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In April, industrial production grows in 12 of the 14 areas surveyed

June 10, 2005 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 27, 2018 05h36 PM


In relation to April 2004, industrial production grew in 12 of the 14 areas surveyed. Growth rates were higher than the overall production (6.3%) in Amazonas (21.8%), Goiás (18.4%), Ceará (11.5%), Minas Gerais (9.6%), Santa Catarina (7.9%), São Paulo (7.0%) and Pará (6.6%). Growth rate in the Northeast region equaled the national average.Other positive results were registered in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro (both with 5.2%), Paraná (5.1%) and Espírito Santo (5.0%).The only falls occurred in Pernambuco (-1.5%) and Rio Grande Sul (-3.9%).

The indexes accumulated in the year were also positive, except in Rio Grande do Sul (-3,6%). Amazonas stands out among the areas where there was growth, with a rate of 16.2%, mainly due to the subsector of mobile telephones. In Santa Catarina, (8.3%), Minas Gerais (7.6%), Goiás (7.4%), the Northeast region (6.9%), Ceará (6.8%), São Paulo (5.6%), Pará (5.1%), Paraná (5.0%) and Espírito Santo (4.8%), the rates were above the average for the industry (4.5%). The remaining results refer to Bahia (3.9%), Pernambuco (2.3%) and Rio de Janeiro (2.0%). The areas undergoing more changes in the first four months were affected by the growth in manufacturing of durable goods, mostly mobile phones and automobiles, and to the positive performance of export products on the market.


In April, the indexes for the production industry of Amazonas are the highest of all the areas surveyed. The monthly index increased by 21.8%; the index accumulated in the year increased by 16.2% and the index for the previous twelve months by 13.2%. In this last comparison, Amazonas had one of the best performances in April, surpassed only by Ceará.

In the comparison April 05/April 04, industrial activity in Amazonas had the ninth positive result in a row. The subsector of electronic material and communication equipment highly contributed to industrial output in the last few months, increased by 36.7%. This result was due, to a great extent, to the manufacturing of cell phones – still extensively exported – and television sets. Six of eleven subsectors had positive rates; in this case the most relevant contribution was that of transportation equipment  (16.2%), followed by food and drinks (10.7%). The items mainly responsible for the performance of these two subsectors were motorcycles, motorcycle parts and accessories, syrup for beverage elaboration and soft drinks. On the other hand, four subsectors influenced the overall production rate negatively, especially medical, optical and other types of equipment (-5.8%), rubber and plastic (-5.5%) and metal products (-3.2%).The most relevant item for these groups are clock parts, lenses for glasses; plastic parts and accessories; PET bottles; shavers and razorblades.

The index accumulated in the year increased by 16.2%, which can be explained by the performance of the subsector of electronic material and communication equipment (33.1%), followed by food and drinks (12.3%) and transportation equipment (11.0%). The most positively significant items were mobile telephones, television sets, syrup for beverage elaboration, soft drinks and motorcycle parts and accessories. The negative contribution was due to rubber and plastic (-20.7%) and petroleum refinement and fuel alcohol production (-7.8%), a consequence of the decrease in the production of plastic parts and accessories, PET bottles, diesel and gasoline.



Manufacturing output in Pará grew by 6.6% in April. The indexes accumulated in the year and in the previous twelve months also grew: by 5,1% and 9,6%, respectively. 

The increase of 6.6% in the monthly index was determined, above all, by the performance of quarrying industry (9.8%) and of metallurgy (9.0%), represented by iron ore and aluminum oxide, respectively. On the other hand, there were falls in six activities, especially in the subsector of cellulose and paper (-8.7%), due, mainly, to the reduced production of toilet paper.

The index accumulated in the year grew by 5.1%, a result of the performance of four among the six subsectors surveyed. The biggest positive impacts came from the quarrying industry (9.1%), basic metallurgy (5.2%) and sawed wood (5.7%), represented by unconnected aluminum in raw form and sawed wood. The biggest negative contribution to the overall production came from paper and cellulose. (-6.8%).

Northeast Region

There were positive results in the Northeast region in April. The monthly index reached 6.3% andindex accumulated in the year was 6.9%. For the previous twelve months it was 9.0% .

For the fifteenth consecutive month, the monthly index for the northeastern industry grew in eight of eleven subsectors. The rate of 6.3%, superior to that of March (0.8%), was determined, above all, by food and drinks (7.4%), non-metallic minerals (25.4%) and chemical products (4.6%). These subsectors were represented by the production of the following items: soft drinks, peanuts and toasted cashew nuts; cement, pre-fabricated elements for construction; polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The main negative influences came from basic metallurgy (-5.3%) and quarrying industry (-2.7%), reflecting the decline in the production of copper bars, square bars and profiles, gold bars; natural gas and crude petroleum oil.

