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PAS 2012: Net operating revenue of services grows 8.3% and reaches R$ 1.1 trillion

November 19, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 21, 2018 11h18 AM

In 2012, the Services sector generated R$ 1.1 trillion of net operating revenue, employed 12.0 million persons and paid R$ 227.0 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, totaling 1.2 million enterprises. In terms of revenue, this amount represented a growth of 8.3% in relation to 2011. The wage bill (6.9%) and the number of employed persons (5.6%) also increased.

Compared with 2007, the average annual real value added increased (10.6%), above the average annual increase of the number of employed persons (7.7%). The average annual labor productivity increased 2.7% and was heterogeneously distributed across different activities, highlighted by repair and maintenance services, real estate activities, services rendered to families, professional, administrative and complementary services and other service activities.

This information and much more is available in the Annual Survey of Services (PAS) 2012, targeted at analyzing the productive structure of the non-financial services sector in Brazil In addition to provide important data to understand the formal services market, the information of the survey feeds the computation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP.

The complete publication can be accessed on page

In 2012, the Services sector generated R$ 1.1 trillion of net operating revenue, employed 12.0 million persons and paid R$ 227.0 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, totaling 1.2 million enterprises. In terms of revenue, this amount represented a real growth of 8.3% in relation to 2011.

Between 2011 and 2012, the survey registered an increase of 6.9% in the wage bill and of 5.6% in the number of employed persons. Professional, administrative and complementary services accounted for 36.6% of the wage bill paid (R$ 83.0 billion) and were responsible for the highest number of employed persons (4.9 million persons, or 41.0% of the total). Together, two groups represented more than 60% of the number of enterprises in the scope of PAS: professional, administrative and complementary services, with 361.4 thousand companies (31.3%) and services rendered to families, with 367.4 thousand companies (31.8%).

Among the activities, transportation and support activities for transportation registered the highest participation in the wage bill paid (23.1%) and were those with the highest number of employed persons (19.3%). Food services was also another highlight (13.5%).

The survey reported that 66.8 thousand enterprises (5.8% of the total) employed more than 20 persons. These companies comprised the certainty stratum of the survey - in which the information from all the companies was analyzed - and were responsible for R$ 883.4 billion in net operating revenue (78.0%) and for R$ 492.8 billion in value added (73.0%), 8.0 million employed persons (66.8%) and R$ 178.0 million in salaries (77.5%).


Between 2007 and 2012, value added of services increases more than employed persons

Between 2007 and 2012, the average annual real value added increased (10.6%) above the average annual increase of the number of employed persons (7.7%). The labor productivity - division of the value added by the total number of employed persons - increased at an annual average of 2.7%.

The heterogeneity of this sector was reflected in the dynamism of the different activities. The productivity of maintenance and repair services increased 8.2%, a percentage above the average of PAS. By increasing the productivity in 16.6%, the segment of maintenance and repair of communication and computer equipment stood out in this activity. The second highest increase in the productivity was reported by real estate activities (7.9%), in which the segment of purchase, sale and renting of own properties was responsible for the highest increase in the productivity (9.0%). Three other activities posted an average increase of the productivity above the average of PAS and above the average increase of the salaries per person, pointing to a decreasing labor cost: services rendered to families; professional, administrative and complementary services; and other services activities.

In 2007, communication and information services were the biggest segment of the survey, generating 31.1% of the estimated revenue. In 2012, these services lost participation and services of transportation, support activities for transportation and mailing activities (27.8%), followed by professional, administrative and complementary services (26.8%), appeared as the biggest activities in the survey.

Road and pipeline transportation stand out

Road transportation stood out in transportation, support activities for transportation and mailing activities: 51.7% (R$ 164.0 billion) of the net operating revenue, 51.9% (R$ 29.7 billion) of the wage bill, 65.7% (1.7 million) of the employed persons and 78.5% (124.8 thousand) of the enterprises. Pipeline transportation - transportation of large amounts of natural gas, ethanol, petroleum and its derivatives - stood out by registering the highest average monthly salary (20.9 minimum wages) and the highest productivity (R$ 1.2 million in value added per employed person).

Four activities of this segment stood out as they highly concentrated the market, according to the CR8 indicator of economic concentration (participation of the eight largest companies in the total per net operating revenue plus subsidies): rail and subway transportation (81.87%), pipeline transportation (99.97%), air transportation (89.41%) and mailing and other dispatching activities (84.91%). Therefore, few companies accounted for the highest parcel of the total result - net operating revenue plus subsidies - of each corresponding market.

