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Estadic/Munic 2014: 45% of the municipalities had policies to protect women affected by domestic violence

Section: IBGE

August 26, 2015 11h21 AM | Last Updated: January 17, 2018 03h48 PM


The Survey of Basic State Information (Estadic) and the Survey of Basic Municipal Information (Munic) are now released as a single edition.

Among the human right policies implemented by states and municipalities, protection to women affected by domestic violence prevailed: they existed in 45.2% of the municipalities and in 24 of the 27 Federation Units.

For children and teenagers, the highlights are policies aimed at combating sexual violence (present in 72.6% of the municipalities and in 25 Federation Units) and at the eradication of child labor (in 26 Federation Units and in 5.3% of the municipalities).

In 2014, for the first time, the topic public safety was investigated by Estadic. In that year, the country had 425,248 military police officers and 117,642 civil police officers, meaning one military police officer for every 473 residents and one civil police officer for every 709 residents. The Federal District had the biggest proportion of military police officers (one for every 194 residents) and Maranhão, the smallest (one for every 881). This topic had already been investigated by Munic: the percentage of municipalities with municipal guard corps changed from 14.1%, in 2006, to 19.4%, in 2014, and in 15.6% of them (169 municipalities), the corps used guns.

Munic and Estadic counted 6.5 million municipal civil servants and 3.2 million state civil servants in the country, based on information given to the IBGE by municipal and state governments. From 2001 to 2014, the proportion of municipal civil servants in relation to the Brazilian population rose from 2.2% to 3.2%. In the states, between 2012 (the start of Estadic) and 2014, this proportion fell from 1.6% to 1.5%.

From 2001 to 2014, the proportion of municipal civil servants in relation to the Brazilian population rose from 2.2% to 3.2%. In the states, between 2012 (the start of Estadic) and 2014, this proportion fell from 1.6% to 1.5%.

Among the 6.5 million municipal civil servants, approximately 1.6 million worked in the Health field. Munic also investigated outsourcing in the administration of this segment, and found 2,316 health establishments under municipal responsibility, but managed by third parties.

In 2014, the free access to Internet via wi-fi was provided by the government of 14 states and of 1,457 municipalities. Munic and Estadic investigated, for the first time, the management and infrastructure of sanitary surveillance services. The complete publication of the Profile of Brazilian States and Municipalities 2014 is available here. aqui.

Estadic investigated the 27 Federation Units and Munic, the 5,570 municipalities in the country. From the 2014 edition on, both surveys will be released together, presenting eight topics (human resources, communication and computing, education, health, human rights, public safety, food security and sanitary surveillance), besides productive inclusion, separately analyzed in a supplement.

Brazil has 6.5 million municipal civil servants and 3.2 state civil servants

In 2014, the overall 6.5 million municipal civil servants and 3.2 state civil servants remained stable, in comparison with previous years.

Although they have participated in Estadic, the governamental units of Alagoas, São Paulo and Minas Gerais did not inform the total number of servants in their states. So, for totalization purposes in the analytical report, only the reported employment contracts have been considered.

In 2001, the proportion of municipal servants in relation to the Brazilian population was 2.2%, and it rose to 3.2% in 2014. Between 1999 and 2014, although statutory civil servants make up the majority of municipal servants, this group fell from 65.4% to 61.1%. On the other hand, in the same period, the percentage of persons without an employment contract increased (from 13.4% to 18.7%) and, between 2004 (when the survey started) and 2014, so did the percentage of commissioned workers (from 7.7% to 8.4%). From 2005 to 2013, the proportion of municipal servants with higher education or postgraduate degrees increased from 23.8% to 36.6%.

In 2012, according to the first Estadic, the country had 193.9 million residents, and 3.1 million state civil servants, that is, a proportion of 1.6%, which fell to 1.5% in 2014.

From 2012 to 2014, the number of statutory workers fell by 4.2%. On the other hand, there was increase of about 50% of servants without an employment contract (temporary), with a change from about 400 thousand to 600 thousand workers, in the period.

Maranhão  has one military police  officer for 881 residents

In 2014, for the first time, the topic public safety was investigated by Estadic. All the states and the Federal District had a specific secretariat for safety management, most of the times, an exclusive one. In Amapá and Tocantins, the secretariat also included justice, and in Pará and Minas Gerais, social defense.

All over the country, in 2013, there were 425.248 military police officers and 117.642 civil police officers. That means there is one military police officer for every 473 residents and one civil police officer for every 709 residents. Civil police functions as the criminal police and is, therefore, responsible for the verification of criminal offence and in the state domain. Military police, in turn, works as an ostensive force to preserve public order; it constitutes, together with the military firefighter corps, an auxiliary force and as the Army reserve.