Concerning the index accumulated in the year, the northeastern industry grew by 6.9% in the first four months, with an increase in nine of eleven activities surveyed. The biggest positive impact came from food and drinks (9.2%), due to the increased production of sugar and soft drinks, and from chemical products (7.7%), due to the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and non-saturated ethylene. The negative contribution came from the quarrying industry (-2.9%), due to the decrease in the extraction of crude petroleum oil and natural gas.


In April 2004, manufacturing output in Ceará grew by 11.5% in relation to the same month a year ago, opposite to the negative result registered in March (-0.2%). The index accumulated in the year was 6.8% and the index for the previous twelve months was 13.7%.

Concerning the monthly index, the manufacturing output in Ceará grew by 11.5%, with a rise in ten activities surveyed. The main contribution came from textiles (16.4%) represented by cotton thread and cloth; and foods and drinks (9.4%), represented by the production of peanuts, toasted cashew nuts, beer and draft beer. There was also expansion in the production of leather articles and footwear (9.5%) and apparel (20.9%), with the items plastic and leather footwear and professional apparel.

In relation to the index accumulated in the year, the manufacturing output in Ceará grew by 6.8%. Six out of industrial subsectors contributed positively to the formation of this index, being the increase more evident in the subsectors of apparel (43.4%), due to a bigger production of female pants; and textiles (8.5%), due to the production of cloth. The negative contribution was due to petroleum refinement and alcohol production (-9.3%) and basic metallurgy (-22.5%), a result of the decrease in the production of diesel and other fuel oils, and of carbon steel square bars, respectively.


In April, the manufacturing output in Pernambuco declined by 1.5% in relation to the same month a year ago, a result slightly below that of March (-0.9%). Even so, indexes remained positive: 2.3% accumulated in the year and 4.1% for the previous twelve months.

For the second consecutive month, the monthly index decreased for five of the eleven subsectors surveyed. The biggest negative contribution to the overall production (-1.5%) comes from metal products (-58.0%), due to the strong reduction in the production of aluminum cans. Also negatively influential were rubber and plastic (-35.2%), textiles (-27.4%), because of the items pipes and plastic hoses, and cotton cloth with artificial threads. The biggest positive impacts came from food and drinks (7.3%), non-metallic minerals (14.6%), due to the rise in the price of soft drinks, ice cream and popsicles, cement and natural and artificial abrasive substances.

The accumulated index in the year grew by 2.3%, with increase in seven  of the eleven sdubsectors surveyed. Food and drinks (4.3%) and chemical products (10.1%) had the best positive performances, due, respectively, to the production of ice cream and soft drinks, rubber and paints and varnishes for construction. The fall in the subsector of metal products (-21.2%) was a consequence of the decrease in the production of aluminum cans and of textiles (-35.8%), especially cotton cloth mixed with artificial fibers.


In April, the manufacturing output in Bahia presented expansion of 5.2% in relation to the same month a year ago. The indexes remained positive: 3.9% accumulated in the year and 9.1% in the previous twelve months.

Concerning the monthly index, the industrial production in Bahia grew by 5.2%, a better result than that registered in March (-0.4%). Seven of nine subsectors surveyed contributed positively to the overall production rate.  The most relevant results came from petroleum refinement and alcohol production (9.2%), stimulated by the increased production of gas, diesel and other fuel oils. It is also worth mentioning the performance of the cellulose and paper (35.2%) and chemical products (3.9%) sector, with an increment in cellulose and paper, and polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The metallurgy susector, on the contrary (-17.4%), reflects the decrease in the production of gold bars and of copper bars, square bars and profiles. The same occurs to quarrying industry (-4.2%), due to a decrease in the extraction of natural gas and rocks.

The manufacturing output in Bahia grew by 3.9%, with positive rates in six of the nine subsectors surveyed. The biggest impacts were observed in chemical products (4.9%); food and drinks (12.1%) and automotive vehicles (52.6%). These results were related, respectively, to the production of non-saturated ethylene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), soybeans oil and soft drinks, and automobiles. On the other hand, the biggest negative contribution came from metallurgy (-7.9%) and quarrying industry (-2.1%), due, respectively, to the decline in the production of gold bars and carbon-steel bars and square bars, natural gas and crude petroleum oil.


Minas Gerais

The manufacturing output in Minas Gerais grew by 9.6% in relation to April one year ago, a higher rate than the that observed nationwide (6.3%). The indexes also remained positive, 7.6% accumulated in the year and 7.3% in the previous twelve months. 

In relation to April 2004, there was increase of 9.6%. The quarrying industry grew by 21.2%, due, above all, to the increase in the production of iron ore, the main contribution to the overall rate. Manufacturing industry advanced 7.8%, with increased production in eight of twelve subsectors. The subsector which stand out are: automotive vehicles (19.6%) due to the production of automobiles, food (11.9%) mainly because of the increased production of milk, and non-metallic minerals (21.9%), especially for the production of cement. The main negative contribution came from metallurgy (-6.2%) because of the decrease in the production of bobbins and steel plates and ingots, wooden plugs and carbon steel plates. This result reflects the technical stoppage for maintenance in an important company of this segment.