Technical-professional services generate R$ 124.0 billion in revenue

Among the professional, administrative and complementary services, technical-professional services were responsible for the highest participation in the generated revenue (40.5% or R$ 124.0 billion), in the wage bill (32.9% or R$ 27.3 billion), in the number of employed persons (21.4% or 1.1 million) and in the number of companies (47.0% or 170.0 thousand). As they involve businesses in the areas of advisory, scientific analysis and technical expertise, these services demand a more qualified and trained workforce. Therefore, technical-professional services paid higher average salaries (3.2 minimum wages) than the segment´s average (2.1 minimum wages).

The services of recruitment, management and renting of workforce stood out by recording the highest average number of persons employed per company (143 persons), followed by the activity of investigation, surveillance and cash transportation (107 persons). The average size of the companies in both activities was larger than the average size of this segment, which was 13 employed persons per company.

Telecommunication generates highest revenue in communication and information services: R$ 162.9 billion

Comprising only 5.3 thousand companies (5.9% of the total), telecommunication services stood out in the group of communication and information services in 2012. These services generated the highest net operating revenue (R$ 162.9 billion) and hit the participation of 55.8% in the total revenue generated by this sector. These services also accounted for the highest average number of persons employed per company (37).

Concerning the wage bill, number of persons employed and number of companies, information technology services were responsible for the highest participations in this segment: 52.5% (R$ 19.8 billion); 50.4% (427.4 thousand); and 59.8% (54.0 thousand), respectively. These activities also stood out in terms of the indicator of average monthly salary: they paid, on average, 5.2 monthly minimum wages per employed person, a value higher than the average salary posted by this segment (5.0).

Food stands out in services mainly rendered to families

Food services (restaurants, bars, coffee shops and ready-to-eat food suppliers) stood out in the segment of services mainly rendered to families in 2012, registering the highest participation in all the selected economic indicators: R$ 78.5 billion, or 66.6% of the total net operating revenue; R$ 17.9 billion, or 61.2% of the salaries paid; 1.6 million persons, or 63.0% of the employed persons; and 221.6 thousand companies, or 60.3%. Housing services recorded the highest average number of employed persons per company (12), the highest productivity in this segment (R$ 31.0 thousand in value added per employed person) and the highest average monthly salary (1.7 minimum wages).

Purchase, sale and renting of properties produce R$ 236.2 thousand per employed person

In the real estate activities, purchase, sale and renting of own properties posted the highest participation in the net operating revenue (72.5% or R$ 21.7 billion) and in the number of companies (58.3% or 20.8 thousand), as well as the highest productivity in this segment (R$ 236.2 thousand in value added per employed person). Real estate brokers accounted for the highest wage bill (57.8% or R$ 1.8 billion), for the highest number of employed persons (56.5% or 99.6 thousand persons) and for the highest average number of employed persons per company (7).

Welfare, insurance and financial support services generate R$ 34.2 billion in 2012

Complementary welfare, insurance and financial support services stood out in the other services activities, registering the highest participation in the net operating revenue (57.6% or R$ 34.2 billion), in the wage bill paid (51.6% or R$ 5.9 billion) and in the number of companies (66.5% or 24.5 thousand), as well as in the highest average monthly salary (4.8 minimum wages) and in the highest productivity (R$ 163.1 thousand in value added per employed person).

Repair of computer equipment produces R$ 42.6 thousand in value added per employed person

Among the maintenance and repair services, maintenance and repair services of communication and computer equipment were responsible for the highest average monthly salary (2.1 minimum wages) and for the highest productivity (R$ 42.6 thousand in value added per employed person). On their turn, the activities of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles stood out, due to the highest participation in the net operating revenue: 52.5% (R$ 9.7 billion); in the wage bill, with 57.2% (R$ 3.0 billion); in the number of employed persons, with 60.3% (245.7 thousand); and in the number of companies, 64.2 thousand (61.1%).

Central-West, the highest growth rate in gross revenue of services

In relation to 2011, the Central-West Region posted the highest growth rate in terms of gross revenue of services (11.4%), followed by the South (10.9%), North (9.1%), Southeast (7.5%) and Northeast (6.7%) Regions. Concerning the number of employed persons, the North Region grew the most (9.9%), followed by the Central-West (9.3%), Northeast (6.2%), South (5.1%) and Southeast (5.0%) Regions. Among the Federation Units, Tocantins registered the highest growth rate in terms of the real gross revenue (27.5%). By rising 6.7%, São Paulo was responsible for the highest contribution to the growth rate of the total revenue (2.9 p.p. of 8.2%).