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Industry grows in all Regions and in all the comparisons for the fourth consecutive month

January 13, 2005 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 20, 2018 06h26 PM

In November, the industrial production remains for the fourth consecutive month presenting expansion in all the investigated locations, according to the different comparisons. In the comparison with November 2003, the highlight was the growth recorded in Bahia (30.5%), boasted mainly by the positive result of petroleum refining and alcohol production. The industries of Ceará (20.2%), Paraná (15.5%), Northeast Region (18.1%), Pará (17.2%), Amazonas (15.8%), Goiás (15.7%), Santa Catarina (12.1%), São Paulo (10.2%) and Espírito Santo (9.5%) also recorded growing rates above the total of Brazil (8.1%). In the other locations, the results were the following: 7.6% in Minas Gerais; 3.7% in Rio de Janeiro; 3.2% in Rio Grande do Sul and 2.3% in Pernambuco.

In the accumulated indicator of the period January-November 2004, the leadership of the regional performance, considering the extent of growth, remains with two states: Amazonas (12.9%), where stood out the production of television sets and mobile telephones and São Paulo, where the increase of 11.9% is sustained, mainly, by the production of the automotive industry as well machines and equipment, electronic materials and communication equipment industries. In these results it could be confirmed the growing pattern observed by the total of the Brazilian industry during 2004. It could be observed that the industrial structure in these states has a considerable participation of the segments of durable consumer goods and capital goods that are the sectors that more boasted the industrial expansion. Ceará (11.2%), Santa Catarina (11.1%), Pará (10.6%), Bahia (10.0%) and Paraná (9.5%) had an increase above the national average (8.3%). On the other hand the Northeast Region (7.5%), Goiás (6.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (6.7%), Minas Gerais (6.3%), Pernambuco (5.4%), Espírito Santo (4.6%) and Rio de Janeiro (2.2%) presented results below the national average.

From October till November, the regional evolution of the accumulated indicator of the last twelve months maintains a trend of growth in the rhythm of production in all the surveyed locations, specially Bahia, which passes from 4.7% in October to 8.5% in November, and Ceará (from 7.2% to 9.8%).



In November 2004, the industrial production of Amazonas recorded growth of 15.8% in the monthly index; 12.9% in the accumulated index of the year and 12.4% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months. The electronic material and communication equipment industry presented the main positive contribution in these three indicators. 

In relation to November 2003, eight of the eleven surveyed segments presented positive results. Due to the increase in the production of mobile telephones and television sets, the industry of electronic material and communication equipment (29.9%) was the principal responsible for the overall result. It can be mentioned also the influences of edition and printing (35.3%) and of other transport equipment (7.9%), whose respective highlights were reproduction of video tapes and manufacturing of motorcycles. On the other hand, the main negative impacts in the formation of the rate of the general industry came from food products and beverages (-3.1%) and medical-hospital equipment, optics and others (-4.5%), as a consequence, respectively, of the falls observed in the manufacturing of syrups for beverage elaboration; wheat flour; lenses for glasses and wristwatch.

In the accumulated index of the year, there was growth of 12.9% in relation to the same period of 2003. Ten activities registered expansion, and in terms of participation, electronic material and communication equipment (24.1%), edition and printing (56.2%) and rubber and plastic (40.2%) were the main positive highlights in this type of comparison. Only metal products presented a negative rate (-6.6%), due to the reduction observed in razor blades and shaving equipment.



In the comparison with November 2003, the industry of Pará grew 17.2%, a result more favorable than the one recorded in October (11.3%). The indicators for larger periods also presented expansion: 10.6% in the accumulated index in the year and 10.5% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

In the comparison November 04 / November 03, the growth of 17.2% was determined, mainly, by the behavior of the mining and quarrying industry (23.7%), specially, the one of extraction of iron ore and manganese. Other relevant positive contributions came from wood (31.1%), due to the major production of sawed wood, destined to foreign countries; and of basic metal products (9.8%), which presented growth in the production of aluminum oxide and unconnected aluminum in raw form. Contrarily, the only negative contribution came from food products and beverages (-5.5%), influenced, mainly, by the drop in the item prepared hearts of palm.

In the accumulated results in the year, the industry of Pará grew 10.6%, showing the positive performance of all the six surveyed segments. The major impacts in the overall result came from the mining and quarrying industry (14.7%), basic metal products (5.7%) and cellulose and paper (21.6%). In these activities, stood out, respectively, the following items: iron ore and aluminum ores; aluminum oxide and cast iron; and toilet paper and cellulose.



