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Domestic cattle stands out in the Municipal Livestock Production of 2003

November 25, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 20, 2018 01h22 PM

Becoming the main producer of commercial cattle herd in the world, Brazil reached, in 2003, 195.551 million animals, which represented a growth of 5.51% compared to the previous year. With the greatest number of animals, the herd of roosters, pullets, chickens and chicks grew 1.35% from one year to the other, reaching 737.523 million head. Data on these and other herds are found in the Municipal Livestock Production (PPM) 2003, which presents a profile of the Brazilian production of animals and animal products. The inventory of animals surveyed was analyzed on 12/31/2003. As to animal products, the amount produced along the year was taken into account.

Corumbá and Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS) are the main municipal cattle producers

The Central-West region kept the biggest cattle heard in the country (69.9 million) and showed growth of 6.59% in the number of head - above the national average (5.51%).  The states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso are the main producers, concentrating, respectively, 12.78% and 12.59% of the Brazilian heard. However, the states which had the biggest growth in the number of cattle, between 2002 and 2003, are found in the North Region: Amazonas, with 25.27% of increase in the number of animals, and Rondônia (16.82%).

Nine among the ten biggest Brazilian cattle herds were in municipalities of the Central-West region. Corumbá and Ribas do Rio Pardo, both in Mato Grosso do sul, are the main producing municipalities, followed by São Félix do Xingu, in the state of Pará.

Minas Gerais is the state with the biggest milk production, but Castro (PR) is the main producing municipality

As to milk production, Brazil has reached, in 2003, the amount of 22.254 billion liters a year, reaching domestic self-sufficiency and depending less and less of external purchases. The Southeast Region was responsible for 40% of the total of the national production. Although Minas Gerais was the major producing state, registering 28.40% of the country's production, the main municipality was Castro, In Paraná. The highlights were as follows: Ibiá (Minas Gerais) and Piracanjuba (Goiás). In the last 13 years, the geometric rate of growth of production was of 4.39%, recording 1.19% between 2000 and 2003.

São Paulo has the main producers of poultry and eggs

In relation to the inventory of roosters, pullets, chickens and chicks, in regional terms, the biggest producers were in the South Region, with highlights to the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná. In municipal terms, the main producing city was Guapiaçu (São Paulo), followed by Pará de Minas (Minas Gerais) and Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul).

The hen inventory reached 183.799 million and the main producing municipality was Bastos (São Paulo), followed by Santa Maria de Jetibá (Espirito Santo) and Itanhandu (Minas Gerais). These three municipalities are also the major national producers of hen eggs. Bastos also has the biggest quail inventory in the country, being the biggest producer of eggs of this kind.

Concordia, in Santa Catarina, is the first municipality in sows

Hogs and Pigs presented an increase of 0.91% in 2003 compared with that of the previous year, when it had shrunk. The South Region had 43% of the national inventory. The municipality of Concordia, in Santa Catarina, was the first in the rank of sows’ inventory in the country. Next, the municipalities of Uberlandia (MG) and Toledo (PR). Among the 10 main producing municipalities, seven were in the South Region, one in Goiás (Rio Verde), one in Bahia (Feira de Santana) and another in Minas Gerais (Uberlândia).

Main producers of goats are in Bahia and Pernanbuco

The Northeast of Brazil stands put due to the production of goats. Almost the total (93%) of the national herd was in that region, in 2003, especially in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco. Casa Nova, Remanso and Juazeiro (BA) top the rank.

The North Region also had the main herd of sheep, accounting for 56.56% of the national total. In spite of that, the main producing cities were in the South of the country, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul. They were, in order: Santana do Livramento, Alegrete, Uruguaiana and Quaraí. The first three ones were in the same positions in terms of number of sheared animals.

Production of honey increased 25.12% increased 25.12% between 2002 and 2003

An important highlight is bee honey, whose producton increased 25.12% from 2002 to 2003, surpassing the figure of 30 million kg. Among the states, the highlights are Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and Piauí. The state of Rio Grande do Sul, alone, produced more than the Southeast, Central West and North Regions together. Nevertheless, the states in which the output of honey increased most significantly, and above other locations, were  ziu mais do que as regiões Sudeste, Centro-Oeste e Norte, juntas. No entanto, Alagoas (490.48%) and Roraima (458.66%). In terms of municipalities, the main producers were  Içara (SC), Picos (PI) and Limoeiro do Norte (CE).