The main items responsible for the favorable performance of these activities were, respectively: carbon steel ingots, iron slugs and blocks; petroleum; and bonbons.

Industry of Rio de Janeiro increased by 0.6% in relation to June

The industrial production of Rio de Janeiro showed, in July, hike of 0.6% compared to June, in the adjusted series, after falling 2.7% in the previous month.  In the comparison with July 2005, the index increased by 4.8%. As a consequence, the index accumulated in the year was 3.5%, slightly above the 3.3% observed in the first semester of the year.

In the comparison with the same period of the previous year, the increase of 4.8% in the overall index was influenced by the favorable performance of the manufacturing industry (6.3%), once mining and quarrying indicated its second negative consecutive result (-0.6%). Among the eight activities of the manufacturing industry with positive rates stood out the expansion observed in petroleum refining and alcohol production (15.1%), favored not only by the low base of comparison, due to a stoppage for maintenance of a great company of the sector in July 2005, but also due to the major manufacturing of diesel oil and gasoline. It can also be observed the positive contribution which came from food products (19.1%), basic metallurgy (9.5%) and non-metallic minerals (17.5%), influenced, mainly, by the increase in the production of fish preserves and processing; carbon steel square bars; and cement.  On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry (-15.0%) brought the main negative influence on the overall average.

The indicator accumulated in the year in the industry of the state indicated increase of 3.5%, with expansion in seven among thirteen surveyed activities.  Mining and quarrying (6.5%), due to the favorable performance during the first months of 2006, brought the second major influence on the global index. Manufacturing (2.9%) also registered increase in the production, with food products (18.9%), due to the increase in fish preserves and processing, answering for the major positive contribution in the overall industry.  It can be mentioned the positive influence registered by petroleum refining and alcohol production (7.3%), as a consequence of the major manufacturing of gasoline and diesel oil.  Among the six segments with negative rates, stood out basic metallurgy (-7.5%), due to stoppage of an industrial oven of a great company in the first months of the year.  In this segment stood out the decreases in the production of tin plates and carbon steel bobbins or plates.

São Paulo registered growth of 1.5% in relation to June

In July, the industrial production of São Paulo continued to grow in relation to the immediately previous month (1.5%), in the series with seasonal adjustment, after falling by 2.1% in June.  The indexes in the comparison with equal periods of 2005 were positive and above the national average: 5.0% compared to July of the previous year and 3.6% in the accumulated index of the year.  The indicator accumulated of the last twelve months showed a slight acceleration from June (2.4%) to July (2.7%).

The monthly indicator, which shows increment of 5.0%, shows the expansion in fourteen among twenty surveyed segments. The sectors that most influenced the overall performance were automotive vehicles (10.9%) and food products (10.8%).  In the first segment, stands out the major production of automobiles and truck-tractor; and in the second, refined sugar and concentrated orange juices.  On the other hand, electronic material and communication equipment (-3.9%) and edition and printing (-3.2%) brought the main negative results, due, mainly, to decreases observed in the manufacturing of commutation equipment, TV receptor image tubes and books and printed matter.

The indicator accumulated in the year increased by 3.6% supported on the positive results observed in fourteen among twenty surveyed sectors.  Automotive vehicles (7.9%); food products (6.6%); and office machines and computer equipment (38.5%) led the major positive contributions in the overall average of the industry.  The expansion of these groups occurred, mainly due to the major manufacturing of the items: automobiles; crystallized sugar; and computers respectively.  Among the segments which had negative rates, metal products (-5.0%) was the one that brought the major adverse result, influenced mainly by the decrease in the items: springs of iron/steel and iron, steel and tin cans.

Production of the industry of Paraná fell by 1.2%

The industrial production of Paraná seasonally adjusted fell by 1.2% from June to July, second consecutive decrease accumulating loss of 6.0%.  In the comparison with July 2005, it was also observed a negative rate (-1.0%).  As a consequence, the indicator accumulated in the seven first months of the year continues showing a negative result (-3.3%).  The annualized rate, indicator accumulated in the last twelve months, maintains a slight negative change from June (-4.2%) to July (-4.3%).

The decrease of 1.0% in July, compared to the same month of the previous year, occurred, mainly, due to the decreases in six among fourteen surveyed activities.  The main negative contribution for the formation of the overall rate came from automotive vehicles (-28.9%), due to the decrease in the manufacturing of injection pumps for vehicles and automobiles.  Also important decreases were observed in chemical products (-16.7%) and wood (-12.8%), and in great part, by the diminishment in the production of adobes or fertilizers and tin plates, respectively.  On the other hand, food products (11.5%) brought the main positive result, influenced mainly by the increment in the items crystallized sugar and refined soybean oil.

The index accumulated in the year, in relation to the same period of 2005, decreased (-3.3%), with half of the fourteen investigated sectors with decrease.  The main negative contribution for the formation of the general index came from automotive vehicles (-17.9%), with fall, mainly, in injection pumps for vehicles, and automobiles.  It can also be mentioned the decreases observed in wood (-12.6%) and in machines and equipment (-7.8%), especially, respectively, for the lower production of plywood and machines for raw material to manufacture cellulose paste. The major positive result came from food products (4.4%), influenced by the increase in the manufacturing of crystallized sugar and refined soybean oil.

