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Regional Accounts 2014: five states account for nearly two thirds of Brazilian GDP

November 28, 2016 09h37 AM | Last Updated: January 17, 2018 05h08 PM


In 2014, five states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná) accounted for 64.9% of the Brazilian GDP.From 2002 to 2014, Tocantins (113.0%), Mato Grosso (105.6%), Piauí (86.4%), Amapá (86.3%) and Rondônia (85.2%) registered the highest GDP growth rates. Between 2013 and 2014, Tocantins (6.2%), Piauí (5.3%), Alagoas (4.8%), Acre and Mato Grosso (4.4%, both) increased the most, whereas Paraná (-1.5%), São Paulo (-1.4%), Minas Gerais (-0.7%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-0.3%) retreated.
In 2014, the highest
per capita GDP was recorded in the Federal District (R$69,216.80), while those lowest ranked were Maranhão (R$11,216.37) and Piauí (R$11,808.08). This is some of the information of the Regional Accounts 2014, which are produced in partnership with state statistical agencies. The complete publication can be found here.

The Brazilian Gross Domestic Product - GDP was of R$5.78 trillion in 2014. São Paulo (R$1.86 trillion) was the highest GDP among the Federation Units. São Paulo was followed by Rio de Janeiro (R$671.08 billion), Minas Gerais (R$516.63 billion) and Rio Grande do Sul (R$357.82 billion), which returned to be the fourth national economy, after losing its position for Paraná in 2013. Three states of the North Region were positioned at the end of the ranking: Roraima (R$9.74 billion), Amapá (R$13.40 billion) and Acre (R$13.46 billion).

Five states account for 64.9% of the Brazilian economy in 2014

The five states that mostly contributed to the Brazilian GDP in 2014 - São Paulo (32.2%), Rio de Janeiro (11.6%), Minas Gerais (8.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (6.2%) and Paraná (6.0%) - accounted for 64.9% of the Brazilian economy.


Although its contribution to the Brazilian GDP declined from 34.9% in 2002 to 32.2% in 2014, São Paulo remained as the highest GDP between 2002 and 2014. Except for 2013 – when Rio Grande do Sul changed position with Paraná, which returned to the fourth position in 2014 –, the five highest economies maintained their positions in this period.

São Paulo lost share in nearly all the activities in this period: industry (-6.4 percentage points), services (-1.5 p.p.) and agriculture (-6.4 p.p.). São Paulo gained share in mining and quarrying industries (4.0 p.p.), due to the beginning of the extraction of petroleum from the pre-salt, as well as in three activities of services: transportation, storage and mailing (1.0 p.p.); information and communications (4.7 p.p.); and private health and education (1.1 p.p.).

Minas Gerais was the Federation Unit that mostly gained share between 2002 and 2014: 0.6 p.p. Minas Gerais was followed by Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso (0.5 p.p. each), Espírito Santo and Pará (0.4 p.p., both). Besides São Paulo (-2.7 p.p.), Rio de Janeiro (-0.8 p.p.), Rio Grande do Sul (-0.4 p.p.), the Federal District (-0.2 p.p.), Bahia (-0.1 p.p.), Alagoas (-0.1 p.p.) and Sergipe (-0.1 p.p.) also lost share in this period.

Federal District remains per capita GDP leader

The Brazilian per capita GDP was of R$28,500.24 in 2014. The Federal District remained as the leader among the 27 Federation Units (R$69,216.80), followed by São Paulo (R$42,197.87) and Rio de Janeiro (R$40,767.26). The table below shows the evolution of the per capita GDP ratio of the states and Brazil between 2002 and 2014.



The per capita GDP leaders in each one of the five regions were: Amazonas (North); Sergipe (Northeast); São Paulo (Southeast); Santa Catarina (South) and Mato Grosso (Central-West, excluding the Federal District). The Federal District was a peculiar case, as it is the federal capital and has a relatively small population.

The six states with the lowest per capita GDP were in the Northeast, accounted for 20.4% of the population and only 9.7% of the Brazilian GDP: Maranhão (R$11,216.37), Piauí (R$11,808.08), Alagoas (R$12,335.44), Paraíba (R$13,422.42), Ceará (R$14,255.05) and Bahia (R$14,803.95).

Tocantins posted the highest growth in relation to 2013: 6.2%.

In 2014, the Brazilian GDP rose 0.5% over 2013, mainly due to the rise of 2.8% in agriculture. Industry retreated 1.5% and services increased 1.0%. Influenced by agriculture, trade and construction, Tocantins (6.2%) was the Federation Unit that mostly increased in this period. Piauí (5.3%), Alagoas (4.8%), Acre and Mato Grosso (4.4%, both) came next. On the other hand, Paraná (-1.5%), São Paulo
(-1.4%), Minas Gerais (-0.7%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-0.3%) dropped in 2014, mainly due to the manufacturing industries.



Tocantins, Mato Grosso and Piauí, FUs that mostly increase between 2002 and 2014

From 2002 to 2014, Tocantins (113.0% and average of 6.5% per year) was the state that mostly increased, followed by Mato Grosso (105.6% and average of 6.2% per year), Piauí (86.4% and average of 5.3% per year), Amapá (86.3% and average of 5.3 % per year) and Rondônia (85.2% and average of 5.3% per year). The South (42.7% and average of 3.0% per year) and Southeast Regions (45.9% and average of 3.2% per year) increased below the national average (50.7% and average of 3.5% per year).

The growth in the other regions was above the Brazilian average. The GDP increased the least in two states of the Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte (43.2% and average of 3.0% per year) and Alagoas (49.9% and average of 3.4% per year), as shown in the table below.



Compensation of employees represents 58.5% of GDP in Amapá

Under the point of view of income, compensation of employees accounted for 43.5% of the Brazilian GDP in 2014. The Northeast registered the highest contribution of such compensation to the regional GDP (47.3%), followed by the Central-West (45.1%). In this region, the Federal District – which concentrated most of the federal public administration – recorded the third highest contribution of the compensation of employees (55.1%) to the GDP.

In the North Region, compensation of employees contributed with 44.2% to the GDP, also surpassing the Brazilian average (43.5%). The two Brazilian states with the highest weight in this component were located there: Amapá (58.5%) and Roraima (55.4%).

The Southeast concentrated 54.9% of the Brazilian economy and 42.6% of its GDP came from compensation of employees. The contribution of this component to the GDP of the South Region was of 42.3%.

The table below shows other information related to the GDP of the Federation Units and the point of view of income.