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Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate fell in 11 of the 27 FUs in Q2 2017

August 17, 2017 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 04, 2017 09h29 AM

In Q2 2017, the unemployment rate, in Brazil, was estimated at 13.0%, with com decrease in all the Major Regions, except the Northeast (stability), being the highlights the North (from 14.2% to 12.5%) and the Central West Region (from 12.0% to 10.6%). The other rates were: Northeast (from 16.3% to 15.8%), Southeast (from 14.2% to 13.6%) and South (from 9.3% to 8.4%). Pernambuco (18.8%) and Alagoas (17.8%) recorded the highest unemployment rates in the 2nd semester of 2017 against those in the previous quarter, according to the Continuous National household Sample Survey. In Pernambuco, the rate increased from 17.1% to 18.8%; and in Alagoas, from 17.5% to 17.8%, in this comparison. The lowest unemployment rates were those of Santa Catarina (7.5%), Rio Grande do Sul (8.4%) and Mato Grosso (8.6%). For the country overall, the rate fell from 13.7% to 13.0%, in this same period. 

The compound rate of labor force underuse decreased from 24.1%, in the first quarter, to 23.8% in the 2nd quarter of 2017. The highest rate was that of the Northeast (34.9%) and the lowest, that of the South Region (14.7%). Piauí (38.6%), Bahia (37.9%) and Maranhão (37.7%) are the Federation Units recording the highest compound rate of labor force underuse. ANd the states recording the lowest rates are Santa Catarina (10.7%), Mato Grosso (13.5%)
and Paraná (15.9%).

The unemployment rates of persons aged 14 to 17 (43.0%) and 18 to 24 anos (27.3%) were above the estimated level for the overall avrage rate. By color or race, the unemployment rate was below the national average for persons who reported being white (10.3%), but above the rate in the case of black (15.8%) and brown (15.1%) persons, respectively, 3.8 and 3.1 percentage points.

The employed population in the 2nd quarter of 2017, estimated at 90.2 million persons, was formed by 68.0% of workers (including domestic workers), 4.6% of employers, 24.9% of self-employed persons and 2.4% of auxiliaries. In the North (31.8%) and Northeast Region (29.8%),  the percentage of self-employed workers was bigger than in other major Regions. 

In Q2 2017, 75.8% of the workers in the private sector had a formal employment contract. The Northeast (60.8%) and North (59.0%) recorded the lowest estimates in this indicator. Among domestic workers, the survey showed that 30.6% of them had a formal employment contract. In the same quarter of 2016, this proportion had been 33.2%.

Both the real average yield (R$ 2,104) from all the activities and the averge real wage bill (R$ 185,1 billion) were stable in Q2 2017.

Click here to see the complete publication. 

Northeast records biggest unemployment rate (15.8%) and South, the smallest (8.4%)

The unemployment rate, in Brazil, in Q2 2017, was estimated at 13.0%. That indicator recorded a decrease of 0.7 pp in relation to the previous quarter (13.7%). Against the 2nd quarter of 2016 (11.3%), the rate increased 1.7 percentage points.

The Northeast Region still presented the highest unemployment rates in its time series (since 2012), and in the 2nd quarter of 2017 it was 15.8%; whereas the South Region recorded the lowest one, 8.4%.

All the Major Regions, except the Northeast (stability), recorded a decrease in the indicator against the previous quarter. The highlights were the North and Central West, with decreaes of 1.7 pp and 1.4 pp respectively. in the annual comparison, the Northeast and Southeast recorded the biggest increases, of 2.6 and 1.9 percentage points, respectively. 

Pernambuco (18.8%) and Alagoas (17.8%) recorded the highest unemployment rates in Q2 2017, according to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey. In Pernambuco, the rate rose from 17.1% to 18.8%; and in Alagoas, from 17.5% to 17.8%. The lowest unemployment artes were those of Santa Catarina (7.5%), Rio Grande do Sul (8.4%) and Mato Grosso (8.6%). For the country overall, the rate fell from 13.7% to 13.0%, in this period.


