IBGE starts monthly release of Continuous PNAD data
March 12, 2015 09h15 AM | Last Updated: January 18, 2018 04h58 PM
Continuous PNAD presents earnings estimates for the first time. The quarterly moving result for unemployment rate, in the period ending in January 2015, was estimated at 6.8% for Brazil. That represents a decrease of 6.4% versus the same period in the previous year. Average usual real earnings amounted to R$ 1,795.53 and the usual real wage bill was estimated at R$ 161 billion.
Monthly Continuous PNAD indicators are obtained by means of quarterly moving data, that is, every month data relative to the current month and the two previous ones are applied. For example, the calculation of January 2015 indicators is based on information collected in November 2014, December 2014 and January 2015; February 2015 indicators consider information from December 2014, January 2015 and February 2015. March 2015 results area based on information from January 2015, February 2015 and March 2015 itself, coinciding, in this case, with the conventional quarter of quarterly Continuous PNAD, and so forth.
Considering information used for the calculation of January indicators (Nov/2014 to Jan/2015) and February (Dec/2014 to Feb/2015), there is a percentage of data repetiton of about 66%. That means 2/3 of the information composing these indicators will be repeated. This repetition will only be over after a series of two quarterly moving results.
Additional information on the methodology of this survey can be found in the technical notes available at https://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/indicadores/trabalhoerendimento/pnad_continua_mensal/default_notas.shtm. The complete publication can be seen at https://www.ibge.gov.br/home/estatistica/indicadores/trabalhoerendimento/pnad_continua_mensal/default.shtm.
The unemployment rate of 6.8% relative to the moving quarter ended in January 2015 presented increase of 6.6% compared with versus the rate in the quarter ended in October 2014 (Aug/Sep/Oct). This result differs from the figures recorded in the three previous quarters, when the rate changed from 6.8% in September (Jul/Aug/Sep) to 6.5% in December (Oct/Nov/Dec); from 6.9% in August (Jun/Jul/Aug) to 6.5% in November (Sep/Oct/Nov); and from6.9% in Jul (May/Jun/Jul) to 6.6% in October (Aug/Sep/Oct).
In the graphs below, information highlighted in blue refers to conventional quarters of Continuous PNAD (quarter 1: January, February, March; quarter 2: April, May, June; quarter 3: July, August, September; quarter 4: October, November, December).
The unemployed population in the quarter ending in January presented increase in comparison with that ending in October, with a change from 6.6 million to 6.8 million persons (200 thousand unemployed persons more). The employed populationwas estimated at 92.7 million, and remained stable in relation to the quarter ended in October (92.6 million). The employment- population ratio (indicator which measures the parcel of employed population in relation to the working age population) was 56.7%, and recorded decrease in relation to the quarter ending in October (56.9%).
For the first time, information about earnings are now presented by Continuous PNAD. The estimate relative to average usual real earnings was R$ 1,795.53, showing increase of 1.0% in relation to the quarter ended in October *R$ 1,777.66). The usual real wage bill of the employed population was estimated at R$ 161 billion in January 2015, with increase of 1.0% versus the quarter ending in October 2014 (R$ 159 billion).