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GDP grows 1.5% in relation to the first quarter and reaches R$ 1.2 trillion

August 30, 2013 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 12, 2018 04h40 PM


In the comparison with the first quarter of 2013, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at market prices in the second quarter grew 1.5% in the seasonally adjusted series. The highlight was agriculture (growth of 3.9% in volume of value added), followed by industry (2.0%) and services (0.8%). In the comparison with the second quarter of 2012, the GDP grew 3.3%. The highlight was also agriculture (13.0%), followed by industry (2.8%) and services (2.4%).
In the cumulative index in the four quarters ended in the second quarter of 2013 (12 months), the growth was of 1.9% over the immediately previous four quarters. In the first semester, the GDP expanded 2.6% against the same period of 2012. The GDP at current values reached R$ 1.2 trillion in the second quarter.
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In relation to Q1 of 2013, all economic activities grew, with a highlight to agriculture

The GDP at market prices presented growth of 1.5% in comparison with the second quarter of 2013 against the first quarter of the year, in the seasonally adjusted series. The positive highlight was agriculture, which grew 3.9% in the volume of the value added. In the industry, there was a rise of 2.0%, whereas services recorded expansion of 0.8%.

All the subsectors that integrate the industry present positive results, with highlight to the performance of civil construction (3.8%). The manufacturing industry presented a rise in the volume of the value added of 1.7% in relation to the prior quarter, followed by mining and quarrying (1.0%) and by electricity and gas, water, sewage and urban cleaning (0.8%).

Among services, the highlight was the growth of trade (1.7%). The other activities also posted increase in the volume of the value added in relation to the previous quarter: financial intermediation and insurance (1.1%), transportation, storage and mail (1.0%), information services (0.9%), other services (0.7%) and real estate activities and rent (0.7%). Conversely, the activity public administration, health and education kept virtually stable in relation to the previous quarter: positive change of 0.1%.

From the expenditure point of view, household consumption expenditure and government consumption expenditure presented growth in relation to the first quarter of the year (0.3% and 0.5%, respectively). However, the positive highlight in the domestic demand was gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), growing 3.6%. Concerning the external sector, exports of goods and services grew 6.9%, whereas the imports rose at a slower pace: 0.6%

In relation to the same quarter of 2012, GFCF is a highlight

The GDP grew 3.3% in the second quarter of 2013 in relation to the same period of 2012. The value added at basic prices rose 3.2%, and net taxes on products grew 4.1%.

Among the activities that contributed to the value added, the highlight was agriculture, which in this quarter grew 13.0% in relation to the same period of the previous year.  This rate can be attributable to the performance of some crop products, with a relevant harvest in the 2nd quarter and presenting growth in the estimates of annual output and productivity. It is the case of, for instance, soybeans (23.7%), corn (12.2%), beans (8.4%) and rice (2.9%), according to July's LSPA released in August.

The industry expanded 2.8% against a drop of 1.4% registered in the previous quarter. The mining and quarrying industries declined 3.9%, pushed by the downfall in the extraction of iron ore. Conversely, the other activities of the industry posted positive results. The manufacturing industry recorded a growth of 4.6%. Its result was affected by the rise in the production of machinery and equipment; electrical machines and devices; medical and hospital equipment; automotive industry; rubber and plastic; and petroleum refinement and alcohol. Civil construction also presented increase in the volume of the value added of 4.0%, whereas electricity and water, gas and sewage and urban cleaning posted a rise of 2.1%.

The value added of services grew 2.4% in comparison with the same period of the previous year.  All activities that integrate the sector recorded positive changes. The highlight is the 3.5% growth of trade (wholesale and retail) and the 2.7% increase both for information services such as transportation, storage and mail (which comprises cargo and passenger transportation) as well as other services. The activity real estate services and rent grew 2.1%, whereas financial intermediation and insurance and public administration, health and education grew, each one, 1.5%.

Among the domestic demand components, the highlight is the growth of 9.0% of gross fixed capital formation, attributable to the expansion of the domestic production of capital goods. After having registered drops in the four quarters of 2012, the gross fixed capital formation already presents its second consecutive positive result.

Household consumption expenditure rose 2.3%, the 39th consecutive positive change in this basis of comparison.  The growth of the real wage bill and the rise of nominal credit for individuals contributed to this result. The government consumption expenditure grew 1.0%.

In the external sector, both imports and exports of goods and services had expansion (7.9% and 6.3%, respectively). Concerning the exports, the growth highlights were: non-metallic minerals; basic metals; products from the automotive industry; and agriculture products. Among the imports, pharmaceuticals and toiletries, chemical products, products from the automotive industry and mining and quarrying stood out.

In 12 months, GDP grows 1.9%.

The GDP at market prices accumulated in the four quarters finished in the second quarter of 2013 grew 1.9% in relation to the four previous quarters. That was attributable to the rise of 1.7% of the value added at basic prices and of 2.6% of the taxes on products. Among the economic activities, the growth was of 7.4% for agriculture, 1.9% for services and 0.1% for industry.

GDP to grow 2.6% next semester

The GDP at market prices in the first semester of 2013 presented growth of 2.6%, in relation to the same period in 2012. In this basis of comparison, the volume of the value added of agriculture grew 14.7%, followed by services (2.1%) and industry (0.8%).

In the quarter, investment rate reaches 18.6% of GDP

The investment rate in the second quarter of 2013 was of 18.6% of the GDP, higher than the rate in the same period a year ago (17.9%). The savings rate stood at 16.6% in the third quarter of 2013, against 16.9% in the same quarter of 2012.

In the result of the second quarter of 2013, the demand for loans reached R$ 41.8 billion against R$ 27.8 billion in the same period a year ago. The gross national income achieved R$ 1.2 trillion against R$ 1.1 trillion the same period in the previous year. In this same comparison, the gross savings reached R$ 200.1 billion, against R$ 186.5 billion in 2012.