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Retail sales remain stable (0.0%) in May

July 11, 2013 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 06h26 PM

The volume of sales of the retail trade remained stable (0.0%) in May. Nominal revenue registered a growth rate of 0.7%, both changes over the previous month and seasonally adjusted. As to the moving average, volume of sales changed 0.2%, whereas revenue recorded a growth rate of 0.8%. In relation to May 2012, the changes were 4.5% for the volume of sales and 13.4% for the nominal revenue. The cumulative rates in the first five months of the year and in the last 12 months were 3.3% and 6.1% for volume of sales, and  and 12.1% for the nominal revenue, respectively.

The extended retail trade, comprising retail trade plus the activities of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces, and construction material, recorded a fall in relation to the previous month. By changing -0.8% in the volume of sales and -0.1% in the nominal revenue, both rates seasonally adjusted, they reverted the positive sequence of the two previous months. Compared with the same month a year ago (seasonally unadjusted), the changes were 4.4% for the volume of sales and 9.6% for the nominal revenue. In the cumulative index in the year and in the last 12 months, the sector registered a change of 5.0% and 7.6% for the volume of sales and of 9.5% and 10.2% for the nominal revenue, respectively.

The complete publication of the survey can be accessed at


Four activities record positive change

Compared with April, four out of the ten activities surveyed registered positive changes for volume of sales in May. The figures, in order of magnitude, were: hypermarket, supermarket, food products, beverages and tobacco (1.9%); fuels and lubricants (0.6%); furniture and household appliances (0.4%); vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces (0.4%); other articles of personal and domestic use (-0.9%); construction material (-1.9%); office, computer and communication equipment and material (-2.0%); books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (-2.2%); fabric, apparel and footwear (-2.6%); and pharmaceutical, medical and orthopedic articles, toiletries and cosmetics (-2.6%).

As to the comparison with May 2012, only the activity of office, computer and communication equipment and material was negative (-0.5%). The other retail activities increased their volume of sales. The rates were: 2.6% for hypermarket, supermarket, food products, beverages and tobacco; 8.8% for fuels and lubricants; 6.8% for furniture and household appliances; 8.4% for other articles of personal and domestic use; 8.1% for pharmaceutical, medical and orthopedic articles, toiletries and cosmetics; 1.3% for fabric, apparel and footwear; and 0.5% for books, newspapers, magazines and stationery.


Amazonas is the only state to record a negative rate in May

Compared with May 2012, only Amazonas recorded a negative change (-0.9%). The other states registered positive figures. The biggest rises were in Roraima (13.4%); Mato Grosso (12.6%); Rondônia (11.3%); Rio Grande do Norte (10.8%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (10.5%). Taking into account the weights of the states in the composition of the retail rate, the highlights were São Paulo (3.8%); Rio de Janeiro (6.2%); Rio Grande do Sul (4.9%); Paraná (4.1%) and Mato Grosso (12.6%).

Only Espírito Santo dropped (-9.8%) in relation to the extended retail. In terms of volume of sales, the highest performance rates were in Mato Grosso do Sul (12.3%); Acre (12.3%); Paraíba (10.7%); Mato Grosso (10.4%) and Rio Grande do Norte (10.3%). As to the contribution to the overall result of the sector, the highlights were São Paulo (3.5%); Rio de Janeiro (8.7%); Paraná (7.6%); Rio Grande do Sul (3.6%) and Bahia (5.7%).

Concerning the Federation Units, the seasonally adjusted results for volume of sales pointed to 12 states with positive change. The biggest changes were: Mato Grosso (4.1%); Maranhão (2.1%); Alagoas (1.4%); Santa Catarina (1.2%) and Roraima (1.2%). The biggest drops were in Tocantins (-5.0%); Amapá (-1.8%); Paraíba (-1.5%); the Federal District (-1.1%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (-0.9%).

The segment of hypermarket, supermarket, food products, beverages and tobacco (2.6% compared with May 2012) was again the major impact on the rate (29%). Despite the price increases, the growth of volume of sales could be explained by the stability of the labor market, as well as by the expenses due to the Mother´s Day. This activity increased 0.5% in the first five months of the year, and 4.8% in the last 12 months.

The segment of fuels and lubricants (8.8% over May 2012) accounted for the second biggest contribution to the retail rate (20%). The rate reached 5.8% in the first five months of the year, and 7.4% in the last 12 months. This behavior was attributed to the change in the prices of fuels (a cumulative change of 4.8% in the last 12 months against 6.5% in the overall index, according to IPCA).

The activity of furniture and household appliances (6.8% compared with May 2012) exerted the third biggest impact (19%). This figure reflected the policy of consumption incentives, implemented by the government through the maintenance of reduced IPI rates for furniture and household appliances. It also reflected the credit availability, the job stability and the revenue growth. The cumulative rate in 2013 is of 4.0% and, in 12 months, 8.2%

By negatively changing 0.5% over the same month last year, volume of sales of the segment of office, computer and communication equipment and material was responsible for the smallest impact on the overall retail rate. The cumulative rate in the first five months of the year was 3.0% and, in the last 12 months, -1.1%. Among the factors that affected this performance, it should be highlighted the price increase of the products which recorded deflation until February.

Extended retail drops 0.8%

Extended retail dropped 0.8% in terms of volume of sales and 0.1% in terms of nominal revenue in relation to the previous month, both rates seasonally adjusted. In relation to May 2012, the changes were of 4.4% for volume of sales and of 9.6% for nominal revenue. In the cumulative index in the year and in the last 12 months, the sector registered a change of 5.0% and 7.6% for volume of sales and of 9.5% and 10.2% for nominal revenue, respectively.

As to volume of sales, the activity of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces registered a rise of 0.4% against March. This is the third positive figure in a row, after falling 1.7% in February. Comparing with May a year ago, the change was of 4.1%. As to the cumulative rates, the changes were: 7.5% in the first five months and 10.6% in the last 12 months. Announced at the end of March, the freezing of IPI for automobiles until the end of the year, halting its restoration, explained these figures.

As to the segment of construction material, volume of sales changed -1.9% over the previous month, 5.0% in relation to May 2012, and 7.2% and 6.4% in the cumulative indexes in the first five months of the year and in the last 12 months, respectively.  These figures reflected the current growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).