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Industrial employment falls back in December and closes 2004 with decrease of 0.5%

February 17, 2004 10h00 AM | Last Updated: January 29, 2018 12h43 PM

In comparison with the previous month, the number of dismissals in the industrial segment became higher than the hiring in the seasonally adjusted series. Between November and December, the level of employment decreased (-0.5%), after a slight expansion (0.1%)...

In comparison with the previous month, the number of dismissals in the industrial segment became higher than the hiring in the seasonally adjusted series. Between November and December, the level of employment decreased (-0.5%), after a slight expansion (0.1%) between October and November. In the other indicators, the industrial employment kept decreasing: -1.3% in relation to December 2002 and -0.5% in the cumulative index in the year.

In Q4 of 2003 employment falls in nine areas

In the quarterly analysis there was a growth in the falling pace of the employment level: -0.5% in the first quarter, -0.6% in the second, -0.7% in the third and -1.3% in the last quarter of the year. Between the third and fourth quarters, this movement of deceleration was observed in nine areas, being more intense in the North and Central-West Regions (which moved from 4.0% to 0.7%) and in Santa Catarina (from 1.5% to -1.3%). There was also a prevailance of areas with negative rates (nine) in the fourth quarter of 2003, when Espírito Santo (-6.0%) and Rio de Janeiro (-4.8%) presented the highest decrease. Concerning the sectors, 12 segments recorded decrease from the third to the fourth quarter of the year, with highlights in wearing apparel (moving from -5.4% to -12.1%), paper and press (from -1.9% to -5.0%) and non-metallic minerals (from -5.4% to -7.6%).

In relation to December 2002, the increase of job posts in Minas Gerais and Paraná was set by food and beverages. 

In comparison with December 2002, there was a prevailance of negative rates, which reached 11 out of the 14 surveyed areas. São Paulo's industries, with decrease of 1.7%, accounted again for the strongest contribution to the global rate formation: -1.3%, influenced by the decrease observed in nine segments, specially on wearing apparel (-22.7%) and paper and press (-11.4%). In contrast, among the areas that increased the industrial employment, the highlights are in Minas Gerais and Paraná, both with expansion of 0.2%, leveraged by food and beverages, which reached 10.6% in both areas. By sector, in Brazil there was a decrease in 10 out of the 18 analyzed segments. The higest decline pressure on the overall result came from in wearing apparel (-12.9%), followed by non-metallic minerals (-6.8%), textiles (-5.7%) and paper and press (-5.2%). On the other hand, the highlights are the positive influences of the hirings in the food and beverages (2.4%) and basic metals (8.6%) segments.

Wearing apparel has the highest employment decrease in 2003

The cumulative index of the year closed 2003 with 0.5% of decrease, setting a downward trend, because at the end of the fist quarter it posted 0.0%. In the annual index, there is a dominance of negative rates which affected nine surveyed areas, with a highlight to the job cuts in the Southeast Region (-1.4%), since São Paulo (-0.9%) and Rio de Janeiro (-4,0%) have been responsible for the main negative impacts on employment. On the other hand, the North and Central-West Regions, with expansion of 3.7%, stood out as main positive contributors. By sector, concerning the cumulative index for January-December, the dismissals overwhelmed the hiring in 10 segments, with a highlight to the negative influence from wearing apparel (-5.1%), followed by other products of the manufacturing industry (-7.1%) and non-metallic minerals (-5.3%). Being once more responsible for the most significant positive impacts, the industry of food and beverages increased 2.9% of job posts.

Wage bill grows 1.4% in relation to December 2002, with highlight to machinery and equipment, and food and beverages 

The main indicators, which gauge the real payroll value of the national industry, showed different behavior in their main comparisons in the end  of 2003. In relation to November, the overall payroll decreased 2.5%, seasonally adjusted. In relation to December 2002, the index was positive (1.4%). On the other hand, the cumulative index in the year decreased 4.3%, but in the last quarter of the year (October-December), it decreased only 0.1%.

In relation to December 2002, the real payroll grew 1.4%, reflecting the expansion found in 10 out of the 18 surveyed segments.The main highlights are machinery and equipment (17.2%), and food and beverages (7%). By areas, except for Rio de Janeiro (-8.4%), Paraná (-2.7%) and Santa Catarina (-2.3%), there was expansion. The highest indexes were seen in Espírito Santo (9.2%) and in the North and Central-West Regions (5.8%). In Rio de Janeiro, where there was the highest fall, three segments were responsible for the figure: chemicals (-22%), basic metals (-21.4%), and food and beverages (-12.6%).

The the real payroll, according to the cumulative index of the year, closed 2003 with a fall of 4.3%. It is also worth mentioning that the major negative impact in the rate formation was  paper and press (-12.9%) and, to a lesser extent, machinery and electric-electronic appliances (-10.7%) and non-metallic minerals (-12.5%). The increase of food and beverages (0.9%) stood out.

Industries serving the domestic market present the highest decreases in the numbers of hours paid

In December, the total of hours paid to industrial employees decreased 0.7% in relation to November, seasonally adjusted, after a slight increase of 0.3% between October and November. Contrasting with the same period last year, there is a decrease of 1.1%. There was also a decrease in the cumulative index of the year (-0.8%).

In the December 2003/December 2002 comparison, the most significant decreases were on: wearing apparel (-11.7%), textiles (-6.6%) and non-metallic minerals (-4.6%). As to São Paulo's industry (-1.5%), the segments of wearing apparel (-20.8%), paper and press (-9.4%) and electrical machinery and  equipment (-8.7%) had the main negative impacts. In  Rio's industry (-5.7%), wearing apparel (-18.8%), fabricated metal products (-23.4%) and chemicals (-15.1%) were the main negative impacts. As to Rio Grande do Sul's (-1.4%) and Santa Catarina's (-1.5%) industries, the segments that pulled down the overall index of hours paid were respectively, footwear and leather (-4.8%) and textiles (-16.1%).

In the cumulative index of January-December, the number of hours paid decreased 0.8% in comparison with the same period last year, the ninth consecutive drop of this indicator in 2003. Eight out of the nine industrial segments contributed in a negative way to the result. By area, the highest impacts were in São Paulo (-1.3%), Rio de Janeiro (-4.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-1.8%). On the other hand, the highest positive contribution was in Paraná (3.3%). By sector, the major negative impacts were in wearing apparel (-5.6%), other products of the manufacturing industry (-8.5%) and textiles (-5.5%). On the other hand, food and beverages (3.5%) and machinery and equipment (5.2%) were the highest positive contributors to the overall.