The Federal District was the Federation Unit with the biggest proportion of military police officers: one police officer for every 194 residents. Maranhão had the smallest proportion per resident, only 881. Among the 22 Federation Units which reported a regional distribution plan for their military police troops, the main criteria adopted were demographic density and incidence of crime.

Em 169 municípios, a guarda municipal utilizava arma de fogo

Municipal Civil Guards are created by municipalities to protect their goods, services and facilities. The percentage of municipalities with municipal guards was 14.1% (786 municipalities, in 2006, having increased to 19.4% (1,081 municipalities), in 2014. Rio de Janeiro still keeps the majority of municipalities with a municipal guard (84.8% or 78 municipalities), and Acre is still the only one without any civil guard corps.

The use of guns by the municipal civil guard did not change significantly between 2006 and 2014. In 2006, out of the municipalities which reported having a municipal guard, 16.2% (127 municipalities) used guns. This percentage was 15.6% (169 municipalities) in 2014. The state of São Paulo concentrated most municipalities where there was use of guns by the municipal civil guard (117 municipalities). On the other hand, in Rondônia, Amazonas, Roraima, Amapá, Piauí and Minas Gerais none of the guard corps made use of this type of weapon.

Municipal health employs about 1.6 million persons

Health was responsible for 24% of the persons employed in municipal administration. The 5,513 municipalities which provided information about this topic had 1,574,318 persons employed in this field.

Among municipal health managers, 39% had complete higher education and 34.9%, a postgraduate degree. In 87.2% of the municipalities with more than 500 thousand residents, health managers had a postgraduate degree. Among the 27 state secretariats, all of them had a higher education (14 were doctors) and 18, a postgraduate degree.

The country has 2,316 municipal health establishments with outsourced administration

Among the municipalities, 4,924 (88.0%) had health establishments under their responsibility, but in 522 of them, the establishments had outsourced administration. Considering the 2,316 establishments under municipal responsibility with outsourced administration, 43% were managed by Social Organizations (OS); 28.4% by private companies; 18.2% by public consortiums; 5.7% by Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIPs); 3.2% by Cooperatives and 1.3% by Society Consortiums.

In 93.4% of the municipalities there were no neonatal beds available in either public or SUS-associated establishments

In all the Federation Units with state public establishments offering hospital deliveries, these health establishments were partnered with a civil registry office of there was a unit of such offices inside the establishment.

In 49.6% of the municipalities there were health establishments performing hospital deliveries and 46.8% of them were a connection with registry offices.

In 87.1% of the municipalities there were emergency services (24 hours), with the smallest proportion found in the Northeast (83.1%), and the biggest, in the Central West Region (90.1%).

There was a public or SUS-associated health establishment providing nephrology services in 8.7% of the municipalities, and the biggest percentage (12.3%) was found in the Southeast Region.

In 93.4% of the municipalities there were no establishments - either public or SUS-associated with neonatal beds.

In five states, the Education manager did not have a postgraduate degree

In 2006, Education managers had a postgraduate degree in 47.3% of the municipalities, versus 65.2% in 2014. Among the total municipal education managers, 55.2% had finished a qualification course in the latest five years. Five of the states (Rondônia, Amazonas, Roraima, Maranhão and Federal District) had Education managements with no postgraduate degrees.

In 74.4% of the municipalities, municipal school directors were chosen by means of political appointment

There was systematic increase of the number of municipalities with a Municipal Council of Education: from 67.6% to 87.5% in 2014. In 2014, 92.2% of these Councils were bipartite.

In 4146 municipalities (74.4%), the choice of directors for schools of the municipal system resulted from political appointment, instead of elections of a public entrance test.

24 states and 45.2% of the municipalities had policies to protect women affected by domestic violence

In 2014, 2,457 municipalities had a specific structure for the management of human rights, 44.1% of the total, representing a significant increase since 2009, when 1408 municipalities had this type of infrastructure (25.3%). All the Federation Units had, in 2014, a specific body responsible for the human rights policy; in 2012, Amapá did not have one.

Among the human rights policies developed in municipalities and states, protection to women affected by domestic violence was the most recurrent type, being present in 45.2% of the municipalities and in 24 Federation Units. Protection to direct na/or the protection to direct or indirect victims was found in 41.7% of the municipalities (2,325) and 2in 3 Federation Units. Policies for the promotion of racial equality were very recurrent in the Federation Units (23), but not so present in the municipalities (1,168 or 21.0%).

