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New estimate for 2004 harvest is 119.5 million metric tons

August 26, 2004 10h00 AM | Last Updated: February 19, 2018 03h58 PM


The seventh IBGE estimate for the national crop of cereals, legumes and oilseeds, based on July's data, indicated that the production can reach the volume of 119.479 million metric tons, in 2004. This figure is 3.36% bellow the harvest of 2003 (123.632 million metric tons). In the comparison with June's estimate, which was of 118.803 million metric tons, July's estimate presented an increase of 0.57%. Almost the total of the products planted in the first crop (summer harvest) were harvested, except for a few areas of corn and rice.

Among the Major Regions, in absolute terms, the production was: 49.444 million metric tons (41.4%) in the South; 39.311 million metric tons (32.9%) in the Central-West; 17.350 million metric tons (14.5%) in the Southeast; 9.911 million metric tons (8.3%) in the Northeast and 3.462 million metric tons (2.9%) in the North.

In relation to the previous month, all products have positive results

In the comparison with June 2004's harvest, four products stood out in the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production of July: beans seeds 3rd crop (19.87%), corn grain 2nd crop (0.57%), soybean grain (0.35%) and wheat grain (0.42%).

As to beans 3rd crop, the significant increase of 19.87% was in line with the estimate review of 129.95% in the production data from Minas Gerais, due to the confirmation of the culture in several areas of the state. The current projection might undergo review because in several areas the planting is carried out until mid-August.

The increase of 0.57% recorded in the production of the corn 2nd crop was a result of the review of the planted area in the states of Minas Gerais and Paraná. The excess of rain in the period of harvest caused some losses in the quality of the product.

In terms of soybeans, the increase of 0.35% posted in July was a major consequence of reviews of the harvested area, once the harvest was completed.

In terms of wheat culture, the increase happened as a result of the new review of Minas Gerais (4.39%) and Paraná (1.55%) data. In Paraná, the current estimate (3,241,008t) might not be reached, because the adverse weather conditions (excess of humidity/ high temperature) facilitated the development of fungal diseases, especially wheat blast.

In relation to 2003, upland cottonseed grows more than 60%

Among the analyzed products, the ones that posted positive change in the production estimate in relation to the previous year were: upland cottonseed (60.24%), paddy rice (28.52%); bean seeds 2nd crop (4.06%); sorghum (11.50%) and wheat (2.59%). The products that had negative change were: bean seeds 1st crop (-10.33%); bean seeds 3rd crop (-12.67%); corn grain 1st crop (-9.85%); corn grain 2nd crop (-20.15%) and soybean grain (-4.47%).

Concerning corn 2nd crop, the expected harvest amounts to a production of 10.617 million metric tons, 20.15% smaller than the one harvested in 2003 (13.298 million metric tons), down 2.7 million metric tons. The planted area in this crop is of 3.3 million of hectares (-7.24%). Among the major producers, only Mato Grosso posted a production estimate higher than the one of 2003 (+14.62%), 2.545 million metric tons. The other states posted negative changes. It is important to mention that Paraná, responsible for 35.27% of the national production, recorded a production decrease of 38% in relation to the last harvest.

In relation to wheat, the national estimate of the crop of 2004 is of 6.246 million metric tons, against 6.029 million metric tons obtained last year, which represents an increase of 3.59%.  Responsible for almost 90% of the production, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul recorded productions of 3.192 million metric tons (3.25%) and 2.362 million metric tons (-1.41%), respectively. As mentioned before, Paraná's wheat crop might be review because of the excess of humidity followed by high temperatures in the season, which can cause fungal diseases.