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States invest less than 0.1% in sports

May 04, 2006 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 08, 2018 10h47 AM

Between 2002 and 2003, the expenditures of the state governments with sports diminished 19.6%, falling from 0.13% to only 0.09% of the total expenses.  The low investment can be observed, for example, in the low number of sports equipment that belonged or were under the administration of the states in 2003: 228.   Among this total, 12 were not functioning.  58.1% of the state schools had at least one sport facility, a percentage considerably above the one found in the municipal schools (12%).  The data can be found in the Sports Survey 2003 – State Government of IBGE, that investigated, in the Brazilian states and in the Federal District, several subjects related to the administration of sports by states.  It also shows that track and fields, handball, swimming and volleyball were the sport modalities involved in events promoted by state governments in the totality of the state governments and Brazilian regions. Soccer, sport of national preference, was missing due to the fact that, in Espírito Santo, it did not take part in the sports events included in the state government activities.


The survey was carried out in partnership with the Sports Ministry and aggregates to the data already published in the Sports Supplement of the IBGE’s Basic Municipal Information Survey (MUNIC). The access to the information by state can be found in the IBGE website (


The percentage of resources invested in the activity sports and leisure in relation to the total expenses of the state governments of the country, fell from 0.13% in 2002 to 0.09% in 2003 – a nominal fall of 19.6%. Regarding the two years analyzed, only the Central West Region had a nominal growth (3.6%).  On the other hand, the Northeast (-33.6%), North (-31.2%), Southeast (-17.1%) and South Region (-16.6%) had significant nominal falls.


Among the states, stood out the negative nominal changes of Pará (-65.8%), Bahia (-52.2%), São Paulo (-23.0%), Minas Gerais (-40.8%), Paraná (-34.2%), Santa Catarina (-25.3%), Goiás (-13.3%) and Federal District (-4.3%).  On the other hand, stand out the proportional increase of the state expenses, in the activity sports and leisure, in Amazonas (30.4%) and in Rio de Janeiro (29.4%).


Regarding the analysis by major regions, in 2003 only the North (0.28%) and Central West (0.20%) invested, in percentage, more in sports and leisure than the national average (0.09%).

Among the total of 26 surveyed states, 22 (84.6%) had accords or other type of partnerships  promoted by the state government, or by another organization combined, in the field of sports, in 2003. Roraima, Piauí, Paraíba and Alagoas did not made accords or any other type of partnership in sports.


Country had only 228 state sports equipment (1) 


The number of sports equipment belonging to or under the administration of the state governments in 2003 was relatively reduced: there were only 127 gymnasiums; 41 sports complex; 40 soccer stadiums; 14 aquatic complex; 3 car race tracks; and 3 kart tracks – a total of 228 equipments, being that 12 among them were not functioning.  The distribution of this equipment was not related to a more efficient collection of taxes by the states. The Southeast and South, for example, did not differentiate from the other regions, as it may be seen in the table below.

Federal District had 60% of the state sports courts in the country (2)


Regarding the sports facilities belonging or under the administration of the state governments, only courts were numerous (412).  The total of 274 courts in the Central West Region stands out and we can observe the 246 sports courts located in the Federal District (60%), which may be explained by the characteristics of the urban plan and style of life in the city of Brasilia.

Track and fields, handball, swimming and volleyball were the most present modalities in the sports events


Among the main sports modalities, selected based on the major frequencies, track and fields, handball, swimming and volleyball were the only ones included in all the events promoted by the state governments (3)  in the totality of the states and Brazilian regions.  The table that follows shows the percentages of each one of the other selected modalities that were not included in the sports events included in the totality of the states, by major regions.  It also discriminates the states that do not promote events involved in the selected sports modalities.

58.1% of the state public schools had at least one sport facility


In 2003, 58.1% of the state public schools had some kind of sports facilities, a percentage that was surpassed by the South (67.0%) and Southeast Regions (64.9%); identical in the Central West (58.1%); and that fell considerably in the North (29.1%) and Northeast Regions (31.6%).


