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PNAD 2012: Unemployment falls, but percentage of formally-hired employees remains unchanged

September 27, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: April 24, 2018 06h04 PM


The unemployment rate of persons aged 15 and over in Brazil was 6.1% in 2012, below the figures of 2011 (6.7%) and 2004 (8.9%). The percentage of formally-hired employees, that is, those with an employment contract signed in the private sector (74.6%) remained unchanged from 2011 to 2012, despite the absolute growth of 3.2%. There was also increase of national child labor indicators. In 2012, there were 3.5 million working children and teenagers, 156 thousand less than in 2011. The employment level (proportion of employed persons at this age bracket) of those aged 5 to 17 was 8.3% in 2012, versus 8.6% in 2011. 

These data come from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) 2012, which also shows increase (5.8%) of the average income of employed income-earners aged 15 and over, versus figures recorded in 2011 (R$ 1,425.00) and 2012 (R$ 1,507.00), in all the places surveyed. The inequality between men and women in this period recorded increase: in 2012, working women received 72.9% (R$ 1,238,00) of men's earnings (R$ 1,698.00); in 2011, this proportion was 73.7%. 

The concentration of income also fell from 2011 to 2012. The Gini index of the income from work, which measures the level of concentration of income, ranging from zero (perfect equality) to one (maximum inequality), remained on a downwadr trend as observed in previous years. It changed from 0.501 in 2011, to 0.498 in 2012. The index was stable in terms of the average real monthly income from all sources, having remained at 0.507 from 2011 to 2012. The Gini index for household income did not change significantly either (from 0.501 to 0.500). 

The number of illiterate persons in Brazil changed from 12.9 million to 13.2 million between 2011 and 2012. As a result, the illiteracy rate, which was 8.6% in 2011, reached 8.7% in 2012. In the Northeast, the number of unemployed persons changed from 6.8 million to 7.1 million, and the rate, from 16.9 to 17.4% in 2012. More than half of the illiterate persons in Brazil lived in this Major Region.  

On the other hand, the percentage of persons aged 25 and over without instruction or with less than one year of schooling fell from 15.1% to 11.9% in Brazil, meaning 3.4 million persons in one year. The percentage of persons with a degree changed from 11.4% in 2011, to 12.0% in 2012, that is, by 6.5% (867 thousand persons), resulting in a total 14.2 million in this group. 

PNAD has been conducted since 1967 and presents information on population, migration, educaton, labor, income and households, covering Brazil, its Major Regions, states and metropolitan areas. Results for 2012 are available at

Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul have biggest percentages of elderly persons

The difference between the populations estimated by PNAD 2011 and 2012 is 1.6 million persons. The main increases occurred in the North (1.4%) and Central West (1.3%). Women made up 51.3% in 2012. Besides, 63.2% of the population was up to 39 and those aged 60 and over, 12.6% (12.1% in 2011). Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro had the highest percentage of persons aged 60 years and over, both with 16.1%. 

Between 2004 and 2012, PNAD points to the aging of population (people turning 60 or over), mainly of women (increase of 7.0% versus 5.6% of men), and signals the reduction of the young population. In 2004, 42.8% of the population was represented by persons up to 24 ears of age; eight years later, in the same age group, this percentage fell to 39.6%.

The percentage of white (46.2%) and brown (45.0%) persons were very close. The black population represented 7.9% of the total, and the Indian and yellow ones, 0.8%. In comparison with 2011, there was decrease of the white population by 1.5 percentage points, versus increase of 2.0 percentage points of the brown population.

Employment level among migrants (above 59%) surpasses national average (56.2%)

In 2012, non-natural persons considering the municipality of residence made up 39.4% (77.6 million) of the population, and non-natural persosn considering the Federation Unit of residence made up 15.7% (30.8 million). The biggest percentage of migrants (34.1%) lived in the Central West Region. Compared to data of 2011, the South Regon was the only one to record increase of the non-natural population concerning the municipality (0.4 percentage points); the Central West region faced a decrease of 2.2 percentage points.

Migration occurs more commonly among persosn aged 18 to 59, both between municipalities (68%) and Federation Units (69.2%). The employment level (percentage of employed persons aged 15 and over) of the population not born in the municipality of residence is 59.0%, being above the national average (56.2%); in terms of Federation Units, the percentage is 60.1%. 

Illiterate persons aged 15 years of age and over amounted to 13.2 million in 2012

he Northeast Region recorded illiteracy rate of 17.4% among persons aged 15 years of age and over in 2012, 0.5 percentage points above the rate of 2011 (16.9%), a change which is not statistically significant. Compared with 2004, 22.5%, the rate fell by 5.1 percentage points. Even so, the Region concentrated, in 2012, 54.0% of the illiterate person at this age bracket, reaching 7.1 million persons. In the Central West, the illiteracy rate of persons aged 15 and over changed from 6.3% in 2011 to 6.7% in 2012, without any statistically significant change. In Brazil, the estimated rate was 8.7%, versus 8.6% in 2011 and 11.5% in 2004. In 2012, there were in the counry 13.2 million illiterate persons aged 15 and over.

