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IBGE launches Monthly Survey of Services

July 22, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 06h21 PM

On August 21, 2013, IBGE is going to launch the Monthly Survey of Services (PMS), aiming at measuring the activities of the services sector. Accounting for 67.5% of the gross value added (revenue generated by the economic activity) of the GDP and for 62.1% of the job positions, the services sector has been increasing its importance in the economy. As PMS encompasses the activities comprising non-financial business segments and also excludes the sectors of health, education, public administration and imputed rent (value the owners would earn in case they rented the properties where they live), the scope of the survey corresponds to 36.5% of the gross value added and to 34.6% of the job positions.

PMS is the first monthly short-term indicator that investigates the services sector in Brazil. The survey started being developed in 2009. The publication will disclose the results of nominal revenue for the overall index and for each activity. Data for Brazil and for the Federation Units will also be available.

In addition to the tables with the results and the comments prepared by IBGE, PMS will also be available at the Automatic Recovery System of Aggregated Databases (SIDRA,, which will allow the users to build tables based on information selected by themselves. The publishing calendar of PMS in 2013 is available on

Today, July 22, 2013, journalists from a number of communication vehicles will attend a seminar at IBGE headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. IBGE experts will present the methodological aspects of the survey, explaining how it works and supporting the journalists in their stories.

The presentation of the survey and its methodology can be accessed on link


Time series of PMS starts in January 2012

In addition to the results of June 2013, PMS will also disclose the time series started in January 2012.

Concerning the gross revenue of the enterprises in the services sector, the overall index will bring results for Brazil and for the 27 Federation Units. On the other hand, the index by activity will bring more details for Brazil (five groups, disaggregated into ten activities) and a lower level of disaggregation (only the five groups) for 12 selected states: Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás and the Federal District.

PMS will release four types of index

PMS will release four types of index: the fixed base index, which will allow the calculation of the change of a month against the average of 2011; the index month over the same month of the previous year; the cumulative index in the year; and the cumulative index in 12 months. Seasonally adjusted data (month over immediately previous month) will not be released at first, once the seasonal adjustment requires a time series of approximately four years. Once the respondent may rectify the data of the month prior to that of reference, the PMS indicators may change until the month after the original publication (revision).

PMS sample comprises 9.5 thousand enterprises

PMS investigates services enterprises with 20 or more employed persons headquartered in the Brazilian territory, in which the main source of revenue comes from the provision of services. Only enterprises headquartered in the capitals of the states of the North Region (Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, Roraima, Pará, Amapá and Tocantins) are included in the sample, except for Pará, in which the municipalities of the metropolitan area of Belém are also included. The sample comprises approximately 9.5 thousand enterprises, spread over the 27 states.