Federation Units Unemployment rate (%) 
January-March 2017 April-June 2017  
Pernambuco 17.1 18.8 
Alagoas 17.5 17.8 
Bahia 18.6 17.5 
Amapá 18.5 17.1 
Rio de Janeiro 14.5 15.6 
Rio Grande do Norte 16.3 15.6 
Amazonas 17.7 15,5 
Acre 15.9 14.9 
Maranhão 15 14.6 
Sergipe 16.1 14.1 
Piauí 12.6 13.5 
São Paulo 14.2 13.5 
Espírito Santo 14.4 13.4 
Ceará 14.3 13.2 
Federal District 14.1 13.1 
Minas Gerais 13.7 12.2 
Tocantins 12.6 11.7 
Paraíba 13.2 11.4 
Pará 13.8 11.4 
Goiás 12.7 11 
Roraima 10.3 10.8 
Rondônia 8 8.9 
Mato Grosso do Sul 9.8 8.9 
Paraná 10.3 8.9 
Mato Grosso 10.5 8.6 
Rio Grande do Sul 9.1 8.4 
Santa Catarina 7.9 7.5 
Source: IBGE - Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua mensal  

In Q2 2017 (April-June), the rate was estimated at 11.5% for men and 14.9% for women. The total for the period was 13.0%.

By age group, the unemployment rate of youngsters aged 18 to 24 (27.3%) remained at a high level in relation to the overall average (13.0%). 

The unemployment rate of persons with incomplete high school, 21.8%, was above the rate recorded by others levels of schooling. \for persons with incomplete higher education, the rate was estimated at 14.0%, more than twice that of persons with complete higher education.  

Unemployment rate of white persons is below that of black and brown persons 

The unemployment rate by color or race showed that, among self-reported white persons brancos (10.3%) the rate was below the national average; that of black persons (15.8%) and of brown ones (15.1%) stayed at 3.8 , or 3.1 percentage points above. In Q2 2012, when the average had been estimated at 7.5%, among black persons the rate was 9.5%; for brown ones, 8.7% and for white persons, 6.2%.

The unemployed population has more women (50.8%) than men

Differently the recorded result of employed persons, the percentage of women (50.8%) in the unemployed population was above tht of men (49.2%), in Q2 2017.

In almost all the areas, the percentage of women in the unemployed population surpassed that of men, except in the Northeast Region, where that figure was 48.2%. In the South Region, the percentage of women was the biggest, and they made up 53.0% of the unemployed persons.

In Q2 2017, the group aged 14 to 17 years of ager made up 8.5% of the unemployed persons in the country. Youngsters aged 18 to 24 totaled about 32.0% of the unemployed persons. The biggest group was that of adults aged 25 to 39 (35.1%).


As for the level of schooling, in Q2 2017, 52.1% of the unemployed persons had finished at least high school. About 25.3% had not finished prmary school. those with complete higher education made up 8.5%. It is worth mentioning that these results have not changed much throughout the time series.

Men (56.6%) were the majority among the employed 

Among the employed persons, there was a predominance of men (56.6%). That was confirmed in all the Major Regions, mainly in the North, where men were 60.4% of the workers, in Q2 2017. Throughout the time series, that did not change significantly in any Major Region.

The analysis of the number of employed persons in Q2 2017, by age groups, showed that: 12.8% of them were youngsters (18 to 24 years of age), that adults (25 to 39 years of age  and 40 to 59 years of age) represented 78.2% and the elderly, 7.4%.

Employed persons, formed by 88.9 million persons, was formed, in Q2 2017, by 41.5 million self-reported white persons (46.0%); 39.9 million self-reported brown ones (44.3%) and 8.0 million black ones (8.8%). In Q2 2012, the sell-reported white population amounted to 48.5% of the total; the brown population, 43.2% and the black population, 7.6%.

Percentage of self-employed workers in the North (31.8%) and Northeast (29.8%) surpasses that of the other Major Regions

In Q2 2017, the employed population was formed by 68.0% of employees, 4.6% of employers, 24.9% of self-employed persons and by 2.4% of assistant family workers. Throughout the time series of the survey, that composition did not change significantly.