The illiteracy rate has been highest in the older groups of all the Major Regions. The rate for persons aged 15 to 19 was 1.2% in 2012, whereas for those aged 60 and over it was 24.4%.

Percentage of persons without instruction falls from 15.1% to 11.9% in one year

Among the population aged 25 and over, the percentage of persons without instruction decreased from 15.1% to 11.9% between 2011 and 2012. The proportion of persons who had unfinished primary school or equivalent schooling increased from 31.5% to 33.5% in the same period. The percentage of persons with a degree changed from 11.4% in 2011, to 12.0% in 2012, that is, by 6.5% (867 thousand persons), resulting in a total 14.2 million in this group.

In relation to the average schooling of the population aged 10 and over, there was increase by 0.2 years, representing a change from 7.3, in 2011, to 7.5, in 2012. About 60.9 million persons had at least 1 years of schooling. In the Northeast Region, the percentage of persons 11 years of age and over was 28.0% in 2012, bigger than the 27.2% of 2011, whereas in the South region the proportion was 41.8% in 2012 and 40.4% in 2011. 

In 2012, 98.2% of the children aged 6 to 14 attended school (rate of schooling), the same percentage recorded in 2011. Among youngsters aged 15 to 17, the rate of schooling in 2012 was 84.2%, above the figure of 2011 (83.7%). In the age bracket of 18-24 years, the percentage stayed at 29.4%. 

Unemployed population fell by 7.2% compared to the 2011 figure

The unemployment rate of persons aged 15 and over in Brazil was 6.1% in 2012, below the levels of 2011 (6.7%) and 2004 (8.9%). The South recorded the lowest rate (4.1%), and the Northeast, the biggest (7.6%). In relation to 2011, the only Major Region to record statistically significant change was the Southeast, where the rate changed from 7.0% to 6.1% in 2012.

The number of unemployed persons (those who did not work, but had taken some action in order to find work), 6.2 million persons, fell by 7.2% in comparison with the figure in the previous year, with decrease of 478 thousand unemployed persons. In relation to 2004, there was decrease of 22.5%, 1.8 million persons. The Southeast recorded the only statistically significant change (-11.1%). The employed population reached 93.9 million workers in 2012, with increase of 1.6% in relation to 2011, reaching 2.7% in the North Region. 

The percentage of formally-hired employees, that is, those with an employment contract in the private sector (74.6%) remained unchanged from 2011 to 2012, although the absolute figure has grown 3.2% and reached 35 million persons, with 1.1 million more jobs in this category. In the Southeast and in the South the proportion surpassed 80%. 

In 2012, Brazil had 3.5 million working children and teenagers

In 2012, there were 3.5 million working children and teenagers, 156 thousand less than in 2011. This employed population was formed by 81 thousand children aged 5 to 9; 473 thousand aged 10 to 13; and 3.0% aged 14 to 17. In these three age brackets, men were the majority. Between 2011 and 2012, the biggest percentage (-23.0%) occurred between 10 and 13 years of age, with 142 thousand children not working.

The employment level (proportion of employed persons at this age bracket) of those aged 5 to 17 was 8.3% in 2012, versus 8.6% in 2011 and 9.8% in 2009. 

The monthly household income per capita of working children and teenagers aged 5 to 17 was R$ 512,00 in 2012, against R$ 547.00 for non-workers. On average, these children worked 27.5 hours a week. Agricultural activity concentrated 60.2% of the employed population aged 5 to 13.

In one year, difference between average income of men and women increases

The average real income from all the activities of employed persons aged 15 years and over and earning income was R$ 1,507,00 in 2012, with increase of 5.8% in relation to 2011. All the regions recorded increase: North (2.1%), Northeast (8.1%), Southeast (6.0%), South (5.8%) and Central West (4.8%). The 10% of the employed population who received the highest income held 41.5% of the total income from work, whereas those who earned the 10% lowest income, accounted for 1.4%. The average income of men was R$ 1,698,00 and that of women, R$ 1,238.00. On average, the workers earned what is equivalent to 72.9% of the income of men. In 2011, the proportion was 73.7%.  

Employees with a formal contract earned, on average, R$ 1,403.00, a real gain of 4.6% in relation to 2011. Military and cilvil servants (0.9%) and other workers without a formal contract (5.7%) also recorded increases. Domestic workers with a formal contract recorded increase of 10.8% and those without a formal contract, 8.4%.

