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PAM 2011: agricultural production grows 27.1% in relation to 2010

October 26, 2012 10h00 AM | Last Updated: May 08, 2018 06h44 PM


The agricultural production value reached R$ 195.6 billion in 2011, a growth of 27.1% in relation to 2010, pushed at a great extent by the rise in the prices of the agricultural products both in the domestic and in the foreign market. The planted area surpassed 68.1 million hectares, a growth of 4.3% (2.8 million hectares), mainly leveraged by the expansion of soybeans (3.0%), corn (2nd harvest) (54.7%) and herbaceous cotton (69.0%).


Among the main products responsible for the production value rise, the highlights are soybean, with 34.9% of growth in the production value; sugarcane, which increased in 38.6%; corn, with expansion of 46.4%; and coffee, 40.1%. The 76.2% rise in the herbaceous cotton also stood out, since it climbed from the 10th to the 5th position in terms of production value.


São Paulo kept the leadership in the national share in relation to the production value, but its contribution fell from 18.3% (R$ 28.0 billion reais), in 2010, to 17.7% (R$ 34.6 billion) in 2011. Minas Gerais, however, rose from the fourth to the second position, with a share of 12.7% (R$ 24.8 billion) in 2011.


Sorriso (MT), which had fallen from the first to the third position in 2010, returned as the municipality with the highest production value, posting R$ 1.9 billion, a rise of 105.4%. São Desidério (BA) was the second in the rank, with R$ 1.7 billion and growth of 59.9%.


This and further information are available at Municipal Agricultural Production (PAM) 2011, which determines the fundamental variables of the 64 main products, both for temporary and permanent crops of the national agriculture, from a municipal perspective. 

The complete publication of PAM can be accessed at


Of the 64 products surveyed, three cultures accounted for 57.2% (R$ 111.8 billion) of the production value: soybean, sugarcane and corn. Soybean still leads as the culture with the highest production value (25.7% of the total value or R$ 50.3 billion), followed by sugarcane (20.1% or 39.2 billion) and corn (11.4% or R$ 22.2 billion).


Grain production grows 6.8% and sets record again: 159.4 million metric tons

The 15 products classified as cereals, legumes and oilseeds, better known as grains (upland and tree cotton, peanut, rice, oat, rye, barley, beans, sunflower, castor beans, corn, soybeans, sorghum, wheat, triticale) had a record harvest (159.4 million metric tons) in 2011, a growth of 6.8% (10.1 million metric tons more) over 2010’s harvest, which had also established a record. Such a difference is mostly due to soybeans, which rose 6.1 million metric tons, followed by rice with extra 2.2 million metric tons and upland cotton with extra 2.1 million metric tons. That growth, coupled with price recovery, except for rice, resulted in a production value of R$ 94.7 billion, an increase of 32.7% (R$ 23.3 billion) over 2010.


São Paulo reduces its share, but remains as the state with the highest production value:  R$ 34.6 billion 

In the state distribution of the production value, São Paulo leads, with R$ 34.6 billion, despite the reduction in the contribution from 18.3% in 2010 to 17.7% in 2011. The state is the main producer of important cultures that posted a rise in the production value in 2011, among which are sugarcane (58.2% of the national production) and orange (77.2% of the production). The reduction in the contribution occurred mainly because of the increase in the share of other Federation Units, as Minas Gerais (from 11.8% to 12.7%), which advanced from the fourth to the second position, and Mato Grosso (from 8.9% to 11.0%), from the fifth to the fourth place.

In Minas Gerais, the prices of products such as coffee, corn and beans, coupled with the sugarcane and upland cotton expansion, increased the total value of production, accounting for R$ 24.8 billion. In Mato Grosso, the rise was due to the production growth and to soybean, corn and upland cotton high prices.  The state collected R$ 21.5 billion.


With R$ 1.9 billion of production value, Sorriso (MT) returns to the first position among the municipalities

After falling to the third position in 2010, Sorriso recovered the post of the municipality with the highest production value, posting R$ 1.9 billion, a rise of 105.4% in relation to the previous year. It was responsible for 8.8% of the production value in Mato Grosso, standing out as the biggest soybean producer and the 2nd greatest corn producer.   

