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PAC 2012: Trade employed 600 thousand persons more than in 2011

October 01, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 21, 2018 11h25 AM

The 1,613 million commercial companies in Brazil employed 10.2 million persons in 2012, which meant a total 600 thousand job posts more than in 2011. These companies received R$ 150.1 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation and generated R$ 2.4 trillion in net operating revenue (less taxes, contributions, cancelled sales, rebates and discounts). That is reported in the Annual Survey of Trade (PAC) 2012, which investigates the segments of wholesale and retail trade and of motor vehicles, motorcycles and pieces, and presents data for Brazil and its Federation Units.

The certainty stratum of the survey, formed by companies with 20 or more employed persons, made up 3.6% of the commercial companies (58 thousand), but generated 73.7% of the net operating revenue (R$ 1.8 trillion) and accounted for 59.5% (R$ 89.9 billion) of the overall amount spent on salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, relative to 45.1% of the employed persons (4.6 million).

The complete publication, with data released today, is available at

Retail stands out considering most variables investigated

Retail trade presented indexes above those of wholesale and of those in the motor vehicles, motorcycles and pieces sector, except regarding revenue. In comparison with 2011, the structure of net operating revenue has remained unchanged in the three sectors: wholesale (43.8%) surpassed retail trade (42.9%) and vehicles, pieces and motorcycles (13.4%). In 2011, percentages had been similar (43.5%, 41.8% and 14.6%, respectively). In terms of employed persons (7,537 million, or 73.7% of the total), number of companies (1,286 million or 79.7%), number of local branches (1,372 million or 79.3%) and salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 94.1 billion or 62.4%), the retail segment recorded higher figures than the others.

The highest net operating revenue figures came from companies which employed 500 persons or more (R$ 771.9 billion or 31.6%), followed by companies with up to 19 persons (R$ 679.0 bilion or 27.8%). The latter paid most of the wage bill (60,938 billion or 40.4%), for they concentrated most of the employed persons (5,578 million or 54.6%) and most companies (1,556 milion or 96.5%).

Hypermarkets and supermarkets accounted for almost 25% of the retail revenue

In retail trade, companies which had up to 19 employed persons generated 40.1% (R$ 419.4 billion) of the revenue. Among the activities, hypermarkets and sypermarkets reached the highest revenue figure, R$ 257.7 billion (24.9%). The activity was also a highlight in terms of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 16.1 billion or 17.1% of the total) the same level as that of department stores, household appliances and furniture. Hypermarkets and supermarkets also presented the highest average of employed persons, 84 per company. Department stores, household appliances and furniture were a highlight in terms of average monthly salary (1.8 minimum wages). The activities which employed most persons in the retail trade sector were: textiles, apparel and footwear (1,376 million persons or 18.3%) and food products, beverages and tobacco (1,207 million or 16.0%). The latter held the biggest number of companies, 326.602 thousand (25.4%).

Wholesale trade of fuels and lubricants generated R$ 249.8 billion in 2012

In wholesale trade, companies with 500 or more employed persons were responsible for 37.1% of the net operating revenue (R$ 396.1 billion). The main activities in terms of revenue generation were fuels and lubricants, with R$ 249.8 bilion (24.3%) and food products, beverages and tobacco, with R$ 192.0 billion (18.7%). On salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, machinery and equipment spent R$ 8.0 billion (19.9%), being followed by food products, beverages and tobacco (R$ 6.9 billion or 17.3%), which was also responsible for the biggest number of employed persons, 396.506 thousand (22.9%). The resale of goods in general and of fuels and lubricants presented the biggest average number of employed persons per company, 44 and 26, respectively. This activity also registered the biggest average monthly salary (6.4 minimum wages) and the highest productivity (R$ 279.415 thousand).

Motor vehicles accounted for almost 70% of the revenue of vehicles, pieces and motorcycles

In the trade of vehicles, pieces and motorcycles, the activity motor vehicles accounted for R$ 220.4 billion of the net operating revenue (69.8%), employed 303.4 thousand persons (31.8%), with a total 20.6 thousand companies (13.5%). In the sector of vehicle pieces, which have a net revenue of 23.8% (R$ 75.1 billion), salaries, withdrawals and other compensation accounted for 45.8% (R4 7.6 billion). Figures for employed persons and companies were also higher in this activity: 554.9 thousand employed persons (58.1%) and 113,378 companies (74.4%). The activity of motor vehicles recorded the biggest average number of employed persons per company (15), the highest average salary (3.1 minimum wages) and the highest productivity (R$ 72.722 thousand per employed person).

Structure of trade activity in the main Brazilian areas

In 2012, the Southeast Region stood out in relation to the main variables analyzed: gross revenue of sales (R$ 1,438.7 billion or 53.4%); salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 85.9 billion or 56.9%); employed persons (5,390 million or 52.7%) and number of local branches (874.3 thousand or 50.6%).

The South Region was in the second position for all variables, accounting for 19.0% of the gross resales revenue (R$ 512.3 billion), for 19.2% of the wage bill (R$ 28.9 billion), given a total 1,976 million employed persons (19.3%), present in 362.8 thousand local branches (21.0%).

The South was also a highlight for having the highest average monthly salary (2.0 minimum wages), above the average of Brazil, which was 1.8 minimum wages, equivalent to that of the South Region. In the other Major Regions this indicator was above the Brazilian average: it was 1.4 in the Northeast and 1.7 in the North and in the Central West.

In the North, Northeast, Southeast and Central West Regions, wholesale is more important, in terms of revenue, than retail trade. Nevertheless, the Central West was the only Region recording a big distance between the two types of activities: whereas the wholesale sector made up 49.5% of the revenue in the Central West, retail accounted for 37.0%. In the South, retail recorded the highest figures: 48.0% versus 39.2%.