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CEMPRE 2012: 58.9% of salaried persons in public administration are women

May 28, 2014 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 22, 2018 11h45 AM

In 2012, the salaried employed persons in all the enterprises in Brazil comprised 57.3% of men and 42.7% of women. However, 58.9% of the salaried persons were women considering public administration institutions only. The data came from the Central Register of Enterprises (CEMPRE), which included 5.2 million enterprises and other formal active organizations in 2012. They employed 53.4 million persons, split into 46.2 million (86.6%) salaried employed persons and 7.1 million (13.4%) partners and owners. In 2012, 73.4% of the salaried persons worked in business enterprises, 19.1% specifically in trade, 57.3% were men, 82.3% had no higher education, and 51.1% were concentrated in the Southeast Region. Wages and other compensation paid by enterprises added up to R$ 1.2 trillion. The average monthly wage was R$ 1,943.16, the equivalent of 3.1 minimum wages.

Compared with 2011, the total number of enterprises and other active organization rose 1.3% (66.0 thousand organizations). On its turn, the total number of employed persons (partners, owners and salaried employed persons) increased 2.3% (1.2 million). The number of partners and owners grew 2.2% (152.5 thousand). The total volume of wages and other compensation increased 7.1% and the average monthly wage, 2.1%, in real terms. The average monthly wage rose 10.1% between 2008 and 2012, whereas wages and other compensation grew 35.3%.

CEMPRE gathers register and economic information on enterprises and other organizations (public administration, non-profit entities, natural persons and extraterritorial institutions), formally established and existing in Brazil, as well as on their respective local branches (operation addresses of enterprises and other organizations). The complete publication is available on page

Business enterprises gather 73.4% of salaried employed persons

Analysis of the legal nature highlighted the importance of business enterprises. In 2012, they accounted for 89.9% of all enterprises, 76.3% of all employed persons, 73.4% of all salaried employed persons and 63.9% of wages and other compensation. Despite representing only 0.4% of all organizations, the public administration absorbed 17.2% of all employed persons and 19.9% of all salaried employed persons, as well as paid 29.8% of wages and other compensation. By representing 9.7% of all organizations, non-profit entities were responsible for 6.5% of all employed persons, 6.7% of all salaried employed persons and 6.3% of wages paid in the year.

Trade shows highest percentage of salaried persons for the 3rd year in a row

Section Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles stood out with the biggest contribution to three out of the four variables surveyed: number of enterprises and other organizations (41.8%), total number of employed persons (22.2%) and salaried employed persons (19.1%), whereas it ranked in the third position in wages and other compensation (12.1%). This section registered the highest number of salaried employed persons for the third year in a row (8.9 million persons).

On its turn, Manufacturing industry ranked in the second position in the four variables surveyed, as in the previous two years: number of enterprises and other organizations (8.4%), total number of employed persons (16.7%), total number of salaried employed persons (17.9%) and wages and other compensation (19.1%). Section Public administration, defense and social security stood out as the biggest contributor to wages and other compensation (23.7%). Nevertheless, it ranked in the third position in total number of employed persons (13.8%) and in total number of salaried employed persons (16.0%), as in 2011. Among the other sections, Administrative activities and complementary services and Construction ranked in the fourth and fifth positions in salaried employed persons (9.3% and 6.6%, respectively), and in the sixth and fifth positions in wages and other compensation (5.4% and 5.6%).

Organizations with more than 250 persons gather 53.7% of salaried

Considering all the enterprises and other organizations in 2012, 87.9% of them employed up to nine persons, 10.3%, between 10 and 49 persons, 1.4%, between 50 and 249 persons and 0.4%, 250 persons and more. Despite the prevalence of small-sized companies in the Brazilian enterprise framework, organizations employing 250 and more were the biggest contributors to the variables surveyed: total number of employed persons (46.6%), salaried employed persons (53.7%) and wages and other compensation (69.1%).