The average real income from all activities (of persons aged 15 and over, with income) increased 5.6% in relation to 2011 and reached R$ 1,437.00 in 2012. All the regions recorded increases: 2.0% in the North (R$ 1,110,00 in 2012); 7.3% in the Northeast (R$ 970.00); 6.2% in the Southeast (R$ 1,667.00); 5.2% in the South (R$ 1,600.00) and 5.3% in the Central West (R$ 1,754.00). 

The average real monthly income of permanent private housing units with income was R$ 2,721.00, with real gain of 6.5% in relation to 2011, and increase in all the Major Regions. The Northeast recorded the biggest increase (9.1%), but the lowest figure (R$ 1,851.00). The North Region recorded the lowest change (3.1%) and the Central West, the highest (R$ 3,263.00).

The Gini index, which measures the level of concentration of income of household income did not change significantly (from 0.501 to 0.500 between 2011 and 2012). 

Survey confirms advance in the possession of durable goods

The number of housing units increased 2.5% between 2011 and 2012, reaching 62.8 million, 1.6 million more than in the previous year. The North (3.3%) and Northeast Regions (2.9%) recorded increases above the national average. The Southeast had the smallest increase in the number of housing units (2.2%).

The survey confirmed the advance in the possession of some durable goods from 2011 to 2012, such as: refrigerator (from 95.8% to 96.7%); washing machine (from 51.0% to 55.1%)  and televison sets (from 96.9% to 97.2%). There was also increase of the number of housing units in which at least one resident had a car (from 40.9% in 2011 to 42.4% in 2012) or a motorcycle (from 19.1% to 20.0%) for personal use.



In one year, households with a general sewage system increased 21.6% in the South Region

The participation of housing units which had sewage disposal services changed from 55.0% to 57.1% from 2011 to 2012. The biggest increase occurred in the South Region, with a change from 35.7% to 42.3%. The North Region remained stable in relation to 2011 (13.0%), and with a lower percentage than the Southeast (84.1%).

In 2012, 53.6 million housing units had access to a water supply system (85.4%), with increase of 0.8 percentage points in relation to 2011 or more 1.8 million units covered. In the North Region there was increase of 2.4 percentage points in the proportion of housing units with a general water supply system in comparison with the previous year (from 55.9% to 58.3%).

The number of housing units with garbage collection services changed from 54.4 million to 55.8 million, 88.8% of the total in 2012, the same level of participation as in 2011. All the regions contributed to the expansion, and in the Southeast, where the collection benefited 96.0% of the housing units, these services began to reach 585 new thousand units, the major increase. The smallest increase occurred in the Central West, with 87 thousand units, reaching 91.3%. In the North, Northeast and South Regions, this service was available for 77.3%, 76.6% and 93.0% of the housing units, respectively. 

From 2011 to 2012, the proportion of housing units with electricity changed from 99.3% to 99.5% (62.5 million housing units). In the North Region, 96.2% had access to this service, with a change to 97.3% in 2012. In the Southeast, South and Central West, the percentages of access neared 100%.   

91.2% of the municipalities had some kind of telephone

The number of housing units with some of kind of telephone appliance increased 4.1% between 2011 and 2012, with 2.2 million new housing wits with access to this services (91.2%), being 1.9 million with only a landline telephone (3.0%), a figure 1.5% below that of 2011 (2.1 million). The number of housing units in which at least one resident had a mobile phone for persona use increased by 1.8 million units, from 2011 to 2012.

In 2012, 122.7 million persons aged 10 and over had a mobile telephone for personal use, with increase of 6.3% in relation to 2011 (7.2 million persons). In 2011, this population reached 115.4 million. The North and Northeast Regions remained as the only in which less than 70% of the population aged 10 and over had a mobile telephone, althougth they recorded the biggest increases in the proportion of users (both 4.1 percentage points). The Central West was the region with the biggest percentage of users, with 81.6%. 

With smallest percentage of users, North and Northeast record increase in 2012

Approximately 83.0 million persons aged 10 and over had accessed the Internet in the three months prior to the survey, versus 77.7 million in the previous year, representing increase of 6.8% (5.3 million new Internet users). The number of users and the respective prior percent changes were: from 2000 to 2011 (77.7 million perosn, 14.4%) and from 2008 to 2009 (67.9 million persons, 21.5%).

The Southeast remained as the major Region with the highest percentage of persons using the Internet in 2012 (57.0%). The North (39.2%) and Northeast (36.4%) were below the percentage observed for the national average (49.2%). In relation to the number of Internet users, there was also increase in all the areas, especially in the North (12.7%) and Northeast (8.7%), which were above the national average (6.8%). The Central West recorded the smallest increase (4.6%). The increases observed in the Northeast and North corresponded, respectively, to 1.3 million and 600 thousand new users.

From 2011 to 2012, there was increase of the number of persons accessing the Internet in all the age groups, especially in the age brackets up to 29 years, at which the number increased by 3.4%. Among age brackets above 30 years of age, there was increase of 11.2%.