Although the sports scenario in the state educational system was much better than in the municipal system – in which only 12% of the schools had some sports facilities, it still can be considered high the number of state public schools without physical infrastructure for sports activities.


The percentages of state schools with sports facilities by federative unit are presented in the following graph.

São Paulo concentrated 21% of the employed persons in sports in the state governments


On the average, 2,608 persons were employed in the sports activity in the state governments, a number only lower than the 7,914 and 4,717 employed persons in the Southeast and South Regions respectively.


Among the total of 67,799 employed persons in the state governments in the sports activity, 46.7% were in the Southeast Region. Following, came the South (20.9%) and Northeast (14.8%). São Paulo (14,204), Minas Gerais (8,310) and Rio de Janeiro (7,287) were the states which determined the major participation of the Southeast in the total of employed persons in sports, with São Paulo answering for 21%.


Regarding the composition of employed persons in sports by type of employment contract , the national averages were 69.3% for statutory servants, 9.2% for celetistas, 1.1% for commissioned and 20.4% without an employment contract.  Persons without an employment contract in relation to the total had an important participation in the major regions, with the exception of the South (2.8%): North (12.0%), Central West (17.4%), Northeast (23.4%) and Southeast (29.4%). It should be pointed out the participation of persons without an employment contract in relation to the total in the following states: Roraima (27.7%), Amapá (18.6%), Amazonas (18.4%), Bahia (47.0%), Ceará (35.9%), Pernambuco (29.6%), Paraíba (21.1%), São Paulo (54.4%), Rio de Janeiro (20.6%), Mato Grosso (35.4%) and Goiás (23.0%).


In the great majority of these states, persons without an employment contract in the state education public system included, mainly, physical education teachers under temporary contracts. Also were included in a more basic level, technicians, instructors and non-graduated monitors of physical education and supporting personnel, hired for a determined period.


The teachers and graduated professionals in physical education answered for percentages near or above 90% of the employed persons in the state governments of the major regions. One exception was the Northeast Region (78.5%), considerably influenced by the significant percentage of non-graduated professionals of Bahia (45.5%), a number that has a strong relation with the percentage of persons without an employment (47.0%). There still were significant participations of non-graduated professionals in Piauí (36.3%), Espírito Santo (32.7%), Santa Catarina (23.4%), Goiás (19.8%) and Roraima (16.5%).  Finally, only Alagoas (12.7%) and Goiás (10.8%) had worth-mentioning participations of non-graduated employed trainees in the activity of sports, in relation to the total of persons of each state respectively.


Regarding the distribution of technical personnel in the government of states according to the form of sport, it was significant the concentration in educational sports, due to the high number of teachers and graduated professionals in physical education working in public state schools.  The percentages of technical personnel working in educational sports ranged from 88.8% in the North to 99.0% in the South Region, and this number was also significant in all the states.


Tocantins (13.6%) and Federal District (9.9%) stood out due to the participation of technical personnel in competition sports; while Amazonas (16.5%), Amapá (11.9%), Rio de Janeiro (11.0%), Goiás (9.9%) and Tocantins (9.7%) stood out due to the participation of the technical personnel working in sports and leisure.


(1) Excluding those of property of the state and that were under the administration of city halls, and that were investigated by the Sports Supplement Survey of the Basic Municipal Information (MUNIC).

(2) Excluding the courts of property of the state and that were under the administration of city halls, and that were investigated by the Sports Supplement Survey of the Basic Municipal Information (MUNIC).

(3) Promoted by them and/or that had their participation.


(4) Statutory worker is the servant whose employment contract is ruled by the Single Juridical Regulation – RJU, which controls hirings in the public service. Celetista is the worker whose employment contract is ruled by the private sector labor code –CLT. Commissioned workers are those working for city government or its related organizations and receiving a commission without the establishment of any employment contract. Without a contract refers to persons contracted without the signing of an employment contract.