In terms of wages, the figures were directly related to the size of the organization. The highest average monthly wages were paid by companies with 250 persons and more (R$ 2,527.11), while the lowest wages were paid by companies employing up to nine persons (R$ 1,010.88). Companies with 250 persons and more paid wages 29.9% above the average (R$ 1,943.16), whereas the other ranges paid wages below the average.

Average wages record real growth of 10.1% in four years

A real growth of the total wages and other compensation has been noticed along all the years surveyed. In 2012, the increase was of 7.1%. The cumulative rate was 35.3% in the period between 2008 and 2012. On its turn, the average monthly wage grew 2.1% in real terms in 2012. In 2009, it rose 4.7%, in 2010, 0.6%, and, in 2011, 2.4%. The cumulative average monthly wage increased 10.1% in this period.


Relative and cumulative growth rate of enterprises and other organizations, of total employed persons, of wages and other compensation and of average monthly wages - Brazil - 2008-2012

Growth rate
Cumulative 2008/2012
Number of enterprises and other organizations
Total employed persons
  Salaried employed persons
  Partners and owners
Wages and other compensation
Average monthly wage (R$)
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Cadastro Central de Empresas 2008-2012

The analysis of the growth of the average monthly wage between 2008 and 2012 showed that 12 out of the 20 sections of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) 2.0 registered real increases, above the average in the period (10.1%), highlighted by the activities of Mining and quarrying industries (44.5%), Human health and social services (21.3%) and Construction (20.5%). Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles and Administrative activities and related services recorded real wage increases of 17.2% and 14.7%, respectively. The wages of Manufacturing industries and Public administration, defense and social security increased 9.2% and 10.7% between 2008 and 2012, respectively.

In 2012, the average monthly wage was R$ 1,943.16. The highest wages were paid by Electricity and gas (R$ 5,968.28), followed by Financial activities, insurance and related services (R$ 4,587.73) and Mining and quarrying industries (R$ 3,899.12). Altogether, these activities absorbed 2.7% of the salaried employed persons only. The lowest wages were paid by Housing and food (R$ 947.87), Administrative activities and complementary services (R$ 1,170.11) and Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (R$ 1,258.96).

7.8 million formal jobs created between 2008 and 2012

The analysis of the salaried employed persons showed that enterprises and other formal organizations created 7.8 million new jobs between 2008 and 2012, changing from 38.4 million to 46.2 million persons. Nearly half of them (49.4%) were created in three sections: 23.1% in Trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; 13.2% in Construction; and 13.1% in Administrative activities and complementary services.

57.3% of salaried persons are men and 82.3% have no higher education

Between 2011 and 2012, the increase in the number of women (3.2%) was higher than of men (1.7%). Nevertheless, 57.3% of the salaried persons were men and 42.7% were women in 2012. In terms of wages, men earned, on average, R$ 2,126.67 and women, R$ 1,697.30 in 2012. Women earned the equivalent of 79.8% of men´s wages, though their average wages posted a higher real increase than men´s: 2.4% against 2.0%.

As to the schooling level, 82.3% of the salaried persons had no higher education and 17.7% had. The number of salaried persons with higher education rose 6.0%, whereas the number of salaried persons without higher education increased 1.6%. The salaried persons with higher education earned, on average, R$ 4,405.55, while those without higher education earned R$ 1,398.74, representing a difference of 215.0%.

Evolution in salaried employed persons registers female participation of 58.5%

In the evolution of salaried employed persons between 2011 and 2012, the relative female participation was higher than male´s for the first time ever.  While men contributed with 41.5% (438.9 thousand persons), women contributed with 58.5% (619.8 thousand persons).

The analysis of the evolution of salaried employed persons along the last four years showed that the relative participation of persons with higher education has been rising.  Between 2011 and 2012, the participation of those without higher education was of 55.9% (592.1 thousand persons), whereas the participation of those with higher education was of 44.1% (466.6 thousand persons).

