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Industrial output drops in 10 of 14 places surveyed in September

October 07, 2015 10h20 AM | Last Updated: January 17, 2018 04h50 PM


In the seasonally adjusted series, the reduced pace of the industrial output in Brazil between August and September 2015 was followed by ten out of the 14 places surveyed, highlighted by the more intense drops recorded in Bahia (-7.6%) and Rio de Janeiro (-6.6%). As a result, the former place accelerated the pace of decline registered in August (-1.7%); the latter recorded the sharpest reduction since January 2012 (-12.7%) and a cumulative loss of 8.2% since June. The Northeast Region (-3.3%), Ceará (-2.7%) and Minas Gerais (-2.3%) also posted more intense declines than the national average (-1.3%), whereas Rio Grande do Sul (-1.0%), Santa Catarina (-0.7%), Goiás (-0.6%), Pernambuco (-0.4%) and São Paulo (-0.2%) were the other places that reported negative indexes in September 2015. On the other hand, Pará (12.6%) and Paraná (5.1%) registered the highest advances in September: the former offset the decline of 5.2% recorded in the previous month and the latter recovered part of the cumulative loss of 8.4% between July and August. The other positive figures were recorded in Espírito Santo (1.3%) and Amazonas (0.1%).

The complete publication of the survey can be accessed here.

Short-term Indicators of Indjustry
Regional Results 
August 2014
Areas Change (%)
Auust 2015/
July 2015*
August 2015/
August 2014
Cumulative in
Cumulative in the last 12 months 
Região Nordeste
Minas Gerais
Espírito Santo
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Santa Catarina
Rio Grande do Sul
Mato Grosso
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria
* Seasonally-adjusted series

Still concerning the seasonally-adjusted series, the evolution of the quarterly moving average index for the  overall industry pointed to a decline of 1.3% in the quarter ended in September 2015 over the previous month and maintained the downward trend started in October 2014. In regional terms, also considering the marginal movement of this index, 11 places recorded negative rates, highlighted by the sharper declines reported in Rio de Janeiro (-2.5%), Paraná (-1.3%), Amazonas (-1.2%), São Paulo (-1.2%), Bahia (-1.2%), Ceará (-1.0%) and Minas Gerais (-1.0%). Having expanded 2.4%, Pará registered the main advance in September 2015.

In the comparison with the same month of the previous year, the industrial sector reduced 10.9% in September 2015, showing negative figures in 12 out of the 15 places surveyed. It is worth mentioning that September 2015 (21 days) had one business day less than the same month in the previous year (22).  In September, the most intense retreat was reported in Rio Grande do Sul (-19.7%), pressed, at a great extent, by the reduced manufacturing in the sectors of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies, machinery and equipment, basic metals and tobacco products. Amazonas (-13.1%), São Paulo (-12.8%), Ceará (-11.9%), Santa Catarina (-11.6%), Rio de Janeiro (-11.2%) and Minas Gerais (-11.1%) also recorded steeper negative figures than the national average (-10.9%). Bahia (-9.0%), Paraná (-7.8%), the Northeast Region (-7.4%), Pernambuco (-7.2%) and Goiás (-4.7%) were the other places that reported negative rates in September. On the other hand, Mato Grosso (18.3%) and Pará (12.3%) posted the highest advances in September, leveraged, at a great extent, by the positive behavior coming from the sectors of food and coke, petroleum products and biofuels, in the former place; and of mining and quarrying industries, in the latter. Having slightly changed 0.1%, Espírito Santo also registered a positive rate in September 2015.

In the comparison between quarters, the reduced pace of production was also evident in the comparison between the index of the second quarter of the year and the July-September period of 2015, both of them against the same periods last year, in which 11 out of the 15 places surveyed lost dynamism, following the movement of the national index, which changed from -6.5% to -9.5%. In the same type of comparison, Espírito Santo (from 13.9% to 1.5%), Paraná (from -2.3% to -10.5%), Rio de Janeiro (from -3.2% to -7.8%), Santa Catarina (from -5.5% to -9.6%), Amazonas (from -11.3% to -15.0%) and Rio Grande do Sul (from -9.5% to -12.5%) registered the highest losses, whereas Mato Grosso (from -2.4% to 8.1%) and Bahia (from -4.9% to -1.7%) recorded the main gains between the two periods.

In the cumulative indicator in the January-September 2015 period, against the same period last year, the reduced overall production reached 12 out of the 15 places surveyed, five of them declining more than the industry average (-7.4%): Amazonas (-14.5%), Rio Grande do Sul (-11.1%), São Paulo (-10.2%), Ceará (-9.5%) and Paraná (-7.8%). Santa Catarina (-7.4%), Minas Gerais (-7.2%), Bahia (-6.1%), Rio de Janeiro (-5.7%), the Northeast Region (-4.3%), Pernambuco (-3.3%) and Goiás (-1.0%) were the other places that reported negative figures at the end of the ninth month of the year. Conversely, Espírito Santo (11.3%) and Pará (6.2%) posted the most intense advances in the cumulative index in the year, leveraged, at a great extent, by the positive behavior coming from the mining and quarrying sector, whereas Mato Grosso (3.2%) reported a more moderate advance.

Having declined 6.5% in September 2015 for the overall industry, the annualized rate - cumulative indicator in the last 12 months - registered the most intense loss since December 2009 (-7.1%) and kept the downward trend started in March 2014 (2.1%). In regional terms, 11 out of the 15 places surveyed recorded negative rates in September 2015 and 12 showed lower dynamism against the index of August. The main reductions between August and September were reported in Rio Grande do Sul (from -7.4% to -9.3%), Espírito Santo (from 13.1% to 11.5%), Goiás (from 2.0% to 0.5%), Santa Catarina (from -5.2% to -6.4%), Pernambuco (from -2.6% to -3.8%) and Ceará (from -7.3% to -8.4%), whereas Mato Grosso (from 2.5% to 3.9%) registered the highest gain between the two periods.