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In November, IPCA-15 changes 0.57%

November 19, 2013 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 12, 2018 02h46 PM

 The Extended Consumer Price Index-15 (IPCA-15) posted a change of 0.57% in November and stood above October´s IPCA-15, whose rate was 0.48%. With that result, the cumulative indicator of the year was at 5.06%, quite close to the rate of 5.05% relative to the same period of 2012. Considering the last 12 months, the index was at 5.78%, above the 5.75% recorded over the 12 months prior to that period. In November 2012 the rate was at 0.54%.

The complete publication of IPCA-15 can be accessed at

Considering the nine groups of products and services that comprise the IPCA-15, seven of them recorded a change in November above that registered in October. The group of Wearing Apparel posted the highest rate, as showed in the table below.

 In order to estimate IPCA-15, prices were collected from October 12 to November 11 and compared with those in force from September 13 to October 11. The indicator refers to families with monthly income of one to forty minimum wages and it encompasses the metropolitan regions of Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Recife, São Paulo, Belém, Fortaleza, Salvador, Curitiba, and also Brasília and Goiânia. The methodology is the same as the one used for IPCA; the difference lies in the period of price collection

 Despite the highest rate recorded by Wearing Apparel, the group of Food Products and Beverages absorbed approximately one third of the monthly index. By changing 0.84%, it contributed with 0.21 percentage points. By rising 2.34%, the item meat exerted the highest individual impact on the index (0.06 percentage points). Meat was followed by meals away from home, which recorded a change of 0.83% and exerted an influence of 0.04 percentage points. Also influencing 0.04 points, tomatoes became 23.36% more expensive. Moreover, other important food products became more expensive from October to November as, for example, noodles (2.15%),chicken pieces (1.69%) and French bread (1.09%).

In the group of Personal Expenses, which rose 0.68%, the item domestic workers stood out by rising 0.97%. This item contributed with 0.04 percentage points, the same as meals and tomatoes in the list of major influences. Other items also stood out in the group of Expenses: excursion (2.40%) and cigarettes (1.15%). The item cigarettes had its prices adjusted on November 2 by 13%, on average, in part of the areas surveyed.

Airfare rose 6.56%, pressing the group of Transportation to increase 0.39%. In addition to airfare, fuels registered a rise of 0.31% in the prices of gasoline and of 1.02% in the prices of ethanol. Interstate bus fares also stood out in this group as they became 3.00% more expensive.

The groups of Education (0.09%) and Communication (0.28%) accelerated their rate from October to November. Mobile telephone services (0.88%) exerted a high pressure over Communication.

Housing (0.50%) and Household Articles (0.55%) registered rates below those recorded in the previous month (0.67% and 0.97%, respectively). Residential rent (from 1.02% in October to 0.50% in November), condominium fees (from 0.90% to 0.25%) and bottled gas (from 2.36% to 0.81%) forced Housing to decline. Meanwhile, household appliances (from 1.54% to 0.79%) and furniture (from 1.11% to 0.51%) decompressed the rate of Household Articles.

Among the regional indexes, the highest rates were posted in Rio de Janeiro (0.76%) and Fortaleza (0.75%). In Rio de Janeiro water and sewage fees rose by 2.23%, reflecting the price adjustment of 6.27% on November 1st, as well as electricity bills (1.26%), due to the price adjustment of 6.20% applied on November 7 by one of the electricity companies that supply the region. In Fortaleza, the highlight was the item food away from home (1.82%). The lowest index was recorded in Recife (0.33%), where food products (0.02%) registered the smallest change among the areas surveyed.