São Desidério, in Bahia, with R$ 1.7 billion, was the second biggest in production value, being responsible for 13.4% of the value collected by the state. It is the greatest producer of upland cotton in Brazil, being responsible for 14% of the national production and 45.1% of the  production in Bahia (711.9 thousand metric tons).


Soybean production surpasses 74.8 million tons and hits a new record

In 2011, the national soybean hit a new production record. 74.8 million metric tons were harvested, an increase of 8.8% (6.1% million metric tons) in relation to the previous year. The good price made the oilseed plantation take the areas normally reserved for corn 1st  harvest, increasing the planted area in 629.5 thousand hectares (3.0%) and reaching 24.0 million hectares.

Mato Grosso kept the national leadership, with 20.8 million metric tons, 10.7% more than 2010’s production. In the ranking of the 20 biggest producing municipalities, 14 are in Mato Grosso, with a highlight to Sorriso (first), followed by Nova Mutum (MT), Sapezal (MT) and Formosa do Rio Preto (BA), all of which producing more than one million metric tons.


Sugarcane production records the lowest growth (2.3%) in six years

Sugarcane production in Brazil reached 734.0 million metric tons in 2011, a rise of 2.3%, the lowest in the last six years.  The deceleration is mostly due to the lack of regular rainfall in the main producing regions in Brazil. The production value, on its turn, grew 38.6%, hitting R$ 39.2 billion, driven by the high sugar prices in the foreign market and of ethanol prices in the domestic market.  

São Paulo is still the biggest national sugarcane producer, responsible for 58.2% of the national harvest. The production of 427.3 thousand metric tons is 0.2% greater than that of 2010. The harvested area in the state presented a growth of 4.4% (219 thousand hectares), but the average yield fell 4.0%, from 85,543 kg/ha in 2010 to 82,093 kg/ha. Minas Gerais, in the second position, had a growth of 11.8% in the production, and Goiás, with a 14.4% growth, became the third producer and outweighted Paraná, whose production shrank 7.1%.  

Among the 20 biggest producing municipalities, which together account for 11.6% (84.8 million metric tons) of the national production, 15 are settled in São Paulo, with a highlight to Morro Agudo, the biggest national producer, responsible for 1.9% (7.9 million metric tons) of the state’s production.


With yield reduction, corn production grows 0.5%

The national production of corn in grain in 2011 was of 55.7 million metric tons, a rise of 0.5% over 2010. The good prices and reduced storages motivated the increase of 4.2% of the harvested area (1.3 million hectares), accounting for 13.2 million hectares, but the national average yield fell 2.5% due to the weather (from 4.318 kg/ha to 4.211 kg/ha). The production value, on the other hand, grew 46.4%, reaching R$ 22.2 billion.

Paraná, the main producing state, had its production reduced in 8.1%, and accounts for 22.4% (12.4 million metric tons) of the national overall. In Mato Grosso, the second biggest producer, the reduction was of 4.9%. The municipalities with the greatest corn productions in 2011 were Jataí (GO), with 918 thousand metric tons, Sorriso (MT), with 889.8 thousand metric tons and Rio Verde (GO), with 667.2 thousand metric tons.


Despite low productivity, coffee production value increases 40.1%

The coffee harvest in 2011 accounted for 2.7 million metric tons or 45.0 million 60 kg bags, a drop of 7.1% in the national production. The production fall was expected because of coffea arabica’s (very much grown in Brazil) characteristics: it undergoes highs and lows in terms of productivity.  Even so, the production value rose by 40.1%, due to price recovery attributable to the low storages in the foreign market, totaling R$ 16.2 billion.

Minas Gerais, the greatest Brazilian producer, ended the 2011’s harvest with 1.3 million metric tons (22.3 million bags of 60 kg), considering both species (arabica and canephora) as a whole.  The sate contributed with 49.5% of the total harvested in the country in 2011. The second biggest producer in 2011 was Espírito Santo, with 26.3% (709.4 thousand metric tons) of contribution in the production, followed by São Paulo, with 8.8% (238.5 thousand metric tons). The municipality of Jaguaré (ES) was the biggest producer, with 19.0 thousand metric tons.


Upland cotton harvest rises 71.9% over 2010

The cotton production in 2011 was of 5.0 million metric tons, with a rise of 71.9% (2.1 million metric tons) over 2010. With the expectation of profitable deals, due to national and international low storages, the country enlarged the planted area in 69.0%, which resulted in a great production growth. The production value grew 76.2%, also due to the enlargement of the planted area, reaching R$ 7.27 billion.

