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Agriculture and petroleum are the highlights in the GDP of the States

December 07, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 20, 2018 05h15 PM

The results of the Regional Accounts of 2002, published today by the IBGE in partnership with the state governments, show that in the year a good performance was observed in Agriculture (7%) and Mining and Quarrying (11.7%), specially, petroleum. In Rio de Janeiro, for example, petroleum grew more than 15%, while in Minas Gerais, iron ore grew 7.5%.

In comparison with 2001, Mato Grosso, with change of 9.5%, was the state that most grew, influenced, mainly, by Agriculture, which had a growth of 17.7%. Also, stood out Rondônia (9.2%), Amazonas (7.0%), Espírito Santo (6.0%), Roraima (6.6%), Amapá (6.0%), Goiás (4.9%), Acre (4.6%), Paraíba (4.9%) and Rio de Janeiro (4.4%). With a performance below the national average (1.9%), the lowest rates were recorded in Alagoas (0.2%), Piauí (0.6%), São Paulo (0.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (1.1%), Bahia (1.2%), Santa Catarina (1.5%) and Paraná (1.7%), which, altogether, answer for almost 55% of the participation in the GDP.

In relation to the GDP per capita, the major value came from the Federal District (R$16,361) and, the lowest value, came from Maranhão (R$1,949). It is important to observe the change of position between some states. In 2002, the GDP per capita of Rio de Janeiro (R$11,459) was higher than the one of São Paulo (R$11,353) and the GDP of Bahia (R$4,629) was higher than the one of Pernambuco (R$4,482).

Growth in Mato Grosso is influenced mainly by soybeans

The growth of 9.5% in Mato Grosso shows the good performance of agriculture (17.7%) and specially of soybeans, which, in 2002, increased 23% in the state. Other products that also presented growth were: corn (12%), sugar cane (16%) and coffee (6%). Mato Grosso is today the major producer of soybeans in Brazil, with a participation of 27% in the total of production.

Mobile telephone grows 89% in Amazonas

In Rondônia, the growth of 9.2% shows the good performance of Agriculture (21%) in the state. Regarding Amazonas, the highlight was the industry of manufacturing (14%), boasted, once more, by the electronic sector, which amounts to 48.5% and increased 26% in 2002. Within the electronic sector, the major growth remained with mobile telephone (89%), that sums 30% of the manufacturing industry in the state.

Among the Major Regions, the lowest rate of change remains with the South region

The result in the South region, which presented the lowest rate of change (1.4%), can be explained by the high base of comparison, since the three states that compose the region had a good result in 2001 due to the fact that they did not participate in the energy rationing of that year.

Rio Grande do Norte had the major growth in Agriculture

In the Northeast, Bahia, Piauí and Alagoas had a performance below the national average. In Bahia, the annual change (1.2%) was influenced by falls in the manufacturing industry (-0.1%) and mining and quarrying (-0.2%). In Piauí and Alagoas, the reason was the poor behavior of Agriculture, which fell, respectively, 8.0% and 17.0%. In Alagoas, the fall in sugar cane (-14%) influenced directly the result of Agriculture. Contrarily, with good results in Agriculture, we have the states of Pernambuco (20%), boasted by sugar cane, and Rio Grande do Norte (73%), which presented the major growth in the activity among the federative units.

Despite the leadership, the participation of São Paulo fell

Since the beginning of the series (1985), the same seven states keep the highest participation in the GDP. These states are, in decreasing order: São Paulo (32.6%), Rio de Janeiro (12.6%), Minas Gerais (9.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (7.8%), Paraná (6.1%), Bahia (4.6%) and Santa Catarina (3.9%). Altogether, these states had, in 2002, 77% of the GDP. Despite the leadership, São Paulo presents, in the period, the lowest level of participation in the series, which once was 37% in 1990.

Coffee, orange, soybeans and sugar cane are the highlights in Agriculture

In a general way, the good result in Agriculture was influenced by the growth in the following products: coffee (45.6%), orange (12.4%), soybeans (11.9%) and sugar cane (6%). The behavior of soybeans was, in 2002, considerably favorable and among the great producers, its growth stood out in Goiás (33%), Mato Grosso (23%) and Paraná (11%). Only Rio Grande do Sul had a drop in the production (-19%).


Growth of petroleum is a highlight in Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro

Regarding mining and quarrying, the main responsible for the good performance of the activity was the petroleum extraction, which presented a change around 12%. This result was influenced by Rio de Janeiro – which has 82.5% of participation in the oil extraction - where the growth, in 2002, reached 15.2%; and Espírito Santo (21%), which begins to stand out in this activity. The price of oil changed, on the average, 23.4% in relation to 2001.

In the accumulated result, leadership is with Mato Grosso and Amazonas

In the total accumulated result (1985-2002), the leadership of growth in volume continues to be observed in Mato Grosso (257%) and in Amazonas (248%). In the accumulated result from 1994 to 2002, nevertheless, it can be observed that the best performance comes from Amazonas, which grows 100% in the period, followed by Mato Grosso, with an accumulated growth of 64%.

(1)* The state of Tocantins was created in 1989