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Industrial output falls in 7 of the 12 areas surveyed

January 16, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: April 25, 2018 02h53 PM


In November 2003 versus the previous year, the industrial output fell in seven of the 22 areas surveyed by IBGE. Among the five areas which recorded increase of production, the highlights were Pernambuco (10.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (8.5%). Other increases occurred in São Paulo (3.8%), Paraná (1.4%) and South Region (1.4%), all above the national average, of 0.3%. The main decreases occurred in Bahia (-20.4%), in Espírito Santo (-9.0%) and in the Northeast (-10.6%). Decreases were also recorded in Ceará (-6.7%), Santa Catarina (-2.5%), Rio de Janeiro (-2.0%) and Minas Gerais (-1.6%).

The rise of Pernambuco resulted from the performance of food industry, and, in Rio Grande do Sul, the main contribution came from mechanical industry. The higher index of São Paulo is a consequence of the performance of electric material and communications, transportation material and chemicals. 

Negative results in important segments, due to technical halts in major companies, account for the significant decreases recorded by Bahia and Espírito Santo. In the former, the negative contribution came from chemistry and, in the latter, from the segment of paper and cardboard. The result for the Northeast Region was influences by the decrease of Bahia.

In terms of the result of January to November 2003, in relation to the same period in the previous year, there was increase in six of the 12 areas surveyed. In this indicator, the industry of Espírito Santo (12.7%) presents the biggest acceleration, due to the exporting characteristics of its production. In Rio Grande do Sul, considering a rate of 3.3%, the dynamism in the production of agricultural machinery and implements and, in second place, of fertilizers, account for the positive result. In Paraná (3.2%), the profile is similar, and the main positive impacts come from mechanics, chemistry, and transportation material. Industry also grew in Pernambuco (1.7%), South Region (1.2%) and São Paulo (0.4%). São Paulo recorded a change of the cumulative index from a negative to a positive result in September (-0.3% to 0.4%).  

In the six areas facing production decrease, the rates ranged between -2.9% in Santa Catarina and -0.8% in Rio de Janeiro. The industry of Santa Catarina was negatively affected by food products, apparel and footwear and textiles. In Rio de Janeiro, the negative contribution came from the textile industry as well. In Ceará (-1.6%) the most significant decreases occurred among non-metallic minerals and textiles, whereas Minas Gerais was negatively affected by food products and non-metallic minerals.

Northeast Region

The industry of he Northeast Region faced decrease of 10.6% in November, verus results in the previous month. Cumulative indicators also recorded decrease in the year (-2.0%) and in the last twelve months (-1.5%).  

The decrease of 10.6% recorded by the monthly indicator was the highest in 2003, in this area. It resulted, to a great extent, from the decline of chemicals (-26.0%), resulting from the low production of gasoline and fuel oil. Other nine of the 15 subsectors surveyed also represented negative contributions, the main highlights being: non-metallic minerals (-15.1%) and apparel and footwear (-21.1%). This situation is balanced by five items, mainly metallurgy (8.8%).

The cumulative decrease of 2.0% in the year reflected the retraction observed in ten of the 15 subsectors surveyed. Ths most significant items were apparel and footwear (-22.7%), chemistry (-1.6%) and plastic material (-20.5%). The main positive contribution came from metallurgy (3.3%).  


The industry of Ceará, having faced decrease of 6.7% in November versus the rate in the previous year, recorded its worst rate in the year in this type of comparison. Considering the cumulative index in the year, there was decrease of 1.6%, and in the last 12 months, of 1.4%. 

The decrease of 6.7% in the comparison between November 2003 and November 2002 reflects the decline recorded in eight of the 12 subsectors surveyed. The fall of non-metallic minerals (-36.0%), due to a higher basis for comparison, accounted for the main negative contribution. In this group, there were decreases in the production of cement and in the processing of limestone. Other highlights, although at a lower level, are the decreases faced by apparel and footwear (-11.4%), food products (-4.7%) and textiles (-5.0%). Among the four subsectors which recorded decrease of production, electric and communication material (34.2%) was the main positive contribution.  