Santa Catarina fell by 0.7% in June

The index of industrial production of Santa Catarina seasonally adjusted decreased by 0.7% compared to June, second consecutive negative rate, accumulating loss of 1.0% in this period.  In relation to July 2005 the sector increased by 3.0%, but the indicator accumulated for the seven first months of the year indicated decrease of 0.4%.  The annualized rate, accumulated indicator of the last twelve months, diminishes the deceleration trend observed in the last months, changing from -3.4% in June to -2.5% in July.

The expansion of 3.0% in the overall rate, in relation to July 2005, results mainly from the increment observed in six among eleven surveyed industrial activities.  The favorable performance of machines and equipment (31.8%) and automotive vehicles (57.9%), influenced by the major production for the foreign market, answers for the major positive influences in the overall average of industry.  In these segments, stand out the items compressors and refrigerators in the first activity; and bodies for trucks and buses, in the second.  On the other hand, the most relevant negative contribution came from food products (-11.0%), which has the majority of its products indicating decrease.  The main items responsible for this performance were poultry pluck, giblets and meats and raw soybean oil.  It can also be observed the decreases observed in apparel (-13.5%) and wood (-16.1%), influenced respectively, by the lower production of knitting clothing; and plywood plates.

The index accumulated in the year fell by 0.4%, with five among eleven activities showing negative results. The most important negative results was food products (-10.8%), due to the lower production of poultry pluck, giblets and meats, followed by wood (-20.3%) and apparel (-7.3%).  Among the sectors with hike, automotive vehicles, with expansion of 33.2%, brought the main result in the formation of the overall index. Also, stood out the positive contributions of machines and equipment (9.1%) and rubber and plastic (13.4%).  These sectors were influenced by the increase in the manufacturing, respectively, of the items: truck and buses bodies; refrigerators and freezers; and plastic accessories and parts for automobiles.

Industry of RS increased by 2.1% in relation to June

In July, the industry of Rio Grande do Sul increased by 2.1% compared to June, in the series without seasonal adjustments.  In the comparison with July 2005, the production fell by 2.5%, eleventh consecutive negative rate.  As a consequence, the indicator accumulated in the year continues falling (-3.7%).  The annualized rate, the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months, shows a slight reduction in the rhythm of fall from June (-3.9%) to July (-3.4%).

In the comparison with the same month of the previous year, the industry of the state fell by 2.5% due mainly to the negative performance in six among fourteen surveyed segments.  Among these, the most important results were: machines and equipment (-18.6%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (-15.1%) and metal products (-17.2%). In these industries stood out, respectively, the decreases in the production of the items: machines for harvest and air conditioning equipment; gasoline and naphthas for petrochemical; and metal parts and pieces.  On the other hand, the major positive influences in the overall result were observed in food products (7.1%), which had increase in the production, mainly, of pork and cattle meat; and beverages (25.9%), especially the major manufacturing of soft drinks.

In the accumulated indicator of the year, the industry of the state had decrease of 3.7% determined, mainly, by the decrease in seven among fourteen surveyed segments.  The major negative contributions were observed in machines and equipment (-18.3%), footwear and leather articles (-8.7%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-9.0%), which registered, respectively, decrease in the production, mainly of harvesting machines; leather tennis; and naphthas for chemical products related to petroleum industry.  On the other hand, food products (4.8%) and automotive vehicles (3.3%) brought the main positive results, influenced by the increases in the manufacturing, mainly, of cattle meat; and bus trucks.

Industry of Goiás continued almost stable, with change of 0.1%

The industrial production of Goiás seasonally adjusted was stable (0.1%) from June to July, after decreasing 2.9% in the previous month.  In the comparison with the same month of the previous year an increment of 1.9% was observed.  Consequently, the indicator accumulated January- July, compared to the same period of the previous year, continued registering expansion (1.6%).  The indicator accumulated in the last years shows reduction in the rhythm of growth from June (0.8%) to July (0.4%).

In relation to July 2005, the industrial production of Goiás increased by 1.9%, with only two among the five surveyed sectors indicating positive results.  The main positive contribution was observed in chemical products (35.8%), favored by the major manufacturing of medicines, followed by basic metallurgy (3.5%, due to the increase in the production of iron niobium.  Among the three segments which had decrease in the production, food products and beverages (-2.0%) brought the most relevant result, influenced mainly by the fall in the item tomato sauces.

In the index accumulated in the year there was a hike of 1.6%, with four activities with growth.  The main positive influence came from chemical products (15.7%), influenced by the major production of medicines, followed by basic metallurgy (10.1%), supported by the increase in the item iron niobium.  On the other hand, the only decrease was observed in mining and quarrying (-16.5%), due, mainly, to the reduction in the extraction of amianthus.  As a consequence, the industry of manufacturing increased by 3.4%.