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Annual Survey of Industry 2012: diesel fuel back on top of industrial products

September 03, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 21, 2018 12h58 PM

In 2012, diesel fuel was back to leadership in terms of value of sales after being surpassed in 2011 by iron ore. Recording R$ 54.1 billion, diesel fuel's participation in the value of sales of industry was 2.9%, whereas iron ore fell to the third position, with R$ 44.6 billion (2.4%). The Annual Surveys of Industry (PIA)- Enterprise and Product 2012 - also show that, with 5% more enterprises than in 2011, the Brazilian industry proceeds with a greater participation of enterprises with 500 and more employed persons. They account for 68.3% of the industrial activity revenue. The number of employed persons rose 1.7% from one year to the other. The manufacture of food products remained in 2012 at the top position in terms of value of the manufacturing industry (difference between the gross value of industrial production and the cost of industrial operations), concentrating 14.9% of the value generated by the industry overall, followed by the manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (9.7%).

This and further information is available in the publication of the Annual Surveys of Industry.  The complete publication of PIA – Enterprise can be accessed on

And the one relative to PIA- Product, on

Table 1 - Annual Survey of Industry - Pia-Eneterprise,
according to selected variables - Brazil - 2011-2012

Selected variables 2011 2012
Number of enterprises
312 454
328 735
Total employed persons
8 635 300
8 784 581
Average employed persons per enterprise
Net revenue of sales (1 000 R$)(1)
2 203 987 192
2 410 387 630
Expenditure on personnel (1 000 R$) (1)
318 914 562
353 540 135
Gross value of production (1000 R$)(1)
2 117 072 430
2 288 378 132
Intermediate consumption (1 000 R$)(1)
1 439 291 753
1 578 689 817
Value added (1 000 R$)(1)
677 780 678
709 688 315
Gross value of industrial production (1 000 R$)(1)
2 019 900 358
2 179 549.195
Cost of  industrial operations (1000 R$)(1)
1 086 918 677
1 186 196 834
Value of industrial manufacturing (1000 R$)(1)
932 981 681
993 352 361
Investments on fixed assets (1000 R$)(1)
162 266 256
197 275 778
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Industrial Anual - Empresa 2011-2012.
Investigation units: Eterprise(1) At current values.

Number of enterprises grows 5% in relation to 2011

In 2012, in Brazil there were around 329 thousand industrial enterprises with one or more employed persons, which employed 8.8 million persons, an average of 27 persons by enterprise. The number of enterprises was 5.0% bigger than in 2011, when they were 312,454. In addition, the number of employed persons increased 1.7% in one year (in 2011, they were 8.6 million).

The enterprises of the industrial sector recorded, in 2012, a net revenue of sales of approximately R$ 2.4 trillion, led by the performance of the enterprises of 500 or more employed persons, which concentrated 68.3% (R$1.6 trillion) of the participation in the total of the Brazilian enterprises revenue.

The gross value of production and the intermediate consumption registered, respectively, R$ 2.3 trillion and R$ 1.6 trillion. As a result, the value added (difference between the gross value of production and the intermediate consumption) reached R$ 709.7 billion. The value of the industrial manufacture (difference between the gross value of industrial production and the cost of the industrial operation) was at R$ 993.3 billion. The cost of the industrial operations achieved R$ 1.2 trillion.

Expenditure on raw material represents 41.3% of the industrial costs

In 2012, the total costs and expenditures of the industrial enterprises was at R$ 2.5 trillion. Expenditure on personnel reached 14.4% of the total, a contribution similar to the one seen in 2011. The consumption of raw materials accounted for 41.3%, keeping the largest percentage in the structure of costs and expenses, even though inferior to the one seen in 2011 (42.1%).

The total of the investments made for the fixed assets (enterprise's tangible goods) reached R$ 197.3 billion. Considering enterprises with up to 29 employed persons, the value was of R$ 6.5 billion, approximately 3.3% of the total invested. In relation to the composition of the investments in the enterprises with 30 or more employed persons, the highlight was industrial machinery and equipment, which remained with the greatest contribution (47.2%), higher than that of 2011 (46%). The purchase of land and buildings posted a significant downfall in the contribution between the two years, moving from 15.0% to 13.3%. The resources applied to transportation reached 3.4% of the total in 2012, whereas other acquisitions (furniture, desktop computers, construction in progress, etc.) accounted for 32.8%.