The positive rate (7.6%) accumulated in the first four months of the year is due to the growth in ten subsectors, especially autotomotive vehicles (13.9%), quarrying industry, (12.9%) and chemical products (22.9%). In these subsectors, the main products responsible for the increase were  automobiles, iron ore, insecticides and superphosphates. The negative results occurred in the sector of metallurgy (-2.6%), drinks (-13.9%) and tobacco (-4.6%), being the negative impacts the items: carbon steel square bars, devices and other objects made of cast iron, carbon steel bobbins, beer and draft beer and cigarettes, respectively.


Espírito Santo

In April 2005, the manufacturing output in Espírito Santo grew by 5.0% in relation to the same month one year ago. The indexes accumulated in the year and in the previous twelve yeasrs were, respectively, 4.8% and 5.6%.

In the comparison with the same month last year, four sectors presented positive results, whereas only one shows a negative performance. Out of those items which contributed to positive results, it is worth mentioning the metallurgy (13.1%), represented by the increased production of  ingots, metal blocks, wooden plugs and steel plates, and of cellulose and paper (5.2%). The subsector of non-metallic minerals also deserves attention for its first positive rate in the year(6.7%), being cement the main the highlight in this case. The only fall was in quarrying (-1.7%) with the first negative rate this year. Iron ore and its concentrates contributes to the biggest negative impact on the overalll production rate.

The index accumulated in the year grew by 4.8%, with positive results in all the subsectors, especially  food and drinks (12.7%), cellulose and paper (6.6%), quarrying industry (4.0%) and metallurgy (2.0%).

Rio de Janeiro

In relation to April, the manufacturing output in Rio de Janeiro grew by 5.2%, the same rate as in April 2004, and better than that registered in March (1.7%). The accumulated indexes in the year and in the pervious twelve months were, respectively, 2.0% and 3.0%.

The increase of 5.2%, in relation to the same month one year ago, represents a scenario of positive indices in eight out of thirteen subsectors surveyed. Quarrying industry, with expansion of 18.7% presents its best result since November 2002, and it is the main factor determining the positive overall production rate. The positive impacts come from medicine and sliced granite, respectively, the manufacturing industry (2.4%), pharmaceutical (23.0%) and non-metallic minerals (34.3%). Falls are observed in five subsectors, and the most important contributions in this case come from rubber and plastic (-37.7%), due to the decrease in the production of tires, and from metallurgy (-5.7%).

The index accumulated in the year grew by 2.0%. Quarrying industry, represented by petroleum extraction and natural gas, expanded 7.1%, and the manufacturing industry advanced 0.9%. Eight of the twelve sectors surveyed present expansion in production; the positive contributions come from non-metallic minerals (40,5%) and automotive vehicles (17.6%), represented by the items slice granite and automobiles, respectively. Among the sectors with reduced production are metallurgy, decreasing by 11.9%, and rubber and plastic (-29.0%). In these sectors, the main decline occurred due to tin plates and tires.

São Paulo

In April industry in São Paulo increased by 7.0%, accumulated 5.6% in the year and 10.6 % in the previous twelve months, figures superior to the global rates in Brazil (6.3%, 4.5% and 7.5%).

The monthly index had its eighteenth consecutive positive result (7.0%). Seventeen of the twenty sectors surveyed presented positive changes in production. The pharmaceutical (20.5%) and machines and equipment (12.4%) sectors are the greatest contributors to these changes, due to the increase in the production of medicines; equipment elevators and roller bearings. The main negative influences came from petroleum refinement and alcohol production (-13.4%) and electronic material and communication equipment (-10.1%), because of the retraction observed in the subsectors of diesel and other fuel oils, and appliances for telephony.

The index accumulated this year expanded 5.6%, practically repeating the increment of 5.2% from the end of the first quarter. Seventeen sectors presented positive rates in April. Among those segments with increased production are pharmaceutical industry (30.5%) and machines and equipment (13.1%). The opposite occurred to petroleum refinement and alcohol production (-8.8%) and electronic material and communication equipment (-11.2%), the main negative results.


In April 2005, the industry in Paraná continued showing positive rates. The monthly index showed an expansion of 5.1%, the index accumulated in the year grew by 5.0% and that accumulated in the previous twelve months expanded 8.7%.