The decrease of 1.6% in the production accumulated from January to November occurred due to the fall observed in eight of the 12 subsectors surveyed. Non-metallic minerals (-17.0%) appears as the main negative contribution, especially due to the reduced production of common cement. It is also worth mentioning the subsector of textiles (-4.0%). On the other hand, the main positive impacts came from food products (2.8%) and electric and communication material (46.9%).


In November, the industry of Pernambuco grew 10.3% in relation to results of last year, recording a better rate than in October (2.0%). Cumulative indicators also recorded decrease in the year (-1.7%) and in the last twelve months (-1.9%).

In the comparison November 03/November 02, the increase of 10.3% obtained by the Pernambuco industry was influenced, to a great extent, by the performance of food products (31.6%), which recorded in the output of concentrated frit juice, followed by a rise in the production of demerara sugar. Other relevant positive contributions came from metallurgy (12.4%) and plastic material (12.5%). On the other hand, the main negative contributions came from chemistry (-11.2%), non-metallic minerals (-13.7%) and apparel and footwear (-34.5%).

In terms of the cumulative index, there were positive contributions from six of the 14 items surveyed. The main ones were food products (12.9%) and electric and communication material (10.8%). The principal negative contributions were those of apparel and footwear (-49.7%) and plastic material (-16.2%).


In November 2003, the industrial production of Bahia fell 20.4% versus the figure of the previous year. The impact of this decrease significantly affected the cumulative comparisons, and even reversed the upward trend of production observed since November. From January to November, the industrial output fell 0.9% and, in the last 12 months, 0.1%.

Regarding the significant decrease of the monthly index, it is important to highlight the impact of chemistry (-33.5%) in the reduced output of common gasoline. The contraction regarding this product was also observed in other areas, and can be understood as the effect of the low demand from the consumer market. The increase of 4.8% of mining and quarrying industry contributed to make uo for the negative performance of this state.

The cumulative index for the year shows negative contributions of six subsectors. The reduced production of gasoline and naphtha also influenced this indicator, and chemical industry (-2.0%) was the one accounting for the main negative contribution. Metallurgy (6.1%) was the main positive contribution.

Minas Gerais

In November, the main industrial indicators of Minas Gerais were negative. Considering the cumulative index in the year, there was decrease of 1.6%, and in the last 12 months, of -0.5%. 

The decrease of the monthly indicator was the second consecutive one. Manufacturing industry (-1.6%) also recorded a negative rate for the second consecutive month. Mining and quarrying industry recorded its first negative result in the year (-1.5%).

Among the falling subsectors, food products (-13.4%), influenced by the reduced prodution of sauces and powdered milk, represented the main contribution to the overall rate. Other two subsectors accounting for negative contributions were non-metallic minerals (9.6%) and textiles (-10.0%). The positive highlights are metallurgy (3.6%) and transportation material (11.5%).

The index for January-November, in spite of being negative, remained unchanged in comparison with that of October (-1.1%). Eleven subsectors, out of 16, faced decrease in production. Food products, with decrease of 9.9%, was the main negative contribution, a performance explained by the reduced production of ready-to-eat sauces. Other negative contributions, to a lower extent, are non-metallic minerals (-8.6%), textiles (-7.9%) and electric and communication material (-8.1%).

Espírito Santo

In November 2003, the industrial production of Espírito Santo fell 9.0% versus the figure in the previous year. The cumulative production in the year increased 12.7%. In 2003, this indicator presented positive rates which fell from May onwards, with more significant deceleration from September on. The cumulative result of the last 12 months was 14.1%.

The negative rate of the monthly index appeared after 19 consecutive months of increase in the industry of this state.