According to the monthly indicator, the industry of the Northeast grew its productive rhythm passing from 6.9% in October to 18.1% in November. The indicators for larger periods also present growth: 7.5% in the accumulated index of the year and 6.5% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

In the comparison November 2004/November 2003, the growth of 18.1% was a consequence of the positive performance of 8 of the 11 surveyed sectors. The major impact in the overall result came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (126.7%), whose highlight was diesel oil and naphthas for chemical products related to the petroleum industry. Nevertheless, it can be stressed that this increase was highly influenced by a low base of comparison, as a consequence of programmed shutdowns in November of the last year. Other positive highlights were food products and beverages (11.6%), influenced, mainly by the increase in the production of beers and soft drinks, and chemical products (16.3%), whose main highlights were non-saturated ethylene and low density polyethylene. On the other hand, the major falls came from basic metal products (-16.0%) and cellulose and paper (-11.6%), as a result of the respective falls of aluminum oxide and cellulose.

Regarding the accumulated index in the year (7.5%), the positive result was influenced by 10 of the 11 surveyed activities. Among them, the more expressive were the following: petroleum refining and alcohol production (21.2%), food products and beverages (7.5%) and chemical products (5.9%). In these industries, stood out respectively: diesel oil, soft drinks, and non-saturated ethylene. On the other hand, the only negative contribution came from basic metal products (-8.3%), influenced, mainly, by aluminum oxide and unconnected aluminum in raw form.


The industrial production of Ceará, in November 2004, recorded increase of 20.2% in relation to November 2003, a result above the one registered in October (12.6%). The other indicators for larger periods continued positive: 11.2% in the accumulated index of the year and 9.8% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

The monthly indicator of the industry of Ceará presented growth in nine of ten surveyed activities. The main contribution for the formation of the rate of 20.2% came from the textile sector (39.1%), influenced by the increase in the manufacturing of cotton thread and mesh of artificial fibers. It is important to point out that the good performance in cotton threads results from the growth in the productive capacity of an important industry of the sector. Also food products and beverages (16.5%) had a good performance, influenced by the major production of cookies and crackers, and toasted peanuts and cashew nuts; as well as the sector of apparel (35.2%), boasted by the increase in the production of long pants for feminine use. Contrarily, the industry of metal products (-23.8%), pressured, mainly, by the decrease in the items corks, metallic capsules or coverings and iron and steel structures, was the only one to present fall.


In the accumulated indicator till November, the industry of Ceará grew 11.2%, with positive rates in nine of ten investigated sectors. The major positive influences came from food products and beverages (11.6%), because of the item toasted peanuts and cashew nuts; textile (11.9%), due to the major production of mesh thread of artificial fibers; and footwear and leather articles (16.0%), explained by the high production of plastic footwear. The only drop was verified in metal products (-10.9%), due, mainly, to the loss observed in the item iron and steel structures.



In November 2004, the industrial sector of Pernambuco, with an increase of 2.3% in relation to the same month of the previous year, presented the tenth consecutive positive result in this type of comparison. In the indicators for larger periods, the industry of Pernambuco also recorded positive results: 5.4% in the accumulated index in the year and 5.1% in the last twelve months.

In the comparison November 04 / November 03, the increase of 2.3% achieved by the industry of Pernambuco was influenced, mainly, by the favorable performance of six of eleven surveyed groups of industry. Food products and beverages (6.0%), due to the increase in the manufacturing of soft drinks and ice creams, was the principal positive influence. Other positive important contributions were registered by the activity petroleum refining and alcohol production (43.7%) and metal products (20.3%), which recorded expansion in the production of the items hydrated anhydrous alcohol and aluminum cans to be used as containers, respectively. The total of the industry did not attain a more expressive growth due to the negative results recorded in the industries of basic metal products (-12.1%), textile (-37.0%) and electric machines, equipment and materials (-16.0%). These segments were negatively influenced, mainly, by the items: carbon steel square bars, cotton thread and electric cells and batteries.

In the accumulated of the year, the industry of Pernambuco grew 5.4%, as a consequence of the good positive behavior of eight of eleven surveyed groups of industry. Among these, the more expressive were metal basic products (20.2%) and food products and beverages (5.9%), that indicated, respectively, growth in the manufacturing of the items aluminum plates and bands and carbon steel wire rod, and margarine and soft drinks. Contrarily, the major negative pressures came from electric machines, equipment and materials (-6.7%), influenced by the reduction of electric cells and batteries, and textile (-9.8%), which presented fall in the production of cotton thread.