In the comparison with April 2004, the growth of 5.1% was caused, to a great extent, by the expansion observed in eleven industrial subsectors. The subsector of automotive vehicles (54.5%) represented the main positive contribution to the overall production figures, especially because of automobiles and trucks. The good performance of this subsector reflects, above all, the effect of exports. Among the subsectors which cooperated positively, however, but not to such a great extent, were cellulose and paper (6.9%) and non-metallic minerals (9.6%), reflecting the growth in the production of kraft paper for packing and cement, respectively. On the other hand, three subsectors had negative influence on industrial output, for instance, food (-8.8%) and chemical products (-37.0%).These results are explained by the retraction in the production of corn-based food, of soy tarts, bagasses other residues of soybeans, and of fertilizers, respectively.

The production accumulated in the first four months of the year had an increment of 5.0% in comparison with the same period a year ago, with expansion in eight subsectors and retraction in six of them. Among the successful subsectors, it is possible to mention as the major positive influence, automotive vehicles (41.2%) and editing and printing (32.2%). On the other hand, the most significant negative impacts were observed in the subsectors of chemical products (-28.1%); food (-3.2%) and petroleum refinement and alcohol production (-5.8%).

Santa Catarina

The industry in Santa Catarina presented, for the fifteenth consecutive month, expansion in the monthly index, this time about 7.9%. The index accumulated for the first four months is 8.3% and the accumulated in the previous twelve months is 12.4%, showing a slight reduction in relation to March (12.7%).

In the comparison April 05/April 04, the industrial production in Santa Catarina increased due to the performance of eight of the eleven subsectors surveyed. The main positive contribution to the global was that of automotive vehicles (104.3%), influenced, among other factors, by the increased production of buses and trucks. It is also worth pointing out the advances in the food (6.6%) and textiles (13.5%) subsectors, whose positive results are explained by the growth in most of the products surveyed. In these subsectors, especially due to external influence, the main highlights were conserved pork meat and cloth. On the other hand, apparel, (-7.6%) and machines, appliances and electronic materials (-8.6%) stand out as the main contributors to the decrease in production as a result of the manufacturing of trousers and electric engines, respectively.

The expansion of 8.3% in the index accumulated between Jan-Apr, versus the same period in 2004, had a general profile reaching nine out of eleven activities surveyed. The subsector of automotive vehicles (1219%) was the positive highlight. It is worth pointing out the performance of food industry (7.1%) and textiles (8.5%), with increment to the items, frozen swine meat and cloth, respectively. The subsectors of machine, appliances and electrical material (-8.3%) and apparel (-3.9%) are the only ones which show decrease, as a consequence of the reduced production of electric engines and of trousers, respectively

Rio Grande do Sul

In April, Rio Grande do Sul presented negative results, as in the first three months of the year, for the indices accumulated in the year and in the month (-3.9%) and (-3.6%). The index accumulated in the previous twelve months showed expansion of 3.7%, tending to decline.

The retraction of 3.9% in April can be explained by the fall in the production of seven of fourteen sectors. The subsectors that most contributed to this performance were machinery and equipment (-30.3%) and drinks (-23.3%), being the highlights harvesting machinery, air conditioning, sowing and seasoning machine, and wine. On the other hand, among the main activities with positive rates are: shoes and leather articles (5.9%), chemical products (3.9%) and food (1.7%). The products which most influenced the advance of these sectors were plastic and leather female footwear; polypropylene; rubber; powdered milk; and products such as ham, salami and the like.

The negative rate of 3.6% accumulated in the year is explained by the decline in nine subsectors, especially machinery and equipment (-19.9%), tobacco (-14.5%) and petroleum refinement and alcohol production (-7.1%). These falls occurred due to principally because of the decline in the production of harvesting machines, air conditioning; sowing and seasoning machines; industrially processed tobacco, and diesel and other fuel oils. The subsectors that contributed positively were: foods (6.3%) due to the production of powdered milk and semi-white rice; metal products (12.4%), due, mainly, to parts and pieces for hand tools; and footwear and leather items (4.7%), represented by female footwear.


In April, the industrial production in Goiás presented expansion of 18.4% in comparison with the same month a year ago, a result superior to that of May (8.1%). The indexes for longer periods also registered growth : 7.4% in the accumulated per year and 9.8% for the previous twelve months.

According to the monthly indicator, the increase of 18.4% in production in the state of Goiás was determined by the good performance of the food and drinks subsector (21.5%)The highlight in this case was the increased production of flour, of "pellets" of crude of soybeans and soybeans oil. Another sector in expansion is quarrying industry (28.4%), with growth generated by the production of amianthus fibers.

The increase of 7.4% in the index accumulated in the year also reflected the good performance of food and drinks (10.3%), with increase in the production of flour, "pellets" of soybeans and processed tomato sauce. Three of five the five subsectors activities surveyed reached positive results, especially metallurgy, (10.8%) and quarrying (8.5%), with growth in the production of iron-niobium, iron-nickel; and amianthus fibers. On the other hand, the only negative contribution came from chemical products (-8.3%), due to reduced production of fertilizers.