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Retail sales increase by 0.5% in April

June 14, 2016 10h41 AM | Last Updated: June 01, 2017 04h01 PM


Period Retail Extended retail
Volume of sales Nominal revenue Volume of sales Nominal revenue
Quarterly moving average 
April 2016 / April 2015
Cumulative 2016
Cumulative in 12 months

In April 2016, in the seasonally adjusted series, the retail trade of the country recorded positive changes of 0.5% for the volume of sales and of 1.2% for the nominal revenue. The result of April came up after a decrease in the volume and in the nominal revenue of 0.9% and 0.2%, respectively, in March. As a result, the change of the quarterly moving average recorded increase of 0.3% for the volume of sales, after four months in a row of drops, and of 0.9% for the nominal revenue.

In the unadjusted series, in relation to April 2015, the volume of sales of the retail decreased 6.7%, the 13th negative rate in a row in this kind of comparison. As a result, the retail accumulated a fall of 6.9% in the first four months of the year. Having declined 6.1%, the cumulative indicator in the last 12 months maintained the downward trend started in July 2014. For the nominal revenue of sales, the rates kept recording positive changes: 5.2% over April 2015, 4.8% in the cumulative index of the year and 3.2 % in the last 12 months.

The extended retail trade (retail trade plus the activities of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces and construction material) recorded a drop of – 1.4% for the volume of sales, and of – 0.4% for the nominal revenue of sales, both in relation to March 2016, in the seasonally adjusted series. In relation to April 2015, the volume of sales decreased 9.1% and the nominal revenue fell 0.4%. Concerning the cumulative rates, the changes were of -9.3% in the year and of -9.7% in the last 12 months for the volume of sales. For the nominal revenue, the rates were -0.6% and -2.0%, respectively.

The complete publication of the survey can be accessed here.

Three of the eight activities surveyed record positive changes

The change from negative to positive in the retail trade from March to April, from -0.9% to 0.5%, in the seasonally adjusted series, reached three of the eight activities surveyed.

The positive result was mostly influenced by the sectors where the change from negative to positive figures occurred: Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food, beverages and tobacco (-1.4% in March to 1.0% in April); Other personal and household articles (from -1.9% to 2.8%); Fabric, wearing apparel and footwear (from -4.7% to 3.7%). The sales in the sector of fuels and lubricants (from -1.2% to 0.0%) became stable over March 2016.

With a negative influence, there were the performances of Office, computer and communication equipment and material (-4.9%); Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (-3.4%); Pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles (-2.9%); e furniture and household appliances (-1.8%).

The extended retail trade kept a negative change for the volume of sales between March and April 2016 (-1.4%), influenced negatively by the performance of Vehicles and motorcycles, parts and accessories, with a decrease of 6.6%, and construction material, with a fall of 4.0%.

Change Rate (%) Change Rate (%) Change Rate (%)
1 - Fuels and lubricants
2 - Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food, beverage na tobacco
2.1 - Supermarkets and hypermarkets
3 - Textiles, apparel and footwear
4 - Furniture and household appliances
4.1 - Furniture
4.2 - Household appliances
5 - Pharmaceutical, med., ortop. articles and toiletries
6 - Books, newspapers, magazine and stationary
7 - Office, communication and computer equip. and material
8 - Other personal and household articles
9 - Vehicles and motorcycles, parts and pieces
10- Construction material
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Serviços e Comércio.
(1) Seasonally-adjusted series. (2) The indicator of the retail trade comprises the reuslts of the activities numbered from 1 to 8. 
(3) The indicator of the  extended retail trade comprises the results of the activities numbered from 1 to 10.

In the comparison with April 2015, the volume of sales in the retail trade recorded a decrease of 6.7%, with a widespread fall reaching the eight activities surveyed.

April's result was leveraged mostly by the negative performance of Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco with a rate of -4.4%. The second major influence was exerted by the sectors of fuels and lubricants (-10.8%); other personal and household articles (-10.4%); and furniture and household appliances (-10.1%), three segments with two-digit drops. The four activities above accounted for more than 80% of the global retail in April.

The other sectors that posted negative rates were: Fabric, wearing apparel and footwear -8.8%);Pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles (-1.3%); Office, computer and communication equipment and material (-14.6%); Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (-18.7%).


(Indicators of teh volume of sales)
Change rate (%) Absolute composition of the rate (p.p.) Change rate (%) Absolute composition of the rate (p.p.)
      Overall Rate 
1 - Fuels and lubricants
2 - Hyperarkets, supermarkets, food, beverage and tobacco
3 - Fabric, apparel and footwear
4 - Furniture and household appliances
5 - Pharmaceuticals, med., ortop. articles and toiletries
6 - Books, newspapers, magazines and stationary
7 - Office, computer and communication equip. and mat.
8 - Other personal and household articles
9 - Vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces
10- Construction material
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Serviços e Comércio.
Note: The composition of the monthly rate corresponds to the sector results contribution to the overall rate.

The sector of Hypermarket, supermarket, food products, beverages and tobacco recorded a change of -4.4% in the volume of sales in April over the same month a year ago, exerting the highest negative impact in the formation of the overall retail rate. The drop in the month of April - the 15th consecutive fall in this comparison, was the sharpest in the last two months. It is worth mentioning that, in 2015, the Easter holiday, with a direct impact in the sales of this sector, occurred in April, whereas, in 2016, the celebration occurred in March. The sector's performance confirms the downward trend, accumulating, for the first four months of the year, a loss of 3.2% and, in 12 months, of -3.1%. The performance of this activity has been influenced by the decrease in the real income, coupled with the prices of food at home measured by the IPCA.

