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Industrial output in August up in seven of the 14 areas surveyed

October 08, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 22, 2018 04h05 PM


The national output of industry, in the seasonally adjusted series, was also stable in regional terms, with increases in seven areas and decreases in seven others. Paraná (3.6%), Goiás (1.7%) and Santa Catarina (1.6%) recorded the biggest gains. Paraná recorded bigger  increase in comparison with the figure of last July (1.9%); Goiás has had cumulative increase of 2.8% in the last two months, and Santa Catarina recovered from the fall (-1.1%) of the previous month. Ceará (1.0%), São Paulo (0.6%), Minas Gerais (0.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (0.2%) also recorded increase. 

Bahia (-8.6%), with the closing of the electric segment in the Northeast Region, last August, recorded the most siginificant decrease in the month and interrupted a sequence of five hikes, with cumulative expansion of 6.7%. There were also significant losses in
Rio de Janeiro (-4.2%), Northeast Region (-2.2%), Pará (-1.6%) and Espírito Santo (-1.4%).
Rio de Janeiro faced accelerated decrease in comparison with July (0.3%). The Northeast had cumulative decrease of -2.8% after declining for two months. Pará eliminated part of the increase of 9.3% observed in July and Espírito Santo faced decrease of -2.4% in the last two months.

The other negative rates were registered in Pernambuco (-0.8%) and Amazonas (-0.7%). 

Also in the seasonally adjusted series, the evolution of the quarterly moving average index for the industry overall recorded negative change of 0.1% in the quarter ending in August, over the level of the previous month. This was the second consecutive negative result of this indicator, but not as low as that of lat July (-0.8%). In regional terms, also considering the marginal movement of this index, eight of the fourteen areas recorded negative rates, with Bahia (-1.9%), Rio de Janeiro (-0.8%) and Amazonas (-0.6%) as the main highlights. On the other hand, Pará (2.3%), Ceará (1.5%), Rio Grande do Sul (1.2%), Santa Catarina (1.1%) and Paraná (0.8%) recorded the most significant decreases this month. 

The comparison with the same month in the previous year shows decrease of 1.2% of the national industrial segment in August 2013, with a widespread presence of negative results in regional terms, since nine of the fourteen areas surveyed recorded decrease of output. It is worth mentioning that August 2013 (22 days) had one business day less than the same month in the previous year (23). In the month, the most significant negative rates were those of Espírito Santo (-5.9%), Minas Gerais (-4.5%), Rio de Janeiro (-3.9%), São Paulo (-3.4%), Amazonas (-3.2%) and Pará (-1.6%). The following areas recorded less significant decreases in relation to the national average: Pernambuco (-0.4%), Bahia (-0.3%) and Northeast Region. On the other hand, Paraná (12.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (5.8%), Ceará (5.6%), Goiás (2.0%) and Santa Catarina (1.5%) recorded positive results in the monthly index of August 2013.

 Considering the cumulative indicator in the year , eleven of the fourteen areas surveyed recorded increase of output, seven of them above the national average (1.6%): Rio Grande do Sul (6.0%), Bahia (5.9%), Paraná (3.1%), Goiás (3.0%), Ceará (2.7%), Amazonas (2.3%) and Northeast Region (2.0%). São Paulo (1.6%), Santa Catarina (1.0%), Rio de Janeiro (0.9%) and Pernambuco (0.9%) were other places with positive figures cumulative in the year.  

In these areas, the biggest dynamism was mainly influenced by the increase of production of capital goods and of durable consumer goods, besides the bigger output of petroleum refining, of alcohol production, textiles, footwear and leather articles and food products. On the other hand, Espírito Santo (-8.4%) and Pará (-7.7%) represented the most significant decreases, reflecting mainly the smaller production of mining and quarrying industry, in the former, and of metallurgy, in the latter. Minas Gerais also had a negative reuls (-0.8%) in the cumulative index in the year.

The cumulative index of the last twelve months increased 0.7%, and has remained on an upward trend since December last year (-2.6%), having reached its highest result since october 2011 (1.4%). Eight of the fourteen areas surveyed had positive rates in August, and nine had bigger dynamiscm in relation to last july, the main highlights being Paraná (from -4.9% to -2.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (from 0.7% to 1.4%), Ceará (from 0.3% to 0.9%), Pará (from -5.9% to -5.6%) and Santa Catarina (from -0.2% to 0.1%).