In the realm of manufacturing industry, the decrease was even more significant (-14.8%), with almost all the rate resulting from three segments: paper and cardboard (-25.1%), chemistry (-48.5%) and metallurgy (-11.1%). With referece to paper and cardboard, it is important to highlight that the negative rate reflects the interruption for maintenance of an important memebr of this sector. The main item in this subsector was pulp. In relation to the performance of chemistry the decrease resulted from the decline of output of ethyl hydrated alcohol, stimulated by the period between harvests of sugarcane, which has lasted three years so far. As for metallurgy (-11.1%) it is worth mentioning that this month had a lower result than October (-32.0%); this item, however, accounted for the main negative contribution to the overall index. The only growing industrial sector was food products (11.6%) - in which the highlights was soluble coffee. This contribution was mixed to that of the industry overall.


The cumulative index in the year presented a negative figure (12.7%), but with decreasing tendency to rise. Mining and quarrying industry (40.4%) and pulp and paper (25.1%) were the only subsectors with production increase. The former subsector was led by crude petroleum and iron ore, and the latter, by pulp of all kinds. As negative contributions, the highlights are metallurgy (-2.9%) and non-metallic minerals (-8.4%).

Rio de Janeiro

In November, the industry of Rio de Janeiro recorded negative results in the main indicators. Considering the monthly index, the decrease of 2.0% is the eighth consecutive negative result. As a result, the industry of this state remained on a downward trend both in terms of cumulative figure in the year and in the last twelve months. Both indicators are -0.8%.

The monthly index had the negative contribution of ten of the 16 subsectors surveyed. Minig and quarrying industry, after three consecutive negative results, recorded expansion once more (2.6%_) and is one of the main positive influences on the overall result. Manufacturing industry (-7.4%) accounted for the fifth consecutive negative result. Chemistry (-14.7%) represented by the main negative impact, mainly due to the reduced production of common gasoline. It is worth mentioning the negative performance of textiles (-51.9%). Among the five subsectors of manufacturing industry which recorded expansion, the main positive contribution came from metallurgy (15.3%).

In terms of the cumulative indicator in the year, the mining and quarrying sector - supported by the extraction of petroleum and natural gas - increased 0.2%, and mining and quarrying industry did by 2.1%. In the last segment, eleven of the 15 subsectors surveyed recorded decrease of production, and the main negative contributions came from textiles (-28.8%) and apparel and footwear (-22.2%). Among the subsectors which recorded decrease of production, the highlights were metallurgy (7.8%) and transportation material (18.8%).

São Paulo

In November, the industrial sector of São Paulo, with increase of 3.8% in relation to the same month in the previous year, recorded the fourth consecutive positive increase in this type of comparison, above the index for the country (0.3%). In indicators for broader periods, the industry of São Paulo also had positive results: a cumulative result of 0.4% in the year and of 0.9% in the last twelve months.

The increase of the monthly index reflected the positve performance of nine of the 19 subsectors surveyed. The subsectors which most influenced the global performance were: electric and communication material (35.8%), chemistry (6.2%) and mechanics (10.0%), mainly due to the increased production of batteries and accumulators, diesel and stationary engines. Among the falling subsectors, there is a predominance of those which really depend on the evolution of salaries: pharmaceuticals (-19.5%), apparel and footwear (-14.2%), textiles (-9.0%) and beverages (-26.8%).

For the seond consecutive time with a positve rate, the cumulative indicator in the year confirmed, in November, the recovery initiated in August. Eight of the 19 subsectors surveyed recoed positive rates of increase. In this comparison, the highlights were also electric and communication material (10.3%) and mechanics (7.4%). In these subsectors there were, respectively, good performance of the items printed circuit boards and stationary engines. On the other hand, pharmaceuticals (-19.4%) was the main item affecting the overall index.  

For the seond consecutive time with a positve rate, the cumulative indicator in the year confirmed, in November, the recovery initiated in August. Eight of the 19 subsectors surveyed recoed positive rates of increase. In this comparison, the highlights were also electric and communication material (10.3%) and mechanics (7.4%). In these subsectors there were, respectively, good performance of the items printed circuit boards and stationary engines. On the other hand, pharmaceuticals (-19.4%) was the main item affecting the overall index.