The segment of Fuels and lubricants, with a decrease of 10.8% in the volume of sales in relation to April 2015, represented the second biggest negative contribution in the total result of retail. The cumulative rate in the first four months of the year was of -9.8% and, in the last 12 months, -8.2%. The performance of the activity was influenced by the price rise in fuels, as well as the decrease in the real income and credit reductions.

The activity of Other personal and household articles, which encompasses department stores, glasses shops, jewelry shops, sporting goods stores and toy stores, etc., exerted the second negative influence in the formation of the retail rate, with a change of -10.4% in the volume of sales in relation to the same period of 2015. In cumulative terms, the rates recorded were of -12.2% in the first four months of the year and of -6.7% in the last 12 months.

The activity of furniture and household appliances closes the set of the three segments responsible for the second major negative contribution to the general index, with a drop of 10.1% in the volume of sales in relation to last year - the 17th negative rate in this kind of comparison. In cumulative terms, the results were of -15.4% for the first four months of the year and of -16.2% for the last 12. Such negative behavior has been attributable to factors like: credit restriction, mainly due to the increase in the interest rate for individuals, as well as to the previously mentioned reduction in the real wage bill.

The segment of Fabric, apparel and footwear, which recorded a change of -8.8% in volume of sales in comparison with April a year ago, accounted for the third biggest negative contribution to the overall retail rate. It is worth mentioning that the fall seen in April, though the 17th consecutive one, was the least intense in the year. In relation to the cumulative rates, the results were of -12.2% for the first four months of the year and of -10.8% for the last 12. This segment, although leveraged by constant promotional campaigns, has been suffering from the impact of the reductions of the already mentioned real earnings of the workers.

The sector of Pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic articles and toiletries registered a fall of 1.3% in the volume of sales in relation to April 2015. April's negative result reflected the recent price rise in the sector, which for the first time in 10 years, had an increase above the inflation and exerted the fourth negative contribution in the overall result of the retail. However, the sales of continuous-use drugs guarantees that the cumulative rates be kept in the positive level: 1.5 % in the year and of 1.7% for the last 12 months.

The segment of Office, computer and communication equipment and material, also responsible for the fourth negative contribution in the formation of the global rate, recorded a  change of -14.6% over the same month a year ago - the tenth consecutive fall in this kind of comparison. The appreciation of the US dollar against the real and credit restrictions were among the factors that have been influencing the negative performance in the latest months. In cumulative terms, the rates recorded were of -16.2% in the first four months of the year and of -11.1% for the last 12 months.

Having changed -18.7% in terms of volume of sales over April 2015, the activity of Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery was responsible for the lowest negative contribution to the overall retail figure. In terms of cumulative rates, the changes in the four months of the year and in the last 12 months were -15.5% and -13.8%, respectively. The declining trend of this activity, particularly for books and newspapers, has been influenced by the replacement of print by digital publishing. 

In April 2016, considering the  extended retail trade, the change in relation to the month a year ago was -9.1% for the volume of sales. This performance reflects, above all, the behavior of sales of Vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces, which presented decrease of 13.8% over April 2015 and the fall of 13.0% inConstruction material for the same period. In terms of cumulative rates, the changes in the four months of the year were -13.6% and -14.3 and in the last 12 months, -17.2% and -11.6%, respectively. In both segments, the results were influenced by the lower pace of the economic activity and greater restriction in the budget of the families.

Volume of sales up in 17 of the 27 Federation Units

Regionally, in the seasonally-adjusted series of the retail trade, 17 out of the 27 Federation Units registered positive changes for volume of sales over the previous month. In terms of the magnitude of the advance, the highlights were: Sergipe (6.3%); Amapá (3.5%) and Paraná (2.9%). Minas Gerais remained stable in this type of comparison, whereas Rondônia (-3.7%), Bahia (-1.8%) and Amazonas (-1.6%) recorded the highest rates in the negative level.

In the comparison with April 2015, the reduction of the volume of sales in the retail reached 26 of the 27 Federation Units. Roraima, with a rate of 0.1%, was practically stable. In terms of the magnitude of the rate, the highlights were: Amapá (-15.1%); Rondônia (-14.7%); Amazonas (-14.3%), Federal District(-13.8%) and Bahia (13.1%). As to the participation in the formation of the overall rate of the retail trade, the highlights, in order of importance, were:  São Paulo (-6.8%), Rio de Janeiro (-5.7%); Rio Grande do Sul (-9.4%) and Bahia (-12.2%).

Graph 5
Change rate of the Volume of the Retail Sales by FU
Month/Previous month
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Serviços e Comércio

Graph 6
Change rate of the Volume of Retail Sales by FU
Month/Same month a year ago
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Serviços e Comércio

In the Extended Retail Trade, all the 27 states recorded negative changes for volume of sales when compared with the same period last year. The following states stood out in terms of influence to the overall figure: São Paulo (-4.8%) and Minas Gerais (-13%), followed by Rio de Janeiro (-8.7%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-15.1%).


Social Communication
June 14, 2016