In the comparison with November 2003, the industrial production of Bahia increased 30.5%, the tenth consecutive growth. The indicators for larger periods continue positive: 10.0% in the accumulated index of the year and 8.5% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.


In relation to the monthly indicator of the industry of Bahia, six of the nine surveyed industrial activities had growth. The result of November (30.5%), considerably above the one obtained in October (7.3%), is unusual and is explained, mainly, by the behavior of petroleum refining and alcohol production (205.6%), sustained by the low base of comparison of November 2003, due to the technical stoppage in an important refinery. It is important to mention, still, the positive behavior of chemical products (18.2%), because of the increase in the production of non-saturated ethylene; and of food products and beverages (14.6%), due to the items raw soybean oil and flowers and "pellets" of the extraction of soybean oil. Contrarily, the major negative pressures came from cellulose and paper (-17.1%), as a consequence of the drop in cellulose; and basic metal products (-7.8%), due to the reduction observed in the production of carbon steel square bars, and copper square bars, profiles and bars.

In the accumulated indicator of the year, the industry of Bahia increased 10.0%, presenting positive rates in all the investigated industrial activities. The main positive contribution came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (22.6%), due to the increase in the production of diesel oil, fuel and naphthas. Also, stood out, chemical products (6.3%), influenced by the increase in non-saturated ethylene; and basic metal products (8.8%), influenced by copper square bars, profiles and bars.

Minas Gerais

In November 2004, the industrial indicators of Minas Gerais continued presenting positive behavior: 7.6% in the monthly index; 6.3% in the accumulated index in the year and 6.4% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

In the comparison with November 2003, the industry of Minas grew 7.6%, as a consequence of the expansion observed in 10 of the 13 surveyed industrial segments. The mining and quarrying industry, with 14.0% of growth, had its performance explained by the increase in the production of iron ore and its concentrates. We can observe that this good behavior can be explained by the growth of the Asian economy, mainly China. The manufacturing industry, by its way, increased 6.7%, being strongly influenced by four groups of industries: food products (15.6%), automotive vehicles (16.0%), other chemical products (26.1%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (15.4%). In these segments, the products that more stood out were, respectively: mayonnaise and poultry pluck, giblets and meats; vans and cars; insecticides and manures and fertilizers; and diesel oil and hydrated anhydrous alcohol. Among the groups of industry that presented fall, the major pressures came from basic metal products (-5.5%) and beverages (-24.8%). The first one was influenced by the fall in the production of carbon steel square bars; and the second one, in which stood out negatively the item beer and draft beer, was influenced mainly by a high base of comparison (November 2003).


In the accumulated indicator of the year (6.3%), the result of November confirms stability in the rhythm of production, which is already lasting four consecutive months. The growth of the manufacturing industry was of 5.4%, although without a big change compared to October (5.3%), September (5.2%) and August (5.2%). Nine segments indicated positive results, and the highlights were automotive vehicles (19.6%), mining and quarrying industry (12.8%), other chemical products (12.3%) and food products (5.1%). On the other hand, among the segments that pressured negatively, we can stand out basic metal products (-1.5%) and tobacco (-6.8%).


Espírito Santo

In November, the industrial indicators of Espírito Santo continued positive. The monthly index grew 9.5%, the accumulated index in the year, 4.6% and the accumulated index in the last twelve months, 4.2%.

In the comparison with November 2003, the industrial production increased 9.5%, as a consequence of the growth observed in three of the five surveyed groups of industry. The result of –4.1% of the mining and quarrying industry contributed to weaken the overall result, once that the manufacturing industry indicated growth of 15.8%. In this sector, we can observe the excellent performance of the segment cellulose and paper (42.1%), boasted by the increase in the production of cellulose. Another group of industry with an important impact in the composition of the rate was food products and beverages (14.9%), having as the principal highlight the item bonbons. On the other hand, non-metallic minerals fell 5.8%, where common cement was the product of major negative influence.

In the accumulated index of the year, the overall rate of the industry increased 4.6%, as a consequence of the expansion in four groups of industry. The mining and quarrying industry, while growing 2.3% in the year, presented a lower rhythm in relation to the preceding months, resulting in the fall of the monthly indicator (-4.1%). The manufacturing industry, by its way, presented a more favorable result (5.6%), with food products and beverages (15.1%) and basic metal products (6.7%) answering for the major positive impacts. With a low change, non-metallic minerals (-0.3%) were the only group of industry that presented a negative result.


