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Unemployment rate was 7.9% in October

November 19, 2015 11h13 AM | Last Updated: January 22, 2018 03h51 PM


Indicator / period OCTOBER
Unemployment rate
Usual real earnings
R$ 2,182.10
R$ 2,194.71
R$ 2,345.81
Value of earnings in relation to:

The unemployment rate of October (7.9%) was statistically stable in comparison with the September figure (7.6%) and increased 3.2 percentage points in relation to October 2014 (4.7%). It is the highest rate in a month of October since year 2007 (8.7%).

The employed population (1.9 million persons) was stable in relation to the September figure and increased by 67.5% (more 771 thousand persons in search of work) in relation to October 2014. In the annual comparison, this was the biggest percent change of the unemployed population in the timne series of the Monthly Employment Survey, which started in 2002.

The employed population (23.3 million persons) remained stable compared in both comparisons: -1.0% (230 thousand persons) in relation to September and -3.5% (825 thousand) versus the October 2014 figure. The non-economically active population (19.6 million) increased in both comparisons: 1.4% in the month (272 thousand persons) and 2.9% in the year (561 thousand persons). The number of workers with a formal contract in the private sector (11.2 million) was stable in the month and fell by 4.0% (470 thousand persons) in the year.

The average usual real wage bill of employed persons (R$2,182.10) recorded decrease in both comparisons: -6.0% in comparison with September and -7.0% versus the October 2014 figure.
The average usual real earnings of the employed population (R$49.6 billion) in October 2015 recorded decrease of 1.7% in relation to September and of 10.4% in the annual comparison.
The average usual real earnings of workers in September 2015 (R$ 49.9 billlion) fell in both comparisons: -1.4% versus August and -10.2% versus September 2014. The Monthly Employment Survey (PME) is conducted in six metropolitan areas (Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre) and its complete publication is available here.

Unemployment Rate – September 2014 - October 2015 (%)

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Unemployment Rate - September 2014 - October 2015 (%)
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento, Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego.

By area, versus last September, the unemployment rate changed only in São Paulo (+0.8 percentage points) and remained stable in the other metropolitan areas surveyed. In relation to October 2014, however, the rate recorded increase in all the areas: Salvador, from 8.5% to 12.8% (+4.3 pp); São Paulo, from 4.4% to 8.1% (+3.7 pp); Recife, from 6.7% to 9.8% (+3.1 pp); Belo Horizonte, from 3.5% to 6.6% (3.1 pp); Rio de Janeiro, from 3.8% to 6.0% (+2.2 pp) and Porto Alegre, from 4.6% to 6.8% (+2.2 pp).

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Unemployment Rate in the months of October (%)
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento, Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego.

In October, the unemployed population (1.9 million persons) in the group of six areas surveyed did not record significant changes in relation to September and increased 67.5% (with 771 thousand persons more) in the year. In the analysis by area, in the month, the number of unemployed persons increased by 10.4% in São Paulo and was stable in the other areas. Versus October last year, unemployment increased in all the areas, being biggest in São Paulo (86.2%) and smallest in Recife (45.8%). The changes observed in the annual comparison for São Paulo (86.2%), Belo Horizonte (82.4%) and the group of six metropolitan areas (67.5%) were the biggest throughout the survey's time series, which started in March 2002.

The employed population (22.5 million) in the six areas, in October 2015, fell in both comparisons: -1.0% (minus 230 thousand persons) in the month and - 3.5% (minus 825 thousand persons) in the year. By area, in the monthly analysis, there was decrease of the numbers of employed persons in the metropolitan areas of Recife (-2.6%) and Belo Horizonte (-2.1%) and stability in the others. In relation to October 2014, there was stability in Rio de Janeiro and decrease in the other metropolitan areas: Salvador (7.1%; 137 thousand persons), Belo Horizonte (4.8%; 121 thousand persons), Recife (4.6%; 74 thousand persons), São Paulo (4.0%; 385 thousand persons) and Porto Alegre (3.6%; 70 thousand persons.

In the group of six metropolitan areas, in the month, the employed population remained stable in all the sectors, except in industry (-3.9%). In comparison with October 2014, Industry (-8.7%), Construction (-5.2%) and Services rendered to enterprises (-3.7%) recorded decrease.

The number of workers with a formal employment contract signed in the private sector (11.2 million), in the group of six metropolitan areas analyzed, was stable in the monthly comparison and fell by 4.0% in comparison with October last year (minus 470 thousand with an employment contract). By area, in the monthly comparison, there was stability in all the areas. In comparison with October 2014, Recife (-8.7%), Porto Alegre (-7.0%), Belo Horizonte (-6.1%) and São Paulo (-3.3%) recorded decreases in this result.

Average usual real earnings - Employment type

Average usual real earnings - Categories of employment type

Categories of employment type
monthly %
anual %
Workers with a formal contract in the private sector
Workers without a formal contract in the private sector
Military and civil servants
Self-employed workers

The average usual real earnings of employed persons was estimated in October 2015, for the group of six metropolitan areas surveyed, at R$ 2,182.10. This result fell by 0.6% in relation to that of September (2,194.71) and was 7.0% below that recorded in October 2014 (R$ 2,345.81). By area, in the month, earnings were stable in Salvador, São Paulo and Porto Alegre, and fell in Belo Horizonte (-3.5%), Recife (-1.9%) and Rio de Janeiro (-1.1%). In the year, there were decreases in all the areas: the biggest decline was recorded in Salvador (-10.1%) and the lowest, in Porto Alegre (-5.8%).

Average usual real earnings - Groups of activity

Categories of activity
Oct 15
monthly %
annual %
Employed population 2,345.81 2,194.71 2,182.10 -0.6 -7.0
Mining and quarring industry, manufacturing industry and distribution of electricity, gás and water 2,485.75 2,232.17 2,230.10 -0.1 -10.3
Construction 2,062.49 1,902.63 1,867.70 -1.8 -9.4
Trade, repair of motor vehicles and of personal and domestic objects and retail trade of fuels 1,843.72 1,707.40 1,681.60 -1.5 -8.8
Services rendered to enterprises, rents, real estate activities and financial mediation 2,840.15 2,658.77 2,642.80 -0.6 -6.9
Education, health, social services, public administration, defense and social security 3,187.47 3,051.03 3,042.80 -0.3 -4.5
Domestic services 996.09 964.15 965.10 0.1 -3.1
Other services (lodging, transportation, urban cleaning and personal services) 2,053.31 1,952.97 1,946.50 -0.3 -5.2