Mato Grosso, the greatest producer in the country, contributed with 50.1% (2.5 million metric tons) of the national production. The state increased the area of upland cotton by 71.3% over 2010, getting an average yield of 3.529 Kg/ha, 1.9% higher than the previous harvest.

In Bahia, the second highest cotton producer in the country, (31.2% or 1.57 thousand metric tons), the planted area growth was of 53.5%.  The production was 58.6% higher than that of 2010, also influenced by better results in the average yield, whose increase was of 3.1% (3,800 Kg/ha).  São Desidério (BA) is still the biggest national producer, responsible for 14.0% of the national harvest with 711.9 thousand metric tons.


Brazil produces 25.4 million metric tons of cassava

The national production of cassava reached 25.4 million metric tons in 2011, a rise of 3.7% in relation to the previous year. Pará, Paraná and Bahia produced together 46.4% (11.7 million metric tons) of the national overall. Pará is the greatest cassava producer, contributing with 4.6 million metric tons or 18.3% of the total. Then, with 4.1 million metric tons (16.4%), comes Paraná. Bahia, the third greatest producer in the country, posted a drop of 7.6% in the production, accounting for 2.9 million metric tons (11.7%). Out of the ten greatest national producing municipalities, four are in Pará, with a highlight to Acará, with 414 thousand metric tons (1.6%), and Santarém, with 322 thousand metric tons (1.3%). 


With 77% of the national production, São Paulo harvests 15.2 million metric tons of oranges in 2011

In 2011, the national harvest of oranges reached 19.8 million metric tons (485.6 million of 40.8 kg boxes), a growth of 7.1% over 2010. The production value was of R$ 6.5 billion, and the prices practiced in 2011 were considered normal, with an average of R$ 13.50 per box.

São Paulo, with 77.2% of contribution in the national harvest, yielded 15.2 million metric tons.  Bahia, with a share of 5.2%, was the second state with the highest production:  1.0 million metric tons. As to the producing municipalities, Itápolis (SP) leads the ranking, with 550 thousand metric tons (2.8%).


Paddy rice holds record production: 13.4 million metric tons

The national production of paddy rice in 2011 was of 13.4 million metric tons, 19.9% higher than that of 2010, outnumbering the record harvest of 2004 (13.2 million metric tons). The harvested area was at 2.75 million hectares, with an average yield of 4.896 kg/ha. Rio Grande do Sul, the biggest Brazilian producer and accounting for 66.3% (8.9 million metric tons) of the national production of the cereal, was the main responsible for the record harvest, with a growth of 30% in the  production and an average yield of 7,648 kg/ha. Of the 20 main producing municipalities, with the exception of Lagoa da Confusão (TO), 14th in the list, all are from Rio Grande do Sul, with a highlight to Uruguaiana, the greatest producer, with 734.3 thousand metric tons (5.4%).


Bean production grows 8.8% over 2010

The national production of beans in 2011, taking the three harvests into consideration, accounted for 3.4 million metric tons, 8.8% more than in 2010. The better result in 2011 is mostly due to the market's good prices during the 1st harvest, which stimulated the plantation.   The harvested area was of 3.6 million hectares, a rise of 7.3% in relation to the previous year. Paraná remained as the main producer, with 23.7% (815.2 thousand metric tons) of contribution to the national overall and a rise of 2.9% over 2010.

The 20 main municipalities in terms of bean production, with a total amount of 752.2 thousand metric tons, responded for 21.9 of the national production. Unai (MG) kept the invincibility with 112.6 thousand metric tons (3.3%), followed by Cristalina (GO) and Brasília (DF), with productions of 60.8 thousand metric tons (1.8%) and 56.9 thousand metric tons (1.7%), respectively.


After record harvest in 2010, wheat production falls 7.8% in 2011

The wheat production in 2010 totaled 5.69 million metric tons, 7.8% lower than the record harvest in 2010. The unfavorable weather in Paraná made the state’s production fall 29.0%, accounting for 2.44 thousand metric tons. As a result, Rio Grande do Sul became the main national producer, with 2.74 thousand metric tons and a 29.7% growth over 2010. The municipality with the greatest production is still Tibagi (PR), which responds for 2.5% of the national production with 142.6 thousand metric tons.