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Industrial output drops in 12 of the 14 places surveyed in September

November 08, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: April 25, 2018 03h28 PM


In September 2012, in the seasonally adjusted series, the regional indexes of the industrial output posted a negative change in 12 of the 14 places surveyed, with a highlight to the sharpest falls registered by Goiás (-2.9%), removing part of the 10.2% advance registered in the previous month, Rio de Janeiro (-2.7%), Paraná (-2.6%) and Santa Catarina (-2.2%). Espírito Santo (-1.9%), Ceará (-1.6%), Minas Gerais (-1.4%), Amazonas (-1.3%) and São Paulo (-1.2%) also recorded drops above the national average (-1.0); Pernambuco (-0.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (-0.4%) and Bahia (-0.1%) completed the set of places with negative rates. On the other hand, Pará, expanding 2.6%, marked the only positive result in the month and interrupted three months of consecutive drops, period in which accumulated a loss of 8.5%.  The Northeast region (0.0%) repeated the previous month’s pattern, after accumulating a gain of 1.6% in three consecutive months of expansion in the production.

The complete publication of this survey can be accessed at 

Compared with the same month a year ago, the national industrial output dropped 3.8% in September 2012, with a widespread profile of negative rates, since the biggest part (12) of the 14 places surveyed, pointed out a reduction in the output.  September 2012 (19 days) had two less working days than the same month a year ago (21). In this month, the most intense drops were registered by Espírito Santo (-11.9%), pressed at a great extent by the negative behavior in the output of the sectors of basic metals, mining and quarrying and food and beverages.  Paraná (-8.9%), Santa Catarina (-8.3%), Ceará (-8.2%), Rio de Janeiro (-7.7%), Goiás (-7.5%), Amazonas (-6.8%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-5.1%) closed the set of places which pointed sharper falls than those of the national average. The other negative results were seen in Pernambuco (-3.5%), São Paulo (-3.0%), Pará (-2.3%) and in the Northeast region (-0.6%).  On the other hand, Minas Gerais (4.5%) and Bahia (2.8%) recorded the positive rates in relation to the same month a year ago.

In the accumulated index of the January-September period of 2012, the drop in the output reached the biggest part (nine) of the 14 places surveyed, with a highlight to Amazonas (-7.0%), Espírito Santo (-6.8%), Rio de Janeiro (-6.6%) and São Paulo (-5.2%), which  registered drops above the national average (-3.5%). Santa Catarina (-3.4%), Rio Grande do Sul (-3.1%), Ceará (-2.1%), Pará (-1.0%) and Paraná (-0.8%) completed the set of places with negative rates in the shutdown of the first nine months of 2012. In these places, the lower dynamism was particularly influenced by sectors related to the reduction in manufacturing of durable consumer goods (motorcycles, air conditioning devices, microwave ovens, automobiles, cell phones and watches) and of capital goods (especially for transport equipment and construction) coupled with a lower output coming from the mining and quarrying sectors (iron ores), textiles, apparel and basic metals.  On the other hand, Goiás (3.6%), Pernambuco (2.9%), Bahia (2.5%), the Northeast region (1.6%) and Minas Gerais (0.1%) registered the positive results in the accumulated index in the year. 

The industrial sector, dropping 2.8% in the third quarter of the year, has been presenting  negative results for the fourth consecutive quarter, but with a reduction in the falling pace, since in the second quarter of 2012, there was a 4.5% loss, both comparisons against the same period a year ago.  In regional terms, between the April-June and the July-September periods, eight of the 14 places surveyed recorded a dynamism gain; the highlights were Minas Gerais (from -1.3% to 3.1%) and Bahia (from -1.9% to 2.0%), while Paraná (from 0.1% to -8.6%), Pará (from 3.5% to -4.8%) and Goiás (from 1.5% to -5.5%) recorded the most intense pace loss between the two periods.

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