The survey showed regional differences in terms of the insertion in the lbor market. In the North (31.8%) and Northeast (29.8%), the percentage of self-employed persons was above that observed in the other Major Regions. On the other hand, among employees the Southeast (71.9%) and Central West (69.9%) recorded a bigger participation of these workers. 

A significant parcel of the employees was employed in the private sector (71.6%), 18.4% in the public sector and the other ones in domestic services (9.9%).  

Average yield of workers wa stable in Q2/Q1 comparison

In Q2 2017, the average real monthly earnings, usually earned from all the activites by persons aged 14 and over, employed in the week of reference, was estimated at R$ 2.014. This result recorded stability against that of the previous month in the same year (R$ 2,043).

The comparison between Major Areas, from Q1 2017 to Q2 2017, shows there were positive changes in earnings in the North (0.5%) whereas in the other one there was decrease. The Cerntral West had the highest figure (R$ 2,362), and the Northeast, the lowest (R$ 1,617).

Table 9 - Average usual real monthly earnings, from all the activities, of persons
aged 14 and over, by Major Regions - 2012-2017

Major Regions Average usual real monthly earnings, from all the activities, of persons aged 14 and over (R$)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Q2
Brazil 2,019 2,022 2,040 2,032 2,063 2,097 2,117 2,103 2,142 2,101 2,105 2,125 2,142 2,132 2,105 2,068 2,073 2,043 2,061 2,097 2,125 2,104
North 1,678 1,686 1,674 1,670 1,637 1,679 1,681 1,683 1,681 1,689 1,689 1,680 1,689 1,613 1,625 1,585 1,560 1,588 1,565 1,562 1,603 1,617
Northeast 1,382 1,398 1,391 1,382 1,414 1,445 1,465 1,456 1,500 1,476 1,460 1,478 1,471 1,459 1,445 1,405 1,405 1,392 1,389 1,417 1,461 1,457
Southeast 2,271 2,283 2,298 2,291 2,330 2,373 2,384 2,361 2,438 2,377 2,395 2,413 2,456 2,468 2,436 2,404 2,426 2,363 2,376 2,431 2,443 2,404
South 2,215 2,179 2,260 2,227 2,264 2,272 2,342 2,339 2,354 2.305 2,317 2,362 2,351 2,302 2,271 2,233 2,203 2,191 2,251 2,276 2,299 2,277
Central-West 2,435 2,372 2,398 2,422 2,418 2,445 2,458 2,500 2,402 2,401 2,392 2,407 2,413 2,406 2,382 2,317 2,307 2,308 2,339 2,330 2,370 2,362
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento, Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicícios Contínua.
Note: Earnings deflated for the middle month of the last quarter of data collection.


Wage bill of workers records stability in Q2

in Q2 2017, the average usual real wage bill from all the activities, of persons aged 14 and over, employed in the week of reference, with earnings from work, was estimated at R$ 185.1 billion reais; it remained stable against the result of the previous quarter (R$ 184.2 billion). In comparison with Q2 2016 (R$180.9 billion), this estimate did not record statistically significant changes.

In gterms of Major Regions, the Southeast recorde the biggest wage bill throughout the time series, having recorded 95.603 million reais in Q2 2017.

In comparison with Q2 2017, none of the Masjor Regions recorded a significant change in wage bill. Against Q2 the previous year, all the areas recorded positive changes. as shown in the table above. 

Compound rate of labor force underuse for Q2 is 23.8% 

The compound rate of labor force underuse (underemployed due to lack of hours + unemployed + potential workforce over workforce) fell from 24.1%, in Q1 to 23.8% in Q2, with the same rates recorded in the Northeast (34.9%), and the lowest ones, in the South Region (14.7%). Piauí (38.6%), Bahia (37.9%) and Maranhão (37.7%) have the highest compound rates of labor underuse by Federation Unit. And the states accounting for the lowest rates are Santa Catarina (10.7%), Mato Grosso (13.5%) and Paraná (15.9%).