41.3% of salaried persons in public administration with higher education

The proportion of the salaried persons with or without higher education changed according to the legal nature, though the participation of those without higher education was always higher. Despite the fall from 90.7% in 2009 to 89.5% in 2012, the participation of salaried persons without higher education was very significant in business organizations. Public administration was the legal nature where the salaried persons with higher education prevailed: 35.8% in 2009 and 41.3% in 2012. Along the years, the increased participation of salaried persons with higher education has been noticed in all the legal natures. In non-profit organizations, this percentage rose from 25.9% in 2009 to 27.3% in 2012.

The participation of male salaried employed persons in enterprises was higher than female´s. The difference has been declining along the years: the male participation dropped from 64.5% in 2009 to 62.8% in 2012. On the other hand, public administration and non-profit organizations registered a higher participation of female salaried employed persons than male´s. Between 2009 and 2012, the participation of female salaried persons increased from 58.3% to 58.9% in public administration. In non-profit organizations, this participation changed from 52.8% to 54.6%.


Southeast concentrates 51.1% of salaried employed persons

The regional analysis was made by means of the information from local branches, which are the addresses were the enterprises and other organizations operate.  In 2012, 5.2 million enterprises and other active organizations in Brazil had 5.7 million local branches.

By concentrating 2.9 million (51.5%) local branches in Brazil, 27.4 million employed persons (51.4%), 23.6 million salaried persons (51.1%) and R$ 654.5 billion (55.3%) in wages and other compensation, the Southeast Region stood out. The South Region ranked in the second position in terms of number of local branches (21.7%), wages and other compensation (15.6%) and total number of employed persons (17.7%). However, it ranked in the third position in relation to salaried employed persons (17.1%). The Northeast Region ranked in the second position in terms of total number of employed persons (17.7%) - the same position as the South Region - and of salaried persons (18.2%); it ranked third in terms of number of local branches (15.6%) and wages and other compensation (14.3%). The Central-West Region ranked in the fourth position in all the variables surveyed, whereas the North Region ranked fifth, recording the lowest participations.

São Paulo posted the highest relative participation in all variables: 31.3% in the number of local branches, 29.8% in total employed persons, 29.4% in salaried employed persons and 33.6% in wages and other compensation. Minas Gerais ranked in the second position in number of local branches (10.8%) and in salaried employed persons (10.2%), but ranked third in wages and other compensation (8.9%). Rio de Janeiro appeared in the third position in total employed persons (9.4%) and in salaried employed persons (9.5%), but ranked second in wages and other compensation (11.1%) and fifth in relation to the number of local branches (7.4%). Rio Grande do Sul ranked in the third position in number of local branches (8.6%), but ranked fifth in total employed (6.5%) and salaried persons (6.2%) and fourth in wages and other compensation (5.9%). Paraná appeared in the fourth position in number of local branches (7.9%), total employed (6.6%) and salaried persons (6.3%), and ranked fifth in wages and other compensation (5.7%). Acre, Roraima and Amapá registered the lowest participations in these variables, ranging between 0.1% and 0.3%.

Federal District pays highest average wage (5.8 minimum wages)

In 2012, the average monthly wage was 3.1 minimum wages. The highest average wages were paid in the Federal District (5.8 minimum wages), Rio de Janeiro (3.7 minimum wages), São Paulo (3.6 minimum wages) and Amapá (3.4 minimum wages). The lowest average wages were paid in Ceará, Paraíba, Alagoas (2.2 minimum wages) and Piauí (2.3 minimum wages).

From the 7.8 million new jobs created between 2011 and 2012, 3.7 million (47.1%) were created in the Southeast Region, 1.7 million (21.3%), in the Northeast, 1.3 million (16.0%), in the South, 715.9 thousand (9.1%), in the Central-West, and 500.6 thousand (6.4%), in the North. The Federation Units that registered the highest surplus of salaried employed persons between 2008 and 2012 were: São Paulo (2.1 million or 26.6%), Minas Gerais (743.5 thousand or 9.5%) and Rio de Janeiro (719.1 thousand or 9.2%). The highest relative participations of employed persons in the workforce were recorded in the Federal District (87.7%), São Paulo (69.6%) and Santa Catarina (68.8%). The lowest participations were registered in Maranhão (24.3%), Piauí (27.4%) and Pará (29.2%).