Rio de Janeiro

In November, the industry of Rio de Janeiro presents positive results in the principal indicators. In the comparison with November 2003, the production increased 3.7%, recording, the seventh positive consecutive result in this type of comparison. As a consequence, in the comparison for larger periods, the industry of Rio de Janeiro continued to present expansion: 2.2% in the accumulated index in the year and 1.9% in the index of the last twelve months. We can observe that the indicators of the industry of Rio de Janeiro continue below the national average in all the comparisons.

 For the formation of the result of 3.7%, obtained in the comparison November 04 / November 03, contributed positively seven of the thirteen surveyed groups of industry. The mining and quarrying industry, after a positive rate in October, recorded again a fall (-1.6%), being influenced, mainly, by the stoppage for maintenance of platforms of petroleum extraction. The manufacturing industry, by its way, grows 4.8%, the seventh positive consecutive result in this type of comparison. The activity petroleum refining and alcohol production, with growth of 21.4%, is the one that answers for the major positive impact, whose highlights were diesel oil and common gasoline. It can be mentioned the favorable performance of beverages (22.9%), pressured, mainly, by the increase in the item beer and draft beer; non-metallic minerals (21.2%), due to the increase in the production of sliced granite; and automotive vehicles (18.8%), because of the expansion in the manufacturing of trucks and cars. Among the five groups of industry that presented fall in the production, the highlights were the following: basic metal products (-11.5%) and pharmaceuticals (-16.2%), influenced, mainly, by the respective reductions in the production of tin plates and non-connected aluminum and remedies.

Regarding the accumulated indicator of the year, the increase of 2.2% was influenced by the positive results of nine of thirteen surveyed activities. With fall of 4.2%, the mining and quarrying industry was the main negative influence in the overall result of the industry, strongly pressured by programmed stoppages for the maintenance of platforms of petroleum extraction that occurred during 2004. The manufacturing industry presents growth (3.7%), in which stood out automotive vehicles (20.7%), non-metallic minerals (21.5%) and beverages (14.3%). In these groups, the main positive highlights were, respectively: trucks; sliced granite; and beer and draft beer. Contrarily, edition and printing (-6.6%) and other chemical products (-5.0%) were the groups of manufacturing industry that more pressured negatively the global index, boasted by the fall in the production of CDs and oxygen, respectively.


São Paulo

The industrial sector of São Paulo shows, in November, an increase in the production according to the main indicators: 10.2% in relation to November 2003; 11.9% in the accumulated index of the year and 11.4% in the last twelve months.

The growth of 10.2% in the comparison with November 2003 showed the positive behavior of 15 of the 20 surveyed groups of industry. The ones that more influenced the overall behavior were the following: electronic material and communication equipment (57.9%), automotive vehicles (21.3%) and machines and equipment (24.7%). These segments were boasted, mainly, by the increase in the production of mobile telephony equipment and mobile telephones; automobiles and parts for motors; and equipment elevators/roller bearings and merchandise transporters. Contrarily, edition and printing (-7.1%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-6.4%) were the activities that more pressured negatively the overall rate. In these groups of industry, stood out the falls in the respective items: didactic books and printed matter and diesel oil.


The accumulated production in the period January-November showed expansion of 11.9%, with 19 sectors increasing the level of activity. Automotive vehicles (29.7%), machines and equipment (22.1%) and electronic material and communication equipment (45.5%) were the main positive pressures, due, mainly, to the manufacturing of cars and trucks; motor grades and equipment elevators/ merchandise transporters; and mobile telephony equipment and mobile telephones. On the other hand, the only negative influence came from edition and printing (-1.9%), explained, partly, by the decrease in the manufacturing of didactic books and printed matter.


In November 2004, the industrial production of Paraná presented positive rates in its principal comparisons. In the monthly comparison, the growth was of 15.5%. Regarding the accumulated indexes in the year and in the last twelve months they reached 9.5% and 9.2%, respectively.

In relation to November 2003, the industry of Paraná showed a considerable increase in the production (15.5%), showing the expansion in eight of fourteen surveyed industrial segments. Edition and printing (182.1%), which had an unusual behavior, was the sector that represented one of the major positive impacts on the overall rate. This result was influenced by the increase in the production of didactic books and printed matters, due to government orders and by the low base of comparison (November 2003). Other two groups of industry that impacted significantly the overall result were the following: automotive vehicles (66.9%), due to the expansion observed in trucks; and food products (7.9%), due to crystallized sugar. Among the negative results, we can mention machines and equipment (-13.6%) and metal products (-15.0%), influenced by the poor performance in the production of harvesting machines and furniture decoration and ironware, respectively.