Ten sectors concentrated 67.7% of the value of the industrial manufacturing

In 2012, the activities with the greatest participation in terms of value of manufacturing were: manufacture of food products (14.9%); manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (9.7%); manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies (8.6%); extraction of metallic minerals (6.6%); manufacture of chemical products (6.3%); extraction of petroleum and gas (5.1%); manufacture of machinery and equipment (4.8%); basic metals (4.4%); manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (3.7%); manufacture of non-metallic minerals (3.6%). Together, these sectors concentrated 67.7% of the industrial overall in 2012.

Up to the fifth position, the rank was the same as 2011's. The sector of gas and petroleum extraction, however, moved from the eighth position in 2011 to the sixth in the following year. And the sector of manufacture of machinery and equipment, which was the sixth in the rank in 2011, went to the seventh position in 2012.

Diesel fuel returns to top position in value of sales in 2012

In 2012, in the rank of the 15 industrial products that mostly stood out in terms of value of sales, diesel fuel reached leadership, registering sales of R$ 54.1 billion (2.9% of the total value of sales). The second position was passenger cars, jeeps or pickup trucks, with gasoline, ethanol or biofuel engines, of displacement above 1,500 cm3 and below 3,000cm3, with R$ 46.4 billion (2.5%). Iron ore, which was first in terms of value of sales in 2011, fell to the third position in 2012, with nearly R$ 44.6 billion (2.4%).

The 15 major industrial products and/or services, according to the value of sales - Brazil - 2012

 PRODLIST Code Description of the Products 2012 2012 2012 2012
Amount of Information
Value of Sales(1 000 R$)
Rank of Sales
Percetage of Sales  (%)
  Total - Brazil
91 414
1 868 279 711
1921.2100 Diesel fuel
54 092 375
2910.2010 Passenger cars, jeeps or pickup trucks, with gasoline, ethanol or biofuel engines, of displacement above or equal to 1.500 cm3 and below or equal to 3.000 cm3
46 418 887
0710.2015 Raw or improved iron ore (classified, concentrated, ground, etc.), except pelletized or sintered
44 613 701
0600.2030 Crude petroleum oil
38 966 851
1921.2050 Motor gasoline or other kind, except for aviation
32 800 869
2910.2040 Passenger cars, jeeps or pickup trucks, with gasoline, ethanol or biofuel engines, of displacement below or equal to 1.000 cm3
31 794 538
1011.2030 Fresh or chilled beef
30 206 721
0710.2030 Pelletized or sintered iron ore
27 402 589
1931.2030 Undenatured ethyl alcohol greater than or equal to 80%, anhydrous or hydrated, for fuel use
25 023 243
1113.2020 Beer or draf beer
20 904 265
2013.2030 Manure or fertilizers (NPK)
18 853 486
1921.2095 Fuel oil, except diesel
17 885 726
1071.2010 Crystalized sugar
17 837 704
1122.2090 Soft drinkss
17 626 904
1041.2120 Cake and residue of soybean oil extraction
17 248 924
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Industrial Anual - Produto – 2012

In the North Region, the products that stood out in terms of the value of sales were raw or improved iron ore (R$ 17.8% billion) and TV sets (R$ 10.5 billion). In the Northeast Region, cars (restricted value of sales due to the number of informers) and diesel fuel (R$ 5.7 billion) stood out. In the Southeast, the products with the highest value of sales were crude petroleum oil (R$ 36.6 billion) and diesel fuel (R$ 34.0 billion). The products that were a highlight in the South were diesel fuel (R$ 12.7 billion) and cars, jeeps or pickup trucks, with engine displacement above 1,500 cm3 and below 3,000 cm3, (R$ 10.2). In the Central-West Region, fresh or chilled beef (R$ 10.5 billion) and cake and residue of soybean oil extraction (R$ 7.4 billion) were the most representative activities in terms of value of sales.

A hundred products concentrate more than half (51.2%) of the revenue of sales

PIA-Product collects data on the production line of industrial enterprises with 30 or more employed persons, making available information on the quantities produced and sold, and the value of sales of around 3,500 products. In 2012, 40.6 thousand industrial enterprises integrated the survey, with information collected from 49.6 thousand industrial plants, which as a whole registered sales of R$ 1.868 trillion, representing 87.4% of the value of sales of industrial enterprises with 1 or more employed persons.

Considering the 100 greatest industrial products and services in terms of value of sales, the total of sales reached R$ 967.7 billion in 2012, which represents around 51.8% of the total of the sales of enterprises with 30 or more employed persons in the Brazilian industry. This same relation of industrial products and services represented 52.2% in 2011.