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IBGE conducts survey on almost one million companies in the area of Services

November 29, 2005 10h00 AM | Last Updated: October 29, 2019 03h49 PM

The Annual Survey of Services of IBGE (PAS 2003) showed that the segment Information services obtained the highest net operational revenue (R$100.3 billion) among the non-financial services.

The Annual Survey of Services of IBGE (PAS 2003) showed that the segment Information services obtained the highest net operational revenue (R$100.3 billion) among the non-financial services. In this segment, the sector of Telecommunications was responsible for 67.7% of the revenue. The segment Services rendered to families answered for the highest number of companies (366,864 companies), whereas Services rendered to companies employed more people (2,237,842 persons) and paid the major volume of wages and other remunerations (R$ 20.560 billion).

The PAS estimated in 922,748 the number of companies operating in Brazil in the sector of non-financial services. Seven segments were investigated by the survey in 2003 – Services rendered to families (366,864 companies); Information services (37,609); Services rendered to companies (179,751); Transportation, auxiliary services for transportation and mailing services (90,207); Real estate activities and renting of material goods and real estate (49,229); Maintenance and repair services (88,292); and Other service activities (110,796).

These companies gained R$ 326.6 billion in net operational revenue, employing approximately 6.758 million persons, whose wages and other remunerations were approximately R$ 63.1 billion. For the first time since the beginning of the survey in 1998, there was, in the comparison 2003 (R$ 326.6 billion)/ 2002 (R$ 340.6 billion) , fall (-4.2%) in the real net operational revenue. The segments that most contributed to the reduction of the revenue were Information services (-1.3%), especially Computer science activities and Services rendered to companies (-1.3%), mainly affected by technical-professional services.

Telecommunications and News Agencies pay the best wages

The PAS 2003 researched 37,609 companies in the segment Information Services, responsible for the major net operational revenue (R$ 100.3 billion), as well as the highest productivity (253.3) and the highest average monthly wage (8 minimum salaries). The net operational average revenue of the companies of this segment was R$ 2.668 million. In relation to the generation of jobs - 396.1 thousand - the segment occupied the fifth place among the seven analyzed segments.

In the segment of Information services, the sector of Telecommunications, which accounts for only 3.9% of the total of the companies, was responsible for 67.7% of the net operational revenue. The productivity of these companies (R$967) was the highest among all the surveyed companies. The average monthly wage was 15.1 minimum wages and the average net operational revenue was R$ 46.439 million.

The major number of companies (27,807), jobs (227,868) and the major volume of wages (R$ 4.3 billion) were paid by the sector Computer Science Activities. Audiovisual services (includes TV), with revenue of R$ 13.485 billion, remained in second place regarding employed persons (96,647) and number of companies (8,106).

The group News agencies and journalism services (except newspapers, classified as Industry and not Services) was formed by 233 companies, and obtained a net revenue of R$ 190 million. It employed 1,359 persons and was responsible for the payment of the major average monthly wage of the sector of services (15.2 minimum wages).

Services rendered to companies generated the major number of jobs

The segment that employed more in 2003 was Services rendered to companies, responsible for 2.2 million jobs, as well as the major part of wages generated by the activities investigated by PAS (R$ 20.6 billion). In this segment, 179,751 companies were responsible for the third net operational revenue of the sector of services (R$ 64 billion). The average monthly wage was 3.1 minimum wages.

Technical-professional services stood out in the segment of Services rendered to companies, although with fall of 1.3% in the net operational revenue in 2003
(R$ 31.3 billion) in relation to 2002. They also answered for the major number of companies (107,370) and volume of paid wages and remunerations (R$ 8.2 billion) in this segment. Sanitation services in buildings and households employed the major number of persons (977,947) while Services of investigation and vigilance, with 2,861 companies, stood out in the PAS 2003 due to the significant number of persons per company (130 persons).

Services rendered to families is formed by small and medium-sized companies

The group Services rendered to families answered for the major number of companies of the sector of Services (366,864 companies) and it was the second sector that most employed (25.5% of the jobs). However it reached a net operational revenue corresponding to only 9.5% of the total of services (R$ 31 billion) and paid 13.2% of the volume of wages and other remunerations. The average monthly wage paid by this segment was 1.6 minimum wages.



In the segment of Services rendered to families, the group Food products was responsible for the highest net operational revenue (R$ 5.6 billion), biggest number of companies (77%), of jobs (67.6%) and of wages and other remunerations (60.3%). It can be observed that companies that provide services of food products obtained, on average, R$ 69.3 thousand in net operational revenue, and paid, on average, 1.4 minimum wages to its employees.


Highway transportation was responsible for almost half of the revenue of the sector

The 90,207 companies of the segment Transportation, auxiliary services of transportation and mailing services obtained, in 2003, the second major net operational revenue of the sector of services (R$ 97.6 billion) and paid the second major volume of wages and other remunerations (R$ 17.9 billion). The average remuneration of 4.1 minimum wages was the second major in the sector of services. In the segment, Highway transportation was responsible for R$ 46.6 billion, 66.6% of the employed persons (979,031) and 52.2% of wages and other remunerations (R$9.3 billion). These companies obtained, on average, R$ 746.2 thousand of net operational revenue. Stood out, still, the high size of the railway and subway transportation companies, which employed around 1,648 persons in 2003.


Real-estate business obtained highest average net revenue

Among the 49,229 companies of the segment Real estate activities and renting of real estate and material goods, which reached a net operational revenue of R$ 11.7 billion, 43.4% belonged to the group of real estate renting and 42% to material goods renting (means of transportation, machines and equipment). In the segment as a whole, 44.7% of labor force were employed in the activity of real estate renting and 45.2% in machines and vehicles renting. The average wage of the workers in the segment was 3.2 minimum wages. The highest average net operational revenue (R$ 384.7 thousand) was obtained by the group of real estate buying and selling, formed by 7,180 companies.

Maintenance and Repair Sector obtained the lowest revenue since 2003

The segment of Maintenance and repair closed 2003 with one of the lowest net operational revenue in the sector of services (R$ 6.2 billion), corresponding to just 1.9 % of the total. The companies of Maintenance and repair of vehicles, which corresponded to 63.2% of the total of 88,292 companies of the segment, obtained 46.4% of the total revenue; they employed 189,938 persons (approximately 65.0% of the total of the segment) and were responsible for 54.3% of the paid wages (around R$ 1.7 billion).


The activity Maintenance and repair of computer equipment obtained 35.2% of the revenue of the segment and represented 9.8% of the total of the number of companies, which means 8,632 of the 88,292 companies. It also had the highest revenue among the three sectors that form the segment, approximately R$ 253.4 thousand. The productivity and the average monthly wage in this activity also remained above the average of the other segments surveyed by PAS, R$ 72.4 thousand and 4.7 minimum wages.

Financial auxiliary services accounted for approximately 1/3 of the revenue of other services

The segment Other services, which included 110,796 companies, totaled in 2003 a net operational revenue of R$ 15.7 billion. Financial auxiliary services stood out in this segment, with participation of 37.2% in net operational revenue. They were responsible for 27.9% of the wages and 15.1% of the employed persons. Its net operational average revenue was R$ 324.7 thousand. Services of urban sanitation was the most concentrated activity of the segment, once the number of companies that provide these services in 2003 amounted to 1.3% of the total of 110,796 companies. Its participation in the total of the net operational revenue was 19.6% (R$ 3.1 billion).