The production accumulated till November 2004 grew 9.5%, a rhythm considerably above the one recorded in 2003 (5.7%). Among the industrial activities that expanded, the highlights were three of them: automotive vehicles (47.5%), influenced by the production of trucks; edition and printing (41.4%), in which stood out didactic books and printed matters; and machines and equipment (18.2%), boasted by the increase in machines to manufacture cellulose. On the other hand, four of the fourteen surveyed industrial activities presented fall, specially, petroleum refining and alcohol production (-13.8%) and other chemical products (-10.2%).


Santa Catarina

In November, the indicators of the industry of Santa Catarina were considerably positive. In relation to November 2003, the production recorded growth of 12.1%, being this one, the tenth consecutive positive result in this type of comparison. As a consequence, the indicators for larger periods, continued positive: 11.1% in the accumulated index of the year and 9.9% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months (9.9%).


In the comparison November 04 / November 03, the growth of 12.1% was a consequence of the positive results in eight of the eleven surveyed groups of industry. The main highlight was automotive vehicles (151.7%), pressured, mainly, by a low base of comparison as well by the increase in the demand of buses and trucks bodies. Another positive highlight was food products (17.0%), due to the major foreign demand for poultry pluck, giblets and meats. It can be mentioned also the textile industry (12.8%) and the machines and equipment industry (9.3%), which had favorable results in the production of bath, face and hand towels; and compressors and motor compressors, respectively. Among the three groups of industry that reduced the production, apparel (-9.2%), influenced by knitting clothing, was the more significant negative influence.

In the accumulated index of the year (11.1%), positive results prevailed, with nine of the eleven surveyed activities presenting growth. The expansions that more impacted the overall rate were food products (10.9%) and machines and equipment (13.9%). In these activities, stand out respectively, the growth in the items poultry pluck, giblets and meats and refrigerators and freezers. Other positive results were observed in the following segments: textile (13.2%), automotive vehicles (35.8%) and rubber and plastic (17.1%), pressured, mainly, by the increase in the production of bath, face and hand towels; buses and trucks bodies and plastic accessories and parts. Once again, non-metallic minerals (-4.8%) and apparel (-2.4%) represented, in this comparison, the main negative contributions to the formation of the overall index. These sectors were influenced by the fall in the production of pottery plates and tiles and shirts for men, respectively.


Rio Grande do Sul

In November 2004, the industry of Rio Grande do Sul grew 3.2%, a result above the one observed in October (2.2%). The indicators for larger periods grew 6.7% in the accumulated index in the year and 6.5% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

According to the monthly indicator, the hike of 3.2% in the industry of this state presented a positive behavior in 10 of the 14 surveyed groups of industry. Footwear and leather articles (20.0%), automotive vehicles (18.4%) and basic metal products (20.2%) were the major positive articles in the overall result. These industries indicated growth, mainly in the respective items: leather promenade tennis; axis and semi axis; and bars of other steel alloys. On the other hand, the major negative contribution came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (-24.0%) and from other chemical products (-2.7%). The first segment presented fall in the production of diesel oil and naphthas for chemical products related to petroleum industry, and the second one presented its negative value as a result, mainly, of the reduction in the production of high and low density polyethylene.


The accumulated indicator in the year grew 6.7%, showing increase in 11 of the 14 surveyed groups of industry. Among these, the more expressive were tobacco (27.7%), machines and equipment (17.8%) and automotive vehicles (22.3%). In these segments, stood out the following items: tobacco products; harvesting machines; and axis and semi axis. On the other hand, the groups of industry that presented the major falls in the overall rate were petroleum refining and alcohol production (-5.5%) and food products (-0.9%), influenced, respectively, by naphthas for chemical products related to petroleum industry and soy tarts and bagasses.



The industry of the state of Goiás records in November, growth of 15.7%, in the comparison with the same month of 2003. This result was more favorable than the one of October (4.8%). The indicators for larger periods also indicated expansion: 6.9% in the accumulated index in the year and 6.1% in the accumulated index of the last twelve months.

In the monthly indicator, the increase of 15.7% was a consequence of the growth of five surveyed segments. The major contributions came from food products and beverages (11.5%), chemical products (34.1%) and mining and quarrying industry (29.8%), which presented, respectively, increase in the production of soybean oil; remedies; and amianthus fibers.

In the accumulated index of the year (6.9%), four of the five surveyed activities presented positive results, specially food products and beverages (6.8%) and chemical products (10.7%), which recorded, respectively, growth in the production of soy tarts and bagasses, soy flowers and "pellets"; remedies; and domestic use soaps. Contrarily, basic metal products (-0.5%) were the only negative contribution in the overall result, influenced, mainly by nickel iron and gold bars.