South Region

The industry of the South Region increased 1.4% in November, versus the same month in the previous year - a result below that of October (3.6%). There were also cumulative indicators in the year (1.2%) and in the last twelve month (1.3%).

The increase of 1.4% in the month of November was stimulated by the increase of eight among the 19 subsectors surveyed, the highlights being mechanics (15.9%), due to the biggest production of harvesting machines and tractors. Positive contributions also came from the industries of chemistry and transportation material (13.6%). The main negative contributions came from food products (-5.1%) and apparel and footwear (-10.7%).

The increase of the cumulative indicator resulted mainly from the performance of mechanics (18.2%), as a consequence of the bigger production of harvesting machines and tractors. Positive contributions also came from eight of the 19 subsectors surveyed, the highlights being chemistry (3.3%) and transportation material (6.1%). On the other hand, negative impacts came from ten products, the main ones being food products (-3.5%), apparel and footwear (-9.2%) and plastic products (-17.8%).


The industrial activity of Paraná recorded, in November, increase of 1.4% in the monthly index, of 3.2% cumulative in the period January-November ad of 3.3% cumulative in the last twelve months.

In the monthly comparison, eight of the 19 subsectors surveyed recorded increase of production. The main positive contributions came from chemistry (8.4%), mechanics (10.6%), food products (3.7%) and transportation material (14.9%). The most significant negative contributions came from non-metallic minerals (-23.0%), electric and communication material (-22.2%) and metallurgy (-18.4%).

The tendency shown by the cumulative indicator shows virtual stability of the rhythm of industrial production between October (3.4%) and November (3.2%). The increase of 3.2% occurred due to the positive performances of 12 subsectors, especially mechanics (17.9%), with harvesting machinbes and refrigerators ans the main hghlights. The main negative influence was non-metallic minerals (-7.6%).


Santa Catarina

The industry of Santa Catarina, in November 2003, kept its negative results in the main indicators: -2.5% in comparison with the same month in the previous year, -2.9% cumulative in the year and -2.7% in the last twelve months.

In the comparison November 03/Novemner 02, the decrease of 2.5% was more significant than that of October (-0.8%), with output decrease recorded by ten of the 17 subsectors surveyed. Food products, with decrease of 5.7%, due to a higher basis for comparison, accounted for the main negative contribution. The main decreases in this group were frozen pork and soybean oil. Other, although less significant, negative impacts came from apparel and footwear (-9.0%), plastic material (-12.3%) and wood (-7.2%). In Paraná (3.2%), the profile is similar, and the main positive impacts come from mechanics, chemistry, and transportation material.

Considering the cumulative production in the year, until November, there was still decline of industrial activity in Santa Catarina (-2.9%). The indexes remain negative for eleven of the 17 industrial products surveyed. This global negative result is a result, mainly, of the decreases observed in food products (-7.2%), textiles (-12.3%) and apparel and footwear (-13.1%). The main positive influences came from metallurgy (8.2%), electric and communication material (10.5%) and mechanics (5.2%).

Rio Grande do Sul

The industrial output of Rio Grande do Sul recorded, in November, positive results in the main comparisons. In the monthly comparison (8.5%), there was more accelerated increase than in October (5.4%). In terms of the cumulative index in the year and in the last twelve months, there were increases of 3.3% and 3.2%.

The expansion of the monthly index occurred due to the positive rates recorded by 11 of the 19 subsectors. Mechanics (41.9%), with the best result since December 2000, and benefited by the increased production of harvesting machines and tractors directed to the internal and external markets, was the main positive contribution. The second most relevant contribution was chemistry (9.7%) followed by transportation material (15.8%). Food products (-15.0%) and apparel and footwear (-14.3%) were the highlights as the main negative impacts.

In terms of the cumulative indicator in the year, the increase of 3.3% reflects the positve performances of nine industrial subsectors, and the main highlight, in terms of participation, was mechanics (23.6%). The main negative contributions came from apparel and footwear (-10.7%) and food products (-5.1%).