In the investigation of specific laws, the highlight is the establishment of a free pass for persons with disability (in 317 municipalities), followed by the expected adaptation of public areas aiming at accessibilty (in 217 municipalities and 8 Fderation Units). The protection of the rights of lesbians , gays, bisexuals and transvestites can be found in 10 Federation Units and in 32 municipalities, and the acknowledgement of a social name for transvestites and transgenders, in 12 Federation Units and 29 municipalities.

26 Federation Units have policies to eradicate child labor

Munic and Estadic investigated the existence of policies for the promotion and protection of rights to children and teenagers. In 2014, the most recurrent promotion policies were, for municipalities and Federation Units, respectively, leisure for children and teenagers (4,199 municipalities of 75.4% of the total) and institutional sheltering (23 Federation Units).

As for policies for the protection of rights, the highlight if the combat to sexual violence in 4,044 municipalities (72.6% of the total) and 25 Federation Units (except Rio Grande do Norte and Espírito Santo) and the eradication of child labor, in 26 Federation Units (except Rio Grande do Norte) and 3,637 municipalities (65.3% of the total). In the states, the highlight is also the service to teenagers in conflict with the law, in 24 Federation Units, except Pará, in Rio Grande do Norte and Alagoas).

Only 6.8% of the municipalities have inpatient units for teenagers

In 2014, out of a total 1,170 municipalities (38.9%) reported not adopting socio-educational measures in community-based environments (for example, rendering of services for the community) for teenagers in conflict with the law. Among these, 525 municipalities were in the Northeast. Only 379 municipalities reported having units for application of socio-educational measures (confinement, temporary confinement and semi-confinement), which were present in only 3.3% of the municipalities with up to 50,000 residents.

Both socio-educational measures in community-based environments and the initial appointment with the teenager in conflic with the lat must occur within municipal geographic limits, to strengthen the role of the community and famillies of these teenagers, as established in the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA).

21 States and 1,075 municipalities have legislation on access to public information

In 21 of the 27 Federation Units there were state laws to guarantee access to public information. The six exceptions were Rondônia, Amazonas, Roraima, Pará, Amapá and Maranhão. Among the municipalities, 19.3% reported having such specific legislation.

14 states and 1,457 municipalities provide the population with wi-fi Internet connection

The supply of access to the internet via Wi-Fi by states and municipalities was investigated for the first time in Estadic 2014. Among the 27 Federation Units, 14 (51.9%) provided the service and 13 (48.1%) did not.

In 2014, in 1,457 municipalities (26.2%) the city government made wifi Internet connection available, a growth of 83.2% in relation to 2012 (795 municipalities). The coverage of this service varied, ranging from some neighborhoods in the urban area in 910 municipalities (62.4%) to the total urban area, in 79 municipalities (1.4%).

54.2% of the municipalities in the Northeast have adopted a cistern for drinking water

The Organic Law on Food and Nutrition Security (Law no. 11,346/2006) provides that the governmental bodies of the three levels of government and civil society organizations should work together on the formulation and implementation of policies and actions to fight hunger and on the promotion of food security and nutrition. In 2014, all the Federation Units and 39.6% of the municipalities (2,204) had an organizational infrastructure to deal with food saecurity policies.

Among the ten food security actions investigated, the activity of food and nutrition education was developed in 24 federation Units. On the other hand, only six states kept communnity kitchens. Food and nutrition education was also the most practiced activity by municipalities, present in 61.2% of them (3,411). Maintenance actions of food banks and of popular restaurants registered high percentages in the municipalities with more than 500,000 inhabitants, taking place in 56.7% (20) and 58.9% (22), respectively. In the Northeast, the highlight is the action of technologies implemented to access water for human consumption (tanks), present in 54.2% (973) of its municipalities.

Munic and Estadic investigate health surveillance services for the first time

In 2014, some aspects related to the management and structure of health surveillance services were investigated for the first time by Estadic and Munic. The implementation of health surveillance actions is included in the activities of the Unified Health System (SUS), being developed all over Brazil by state, district, municipal bodies and by the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).

All the Federation Units had a State Sanitary Code. The states of Rondônia and Amazonas, Piauí and Sergipe did not produce specific rules for the implementation of health surveillance actions, but adopted the federal law. Among the municipalities, 97.8% (5,448) had specific infrastructure, 33.6% (1,874) reported producing standards and 66.2% (3,688) reported applying only the state or federal law.

Among the 27 Federation Units, 17 reported having an information system to know the number of establishments and services under the responsibility of the health surveillance agency, whereas in 13 Federation Units, it was possible access it on the internet. According to the information obtained by Munic, 5,225 municipalities had municipal registries of establishments subject to health surveillance actions, however, in 1,034 municipalities, the registry was not updated.